Ask for Magic

Chapter 162 Take Me away--

Next to the sword ship giant where the ancestor of Handan was closed, outside the entrance at the end of this passage, Su Ming, who was meditated cross-legged, opened his eyes, and he was a little confused.

He Feng did not appear, but immersed in Su Ming's body, not in the sea of knowledge. He is very weak. This time, he must sleep again, otherwise it will dissipate.

"My memory only stopped at the scene where I woke up for the first time a few days before I caught the bald. There were no cracks in the rainy night, and there was no sadness... When I woke up, I lay on the mountainside."

"Maybe the memory I lack is in that crack." Su Ming looked at the entrance beside him, and there was a decisive "everything in the wind doesn't seem to be fake, the stones in my spiritual group"... Su Ming touched the mysterious black stone on his neck.

"I bet!" Su Ming took a deep breath, stood up without hesitation, and took a step towards the entrance.

He has been delayed for some time, and now that he has made a decision, he can't waste any more. He has a strong feeling that he and this ancestor of Handan may really have something to do with me. The things he is confused about can have a [answer] case here.

"Come..." Come..." The sound of vicissitudes of life was anxious, clearer and stronger than in the outside world, echoing Su Ming's mind. The moment he stepped into the entrance, his eyes immediately blurred.

When everything is clear, what he sees in front of him is a twinkling starry sky. The starry sky can't see the boundary at a glance and flashes brightly.

"Where is this..." Su Ming was stunned. There was a dead silence here, and only he existed.

"Here... is... the third layer of space... come on..." Come on... let me... look... you..." The sound of vicissitudes of life became clearer and clearer, echoing Su Ming's mind. At the same time, all the stars in the starry sky in front of Su Ming moved at a speed visible to the naked eye, Fang, after countless stars moved, a floating earth appeared.

These are things that Su Ming has never seen before. He was more and more confused but soon calmed down.

Su Ming was silent and walked forward step by step. He didn't know how long he had walked, and he didn't know whether he was going to the floating earth or the floating land.

As he approached, when the floating earth was in front of him, Su Ming stepped on the ground and looked around.

The surrounding mountains are undulating with rivers cling, and the ground is covered with grass and fragrance. On the grass, there is a man in gray clothes sitting cross-legged.

This is a man of incompetable age. His whole body is dry, and there are only a few hairs on the top of his head. His clothes seem to be about to decay. He sat there, with his eyes closed, as if he were dead.

"I finally... waited for you..." The hoarse voice echoed on this land.

"The ancestor of Handan Mountain?" Su Ming took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down and looked at this seemingly dead man.

"You can call me Handankong..." The sound of vicissitudes of life swirled, and it couldn't tell where it came from. It fell into Su Ming's ears and caused a shock in his mind.

"Why did you call me to come here?" Su Ming was silent for a moment and asked this question.

"It's not that I'm calling you to come here... but that you call yourself and come here..." This time, the voice did not echo from all around, but from the dry man in front of Su Ming. When he said this sentence, the man opened his eyes.

It is a dark pair of eyes, but in its eyes, as deep as stars, there is excitement, desire, and expectation.

"Beach me away..." A hoarse voice came from the mouth of Hankong, which sounded like two dry trees rubbing, losing water, which would make people feel a little uncomfortable.

Su Ming looked at the skeleton-like ancestor of Handan Mountain in front of him and was silent.

"According to the agreement, I have completed the task, and I've been waiting for you for a long time..." Take me up..." Handan Kong seemed to have not spoken for a long time, and his words were a little difficult. He opened word by word, with a calm look, and there was expectation at this moment.

"I've left my hometown for eight thousand years, and I want to go home..." The ancestor of Handan trembled faintly and almost muttered to Su Ming.

Just when the words of Handan [Baidu Seeking Magic Bar Quick Update, Ergen Book Fan Official yy: 3943] was said, suddenly the whole starry sky was shocked, and the stars in the distance came with a loud noise, and the stars were constantly ecating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"They're coming... Hurry up"... Handan's breath is short.

Su Ming was still silent, and Han Kong's words contained too many things that he didn't understand.

"How can I... take you away?" Su Ming's eyes flashed and said slowly.

"You..." Han Kong was stunned and stared at Su Ming. His eyes gradually became hesitant and unbelievable. It seemed that Su Ming's simple sentence was beyond his imagination.

"Who are you...?" Handan's eyes immediately became fierce, and a huge pressure dispersed. Under this pressure, Su Ming was like an ant under the storm, with a feeling of suffocation.

Su Ming stepped back a few steps and his face was pale. He looked at Hankong and was silent for a long time. When the roar in the distance was getting closer and closer, he whispered, "I'm Su Ming." Stay... That's right, it's you." Handan Kong breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure dissipated and turned into expectation. He didn't know that he took the word Su Ming as fate.

"You are fate, you know how to take me away..." Handan said with difficulty. At this moment, the starry sky outside, the last starlight went out. Su Ming and the earth where he was in were roaring while shaking violently, as if someone was outside, constantly roaring in an invisible way.

"Damn it, they came too fast!" Handan's face was twisted, and he struggled to stand up and took a step towards the sky.

"You are here, they can't see you, and they won't disturb your casting. I'll stop them. You're fate. You have to send me back... You must send me back... You have to, send me back!" Handan suddenly turned around in his words, and ferocious appeared in his eyes for the first time. He glanced at Su Ming and shook his back and went straight to the sky.

Outside this floating land, the dark starless night sky was distorted. As the air came out of the Hankong, a large number of ripples echoed in the twisted starry sky. In the ripples, under a violent roar, he walked out of the old man in the red robe of Hanzong that day.

"In the air!"

A low roar echoed, and the old man in red robe looked solemn and full of majesty. At the same time, his right hand suddenly raised.

But I saw that the dark sky around it suddenly turned into a colorful spot, forming a huge whirlpool under the rotation. Between the roaring sound, the whirlpool and Handan air were the centered on the rapid rotation, forming an amazing force.

A sad roar came from Handan's mouth. His right hand waved forward sharply, and a red light suddenly appeared under his feet. Inside the red light was the red grass. With his wave, the grass spread rapidly around, covering a circle of a hundred miles in a blink of an eye.

At the same time, Hankong gasped, like a beast at the end of the road, showing his unwilling and fierce eyes, and his right hand pressed fiercely towards the earth.

Under this press, the hundred miles of grass rolled, as if there was a roar coming out, but a red fog rose in the place pressed by Handankong's right hand. The fog quickly condensed and turned into a three-headed python. It roared out and went straight to the old man in red.

Then, Handong pressed his left hand on the grass, and immediately there was a war roar. From the grass, there was a red fog rising again, forming a big man in red armor. The man held a blood sword in his hand, showed his fighting spirit and rushed to the old man.

Before the magic power of Handankong was over, he bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a large mouthful of blood. The blood fell on the red grass, which suddenly made the hundred-mile grassland seem to be crazy. In the rapid squirming, it grew at an amazing speed and spread quickly like hair.

"The barbarian clan also dares to fight against my fairy family!" Handan's arms suddenly stretched out, and his whole body stood on the fast-growing red grass. Although he was dry at this moment, there was an unspeakable breath.

Su Ming looked at this scene and his heart slammed and beat. This was what he saw. Except for the rise of the shadow of the Wushan starry sky, the strongest battle, the magic of Handankong, which made his mind tremble.

The old man in red robe looked calm. The finger raised by his right hand did not point to Hankong, but fell on his eyebrows. From the center of his eyebrows down the tip of his nose, he drew a blood stain.

At the moment when this mark appeared, there was a roar from the nothingness behind the old man in red robe. A huge shadow seemed to tear the nothingness. It was a ghost about a thousand feet high and red all over.

It looks like a giant, but it is more like a ghost transformed into a beast, wearing animal skin, ** on the upper body, and when it reappeared, it made an amazing roar.

At the same time, the red gourd on the back of the old man in the red robe floated on its own, the mouth plug bounced off, and a large number of shadows flew out. In those shadows, there were the souls of beasts. They were wailing and were caught by the huge ghosts and swallowed up in their

When the three giant pythons rushed to the man in red armor and the man with a warlike face, the huge ghost suddenly looked up, his eyes showed fierce light, and roared straight to the python. After the ghost claws suddenly grabbed it, he put it on his mouth and took a big bite, and then threw it away and rushed to the armored

The roar echoed. During the huge ghost fighting, the red grass in the air had spread endlessly. Under the sudden contraction, it almost covered the nothingness and roared.

Su Ming deeply sucked [Baidu Seeking Magic Bar Quick Update, Ear Root Book Fan Official yy: 3943] tone, before he could recover from this shocking battle, there was a burst of distortion in front of him, and Hankong stepped out from the inside. When he walked out, Handan Kong's legs directly smashed and turned into nothing He grabbed Su Ming, galloped forward, and suddenly disappeared with Su Ming.

All this happened so fast that Su Ming could not dodge at all, so he was caught by Handan. At the moment when he disappeared from here, he saw outside the floating earth, on the sky covered by the red grass, another Hankong flew up in the roar, spewing blood. , he went straight to the distance.

Behind him, the old man in red robe galloped after him.