Ask for Magic

Chapter 115 Don't be in the past!

? Two months have passed since the contact with those tribal barbarians here, Su Ming still chooses to stay here, quenching the south and separation all day long, so that his injury slowly recovers.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the cave. After swallowing the southern separation, he was meditating silently. There were only ten dim lines left on his body, and all the rest had burst into vitality.

For more than a year, a large number of southern separations finally made his serious injuries and hidden dangers gradually calm down. For more than a year, he always thought of the tribe, Grandpa, Xiaohong and Bai Ling.

And Lei Chen.

Su Ming doesn't know how the tribe is now, whether Xiaohong is still playing happily in Wushan, and whether Bai Ling is still waiting after he has not fulfilled the agreement.

Every time he thought of this, Su Ming's heart would sting. He was alone in the strange land, looking at the moon in the sky. He thought about his father-in-law, who didn't want to believe that he would die, and all the familiarity.

He has no clue about the specific location of Kejia. The only thing he knows is the Western League area, Miao Man's weak vein Fengzhen tribe.

However, there is obviously a great distance between the Western League and the land of Nanchen. For the specific route, he did not [answer] the case.

"I need a map to the Western League!"

"And, only when you make yourself stronger can you have the strength to find a home... Only by making yourself stronger can the so-called black-robed people pay enough price!"

For more than a year, Su Ming was always thinking about the battle between the tribe and Montenegro. There were many clues he ignored at that time in this battle, all of which pointed to the man in black.

Su Ming opened his eyes and woke up from the meditation. Looking at the darkness around him, a feeling of loneliness permeated. He had not learned to get used to and adapt for more than a year.

In the cave for a long time, Su Ming walked out silently. Outside the crack of the hole, he looked at the moon in the sky, surrounded by silence. He sat next to him, breathing the still slightly damp air, took out a bone damage the size of a fist from his arms and gently stroked it.

I don't know how long it has passed. A wisp of whine that no one can hear except Su Ming, as if it were circling between heaven and earth. The whining voice revealed a sense of sadness that lasted for a long time.

Su Ming can't play the ups and downs of the rhythm. There are some cracks in the bone, and it can't be blown out. It has been damaged. This sound is not played, but exists in Su Ming's heart. He holds the bone damage and can hear the song in his heart with his eyes closed.

This is the only voice that can accompany him. He listens to the damaged song that really exists in his ear, and it seems that he can find the familiarity from there.

Whenever I am lonely, I will think of the beauty of the past.

Whenever I am lonely, I will remember the happiness of the past...

When the moon in the sky was the brightest, Su Ming closed his eyes and sat there. His body was covered with moonlight. Gradually, there was a shadow that looked like moonlight, floating out of his body and surrounded him.

Those virtual shadows are a moon wing and a moon wing. The barbarian public of the fire barbarian clan exerts the art of divine power. In exchange, although the eternal body was changed by the barbarian gods with the art of creation, it became the body of human beings, beasts and beasts, and even experienced the ages. The power of Fancy.

However, the battle with Bitu and the black-robed man is not enough to erase them. It is only the body that destroys them. Their souls are still around Su Ming, hidden in his body [body], and emerges in the moonlight. Unless you meet people who practice fire and barbarians, outsiders I can't see their existence.

Su Ming did not have a definite [answer] case on this point, which was his enlightenment with the souls of these moon wings.

This is Su Ming's greatest trust now, and the reason why he doesn't care whether the teenager who was questioned two months ago will inform anyone about his existence.

He doesn't want to kill for no reason, but if someone comes to find his trouble, he must be prepared for death.

When the moon in the sky gradually dissipated, and the dusty sunshine faintly rose from the sky, the sound of shouts came weakly from the rainforest at the foot of the mountain.


"Senior, I was wrong...Senior..."

Su Ming looked calm. He could hear this voice almost every once in the past two months. This rainforest is very large and there are many mountains. If he wants to find a person, not to mention looking for a needle in a haystack, it is not much.

This voice belongs to the teenager. When Su Ming left two months ago, he had expected the follow-up changes. The teenager was nothing more than choosing between saying and not saying.

said that it may attract the attention of his tribe, and there will be a strong view, but this Guangkan forest is so big that it is not easy to find someone, and if Su Ming wants to avoid it, it is even more difficult to find it.

The most important thing is that these people are asking for him. With the wisdom of the teenager, if they are so, they will not only not get benefits, but also bow Su Ming's displeasure.

The teenager did not disappoint Su Ming. In the past two months, he came alone many times and called Su Ming.

Su Ming listened to the shouts from the distance and ignored it. He got up and returned to the cave. He continued to refine the southern dispersion and regulate the injury of his body.

It took a few days for the sound to slowly disappear.

Half a month later, when there were only nine dim blood lines on Su Ming's body, he heard a faint voice from the rainforest again.


The sound lasted for two days and continued. Su Ming opened his eyes from the entrance, with a look of meditation.

"I won't make the same mistake for the second time..." Su Ming seemed to remember something. After walking out of the cave and changing into a leather coat, he shook his body and galloped towards the rainforest.

In the rainforest, Fang Mu's face is always full of regret, more caution and vigilance. He holds a black bone knife in his hand, which emits chills and is what he uses to protect himself.??

After all, it is a very dangerous thing for him to leave the tribe alone and come here. If he meets a hostile person, this knife can also work.

While galloping in the rainforest, he shouted repeated words these days.


After a long time, he gasped and leaned against the big tree beside him, looking quite helpless.

"Is it possible that the weirdo can't leave, otherwise, it's been almost three months, and you should be able to hear my shouts... Alas, if he doesn't leave, he doesn't want to see me." Fang Mu sighed, and his face showed bitterness. He looked around and gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward.

"Senior... Are you here or not!" Seeing that the sun was about to set, and there was a bright moon shadow in the sky, Fang Mu looked discouraged and shouted to the sky again.

"It's there.

"Fang Mu's voice had just fallen, and cold words came from behind him. The words appeared so suddenly that Fang Mu was shocked. He got up and jumped forward. While turning around to show his vigilance, the knife in his hand had already been raised. When he saw the figure standing on a big branch behind him, he suddenly showed shock. Happy.

"Senior, it's hard for me to find you. It's been three months." Fang Mu quickly put away the bone knife and looked excitedly at Su Ming's figure covered by animal skin. After walking a few steps, he bowed to Su Ming.

"Please save me, the younger generation Fang Mu. I have concealed something before. In fact, I am from the Andong people. My father is the head of the Andong people. As long as the senior can relieve the injury of the younger generation, the younger generation and his father will be well rewarded.

This knife is the apology that the younger generation has concealed before. Please accept it. This young man named Fang Mu looked extremely sincere. After worshipping where Su Ming stood, he quickly handed out the black bone knife with both hands.

The bone knife emits black light, revealing a forest atmosphere. Obviously, it is not an extraordinary product, but a barbarian artifact similar to a scale-blooded spear, which is extremely precious to a small tribe.

Su Ming's eyes flashed. Through the young man's knife, it was not difficult for him to guess that the three tribes that mastered Hanshan City must be medium-sized tribes and could not be small.

With a shaking of his body, Su Ming walked to Fang Mu. After taking a look at Fang Mu, he took the black bone knife and did not move the power of Ran's qi and blood, but the soul of the moon wing in the [body] disappeared, which immediately made the black light of the bone knife flash violently, and the cold air on it The color seems to have been burned, and a stream of heat dispersed fiercely.

It made the trees around here seem to burn all of a sudden, as if they were going to dry up.

The hot face made Fang Mu retreat repeatedly, his expression was shocked, and his heart beat. He couldn't see Su Ming's cultivation, but he knew that even the strong people of the same generation in the clan could not make this knife so powerful. Only a person like his father showed similar when he gave him this knife. Amazing effect, but it's not hot, but cold ice.

"Is it... Is it that he is open to the world!" Fang Mu's mouth was dry, and he was very glad that he did not tell anyone about this, but came alone. Otherwise, it would cause this person's displeasure, and the consequences would be very serious.

Su Ming's expression of the square wood could not be seen, and he felt more and more mysterious. At this time, Su Ming's left hand suddenly raised, and with lightning speed to cover his ears, pressed the two medicinal stones into his mouth before he could see the square wood. With a slight movement of blood, he scattered the two medicinal stones, so that the There is a heat flow in the mouth to integrate into the [body].

"Give you 15 breaths to remember this herb. Next time you come, take thousands of plants for healing things! In addition, I don't like to be spied on, just once!" Su Ming's words were calm, but he showed a hoarse and gloom. He waved a bone knife in his right hand, and immediately the bark of a big tree next to him fell off, and the shape of an herb appeared on the surface. In that way, it was a kind of herbal medicine that Su Ming lacked from refining Shanlingsan, Luo Yunye!

Then he ignored the square wood, but got up and took a step towards the air. At his feet, there was the invisible soul of the moon wing. Stepping on the soul of the moon wing, Su Ming walked away like stepping into the air.

The soul of the moon wing under his feet could not be seen by outsiders. Looking at the wood, Su Ming's whole body seemed to walk to the sky out of thin air, which made him open his eyes wide and take a breath.

"Is it really dusty..." It took him a long time for him to react, but he soon recalled the second half of Su Ming's words when he left. After being stunned, he immediately looked around and saw a strong figure gradually coming out of the rainforest.

"Daddy!" Fang Mu rubbed his eyes and was very surprised.

The big man, dressed in a blue robe, walked to Fangmu with a solemn look, looked at the direction Su Ming left, and frowned.

"Has the injury improved?" He spoke in a low voice.

Fang Mu was nervous and quickly felt the injury in his body. He found that he had really improved a little again, and immediately nodded.

"Dad, have you been following me all the time? How could the senior find out that you were here? Is it really Kaichen?"

"It's not like... he [body] has internal qi and blood..." The big man frowned. Before he could finish speaking, suddenly the Luo Yunye pattern on the trunk next to him slowly turned into disdain and flew away. This is the strength of Su Ming's power. For every trace of qi and blood, he has done it extremely exquisitely.

"It happens to be fifteen breaths... This is the dust!!" The big man's eyes shrank suddenly.

"It's over. I haven't remembered what the herb looks like yet!" Fang Mu beside him immediately became anxious.

"That's Luo Yunye. I'll do it for you. Remember to be respectful to this person. Don't offend him with words. Seeing him like the elders of the clan, he may be your creation. The big man took a deep breath. Although he still doubted it, he also believed it and told him seriously.