Ask for Magic

Chapter 201 Barbarian Pattern--

"My barbaric lines..." In the deep cave, Su Ming closed his eyes and muttered. The qi and blood in his body slowly ran and permeated his whole body.

Under his clothes, there is a layer of red on his skin. The red is not bright, but slightly dull, like clouds, permeating his chest, back, limbs and his face.

These are very unstable in the red color of his body, sometimes with a flash of light, and sometimes dim again in an instant, as if to represent Su Ming's mood at this moment, and there is silence in peace.

When he completely calmed down, it was the moment when his barbaric lines were completely drawn.

Su Ming did not know the change of his body rest. In a trance, a vague illusion appeared in front of his eyes. The illusion was very strange. It was a trace without a ripian chair, shrouded in fog, which made people unable to see clearly.

Only in the mooth, a full moon is reflected, emitting a fused light, which makes it unclear whether it is the moonlight or the color of the water.

Looking at the moon in the berth, Su Ming's ear seemed to be muttering.

The call was so weak that people could not hear clearly, but they couldn't help but feel that they wanted to hear clearly, but everything was at a loss.

"Where is this......" Su Ming looked at the moon that went back to the berth. He felt that he was still awake, and he even thought that his barbaric lines might have something to do with the fire barbaric moon.

"This is your heart..." The muttering call seemed to answer this question, and the voice was ethereal, which made people feel as if it was in their ears, as if they were only listening to the lingering sound from afar.

"Who are you? Did you bring me here?" Su Ming calmed down and glanced around.

"It's your heart, take yourself to come... Accept your tattoo, take away the moon here, and from now on... you will become the most powerful fireman in heaven and earth..."

"Fire barbarism, is it the moon..." Su Ming muttered. From childhood to his age, he heard Grandpa say about Kaichen, and he also saw some strong people with his own eyes. He just knew that when he opened the dust, he would draw an eternal tattoo of his own in the dark.

This tattoo is of great significance to a barbarian and is related to a lifetime.

It represents a kind of pursuit, an external self, a barbarian tattoo, which can be seen. In a person's life, there is often only such a chance, and there is only such a barbarian tattoo.

Listening to the murmur in his ear, Su Ming looked back to the berth in the fog. At this moment, even the fog around him seemed to be much thinner, making his eyes fall directly on the full moon on the water.

Looking at this month, the call became stronger and stronger. This call is the moon from the water, as if waiting for Su Ming's eternal years, waiting for him to come here and take it away.

"Take away this month... With the will of fire, with the power of barbarians, burn the sky with fire, the vast world, and condense the barbaric body of fire!" The muttering sound seemed to be rapid. At the moment of circling around, the calm trace immediately ignited a thick flame, making this trace become a sea of fire in an instant.

In the sea of fire, all the fog dissipated, and it was twisted around. Only the moon in the sea of fire still emitted a soft light, but the light fell into Su Ming's eyes and was strange.

Its color is slowly turning red.

"My barbarian tattoo, is it the moon..." Su Ming felt that his consciousness was thinking about approaching ahead and going to touch the moon that called him back to the sea of fire.

The sea of fire in front of him seemed to be worshipping himself in the roar, which scattered together, revealing a road.

The color of the moon has also reached the extreme red at this moment. At the moment when Su Ming felt that he was going to touch this month, he was suddenly in a trance in front of his eyes. In a vaguely, the world of crotch brains changed.

In Su Ming's eyes, there is a fiery red sky. The whole sky is filled with an endless sea of fire. Under the blazing fire, the earth is dry and cracked, and there are countless burned bones on it, turning into flying ash in the sad wailing.

In the fiery red sky, there was a man floating. He was dressed in a red robe, and even his hair was red. He stretched to his waist. He put his hands behind his back and looked at the sky. His body seemed to merge with the sea of fire around him. In his eyes, Su Ming saw...

At the end of that day, there was a vague twist, in which there seemed to be a big tripod. This tripod had yellow light diffused, as if it had penetrated the eternal elixir, and also shuttled here.

"Get out of here!" A cold hum came from the red-clothed population that merged with the sea of fire. His right hand was raised and waved to the sky. The sky roared. The twisted blur suddenly broke and collapsed like a mirror. There was a sound inside, and the tripod was immediately torn apart, as if it had been hit hard.

"Come on, accept the fire moon, become a fire barbarian, inherit the moon pattern..." The man in red opened his mouth hoarsely, slowly turned around and looked at Su Ming.

The moment Su Ming saw this person, he was shocked. The appearance of this person was the same as his touch, and even the scar on his face existed.

His eyes were deep, and he stretched out his hand in his words and called Su Mingru.

Su Ming took a deep breath and looked at the other self in front of him. He could vaguely guess that this was not a split and illusion, but a symbol of barbaric lines. If he accepted the moon pattern, it symbolized himself in the future, and he might become what he sees now.

After a moment of silence, Su Ming had a decision in his eyes.

, January is the picture of the fire barbarian... But I'm not a fire barbarian. This month's tattoo, even if I want it, I can only do it for thunder... Now the barbarian pattern has not been determined, I don't want this tattoo!" At the moment when Su Ming's words came out, the fiery red world in front of him suddenly broke up, and the man in red also dispersed. After the smoke dissipated, the backtracking in front of Su Ming also made a loud noise. In an instant, like the collapse of heaven and earth, it suddenly dissipated in front of Su Ming The moon also disappeared in a blink of an eye.

It was at this time that the old man sitting cross-legged in the sky exclaimed.

"I'm going to give up!" The old man looked solemn and looked at the earth. With his special skill of ancient creation, he saw how Su Ming's barbaric lines were formed and felt that Su Ming's lines were the moon.

"There are three kinds of nine changes, and there are three kinds of changes in heaven and earth, each of which has nine changes. If any kind of barbarian pattern reaches nine changes, it can make Kaichen have the cultivation of impact sacrificial bones...

The sun, moon and stars are all sky lines... He can feel the existence of the sky lines, which is enough to represent his son... But he actually gave up!" The old man looked at the earth, raised his right hand and waved it immediately in front of him. Suddenly, the sea of blood behind him boiled and rolled like a huge wave and roared.

"Opening the dust, everyone's barbarian lines are different, but most of them have only one choice. You can't give up if you want to give up. Once the meaning of barbaric lines appears, they will condense themselves... En?" The old man's words were stunned.

While his words paused, in the cave of the deep mountains below, Su Ming, who was sitting there cross-legged, the dark blood mist all over his body condensed on his skin. Gradually, the shape of a full moon appeared in the position of his chest. Although it was vague, the outline could be seen clearly.

At the same time, a stream of heat permeated the whole cave, penetrating and lingering inside and outside the mountain.

But at the moment when the outline of this month was about to be completely formed, Su Ming's body trembled. With his trembling, the outline of the moon on his chest also rolled rapidly. After a moment, it was reversed. From Su Ming's chest, it covered his whole body and turned into an unstable fog.

Then, the stinging heat in the cave seemed to be dispersed with great force, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Even the heat scattered before the outside of the mountain was extinguished like a fire and no longer existed.

"I really gave up!? How did he do it? It's nonsense!" The old man in the sky looked surprised, but he frowned and shook his body. When he was about to show his figure to stop what he thought, his body suddenly stopped.

A white snowflake floated in front of him. It was this snowflake that changed the old man's look, and even his breathing was short.

"Snow... In the land of Nanchen, especially in the location of Handan Mountain City, there will be no snow..." The old man took a deep breath and suddenly looked up. He saw a large area of snow in the sky, and the heat around him turned into a chill in an instant.

"Do you..." The old man slowly lowered his head and looked at the deep mountains of the earth, with a strong light in his expression.

"He can actually... feel the second barbarian line!"

In the deep mountains of the earth, in the cave where Su Ming was closed, at the moment when the previous heat dissipated, a frost immediately appeared from Su Ming's body. The frost spread to every corner of Su Ming's body in a very short time, making his body look like it was covered with snow, even his eyebrows and hair. It was also covered with white.

The snow of white hair dissipated the opposite cold air from the previous hot cut. During the spread of the cold air, the whole cave felt a chill. Soon on the surrounding rock walls, there was a piece of frost condensed and formed ice.

The sound spread. After a while, the whole cave turned into a world of ice, and the same was true on the ground, with a layer of ice.

Inside and outside the deep mountain, it is all like this. The countless vegetation on the mountain has instantly become like an ice sculpture, stiff and motionless. Like this whole mountain, it has become an iceberg at this moment.

In the sky of the outside world, now with the dispersion of the cold air of the earth, there is a snowflake between heaven and earth, slowly falling. In this almost rare snowy Nanchen land, this strange scene appears.

The snowflakes fell, but they did not cover the earth, but condensed on the deep mountains outside the Suming Cave, where the snow slowly condensed.

In the snow, it seems to be vaguely visible. There seems to be a man, a woman and two figures inside, holding hands, walking in the snow in the distance, walking... walking...

It seems that we are going to go to the white head together.