Ask for Magic

Chapter 65 This is a decisive battle!

Second, Mosu, level 781!

Ye Wang looked unprecedentedly dignified. He has his pride, he has his pride, and even in his opinion, no one has the qualification to be his opponent. He wants to compare with himself!

However, all this pride, at this moment, the roar of the mountain shook, and there seemed to be a strong unimaginable breath surging from the clouds in all directions, shaking in Ye Wang's heart.

He had to waver, and he had to pay attention to it. He stared at the token in his hand, which he had never had. It was the first time that he cared so much about someone!

In his view, this person has far surpassed Wu Sen, surpassed Chen Chong, and surpassed everyone except him Ye Wang. Now, he is only more than 20 levels away from himself. Such a distance has produced a rare oppression and tension in Ye Wang that has almost never appeared!

"Mosu... Are you qualified to be my opponent of Ye Wang?" The cold light in Ye Wang's eyes can make everyone who sees it feel the pride that cannot be surpassed by others in the cold.

Ye Wang's arrogance, he has been far beyond his peers with amazing talent since he was a child. He has always stood at the peak and has become a barbarian of the Fengzhen tribe. His high status can be seen from the performance of others when they see him.

He doesn't need to gang up, he doesn't need to stay mysterious, and he doesn't need to be arched by the stars, because as long as he is where he is, he can naturally smash all the gangs. As long as he is where he is, he is the most distinctive flag in the crowd. As long as he is The month praised by the stars!

He is Ye Wang! He despises all his peers, or in other words, this is not contempt, but indifference, indifference to all his peers, ignoring everything, just because he believes that no one is qualified to become an opponent who makes himself watch seriously!

But now, Su Ming's appearance made Ye Wang find the feeling of his opponent for the first time, and for the first time, he paid rare attention!!

"Then... let the two of you and I have a good time!" Ye Wang took a deep breath. Although he seemed to look slowly as usual, he could not calm down. If he could really calm down, he could wait for the dawn to walk to the top of the mountain, which was his previous plan.

But now, this plan has changed because of the appearance of Su Ming! It was also Ye Wang in his life. For the first time, he changed his original mind because of a person of his peers.

With a big swing, Ye Wang raised his footsteps with a solemn look. He walked to the 80th step and fell one step. His body shook and his breathing was a little short, but he did not stop for too long and walked again.

At this time, Su Ming stood on the 781 steps, his right hand trembled. At the moment when the blood on his fingertips was wiped on the pupil of his left eye, he felt the vibration of the mountain and felt the strange smell that had poured in all directions in the black peak. Here, the breath was magnificent at all. It is the little black Yanfeng that can be compared. It is just smeared with a trace of blood, and the bursting breath is more than all that he had completely applied in the black Yanfeng for the second time before.

The black fog of the whole mountain rolled violently at this moment. There seemed to be a beast roaring from the top of the mountain, echoing crazily in the high mountain. The roar made the fog roll more violent, like the whole mountain boiling at this moment.

Invisible breaths quickly poured into Su Ming's body, making his body tremble violently, and the feeling of bursting out again.

This feeling was so strong that Su Ming once felt it when he tried to burn the blood fire for the third time, but now it was several times stronger, making the corners of his mouth overflow with blood, and his right hand trembled and had to be put down.

At the moment when his right hand was put down, the mountain roared suddenly, the boiling of the fog was instantly calm, and the strange breath from all directions disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Everything has returned to calm, like the previous scene, just an illusion, never appeared.

Su Ming gasped, stood on the 781 steps, and took a look at the mountain steps above. Instead of sitting cross-legged, he stood and closed his eyes, using the balance pressure on the last digital step mentioned by the old man here to refine himself!

At this moment, the outer square at the foot of the mountain, under the sound of an uproar, set off a violent storm of discussion. Because of the seal, they could not feel the upheaval on the mountain at that moment.

All they can see is the ranking on the nine statues. Looking at the man named Mosu, he climbed to 781 steps. Looking at it, he was only more than 20 levels away from Ye Wang, the first place. The shock from the heart god, from both eyes, unbelievable and shocking, impacting their bodies, let them here. For a moment, while the mind was blank, there was only the loss of exclamation.

They even saw Ye Wang and moved! A large part of these hundreds of people did not think too much about Ye Wang's behavior of walking back to the top of the mountain from rest, but felt that Ye Wang should have moved, because if they encountered such a thing, they would definitely stand up from the rest and continue to walk.

However, the ranking of the crowd in this square is in the small circle of the top 50. Those Tianjiao from the Fengzhen tribe are familiar with Ye Wang. Their understanding of Ye Wang is much better than others. At the moment of seeing the change of steps behind Ye Wang, the shock in their hearts is far greater than those who do not understand.

"Ye Wang... looked at the token!!"

"He must have looked at the token. With his character, he would have ignored it after reading the token, but Mo Su was so amazing that even Ye Wang could not calm down!"

"He changed his law. Once Ye Wang decided, he would not change it easily at all. His original idea was obviously to wait until dawn, but now, it has changed because of Mo Su!"

Wu Sen sat cross-legged in the corner in the distance, pale. Looking at the line belonging to Mo Su on the statue, he has been silent. He had previously suspected Bi Su, but at this moment, he felt that this is the person called Mo Su, who should really be suspected... But...

"This is only the first level. This level is not about cultivation, but with potential. At present, I can't get an answer from him..." Wu Sen clenched his fist.

In the square, there are also leaders from various tribes. They always look at the statues and the rankings on them. They have all kinds of thoughts. The only thing that is the same may be the joke of looking at Fengzhen coldly. You know, in every big test in the past, not to mention the top three, even the top ten and the top The fallen man.

But now, not only are there two external falls in the top ten, but this is called Mosu, but also seems to have the qualification to compete for the first place!

This makes them smile at the same time as they are shocked.

"Mosu...Mosu... Which tribe is he from... Such a person, why hasn't my Oolong tribe appeared... If this person is willing to join my Oolong Department, then no matter what price I pay, I can discuss it..." The old woman of the Oolong Department sighed, and she also knew that it was impossible.

In the Wushan Department, he looked shocked and exhaled a deep breath. His heart was also like the thoughts of an old girl in the Wushan Department.

Bei Ling beside him, with a trace of fanaticism in his eyes, looked at the name Mo Su. He saw everything that happened in the first stage of this big test. The strongest person he could reach was Wu Sen. But now, when he saw a stranger who reached the second place, he competed for the first qualification, which made him He said, quite excited.

"This Mosu is very strong!!" Bei Ling opened his mouth in a low voice.

"Yes, he is so powerful that he doesn't know which tribe he is... Alas, it's a pity that it's not our Wushan tribe..." Ula looked with reverence. She worshipped the strong, especially Mosu, and she watched him rise step by step with her own eyes. The immersive feeling made her completely immersed in it.

"Do you think... this... the name of Mosu has a familiar feeling..." Lei Chen hesitated for a moment and said after coming back for the first time.

"Familiar with it? Lei Chen, what do you mean? Oolong was stunned and turned his head to look.

"Maybe I think too much... I think Grandpa's name is Mo Sang, and this person's name is Mo Su... No matter how I look at it, it seems that Grandpa and Su Ming's names are combined..." Lei Chen scratched his head and looked uncertain.

"You think too much!" A trace of disdain flashed in Oolong's eyes, turned his head to ignore it, and looked excitedly at the ranking on the statue.

"Mosu, why don't you still move? Ye Wang is on the 827th level!"

Bei Ling didn't say anything, but the contempt in his eyes revealed his views on Lei Chen's words.

Lei Chen, silence.

Under the attention and discussion of the people, the sky and the earth were distorted, and two wisps of black fog suddenly came, turning into Chen Chong and Bi Su in the square. The two appeared in the square almost at the same time and immediately looked at each other angrily.

The return of the two of them attracted the attention of the people around them, and also attracted the attention of Jingnan and Agong Mosang in the distance of the square.

"Chong, this child is good." Agong Mosang smiled and said.

"It's much worse than your Su Ming." Jing Nan's expression was still calm, but he had been shocked for a long time. Although he had expected it before, he still didn't expect that Su Ming could go beyond his medical treatment and go to this point.

"Mosang, Su Ming, leave it to me!" Jing Nan turned his head, looked at Mosang, and said seriously.

"Look on, it's not too late to talk about it." Mo Su said with a smile.

Just then, the exclamation suddenly rose. With the shouting of one person in the square, everyone noticed the drastic change in an instant!

"Mosu finally moved!!!"

"This is a decisive battle!!"

On the high mountain, the black fog was filled. Su Ming stood on the 781 steps. His closed eyes suddenly opened, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

There are only two blood lines left on him!


It seems that it's almost dawn... This is the sixth update, grandma's, I'm fighting!!! Keep writing!