Ask for Magic

Chapter 137 Different treatment

Su Ming calmed his breath, his eyes were bright, looked at the seemingly ordinary stone box in front of him, and sat cross-legged in the cave where Hefeng used to be, nervous.

He has a deep expectation for the things in this stone box. He wants to know what the last of the four heavy treasures that can make Yan Chi, Pu Qiang and Andong Dongbu rebelled in those years.

These four treasures can make the three parts start to kill. Now the remaining one makes Xuanlun long for it, which makes Han Feizi's heart flutter.

They didn't even dare to spread it. Such a treasure made Su Ming more nervous.

"This thing would not belong to me..." Su Ming said silently in his heart that it could only be said that it was a coincidence that he could come here. He Feng's strategy pulled him into this whirlpool, step by step, from avoiding the Xuan wheel, seizing the Hefeng, to the confrontation with He Feng, and finally even fought dangerously with

Until that time, he had not fully obtained the position of this thing. What He Feng said before was completely different from what Su Ming found now.

Only after He Feng became a slave did Su Ming get the real place of collection, and then he came here.

Looking at the stone box in front of him, Su Ming looked complicated. For more than a year, he has experienced not much, but there are many twists and turns in this matter. At this moment, he also sighs.

Taking a deep breath, Su Ming pressed down his mood. He raised his right hand and slowly put it on the box. He was about to pick it up, but at the moment when his right hand touched the box, suddenly there was a sharp hiss from the stone box. The hissing sound appeared with a strong penetrating force. In an instant, there was a layer of invisible ripples, which suddenly spread around.

The sound of click echoed, but I saw the rock wall around the cave, which appeared at this moment (Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Hand Fight, Ergen Official YY: 3943)

There are countless cracks, which are very deep, some of which seem to run through the rocks, exposing the sunlight.

It's just that, but around Su Ming, with the stone box as the center, the ground also echoed, and cracks appeared one after another, spreading throughout the cave.

This sudden change shocked Su Ming's heart, and also surprised He Feng. He was a little confused and didn't know what had happened. When he touched the stone box and even opened it, such a thing did not happen.

"Master, this...this..." He was afraid that Su Ming would misunderstand, so he was about to explain.

But Su Ming ignored him, but closed his eyes, sat there cross-legged, kept his right hand touching the stone box, and exhaled a long breath after a long time.

"I know." Su Ming said in a low voice. He believed that He Fengying did not know about this, and most importantly, although the sudden hissing made the cave crack everywhere and many ravines on the ground, it did not cause any harm to him.

At this moment, there is still a hissing in the stone box. This hissing sound sounds very harsh in Hefeng, as if the spiritual body is unstable, but Su Ming feels that he doesn't even know why... there is a trace of kindness!

This hissing voice seemed to be cheering and excited, as if after being sealed for hundreds of years, he finally waited for the person who could wake him up.

This is a very strange feeling, but it is very clear in Su Ming's heart.

He can feel that the things in this stone box are calling himself...

His heart beats rapidly, and every beat caused the hiss of the things in the stone box to become louder and louder. In the end, the stone box shook itself, and there was a bang inside, as if the treasure inside was about to rush out.

bursts of blue light flashed, scattered from the opening gap of the stone box, reflecting Su Ming's face with a slight blue. Looking at this scene, He Feng was already stunned. He couldn't believe that this treasure belonging to their Handan Mountain Department actually showed that Su Ming just touched the box with his hand, as if he had spirituality. This state made his mind blank and confused.

I even faintly felt a little sad, as if I had worshipped something for hundreds of years, and I ignored myself, but one day when I saw an outsider, I was as excited as seeing my master.

This absurd feeling made He Feng completely stunned.

In the flash of blue light inside the box, the hisss became more and more violent, as if he was anxiously urging Su Ming to open the box and let it come out. The call that Su Ming felt was getting stronger and stronger. He took a deep breath, pressed the stone box with his right hand, and gave the power of branding according to the method

The stone box shook and opened immediately.

At the moment of its opening, the blue light spread, covering the whole cave in cyan. At the same time, a thicker blue light flashed out of the box, and the sound of hissing roared in the middle of the cave, turning into cyan rainbows.

There was also a fierceness on his face, which made the cracks in the rock wall around the cave burst out, permeating almost all positions. This fierce breath made Su Ming's hair stand up, his mouth was dry, and he immediately had the illusion of facing the dust. The blood line in his body suddenly burst out, as if to fight, and even This breath is more than the meaning of opening the dust!

But at the moment when the qi and blood in Su Ming's body were about to disperse, the green light, which seemed to be a catharsis, flashed straight to Su Ming. It was so fast that even Su Ming felt that he was good at speed, but he could not avoid it. At the moment of shock, the green light appeared directly in Su Outside the eyebrows.

Su Ming sweated on his forehead and looked at the green light in front of him. This time, he clearly saw what kind of treasure it was!

This is a sword!

A sword that can fly by itself!

A blue sword engraved with complex patterns that Su Ming has never seen before!

It is only seven inches in size, with the palm of its hand to hold, and the whole body is cold, revealing a fierce breath. Its edge position is extremely sharp, as if with a slight movement, it can penetrate from Su Ming's eyebrows like piercing into the leaves.

At this moment, not only Su Ming is nervous, but also He Feng is very nervous. If Su Ming dies, he will die with him. But more importantly, his feeling of fear of this sword is far beyond Su Ming's. Even when the sword is approaching now, he has the illusion that the spiritual body is going to collapse, as if he can't bear The approach.

There was silence in the cave, only the green light flashed. Su Ming sat there cross-legged and motionless. Outside his eyebrows, the seven-foot sword floated and did not move.

He Feng's body and mind were filled with fear, which was a kind of fear he had never felt before, even more serious than death. Like the natural enemy, the pressure from the sword made He Feng tremble.

Time passed slowly. After about a handful of incense, Su Ming suppressed the tension in his heart and looked at the small sword in front of him. He could feel that the sword seemed to be not malicious. While observing it, it seemed that it was also observing itself, as if there was something to make him doubt.

Xu Yan, Su Ming, in the extreme tension of He Feng, slowly raised his right hand, stretched out his palm and put it in front of him.

The little blue sword seemed to be a little hesitant. Suddenly, it flashed. After leaving Su Ming's eyebrows, it circled a few times in the air of the cave and went straight to Su Ming's right palm. After slowly falling, it made a sword sound!

Su Ming was relieved and excited in his eyes. He held the sword, but at the moment he held it, it was a pain in his palm. The little sword fiercely pierced Su Ming's hand, and the blue light flashed into Su Ming's body along the wound.

Su Ming's whole body shook. After the small blue sword entered his body, the blue light spread and turned into an impact and spread violently in Su Ming's body.

Under this dispersion, the souls of the hidden moon wings came out in unison, and even the wind screamed and flew out. He did not dare to approach Su Ming. In He Feng's eyes, Su Ming's hair was automatically without wind at this moment, and the clothes on his knees fluttered. Although his expression was calm, there was a breath General.

It seems that this breath existed in Su Ming, but it has been sleeping, but now the entry of this small sword awakens this breath from the deep sleep!

Su Ming's body trembled, but his expression did not show pain. Instead, he frowned, as if he was very uncomfortable. He clearly felt that in his body, the little sword shuttled around, as if he was looking for something.

bursts of blue light came out of his body, making Su Ming at this moment look like he had been shrouded in green light.

But at this moment, Su Ming's body suddenly shook violently, an indescribable pain, which suddenly rose from his body like a flood. This pain was the little sword in Su Ming's body, as if it had finally found the place it was looking for, emitting a sword gas that seemed to penetrate Su Ming's body. This sword spirit In Su Ming's body, he opened up a road of flesh and blood!

This flesh and blood road seems to have a vein, but it is like a blockage in Su Ming's body, which may never be opened, but now the sword spirit moves along the vein, and the blocked flesh and blood road is rushed away in an instant.

Su Ming's brain slammed, his body trembled, and blood was secreted from his skin. In his body, a barbarian suddenly appeared at this moment (Baidu begging for magic bar hand fight, ear root official YY: 3943)

It is impossible to see the line of the veins at all. This line surrounds all positions of his body, starting from his abdomen and ending at his head.

This blue light sword wandered several times along this vein, and finally appeared on Su Ming's head. He could feel its existence, but he did not feel any more pain. Instead, with the opening of the vein, his whole body felt warm and comfortable. At this time, his body seemed to be very different from the past. Although he closed his eyes, Guan hasn't pinched out the mark to maintain the mark, but Su Ming's heart is the other party's circle... The range of two hundred feet, leisurely in the heart!

A mark of a sword gradually appeared on his forehead, flashing and revealing majesty.

He Feng looked at Su Ming with a dull look. Until now, it is difficult for him to understand why his own treasure treats Su Ming so differently from himself who tried to open the stone box in those years.

Fortunately, he is a spiritual body at this moment, otherwise, it is likely that he can't figure it out and won't be willing to spit out a mouthful of blood depressedly.