Ask for Magic

Chapter 90 Martyrdom and Death

They were afraid of death, and they were afraid that their hearts were about to break, so they didn't dare to be behind the tribe. They wanted to choose the middle, but in the middle of the crowd were all Lasu children who had lost their loved ones. In this way, they could only choose to be close to the patriarch, in front of the tribal crowd Li is safe, because they feel that everything is guarded by the patriarch.

But now, they see the crisis of the patriarch, but as long as they don't get out of this kind of light, they won't hurt for the time being...

At this critical moment, among the more than a dozen young people in the front, there was a person who was pale, his body was trembling, and his fragile body seemed to be blown away by this fear, but his eyes were crazy for the first time, and blood appeared.

"I've been muddle-headed for half of my life, eating and waiting to die. I didn't make any contribution to the tribe. Instead, I wasted so much food. I know that many ethnic groups look down on me, and I know that even those Lasu think I'm a waste...

I'm really a loser. I don't have a barbaric body. I'm lazy. I don't have a strong body. I'm useless... The only thing I have is the glory that Dad got with death when he hunted beasts for the tribe...

Today, I'm going to tell all the people that I'm a waste, but I'm also a tribal member!!!" The young man's eyes were red, rushed out in a roar, and went straight to the patriarch, using his flesh and blood to build a wall of life for the patriarch's life and death!

With a bang, the young man's body, staggered with the patriarch's retreat, blocked in front of him, but only in an instant, he was penetrated by a roaring arrow, and his whole body suddenly burst and died directly.

"Dad...your Lasu is not a waste..." The young man laughed miserably before he died.

It was almost the moment when the young man rushed out of death. His companions, more than a dozen young people, roared one by one and rushed out crazily. They wanted to use their lives to repay the upbringing of the tribe, and use their lives to welcome the glory stained with dust again.

"We are waste, but we are also members of the tribe!!" The more than a dozen young people roared and rushed out, with their fragile bodies, with their blood, for the patriarchs of their tribe, for their people, the ravines of flesh and blood, and the roar was continuous. The two people chasing the Black Mountain, they obviously did not expect that the ordinary people of the Wushan tribe could rush out at this time, but this In their eyes, there was contempt and disdain. In their eyes, this group of ordinary people are fragile and vulnerable.

In that roar, more than a dozen people were blurred and fragmented one after another, but they still used their lives and their will to block death. Some people hugged the black man with their bodies. Even if their bodies were broken, their teeth were bitten to death.

Tragic, so far, the severity of the war seems to have reached a very high level. The will of these more than a dozen young people has shaken the two people pursued by the Black Mountain. They did not expect that these ordinary Wushan people were so crazy and persistent that they delayed their pursuit for about two breaths.

The time of two breaths is very short, and the price is the lives of those young people, but these two breaths are in exchange for the transformation of the life-and-death crisis of the Wushan patriarch. In that sadness, the Wushan patriarch returned to the light. His heart was cut like a knife, but he knew that he could not die,

He looked at the corpses on the ground in front of him, looked at the group of people who once made him helpless and even a little disgusted, and looked at these familiar faces now flesh and blood. The head of the Wushan clan, a tower-like man in his forties, cried.

After him, more people were crying. More than a dozen young people told everyone with their lives that although they were waste, they were also members of the tribe, and they could also die for the tribe!

Su Ming bit his lip and bombarded the big man in front of him again and again. His 243 blood lines had condensed into one, and he fought with the big man in the constant low roar.

He is good at speed, and the big man is power, similar to Ye Wang. This battle, even in this battlefield, is extremely conspicuous. Lei Chen saw it, Ula saw it, and many people saw it.

The little girl in the crowd, with tears, looked at Su Ming, and she was afraid.

At this moment, a shocking roar suddenly rose from a distance, but he saw the black fog figure transformed by the evil barbarian skill of the Black Mountain in the battle with the Arab bus, which suddenly collapsed and turned into countless black gas rolled around. The Grandpa, with an indescribable momentum, strode towards the tribal crowd in an instant. Come on.

Grandpa, I'm back!!

He was so fast that he seemed to take three steps forward in the sky. The first step fell. Grandpa stood beside Su Ming. In the distempt of the big man in black Mountain's thick hemp clothes, Grandpa pointed to the man's eyebrows. The big man trembled and spewed blood backwards, and a deep blood hole appeared in He looked gloomy, fell down directly, and died.

Grandpa did not stop and walked out of the second step. In the second step, he appeared at the front of the man in black who was fighting with Nansong. With a slamming wave of his right hand, the man's body was immediately shocked and collapsed.

An earth-shaking momentum spread to the sky on Grandpa's body, killing people step by step. His figure made all the Montenegrin tribes around him show their fear one by one and retreat one after another.

Su Ming's eyes showed excitement. Not only he, but all the Wushan people roared excitedly at this moment, but he saw that Grandpa took the third step at this moment. This third step was to step on the giant wooden fence in front of him. He fell with one foot. The fence slammed, splitting, and turned into countless fragments It spread, but in the swing of Grandpa's sleeves, these fragments were like sharp arrows, shuttling around the people of the Wushan tribe and going straight to the retreating Black Mountain barbarians.

For a moment, the sound of screams swirling.

Three steps fell, and Grandpa's face became sickly ruddy, but it soon dissipated. He turned around and spoke calmly.

"Don't stop, let's go!!"

With his words, the people in the Black Mountain Department were killed and injured, and they did not dare to stop them. The crowd in the Wushan Department, led by the patriarch, moved forward quickly. The willow flute, which was leaning against the big tree and at the end, was also helped away.

Soon, there was silence in the previous battlefield, only the corpses and blood all over the ground, which lasted for a long time.

Su Ming was in the crowd, covered with blood and walked silently and quickly. The little girl next to him, who was held by the clan, was no longer crying at this moment, but was strong in his ignorant eyes.

She is still young. She doesn't know a lot of things, but on this night, she seems to have grown up.

The moonlight fell on the earth, as if for the Wushan people who had no home, they lit up the road ahead, so that they would no longer be confused or helpless.

"The patriarch, the barbarian... Let's stay. Don't let the clans affect the speed of migration in order to take care of us..."

During the migration, an old voice with a cough suddenly came from the crowd. It was an ordinary old man from the tribe. He was already very old and could not keep up with the tribal team. When he thought of it, it was better to stay instead of letting people help and affect the speed of the clan.

"Let the young people go, and I will stay... In fact, we should have chosen to stay in the tribe... Alas." Another old man stopped.'s footsteps.

Soon, almost all the old people in the tribe came out of the crowd one by one after a moment of silence. There were more than 40 people. They stubbornly chose to stay. Their remaining lives could not help the tribe, but they could not help themselves delay the progress of the tribe.

"You..." The Wushan patriarch was stunned and closed his eyes, but he soon opened his eyes and bowed deeply to the old people of this tribe.

"Let's go... we're tired..." The old men smiled and waved to the tribal people. Their relatives were in the crowd, and tears flowed down, but they couldn't stop them. Some of the strong people also chose to stay, but they were not allowed.

"Bun Gong, is there a way that we old guys can use to hurt people with flesh and blood like those young men, and tell us." Among those old people, one of them walked out and looked at Grandpa with a smile.

Grandpa was silent for a moment and stepped forward. After putting something in the old man's hand, he patted him on the shoulder with a sigh. He knew that this moment was not a weak time. More people needed to move quickly, and he suddenly turned around.

"The rest of the people, continue to migrate!"

In the silent tears and frequent looking backs, these old men watched the people go away. They smiled kindly, sat down with each other breathlessly, and talked to each other about their youth. In this moonlit night, they seemed to talk about the glory of the past.

The crowd, because without these old people, the speed of migration suddenly became much faster...

After a long time, there was a bright day. Behind the crowd in the Wushan tribe, in the farther and farther Wushan tribe, it was dilapidated in the faint moonlight and became ruins.

It seems that there is no vitality at all. In the years, it will turn into a wreckage, and gradually there may be some vegetation to grow, and slowly turn this place into a part of the jungle, making it difficult to find all the beauty and memories.

At this moment, the wind is blowing, sobbing like a tune, rolling the snow on the ground, sweeping off the ground, and rolling up a lot of debris scattered before those people left, moving on the ground, making a rustling sound, revealing a bleak.

In those debris, there are children's Lasu's toys, some animal skins that the clansmen have no time to take away, extinguished fire piles, some scattered herbs, and many pots and bowls and broken animal skin tents.

In addition to the wind, the ruins of the tribe were silent, but one of the collapsed animal skin tents, which moved at this moment. A round beast with a whole body plush showed its head from the tent. The little beast was very cute, and its hair should have been white, but this It was gray. Its eyes showed fear, and it quickly ran out of the tent, trembling in the wind and snow.

A hissing came from its mouth, as if calling its owner. Its name, Pipi, was the little girl's pet.

However, its owner can't hear the hisss... It stays alone in the ruins of the tribe, but it never wants to leave the collapsed tent too far, because it is its home.

In the hiss, the little beast slowly retreated, as if it could not bear it in the cold and wanted to return to the tent. But at this time, the sound of footsteps came from outside, but more than a dozen people came from outside the broken gate of the tribe.

The leader is a strong man, but his expression is very gloomy. If Su Ming is here, he can recognize this person, who is the patriarch of the Black Mountain Department.

Following him was an equally gloomy teenager. The teenager licked his lips and looked around, showing a cruel smile. He was Bi Su!

"Go fast! Catching up, Grandpa should also be coming. This time, Wushan won't leave any but women!" The Montenegrin leader slowly opened his mouth and walked out of the ruins.

Bi Su withdrew his eyes looking around and turned to follow away, but suddenly his eyes flashed and he saw the little beast that trembled and dared not move. He smiled at the corners of his mouth and raised his right hand and waved at the little beast.

Immediately, the little beast trembled, and his eyes fell down. A wisp of blue breath came out of his body. He was caught in Bi Su's hand and put in the middle of his eyebrows. After a moment, his eyes showed cruelty.

"Is it called Pippi... I miss your master very much, so I will send her to reunite with you."


On March 31, Qiumo's official crooked 3943 held an event. I hope the majority of book lovers will actively participate. I should not go. I will try my best to type the word tomorrow.