Ask for Magic

Chapter 19 Beiling

The early morning wind, with a trace of chill, is like a knife in this cold winter season. However, with the bonfires swaying in one place in the tribe, it seems to dispel the cold and let the warmth permeate the whole tribe.

For barbarians, the operation of qi and blood in the body can resist the cold, but after all, ordinary people account for the majority. Every winter, for the people, most people go out less.

Even if you go out, you often wear thick animal skin to avoid the cold. It is also in this season that the general doctors of the tribe are also the busiest time to make a lot of medicinal juice to increase resistance to the cold.

Even Grandpa will take action in person. In the coldest days, he will not hesitate to run the qi and blood in his body to help the whole tribe resist the cold winter.

Stepping on the snow on the ground, under the creaking sound, Su Ming walked around the tribe in a leather coat wrapped in his body, looking at the familiar tribes and the people who smiled and nodded with him. The warm feeling seemed to be able to completely dispel the cold of this winter.

Most of the tribal houses are simple, and it is okay in ordinary times, but in winter, it is difficult to cover the wind, which requires a large amount of animal skin to stick to the outside of the house to prevent the cold wind from entering.

It's just that the skin sometimes doesn't stick for too long, so it needs to be re-fixed, and the warm bonfire in the house also needs to be filled with branches from time to time. In this way, winter is a torment for most people in the tribe.

Fortunately, it won't freeze to death, but it's just a little troublesome.

Su Ming was walking and came to the outside of the fence of the house that was always guarded by the clan. This is the place where they store herbs in the Wushan Department. The outside of the house was wrapped in thick animal skins, and several bonfires were burning, so that as soon as he approached, there was a warm feeling mixed with the cold

Su Ming is very familiar with this place. Almost every time he collected medicine in the past few years, he would send it here. Therefore, after seeing Su Ming, those guards smiled and did not stop him.

Su Ming also smiled. He said hello to these people and walked into the fence. He was about to push the door to enter when suddenly a surprise call came from behind him.

"Su Ming, when did you come back?"

It was a woman's voice, which sounded very pleasant, like a lark.

Su Ming paused, turned around and looked, and her eyes were soft. It was a tall woman. The woman was wrapped in thick animal skin, her long hair was tied by grass rope, and there were two exquisite white bone rings on her ears. The skin was slightly rough, but it could not hide its beauty.

Her eyes were very big, like a pool of water, very clear and pure. At this moment, with joy in her eyes, she walked a few steps quickly and then came to Su Ming.

"I came back yesterday." Su Ming smiled. This woman was the dust that often tidyed up the house for him when he was away. Suddenly, Su Ming's smile froze on his face and his eyes moved slightly.

She is not alone. She is followed by a young man about eighteen or nineteen years old. The young man is quite strong, even a little tougher than Lei Chen. In this winter, he only wears a thin animal leather shirt. His hair is scattered, but not dirty. With his knife-like face, it will give people a kind of fierce pride. The meaning.

Especially his eyes, like stars, seem to have some strange totem flashing in his pupils, giving people a sense of invisible oppression, which always gives people an inexorable vigilance, like seeing a beast.

He stood there, carrying a big bow on his back, looking like an arrow, and looking at Su Ming.

"Su Ming!"

"North... Brother Beiling." Su Ming looked at the young man, with a trace of complexity flashing in his eyes, and he opened his mouth respectfully.

The young man in front of him is the strongest of the young generation of their Wushan tribe. Even the grandfather sighs that he has a barbarian body. It was not until Lei Chen was detected that he had a barbarian body that he could faintly compare with him.

As the strongest person of the young generation in the tribe, his cultivation has progressed extremely fast. Even Su Ming once heard Grandpa inadvertently say that this person is the most likely person in their tribe to break through the blood clot and become the legendary open dust!

This person's name is also Hehe in other tribes nearby. Even in the Fengzhen tribe, he has heard of it. He sent someone to take this person away and accepted the study in the Fengzhen tribe. Su Ming did not expect to see the other party today.

The reason why he has a little complexity in his mind is that when he was a child, Bei Ling took great care of him very much, like a real big brother, and even his archery was slightly taught by Bei Ling at that time. After all, as the child of the head of their tribe, Bei Ling had his own extraordinary in archery.

It's just all this. In the year when Chenxin was twelve years old, it changed. Maybe Chenxin and Su Ming were too close. Gradually, Bei Ling looked at Su Ming's eyes, and there was strangeness and hesitation. In the end, he slowly became cold. In the end, he was completely estranged, and even directly ignored

Later, Su Ming knew that it was because the patriarch and Bei Ling's father had made a marriage...

Su Ming had the intention to explain, but in exchange for all the words, it was still the indifferent eyes. Slowly, he only sighed secretly, and the contact with Chen Xin was also intentional and unintentionally far away.

He knew his identity, knew that he was just an ordinary person, and even knew that if he didn't have a grandfather, he was afraid that he could not be accepted by this tribe at all.

Everything is because Su Ming... is an abandoned baby picked up by Grandpa when he went out for a trip more than ten years ago. Although most of the people in the tribe are very kind to him as he grows up, it can't change the difference between him and this tribe.

"Why didn't you tell me when you came back? I went to you several times before, but you were not there every time." Chen Xin wrinkled her nose and spoke annoy.

Su Ming touched his nose and avoided Chenxin's eyes. He only felt like a relative to Chenxin, had no other emotions, and he didn't want Brother Beiling, who was very good to him when he was a child, to be misunderstood again.

"Brother Beiling, when did you come back?" Su Ming looked at the magnificent Beiling. At such a close distance, he could clearly feel the magnificent force of qi and blood from the other party's body. The degree of power was the strongest Su Ming saw in the tribe except for the grandfather and the patriarch.

It's just that the fierce pride on the other party is as strong as his qi and blood, which makes Su Ming stand in front of him, as if he has the illusion of suffocating.

"Yesterday." Bei Ling looked as usual, revealing the indifference as usual. The words were short and perfunctory. He turned his head to look at Chen Xin beside him.

"Xin'er, aren't you coming to get herbs for your mother? Let's go in." With that, Bei Ling took Chen Xin's hand, passed by Su Ming, pushed open the door of the house where the herbs were stored, and walked in.

Chen Xin wanted to say something, but after hesitating for a moment, she did not open her mouth, but nodded to Su Ming and walked into the house with Bei Ling.

Su Ming stood there, silent for a while, sighed, and walked in.