Ask for Magic

Chapter 132 Han Feizi!

"Weifeng, you and I don't know each other, and there is no injustice or hatred. You provoked me first, just for your own self-interest. You want to use me and kill me. I didn't kill you immediately, but promised to help you revenge, but in this way, you still want to hurt me!!" Su Ming's eyes showed murder. In He Feng, he not only realized that people's hearts were sinister, but also deeply understood his shortcomings at this moment.

He will never believe that Han Feizi passed by by chance!

All this must be guided by the wind in the dark, and now under the skill of Su Ming, he sees the faint light on the head of He Feng's body. The faint light is now trembling, and the panicked voice can't be heard by the flesh and ears. Only at this moment, Su Ming can hear it in this state.

Seeing this, if Su Ming can't figure it out, he won't be Su Ming!

If he hadn't thought of the way to use this branding technique, otherwise, I'm afraid that until Han Feizi came in front of him, he was still in the dark and didn't know how the other party found it.

In a cold sweat.

Su Ming did not think about it. According to the method of control of the branding technique, he quickly contracted the spreading range of a hundred feet in an instant, condensed around him into five feet, and covered the wind. He stood up and took a step. His fingertips fiercely in the middle of the wind's eyebrows, and immediately made the faint light in his head It did not dissipate, but the thin line spreading from the center of the eyebrows was also dim.

Su Ming was about to cut it off, but his hand stopped, his eyes flashed, and the thoughts in his mind turned quickly.

"Han Feizi can find here. It has entered a hundred feet. Now even if it cuts off the connection between Hefeng and the outside world, it has no effect... On the contrary, it scares the snake, which makes Han Feizi ready."

"Hefeng is seriously injured. Although he can get in touch with the outside world in this way, 60% of him may just keep in touch and can guide the other party to find here.

It's only 40% possible. He will tell the other party everything here, especially if he is seriously injured, and he is worried about being found out, so if it is reduced by 40%, it is very likely that Han Feizi doesn't know my existence at all!

Xuanlun is unlikely to tell this detailed matter. In this way, Han Feizi found this place. In her consciousness, there is only Hefeng here, and Hefeng must be injured and unable to go out. In order to avoid Xuanlun, he called her here in this way to help heal her wounds.

If this is the case, Han Feizi should not tell others about it. She... is likely to be alone! Looking at the look of Han Feizi after entering Baizhang before, there is not much vigilance. In this way, the possibility will be reduced by another 30%, and the correctness of my analysis of this matter can reach 80%!

80%, that's enough! Su Ming was forced by the situation. In this short breath, he used all his mind to quickly analyze, and even made his head swell and hurt. But at this moment, it was not the time to procrastinate. Su Ming immediately picked up He Feng, broke his legs and put the man on his knees. Su Ming squatted down and hid

He is much thinner than ordinary barbarians. At this moment, he hides. From the front, he can't see Su Ming.

At the same time, the red grass under Su Ming's feet contracted rapidly in his mind and turned into a small piece in a blink of an eye. It only existed under Su Ming's feet, and even the wind was exposed to the grass.

Then, Su Ming's branding range also contracted, but in addition to covering himself, it will also cover the wind. This is to prevent him from warning. With this branding range, if the wind warns, Su Ming will block it as soon as possible.

After all this, Su Ming took a deep breath and his eyes showed a cold light. The qi and blood in his body ran to the extreme. At the same time, the soul of the moon wing in his resting body scattered and clung to the skin. This time, he used all the soul of the moon wing.

He even raised his right hand and sensed the location of the three evils in the dark. Just waiting for that critical moment, he would be thunderous.

In his mouth, there is a mouthful of blood at this moment, which is needed by black blood!

"She didn't come to Kaichen. It's not that I don't have the strength to fight!" Su Ming's heart beat slowly, and his whole body completely calmed down and remained motionless.

Outside the cave, she is dressed in white and Han Feizi with white gauze. She is 70 feet away from the cave. She looks calm and beautiful. Even if she walks in this wet and miasma rainforest, even if the ground is covered with mud and ugly, she is still blooming dazzlingly, as if she is incompatible with this place. She caused a little bit of filth.

Han Feizi's eyes are like Xing Qiang, and people can't help but immerse themselves in it. There is a veil on her face, but everyone who sees her will be in a trance, like seeing the beautiful woman in her dream.

She walked forward gently, with beautiful eyes, looking at the cracks in the mountain in front of her. She could feel the connection with the wind, which was there.

In her opinion, in addition to being able to get that important treasure, this person is more useful. For example, this strange connection is very vulgar. In addition, this person's scheming is very deep. This strange magic has never been passed on, which is also what she appreciates Han Feizi.

But it's just a compliment. She feels that after losing the rest of the value, he can also become his own subordinate. After entering the Hanshan Sect in the future, he can help herself.

As she was walking, she suddenly frowned and raised her jade hand. On her finger, there was a black ring, which seemed ordinary, but a thin line spread from the crack in front of her and connected to it.

At this moment, the thin line suddenly fluctuated and dimmed a lot.

At this time, it was also the time when Su Ming pointed to He Feng's eyebrows before.

Han Feizi paused and stood there with a calm expression. Looking at the crack in front of her, she seemed to be thinking. After a moment, she moved and approached. Ten feet away from the crack, she stopped again.

"Brother, Yan Fei is here. Please come out and see." Han Feizi's voice was cold, but it contained a strange magnetism, which made people feel confused after listening to it.

There was silence in the crack cave, and there was no sound. The light in Han Feizi's eyes flashed slightly and hesitated a little. When the jade and hands were raised, the light in his hands flashed, and a white cloud the size of a palm appeared, floated forward, followed the crack and entered the cave.

Su Ming hid after He Feng rested and did not move, as if he had not seen the white cloud that entered the cave. The white cloud floated in mid-air. After a circle, it flew out of the hole and fell on Han Feizi's hand.

Han Feizi held her hand gently, and the white clouds dispersed. In front of her eyes, the scene that the white clouds had seen before appeared. She pondered for a while and raised her steps to the crack. When she entered, her body was surrounded by clouds, which was obviously on guard.

As his footsteps approached, Su Ming still did not move, but the cold light of his eyes became thicker and thicker.

Soon, Han Feizi walked into the cave. At a glance, he saw He Feng sitting cross-legged there, and even saw the full herbs outside He Feng's body, and his eyes couldn't help shrinking.

She stood where she stood where she was and did not continue to step out. After a few breaths, the clouds all over her body suddenly spread, turning into an impact directly in the cave, making the cave seem to be shocked. Then, she retreated violently. It seemed that she was clearly aware that she wanted to leave the cave.

When she retreated, Su Ming almost subconsciously took action. After Han Feizi entered the cave before, he had been absorbed. Although the other party stood there for a few hours, it was not the best place to take action. If he could get closer, Su Ming would be more sure.

Now his retreat is like the traction of an air machine, which makes Mu Ming about to take action. This is almost his instinctive reaction, but he is restrained and sweats on his forehead.

"This Han Feizi, like He Feng, is a deep-minded person..." She had used the white cloud to check in the cave before. How could she not know how He Feng's whole body was full of herbs? After she entered, she would not be surprised at all!

Her retreating behavior is a test, and the woman's behavior of standing there is very wonderful... The rest time can make people can't help but pay attention to its movements. Once she pays attention to it, she can be instinctively pulled and then take action...

The way of testing can be like this. I've learned it. The reason why Su Ming did not win the trick was related to his tribal war experience in Wushan. The miserable war made his faith firm.

Since he decided to wait for the critical opportunity to take action, he would never change easily, so he had to hold back before, but he did not see the clue at once.

Han Feizi stepped back a few steps, and her eyes flashed. Seeing that there was no accident, she was slightly relaxed. She stopped and walked forward again. This time, her distance and the range of the wind gradually narrowed.

"It seems that this kind of barbarian skill of Xuanlun in the wind is almost extinguished. After finally escaping, I can only hide here, distract the contact with me before I fall into a coma, and let me save him." Looking at the gentle wind sitting there cross-legged, Han Feizi meditated in his heart and took a few more steps to observe carefully.

In her eyes, there was an empty room behind He Feng, and there was no figure at all. At this moment, as she kept approaching, when she walked to He Feng's body, she didn't know what she remembered. Suddenly, her eyes suddenly opened wide, and her body was about to retreat at a very fast speed.

"No, the cracks here are in the depths of the forest, the miasma deposition should be very thick, and the wind is clearly in a coma and can't be dispelled, but the miasma here is thin...

There are also cracks in the rainforest, which are often inhabited by insects and beasts, but there is only half of them here. The wind is in a coma. How can insects and animals not dare to come! There is fraud here!" Han Feizi's mind was shocked, and the secret was not good, and she was about to retreat.

Su Ming, who was hidden behind He Feng, flashed. At the moment when Han Feizi retreated, the red grass under his feet suddenly spread.


broke out today, this is the first update, ask for a monthly ticket! ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to the starting point,