Ask for Magic

Chapter 270 Master

This stroke, like a gully that divides the sky and the earth in the sky. Su Ming's right index finger, like the tip of the pen, moved from the chest of the witch old man, his body also moved, like the leaves falling in autumn, drew an arc, and turned from the front of the witch old man. Let's go.

The witch old man spewed out blood and staggered back for more than ten steps. When he suddenly looked up and stared at Su Ming's Si, there was a shocking long mark on his chest. The blood was permeated and dripping on the ground, making the place immediately filled with a bloody breath.

At the wound on the chest of the old witch clan, you can see that Nathan's white bone is broken inch by inch, and you can see that under the skin, the five organs under the white bone have turned into blood...

The old man's face turned pale in an instant. He lowered his head and looked at the long marks on his chest. He slowly seemed unable to stand up straight. He half knelt on the ground, and blood spewed out of his mouth again.

Su Ming stood in front of him, closed his eyes, and his mind echoed in the process just now, echoing as if it had not to exist.

"Such a clever way to win the world also proves my guess that you are by no means an ordinary barbarian. In the barbarian area, you are the kind of hero who is called the most likely to become a barbarian god..." The hoarse voice came from the mouth of the witch old man.

Su Ming didn't say anything and closed his eyes and immersed himself in that stroke.

"Unfortunately, even if you are a natural skill, but... the gap in cultivation, even if the old man is seriously injured, it is difficult for you to kill me completely!" The old man knelt there and raised his head strugglingly. There was a faint light in his eyes. Under this fatal blow, his body immediately turned black, which appeared from the scars on his chest and spread all over his body.

Su Ming opened his eyes and looked calmly at the old witch. He admitted that what the old man said was right. He really couldn't kill the man completely.

Because of the moment when the old man's vitality was destroyed, Su Ming felt the gloomy evil breath again, which had been integrated with the old man. He could kill his body, but he could not kill his soul.

Unless he has the usual cultivation, he can't cut off the connection between the lizard beast worshipped by the witch totem and the old man.

"Thirteen years later, when the holy beast of the lizard's department regrouped its body for me, I was waiting for you on the witch land... The battle between you and me is not over yet!" The witch old man's voice became weaker and weaker. His body half-knelt there had now completely become the black place where the black passed, making the old man's body turn into a statue and quickly stiff.

"When we meet again, I will..." The old man's gloomy eyes stared at Su Ming with cruel and unforgettable hatred. At the moment of closing his eyes, he wanted to say the last words before his body died.

But before he finished this sentence, he was immediately interrupted by Su Ming's indifferent voice.

"You will find that your lizard witch department was annihilated 13 years ago." Su Ming's calm words did not feel bloody at all, but it fell into your old man's ears, but it made the old man close his eyes and suddenly open them.

"You!!" The moment the old man opened his eyes, his breath suddenly became rapid, as if to struggle from this death. The corners of his mouth overflowed with blood, but he could no longer say a complete sentence, but this word had already made him stiff in this struggle, his head stiff, his whole body became a statue, rooted with the earth, and was caged by a gloomy Cover, unless the cultivation can surpass the lizard holy beast worshipped by the lizard's department, no one can destroy it, let alone remove it.

This statue has become a part of this forest.

Su Ming's cold eyes looked at the scene where the old man died and became a statue. His heart was very quiet, and the strangeness of the witch clan was once again understood.

If the old man had changed the barbarians, he might have really died, but at present, although his body has perished, his soul is still there. It takes some years for this soul to be integrated into this jungle, and it can be re-condensed.

Su Ming doesn't understand this magic power, but he can feel that this technique really exists.

Su Ming took out some medicinal stones and put them in his mouth. He took a deep breath. He looked up at the sky. Now the night sky is no longer dark. The dawn is about to pass, and the dawn is coming. Even in the distance, the sky in the distance is already slightly bright.

"Witch..." Su Ming muttered. This entry into the land of the witch clan gave Su Ming a direct understanding of the witch clan. This understanding is more impactful than listening to people and seeing it from the classics.

If it hadn't been for the protective treasure sent by the eldest brother, he would have faced his first death during the day. Under the siege of more than ten small witches, once there was a detention and error, there would be no turning back.

If it hadn't been for Uncle Bai's scales, Su Ming knew that he must have fallen at this moment.

He looked at the witch old man who turned into a statue, and his expression was still maintained at the last moment. The way he quietly whipped his mouth, this man was the strongest of the enemies Su Ming met!

Su Ming touched **'s mouth, and the injury there was even more serious, but under the adjustment of his large number of medicinal stones, it could be barely suppressed.

"One more day... At my speed, I can't go back..." Su Ming looked up at the direction of his master in heaven and earth and was silent for a moment.

"There will be a half-day difference, and the master said he would wait for three days..." Su Ming closed his eyes, and now he is facing a choice.

One of the choices is to leave the jungle quickly. Even if it's too late, maybe the master will still wait there.

Choose the second one, which is...

Su Ming suddenly opened his eyes, revealing decisiveness and fierceness. He turned his head and looked into the depths of the jungle.

"If I go back like this, I have a question!"

He turned around calmly. After he put away his own things here, his whole body turned into a long rainbow. He roared away in the jungle and disappeared here while galloping. His direction was very clear. It was the lizard department in the depths of the jungle!

Although Su Ming did not know the specific location of the lizard department, he had lived in the jungle since he was a child. If there were more than hundreds of tribes in the jungle, there must be traces around it.

Through these traces, it may be so difficult for others to find a tribe hidden in the jungle, but for Su Ming, it is not difficult, especially if he has more divine skills, which is even simpler.

"This department is by no means the most part, and there will not be too many strong people in it, especially those who have been killed by me, especially their witch old man has died... If I don't end this matter, I won't be willing!" Su Ming's eyes flashed murderous. He had no grievances and hatred with this department, but because of a soft heart, he almost died.

Not long after Su Ming left, on the previous battlefield, beside the witch old man who turned into a statue, in silence, suddenly there was a rustling sound.

The sound came slowly from a distance. After a while, I saw a man coming out of the jungle.

This man, dressed in purple, is Tian Xie Mou"

Tian Xiezi looked calm and walked step by step to the witch old man who turned into a statue. After looking up at the direction Su Ming left, his eyes fell on the moment of the statue of the witch old man, and there was a strong murder in his eyes.

"The disciple who dares to hunt the old man... For the sake of you sharpening his sword, I will give you a death." The evil son raised his right hand and patted the statue gently.

Under this beat, the statue shook, and countless fragments appeared, which suddenly turned into a large number of fragments, and there seemed to be a sad scream echoing.

This palm fell, and the evil son of heaven directly broke the continuity between the old witch and the holy beast lizard in the jungle, and extinguished his soul, the real death!

"And you reptile... transformed by the thought born after the worship of a little witch department, I really thought that I was the sacred beast of the witch!" The evil son of heaven slowly opened his mouth to the void, raised his right foot, and stepped violently on the earth.

At the moment when he fell, the jungle was like a strong wind. Under the earthquake, there were wailings. This sound could not be heard by Su Ming in the jungle. Only the cause of all this could be detected by the evil son of heaven.

In front of him, with his footsteps falling, with the sad wailing, soon countless black gas grew out of thin air. In front of the evil son of heaven, these black gas condensed together and suddenly formed a huge lizard.

The lizard's figure was blurred, and its originally ferocious eyes. At this moment, when he looked at the evil son of heaven, he showed fear and pleading. His body trembled, and he bowed to the evil son of heaven there.

The evil son of heaven was silent for a moment and snorted coldly.

"Does this lizard and witch department worship you a lot? It not only transforms you from thought to form, but also has wisdom... You can spare your death and stay here. When you meet my disciple again, you have to follow him and swear to protect him!

If there is any violation, I will let you come and go!" The evil son of heaven's words were calm, but he fell into the illusory lizard's ear, but it made the beast tremble, showing gratitude and obedience.

"Get out of here!" Tian Xiezi shook his big sleeve and walked in the direction of Su Ming's departure.

The illusory lizard's body turned into black gas again, got into the ground and disappeared.

In the jungle, Su Ming's figure galloped away, and sometimes stopped to observe the traces around him. He would adjust the direction because of what he found. The sky was getting brighter and brighter. When the noon sun was the brightest, Su Ming's eyes flashed. He found the location of the lizard witch department, and the lizard

Su Ming floated away like a ghost, but at the moment when he was still thousands of feet away from the witch's department, he suddenly stopped, and he saw a figure standing in front of him!

"Teacher...Master!!" Su Ming was stunned.