Ask for Magic

Chapter 63 The Level of Heart Refining!

The bright moon hangs high in the sky. The moon on this day seems to be a little different from usual. The sky is cloudless, which makes the moon look very bright. The moonlight falls on the earth, as if a soft curtain between the sky and the earth.

From afar, it seems to be wonderful, but on this huge mountain that is towering into the clouds and there is no peak, this month has turned into a terrible!

In the moonlight, the pressure of the mountain kept bursting out at a terrible speed, forming an invisible storm, which distorted the whole mountain peak, so that even if they looked up in the mountain, they would see the distortion of the eyes around them.

Now, it's late at night, the strongest moonlight of the day, and the peak of the mountain pressure! Su Ming and the other three people standing more than 500 steps, if there is no fog in this mountain at this moment, if someone looks up from below, you can faintly see that the three of them are almost standing at the end of the sky, as if raising their hands and touching the sky!

Going up from more than 500 steps, it seems to have entered the sky. Now Ye Wang is like this. He doesn't know what's going on in the outside world, and he doesn't know the three people who are struggling behind him. He is just walking his own way, step by step, gasping for breath, and walking slowly.

"Today, I have to go to the eight hundred and three levels!!" Ye Wang gritted his teeth and walked away with a pride that could burn the eyes of others.

Under such pressure, without that firm persistence, no one can take dozens of steps. Bi Su has persistence, but what exists in his persistence is not confident. Otherwise, how can he take a look at the ranking of the token in his hand every step.

"Five-five-six, five-seven... Damn it, Chen Chong actually came up. He is five hundred and fifty-eight!!" Bi Su looked unwilling halfway and gritted his teeth and took another step, but when this step fell, he shook his whole body, faintly, as if he heard a faint roar from the top of the mountain.

That roar can't be made by human beings, but belongs to beasts!

In this roar echo, Bi Su's whole body trembled, and there was a tingling pain in his chest. He spewed out a mouthful of blood. While shaking his body, he almost fell down.

His face was pale, and at that moment, he had the feeling that the whole mountain had turned into an invisible strange beast, opening his blood basin and rushing to his face.

There was also Chen Chong, who also felt this scene. Chen Chong stood on the five hundred and fifty-eight steps. When he was about to step, his body was immediately shaken. When he suddenly looked up, his eyes were filled with blood, and blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Su Ming's whole body was soaked with sweat, but the persistence in his eyes was not reduced, but thicker. He walked step by step, five hundred and forty-eight, five hundred and forty-nine... Until he stood on five hundred and fifty-seven steps, he also heard the looming roar.

This roar revealed a hefty resentment. The moment it fell on Su Ming, Su Ming's whole body stiffened, his chest suddenly ached, and a mouthful of blood spewed out uncontrollably. The roar contained pressure, as if to make everyone who felt it succumb in this roar.

But at the moment when his blood seemed to dye the front red in front of him, in Su Ming's eyes, the blood-red moon burst into a strong light and suddenly burned!

He won't give in!

Su Ming subconsciously looked up and roared at the top of the mountain. His roar was like thunder, roaring, echoing around. Su Ming's long hair fluttered, and the burning fire in his eyes seemed to come out. He raised his right foot and stepped on the 58th step fiercely.

At the moment when his footsteps fell, Su Ming's body trembled, his blue veins bulged, and the blood line was permeated. Between the blue and red, there was an indescribable pain for him, but Su Ming still did not give up!

He wants to walk to five hundred and sixty-three steps. He wants to continue to enter the micro-control there. He doesn't want to give up this opportunity, let alone let Grandpa disappoint. If Su Ming doesn't move, he will let himself have no regrets in the future!!

What he has to do is to have no regrets, fight thoroughly once, and don't regret!

Five hundred and fifty-nine, five hundred and sixty-one! Su Ming took three steps again. With each step, his body would tremble violently, and there was an unbearable sound in his body, as if his flesh and blood were about to be crushed. As a 16-year-old teenager, he could hardly bear the pain.

"Two steps left, two steps left!!" Su Ming was roaring in his heart. He kept telling himself that he must walk to 563 steps!!

Su Ming roared again, suddenly raised his feet, and took another step! When this step fell, he had a feeling of shaking the mountain, but in fact, he knew that it was not the earth that was not moving, and it was not the peak that shook, but his body.

This feeling of shaking the mountain made Su Ming's face no longer bloody in an instant. He looked up at the sky. That day looked at him, slowly as if it was far away, as if the whole sky was in his eyes, slowly moving, and time seemed to be slow at this moment.

Su Ming can feel that his body is slowly falling, the ground is not moving, the mountain is not shaking, and his body can't bear it. When he reaches the limit, he slowly falls backwards.

"Five hundred and sixty-two, it's a hurdle..." Su Ming's mouth showed bitterness.

"The earth does not move, and the mountain peaks do not shake, but if you move, everything still can't be changed..."

"Gun, why do I see the trees on both sides when I run, as if they are moving? I'm a little confused. I don't know if my body is running or the trees are retreating. Grandpa, what's going on? In Su Ming's mind, in the bitterness, a question he asked his grandfather when he was a child came up.

"The eyes can deceive people, Rasu, when you grow up, you will understand that what you see in your eyes is not necessarily true. Maybe it is the eyes that are deceiving you. Look at the tree, is it really moving? Is your body moving, the tree moving, or... something else?

Su Ming remembered that he heard this reply at that time, which was a little confused and unclear, but at this moment he remembered it again, but he was stunned.

"It can't change the earth, it can't change the peaks. Because of the movement of the body, it's all moving... But in fact, the earth hasn't moved, and the mountain hasn't moved... What's moving is..." Su Ming suddenly opened his eyes wide and faintly felt as if he had caught something.

"What moves is, my heart!!"

"When I was a child, my body was moving and the trees were not moving, but what my eyes saw was that the trees were moving, which was also because of my heart... My heart was deceived by my eyes, and it was my heart was moving...

Earth, peaks, trees, everything is fine, even if my body moves, if my heart doesn't move... nothing will move! Even the body may be deceived. The eyes, the body, everything can deceive his heart and make himself feel moving..." Su Ming's whole body was shocked. After enlightenment, there was a roar in his mind. The intensity of the roar made him dizzy. When the feeling of dizziness slowly disappeared, Su Ming was stunned. There it is.

He looked down at his feet and looked around again. At this moment, he was still standing on the steps, with his right foot at 562 and his left foot at 561.

His body has actually been like this from beginning to end, without any change.

In silence, Su Ming raised his left foot and stood completely behind the five hundred and sixty-two places. He took a deep breath and his eyes showed his understanding.

"I understand... If the heart does not move, everything does not move! This is the micro..." Su Ming muttered and walked up the 5603rd step. Standing there, his pale face smiled and sat down slowly cross-legged. After beginning of his enlightenment, he really fell into Wei for the first time.

This time, it is completely different from the previous four times. Previously, he carried out in ignorance. The strength he used was to control the speed of qi and blood, and used all his strength to control it. This is an external force!

Now, after he realized it, he knew that the real decline was not to rely on external forces to change the speed of qi and blood, but his heart!

If the heart moves, the heart does not move, and the qi and blood do not move!

While Su Ming sat down cross-legged, Bi Su let out an unwilling roar. His right foot trembled and hung on 542 steps, but he couldn't put it down anyway. He had a strong feeling that if this step fell, he would not be able to bear it. This feeling was extremely strong and realistic that people had to believe it. Slowly, he chose to stop with a look of pain. He... dared not take risks!

Chen Chong's solemn look is rare in his life. He stood at the 561st place, looked at the 562, and was silent for a long time. He had heard the story of this level...

For a long time, Chen suddenly gritted his teeth and stepped away, but at the moment when his footsteps fell, he stayed there like a solidification. His eyes were empty, and the time passed. After seven breaths, Chen rushed out a mouthful of blood and fell in the middle of 560 and 562 steps. In the end, he still I can't go up, and I haven't broken through the level of mental refinement.

But compared with Bi Su, Chen Chong has a heart that can transform into a strong man!

There is a dead silence in the square. There is no discussion or an uproar. Most people are short of breath at this moment. Looking at the ranking on the statue, the shock in their hearts has replaced all their thoughts.

First place, Ye Wang, eight hundred and third order.

Second place, Mosu, five hundred and sixty-three levels.

These two lines condensed everyone's eyes, Mo Su, an ordinary name, and the other that no one had heard before the big test, but now it is famous!

Time gradually passes. The night of this day is destined to be extraordinary, more shocking than yesterday, destined to be only two people who belong to the peak, their decisive battle!

In the square, no one was impatient. They waited silently in silence, waiting for the two of them, the moment they moved! When the night passed, when there was not much time left before dawn, the steps behind the word Mo Su on the nine statues moved!

This movement, there is no change of heaven and earth, no wind and clouds, but it turns into a storm. In the heart of everyone who stares, it rises so high!!


This is the fourth update, and the fifth, sixth or more. It's late at night, but I'm still going on!