Ask for Magic

Chapter 110 A banner!!

The speed of lightning approached the remnant god in an instant and went straight to the back of his chest. At the moment of touching, the sound of thunder roared, but the remnant did not stop at all, as if he didn't care about the black lightning, even if his whole body swam countless black arcs at this moment.

Although this is true, the blood of the moon wing that makes up the remnant god dissipates at a faster speed under the lightning that condenses Bitu's sacrifice of dust cultivation, so that the time of the remnant is shortened in an instant. In Su Ming's consciousness, I'm afraid that when the axe falls, the statue will disappear.

But this axe, even if it has the little power of this eternal punishment, is enough to kill the dust!

The huge tomahawk it raised had countless wailing sounds, and it seemed that there were a large number of fierce souls who had died under this axe in the ages, wrapped around the axe and suddenly cut it down.

"No!" There was despair in Bitu's eyes. The fall of the toma axe made him feel like a mountain. He had no resistance at all. His body trembled, and his hands were subconsciously raised, as if to block the coming of death.

In his body, the black light flashed at this moment. The black light that had helped him avoid a murder before emerged again, shrouded outside his body, forming a round light mask.

This was his last resort, but the huge tomahawk, which was surrounded by countless wailing ghosts, was suddenly cut down. As soon as the black mask touched it, it was suddenly broken, and even a little time could not be delayed. As if it did not exist, the tomahawk penetrated and went straight to the desperate Bitu.

Seeing that Bitu was about to die, Su Ming's hatred for this person had permeated his whole body, but at this moment when the axe fell, he saw a sudden twist in the void in front of Bitu, and a figure in black stepped out.

His right hand was raised, and the light in his hand flashed, and a purple shield appeared, which suddenly touched the cut-off tomahawk.

The roar was shocking at this moment. The shield in the hand of the man in black broke, and his body shook. When he retreated, he grabbed Bitu with excitement in despair. He suddenly retreated and withdrew a hundred feet in a row. Then he stopped. His face was hidden in the black robe, and he could not see whether he was injured.

Su Ming laughed miserably. At the moment when the tomahawk was blocked, the statue of the remnant god composed of the blood of the moon wing outside his body reached the time limit, like the wind blowing dust, turned into countless red dust between heaven and earth and disappeared in the vastness. At this moment, he also felt a force of impact. His body rolled back, turned into an arc, and fell on the bird dragon peak. He fell there with a bang, spewing out a big mouth of blood. His body trembled, and the injury in his body broke out in an all-round way. What's more, the hidden danger caused by the previous forced It covers its whole body like water.

There was a blur in front of his eyes, which was the feeling of death. Su Ming bit the tip of his tongue fiercely with his spare strength, which barely made him not unconscious, but struggled to sit up and see the man in black robe standing in front of Bitu in the distance.

"Lord!" Bitu still had a lingering fear, and his face showed fear. He knew that if it hadn't been for the arrival of the man in black, he would have died.

"I underestimated the tribe on the edge of the Western League. First of all, the two Kaichen of Miao's weak veins could merge with each other's qi and blood, giving full play to the power of the three strikes in the later stage of Kaichen.

Now I see that you, a little doll, have practiced the pure fireman skill, and actually let those moon wings attract the remnants of torture! The blow just now... If it hadn't been for your weak cultivation and not being able to provide enough play, I wouldn't have been able to resist at all. The man in black robe had a hoarse voice, his body trembled slightly, and his expression was full of palpitations. If it hadn't been for this Bitu, he would have a great use. In addition, he would have definitely not come to save him. Blood overflowed in the corners of his mouth hidden in the black robe, but no one could see

"Sacrifice to the bone... Did you kill Jingnan?" On another mountain, Grandpa had no power to fight. At this moment, he looked at the man in black and slowly opened his mouth.

"After all, they are a large part of Miao Man. With Miao Man's protection of shortcomings, there must be future troubles.

"The man in black took a look at Grandpa and suddenly smiled. His laughter came out, with hoarseness and gloomyness. He looked at Grandpa, raised his right hand and took out a black token from his arms. The token was engraved with a complete backbone, revealing a trace of cold air. After throwing it, the token went straight to Grandpa .

Grandpa looked at the token and his expression changed greatly, which was extremely ugly.

"I'm here. In addition to looking for the ruins of fire, there is another thing, that is, to come to you! Mo, you didn't let us down. If you died in the hands of Bitu, you would not be one of us, but the mistakes you made in those years need to pay the price today. The man in black said, took back the black token, no longer paid attention to Mo Sang, and walked towards Su Ming step by step.

"I didn't expect that I really found the inheritor of the fire barbarians here..."

Su Ming sighed. He looked calm. Even without this little man in black, he estimated that his injury would not have a chance to recover now. The only thing waiting for him was death.

He didn't even look at the man in black, but looked at the grandfather on another mountain with soft eyes. He had tried his best.

"It's all over... I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of him." Grandpa was silent. He didn't expect that all this was caused by the terrible group that he joined inadvertently in those years. In bitterness, he closed his eyes.

But at the moment when Grandpa's eyes were closed, his body suddenly trembled suddenly, but he saw a yellow light on his body. At this moment, a yellow light suddenly appeared. The light reached a dazzling level. A breath that did not belong to this world, with a sense of abruptness, with a wave of domineering, suddenly It burst out in the male's body.

At the moment when this breath appeared, the man in black who walked to Su Ming stopped directly and suddenly turned around. His face hidden in the black robe showed a trace of shock and shock. He saw a strong dazzling yellow light burst out on Mo Sang's body.

In the flash, the light condensed in the spirit of Mosang. In the echo of a muffled roar, he saw a small yellow flag only the size of a palm, flying directly from the spirit of Mosang and floating seven inches above his head.

Mo Sang trembled and suddenly opened his eyes. When he looked up and saw the yellow flag, he was stunned there.

" did you appear!" The appearance of this little flag made Grandpa unbelievable. He would have known that it could not appear in his whole life, because the person who gave it to him was to integrate the flag into his blood. Grandpa has tried countless times over the years, but he could not notice it at all and could only faintly feel its existence.

Grandpa looked shocked and looked at Su Ming with a breath, showing a trance in his eyes, as if he understood something.

He struggled to stand up and grabbed the small flag. The flag grew in the wind at the moment of being caught by the grandfather, it directly turned into a height of more than three feet. It was no longer a flag, but a big flag!

Its color also changed from yellow to black in an instant, but as it unfolded, I saw that the black cloth was not dark, but a little starlight, where there was a starry sky!

This starry sky is strange. It does not seem to belong to the night sky that the barbarians look up at, but in a distant place, perhaps the people there will see familiarity when they look up.

The black-robed man's heart was shocked, and a bad feeling turned into a strong crisis, which made him take a sharp step in his look, and he wanted to stop Mosang's action.

But he couldn't stop the ink sauna from holding the huge flag. He stood at the top of the peak and stretched out his right hand, making the flag horizontal and waved it to the left, as if to bring the wind, completely spreading the cloth, like a wave. At the moment when the man in black came, the flag held by Mo Sang's right I made a sharp circle.

The fan cloth danced, gently stroked from Mo Sang's face, and was raised by his nose. It changed again, getting bigger and bigger. Almost in the blink of an eye, the fan cloth's starry sky suddenly flashed with a strong starlight, and even flew directly from the grandfather's hand. In the sky, it rotated and dance

It is getting bigger and wider and wider. In an instant, this flag is so huge that it seems to be comparable to the starry sky. Between the dance, it actually changes the color of heaven and earth, the wind and clouds roll upside down, and there is a shocking roar. The flag cloth flew to the sky, but when it saw the curtain, it was

The night sky changed at this moment and was replaced by the starry sky in the banner, which made the night sky change in an instant!

This is the art of changing the sky. This is the art of making the night sky disappear and replaced by the starry sky. At this moment, Su Ming was stunned. He looked up at the sky. The starlight in the sky was strange.

Bitu also stayed there, trembling. He couldn't see the familiar stars. At this moment, the night sky he looked at was strange. It was a sky that he had never seen before.

None of the stars there are familiar!

You should know that the starry sky at night is what everyone sees every day from childhood to the metropolis. Every star will have a familiar feeling. The distance between them and the patterns they are composed of will be slowly left in memory.

If one day, it suddenly changes, it will be immediately noticed. That kind of strangeness will make people panic in their hearts!

The black-robed man trembled violently. He looked at the strange starry sky, and there was a sense of fear that even if he was a strong man in the sacrifice of bones, he could not reduce it at all, because he knew something...

"External starry sky! This is the starry sky in the outer region!"

At the moment he appeared in the starry sky, Grandpa spewed blood and staggered back, but he roared loudly at Su Ming, who was staring at the starry sky.

"Su Ming, remember this starry sky!" After shouting this, Grandpa seemed to have lost all his strength and fell down.

Su Ming's body trembled and looked at the strange stars in the sky.

But when I saw the starry sky, a strong starlight burst out at this moment. Those starlight flashed, which made the stars suddenly move. In the eyes of the people below, the light of these stars quickly connected together, forming a vague human form.

The size of the human figure seems to occupy all of the starry sky. As the starlight becomes more and more brilliant, its appearance slowly becomes clear.

That's a middle-aged man!

At the moment Su Ming saw the face of the starlight figure, his body shook violently, revealing an unbelievable look. He was completely stunned there.

This huge figure composed of starlight is very similar to Su Ming's appearance!