Ask for Magic

Chapter 95 Awakening!

Bitu's strength, the moon wing transformed by his barbaric art, has already made everyone who sees it show fear. After all, the people living here are very familiar with the moon wing.

And at this moment, Bitu is full of murder. With his cultivation, even the Grand Duke has retreated. Who can resist!

The moon wing chasing behind the Grandpa is getting closer and closer at this moment. It seems that before the Grandpa falls into the wild light of the tribal people, he will be caught up.

At this moment, all the Wushan people showed sad madness, but they could do nothing. At this moment, even the Wushan patriarch could not help Grandpa...

Nansong slapped his forehead fiercely, and the cracks in his eyebrows appeared. The gloomy blue figure galloped away, as if to help Grandpa get out of trouble, but the distance was slightly far away. Even if the blue figure was extremely fast, the moon wing was now less than three feet away from Grandpa!

Su Ming's mind was blank. His close relative was now facing life and death, but he could do nothing. Seeing the moon wing constantly approaching, he opened his mouth. At the moment he was about to devour, Su Ming, who was always silent, gave a sad roar.

This sad shout burst out all of Su Ming's strength now. His wound cracked again and blood flowed out, but he didn't pay attention at all. In his eyes, there was only the scene that the moon wing was going to swallow the Duke.

His body seemed to be out of his control, and he rushed forward crazily. The sad hisss circled around the world, falling into the grandfather's ears, and also in the ears of the moon wings that were about to be devoured.

Su Ming's eyes, the shadow of the blood moon, at this moment, the feeling of burning the blood fire permeated again, as if to burn his whole body. With his roar, Su Ming had only one will in his mind, that is, the moon wing, and he must not hurt Grandpa!

This will made a loud bang in his mind. Su Ming's eyes were blurred, and the seven orifices were bleeding. He seemed to feel that he had flown up and jumped over the earth. He approached the grandfather who fell on the sky at an incredible speed, approached the moon wing that was about to swallow, and rushed into the moon wing [body]!

A strange scene suddenly appeared!

The huge moon wing shook its whole body and looked struggling, but this struggle only dissipated in an instant. Instead, it was a bright place. It looked at the old man in front of it, and its fierce wings turned in the direction and went straight to the stunned Bitu after it.

Grandpa's whole body was shocked. At the moment just now, he looked at the moon wing's eyes, and there was a touch of familiarity in his eyes...

Su Ming didn't know why at this moment. He felt that he was the moon wing. He turned around and went straight to Bitu. Under Bitu's mistake, he crashed away.

Bitu didn't know what he had at all. The moon wing, which he turned with qi and blood barbarians, was not under his control. At this moment, his eyes flashed and retreated quickly to disperse the moon wings turned by the barbarians, but he was homazed that his barbarians had no effect at all.

The moon wing came suddenly. After bumping into it, the moon wing collapsed and turned into a large number of blood drops to burst. Bitu spewed out blood, and his body retreated dozens of feet in a row with a shocked face.

While the moon wing exploded, Su Ming felt that he had been bounced off and fell rapidly until he returned to his body. His body trembled, as if he had regained his mind.

At this moment, Grandpa had safely landed in the crowd. In the light of the likeness, he raised his right hand between his knees and took out seven bone needles and pierced his body one by one.

At the same time, Bitu in the sky scattered his head, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and stared at the grandfather in the barbarian statue. Although the strange change just now shocked him, he didn't care about anything at this moment. He wanted to kill Mosang and everyone in the Wushan Department.

His body shook and roared straight to the earth in an instant. His speed was approaching in a blink of an eye. At this moment, the grandfather's bone [needle] pierced into the [body] three branches.

"Mosang, even if you sacrifice your life now, you are not my opponent!" Bitu came in an instant, and his right hand was raised, and he was about to bombard the statue of the floating crowd in the air, but at this moment, the blue figure flying out of Nansong's eyebrows approached in an instant and went straight to Bitu.

"Nan Song, Qingsuo's barbarian, you have learned this style well, but you haven't understood the essence yet!" Bitu laughed wildly, shook his sleeves, and immediately a blue light suddenly came out of his arm, forming a virtual shadow. He went straight to the green shadow of Nansong and touched it. Nansong's green shadow collapsed directly. Only a trace of upside down rolled upside down. After returning to his body, Nansong's whole body suddenly withered Blood..

A roar came from the crowd of the earth, but he saw the Wushan patriarch. The tower-like man jumped up and went straight to Bitu. He could not allow Bitu to destroy the statue and interrupt the grandfather's sacrifice.

At this moment, Grandpa had already pierced five bone needles on his body. His whole body trembled, and a powerful breath suddenly burst out of his [body]. This breath immediately shocked Bitu.

"Get out of here!" Bitu ignored everything else, but went straight to the statue. For the coming Wushan patriarch, he punched out directly. The Wushan patriarch shook his whole body, spewed out blood and rolled away, and his body withered in an instant, just like Nansong.

But his retreat was not the retreat of the Wushan people, but saw the barbarians in the crowd who had not left behind by the previous guardian tribe with Su Ming. At this moment, he rushed out desperately and blocked Bitu's road with flesh and blood. However, between Bitu's sleeves, the man immediately turned into a nose and disappeared.

The mountain marks in the crowd showed a struggle in his eyes at this moment. He rushed forward, but he stopped and clenched his fists with both hands.

Su Ming was also rushing. Lei Chen was behind him, but the two of them were a little far away. Beiling, who was very close to Bitu, was brought into the crowd by Chenxin because of his serious injury and received medical treatment. He didn't know when he woke up. At this moment, he pushed Chenxin away in the roar and jumped

But before he could get close, he was immediately fingered by Bi Tu's right hand. Bei Ling's right arm instantly turned into blood and was still spreading. He screamed and fell to the ground again.

At this moment, the father-in-law's body trembled, the sixth bone needle fell, and the seventh needle had been raised. Su Ming and Lei Chen were still more than ten feet away, and the two of them rushed like crazy.

But Na Bitu was approaching, and his right hand suddenly patted the Wushan statue. This palm fell, and the Wushan statue burst out with a huge light. A large number of cracks appeared on its appearance, bursting, turned into countless fragments, and swept around in mid-air.

The statue of Wushan represents the symbol of the Wushan tribe. At this moment, in front of the whole Wushan people, it collapsed and collapsed together. It seems that there is the will of Wushan...

While the statue exploded, Bitu rushed ferociously to the grandfather who was about to pierce the seventh bone [needle] into the spirit of heaven, but suddenly, there was a woman with a bloody face in the crowd. This woman was Ulla.

She was reluctant and sad. She was closest to Grandpa. At this moment, she rushed out and stood in front of Grandpa with her life, showing firmness in her eyes.

Bitu snorted coldly, and the big hand in the middle of the middle slammed forward, as if there was a strong bombardment on Ula's body. In the blood she spewed out, her body was rolled up and fell in the direction of Su Ming's coming.

At this moment, the grandfather's seventh needle was completely left into the spirit of heaven. If the clan had not bought enough time for him regardless of life and death, he would not have been able to complete this sacrifice.

Suddenly opened his eyes, Grandpa made a shocking roar. The roar contained anger at the death of the clan, and a huge murderous opportunity. He rushed out, fought with the coming Bitu again, and went straight to the sky.

All of this was an instant, which was unimaginable. Su Ming's right cheek was painful, which was like a piece of ejaculation, scratching a blood mark and blood flowed, but Su Ming could not feel the pain. He saw Ula, whose body withered rapidly, and turned into a dry and thin appearance before it fell.

Su Ming's mind was blank. She came forward and hugged the falling Ula. Ula's face had been destroyed. At this moment, the blood was constantly overflowing from the corners of her mouth. She looked at Su Ming holding her, but smiled.

"Are you Mo Su?" She struggled to raise her hand to touch Su Ming's face, but she had no strength.

"Yes." Su Ming looked sad and said softly.

"You are not" Ula muttered, his eyes lost their luster and became empty. The hand was also put down, shook, and gradually did not move.

At this moment, there was a roar from Grandpa, who was fighting with Bitu in the sky.

"Su Ming, take the people with you, let's go!!" With its roar, an extreme light suddenly fell from the sky. The light looked like a huge light knife. During the fall, it was cut out of the crowd. The earth shook, and the sound of clicks shocked the sky, but a huge gully, dozens of feet wide, suddenly cracked.

At a long glance, there is no end in sight. It seems to separate the tribal crowd from the Montenegrin chasers who can appear at any time, and even in this crack gully, a curtain of light rises to the sky.

There were no tears in Su Ming's eyes, but a terrible silence. Lei Chen beside him seemed to say something, but after seeing Su Ming's eyes, he swallowed them alive. At this moment, Su Ming made him feel scared.

There is a hole in the eye, like a dead man, but in the hole, there is a moon shadow flashing.

Gently put down Ula's body, Su Ming picked up a fragment of the Wushan statue from the ground and treasured it in his arms.

On his face, the wound cut by the like-like fragments was shocking. He did not wipe the blood, but his eyes fell on the people.

"Go!" Su Ming only said this word, helped up Nansong, helped up the dying patriarch, handed it over to Lei Chen and others, and walked in the front of the team.

Bei Ling did not die. He lost an arm. At this moment, he stood up struggling and silently looked at Su Ming's back in front of him. He felt that at this moment, Su Ming had a strange change.

That change made him feel terrible, as if he had awakened from Su Ming. Maybe this breath should not have been awakened and would not have appeared, but now it has appeared.

Su Ming looked calm and his eyes were cold. He learned to bear pain and sadness. But his steps were very steady, step by step, like the previous patriarch, he took the clan with the clan.