Ask for Magic

Chapter 273 A Request

For all the crying of the nine peaks in the cold gate of Tianhanzong, the time has passed as usual for five days. In these five days, nothing particularly big has happened, as usual.

The sun is still rising and setting, the moon is still there at night, and the cold wind is still the same as usual. There is no difference and no change.

In terms of cultivation, even if it is closed for five days, it has not improved much. These five days, for almost everyone, is no different from other days of the year.

Tianlan Meng, the seventh peak, sat cross-legged near the top of the mountain, on the raised stone, and the wind blew its green silk. For her, these five days were just one set.

Ziyan and Han Cangzi have their own things. These five days seem to pass quickly, and there is no change.

Han Feizi, the fourth peak, was immersed in his retreat, silently hunting witches for Tianlan, sitting in the final preparation, especially with the help of her master, she has approached Kaichen, and may be achieved in a few days.

Sima Xin, the first peak, sat in his cave as usual in the past five days, and sometimes woke up in the gloomy, which was no different.

Everyone is like this, and so is the ninth peak. The tiger's drunken life and dreams. In these five days, he drank wine, dreamed, snored like a drum, woke up happily, and slept happily.

The second brother planted flowers and plants during the day, and floated like a ghost at night. For him, five days was very fast.

For the eldest brother, five days are like blinking an eye. In the silent retreat, if you don't pay attention, it will be more than five days.

However, there are still so few people who live like a year in these five days.

The car is one of them. On the first day, he was very calm, but after the past three days, it turned into hesitation. He had not seen Su Ming for three days.

Most importantly, in his feelings, there seemed to be no breath in the cave, as if Su Ming was gone.

When the fourth day came, his feeling was more obvious and vague. He felt that something was wrong. In the past, Su Ming seldom closed his customs. Even if he meditated, he would come out from time to time and stand on the platform and look at the sky in the distance.

But now four days have passed, and Su Ming has not appeared, which makes the car feel a little abnormal.

In particular, in these five days, we waited together outside Su Mingdong Mansion. In addition to the car, there are also... Bai Su!

She has been waiting here for several days and has never left. If it hadn't been for the obstruction of the car, she would have rushed into Su Ming's cave long ago.

Late at night on the fifth day, Ziche frowned and sat cross-legged. His eyes sometimes fell on Su Ming's cave. His heart was full of doubts, but he did not dare to enter for no reason.

"When are you going to stop me? I want to see Su Ming!" Caring about the car's doubts, a voice came to his ear that made him helpless.

That's Bai Su, dressed in purple, sitting opposite the car, with persistence in the wild beauty.

"Su Ming, it's been five days, and you haven't seen me all the time. Is there such a big shock to you when you see me!"

"Even if you don't see it, will you never go out of [Baidu Seeking Demon Bar Quick Hand Update, Ergen Book Fan Official YY: 3943] Cave!"

"Unless I die, I will never give up!"

In the dark cave, it was as calm as ever, and there was no sound. This kind of calmness made Bai Su's persistence seem to be more firm.

Ziche has been lazy to talk to Bai Su again. He feels that this woman is a little unreasonable. It is annoying to be so entangled.

Bai Su's heart is bitter, and she can naturally see the look of the car. She also knows that she is so entangled that it must be disgusting, but... "She must do this.

At this moment, a cold wind roared, rolling large pieces of snowflakes on his face. When the wind passed, there was still silence around, but the car did not find it, and Bai Su did not notice it. In the wind, a figure walked into the cave and sat down cross-legged.

On the top of the ninth peak, the evil son of heaven also stepped back and chose to retreat again. The color of his clothes gradually changed.

The return of Tian Xiezi and Su Ming, Huzi was not aware of it and was still sleeping. The ghostly figure of the second brother floated. After looking up, he continued to look for another self that represented destruction.

In the ice of the eldest brother's retreat, a soft look flashed slightly, and then closed with his eyes again and disappeared.

Su Ming sat cross-legged in the cave. The dark cave at night made him feel familiar like home. He took a deep breath and looked around. For others, it passed quickly, and the plain five days were almost earth-shaking change and difficult for ordinary people in their lives. Experience the strong crisis of life and death.

Five days, feeling in Su Ming, such as the past five years, or even more...

In the past five days, he saw the master's brother and saw the shocking battle between the two, but the picture of the battle in his mind was already blurred and he could not remember it too clearly.

In five days, he saw the old man who made damage and played a wisp of song. His mind experienced a clear understanding. He had an understanding of the change of heart and had his own decision.

In five days, he went to the land of the witch clan, saw the strong cultivation of the master, saw the psychic, saw the strange Sichen, and even saw the huge golden Peng holy beast with thousands of feet!

He killed one of Si Chen in five days, but he experienced the pursuit of life and death.

In five days, he completed the first style of his own painting and heard his own barbarian song.

In five days, he had a transformation from inside to outside!

"Fight, cut, forget..." Su Ming's figure in the dark raised his head and looked outside the cave. In the soft moonlight, there seemed to be the woman's figure.

"Three ways to deal with heart changes... The simplest way is to cut! Kill this woman directly, and it's all over. The most difficult thing is to forget, forget Bai Ling, Bai Su can't move my heart.

As for the war... it can't solve my problem." In Su Ming's ear, the sound of Bai Su outside the cave came, which was very clear in this quiet night.

"This is the master's method, not mine..." Su Ming's eyes were calm and he looked at the moonlight outside the cave.

"The change of the heart, because of people or things, to behead, to fight, to forget... These three methods are all to escape... Since they already exist, then let it exist... Let me go and face it." Su Ming whispered to himself.

"The heart changes from persistence, why can't it be quiet because of persistence?" Su Ming closed his eyes. After a moment, he slowly opened it, took out the drawing board and turned it over to the front. Since he painted the scene, he had never looked at it. Now he saw it, it was blank, but in his eyes, his figure appeared on the drawing board. On the feet he wanted to lift, the grass was entangled.

He smiled, looked at the grass, and slowly raised his head.

"Car, let her in."

Outside the cave, the car was hesitating and guessing there. He always felt that there was something wrong with Su Ming's cave these days. When Bai Su's entangled voice echoed in his ear, Su Ming's words suddenly floated out of the cave.

At the moment when the sound echoed, the car's mind trembled, and all the distractions in his mind immediately disappeared. He got up and bowed to the cave and respectfully said yes.

Bai Su's eyes flashed, and the figure flashed past the car and went straight to the cave. The car followed, and the two walked into Su Ming's cave.

Because of the darkness outside, the cave is even darker. After entering, you can only faintly see the figure, especially the position where Su Ming sits is relatively backward, which is even more difficult to see.

In spite of this, when Ziche stepped into the cave and saw Su Ming, his heart was still roaring. He saw Su Ming's eyes, which seemed to be the same as five days ago, but Ziche obviously had a strong sense of pressure. In his feeling, Su Ming in front of him was completely different from five days ago!

I can't say anything different, but this sense of pressure makes Ziche have a way to face Su Ming's second brother, and even similar to his master.

If Su Ming was five days ago, there was still some sense of immatureness, then now he is no longer immature, such as the eyes of a fierce beast who came out of death after experiencing the wind and rain.

Ziche's heart trembled, and he quickly bowed his head and bowed respectfully.

"The car... bury the master." The car was a little short of breath, and the heart was pounding. The sense of pressure became stronger and stronger.

"In five days, what happened to him..." Ziche did not dare to look up, and there was confusion in his heart.

It's not only that the car has this feeling, but Bai Su is even more so. At the moment he saw Su Ming's eyes, Bai Su's mind trembled. The originally aggressive pace couldn't help but slowly and finally stopped.

"Bai Su... Bye... Meet Uncle Su..." Bai Su's heart accelerated. Su Ming's calm eyes made her feel in a trance at this moment. It seemed that it was not Su Ming sitting cross-legged there, but Sima Xin, but Tian Lanmeng. Even neither of them, but the strong man of her father's generation

That look, as if it is enough to make people extremely angry, will be sucked and calm down under the gaze.

Su Ming looked at Bai Su, looked at the same face as Bai Ling, and nodded.

"From tomorrow on, you can come to me at any time. I'll teach you how to draw... The car won't stop you anymore."

There was chaos in Bai Su's mind. She looked up at Su Ming and couldn't figure out why the other party suddenly changed her mind.

"However, I have a request." Su Ming opened his mouth faintly.

Bai Su's breathing had solidified, and she showed vigilance. Su Ming had a very bad impression on her. If it hadn't been for Sima Xin, she wouldn't have come into contact with her like this.

At this moment, when he saw Su Ming's sudden consent, Bai Su had doubts. Hearing this request, his eyes slowly cooled down.

"Say it, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

"When you come to see me, put on a white gown, don't spread your hair, tie it with a red rope, turn into two small braids next to your ears, and the rest of the blue silk is behind your head.

The forehead should be dotted with some shiny crystals, so that it will be shaken by the snow on the ground and emit dazzling brightness.

When you smile, show your little tiger teeth.

Bai Suxiu frowned.

"If you want to turn into a figure in my memory, then dress up like this." Su Ming said slowly and closed his eyes.

Bai Su was silent for a moment, snorted coldly, and turned away.