Ask for Magic

Chapter 330 Punishment!!

The man who looked like a witch bat, the thorn in his face was already dim, but at this moment there was a faint light flash. He slowly raised his footsteps and gently took a step towards the place where Su Ming was. At the moment of this step, the fire ape suddenly stood up, raised his hands to Batge, and slapped his chest fiercely, showing madness in his eyes. It seemed that if Batge would take another step and enter its range, it would immediately rush out.

The man who looked like Batgo didn't care about the fire ape. He always stared at Su Ming with his eyes closed, raised his right foot, but hesitated again.

In his hesitation, he couldn't take his eyes off his eyes and stared at Su Ming, as if to see if there were any clues in Su Ming. For a long time, there was a murderous chance in his eyes, and his footsteps were about to fall.

"Wafeng, do you have enough life?" A calm voice suddenly echoed.

At the moment when the sound appeared, the man who looked like a witch batgo disappeared in an instant, and his body trembled slightly. Suddenly, he knelt on the ground on one knee.

He saw Su Ming sitting under the big tree, opened his eyes, put down the slap in his hand, and was looking at him indifferently. What's more strange is that Su Mingming is no longer blowing out the song, but around this, there is still a whimpering song gently echoing.

"The master misunderstood, and He Feng just wanted to return to the master." He Feng's heart trembled and quickly lowered his head. It seemed as usual, but in his mind, it fluctuated violently because of Su Ming's words and eyes.

Su Ming did not say anything, but looked coldly at the appearance in front of him, which belonged to the witch clan, but in fact it was He Feng's body. This was the first time he saw He Feng's magic power. This magic power was extremely strange, which made Su Ming a little shocked.

The wind has anti-bone, which Su Ming has known for a long time that this person is unwilling to be used by himself, so he has two intentions. If such a person wants to use it well, he must develop extreme strength, press it down forever, and let his fear occupy everything. Only in this way can he control it.

Control with fear!

Su Ming closed his eyes. At the moment when his eyes were closed, suddenly the gentle wind kneeling there suddenly trembled. With his trembling, the gentle scream came from the wind. The scream contained extreme pain, as if he was suffering from unimaginable pain at this moment.

Screams kept coming out, and even his body could not be stabilized in the trembling of the wind. He fell aside. During the twitching, the body he had just obtained quickly withered and rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It can be clearly seen that in the continuous decay and withering, there is a large amount of black gas breeding on its skin, and there are countless moon wings looming in those black gas, which are swallowing up crazily.

This sudden change did not surprise He Feng. He was extremely intelligent. From the beginning of Su Ming's words, he knew that he was bound to face a punishment.

But he doesn't care about this punishment at all. In his mind, Su Ming will never kill himself. Even if he kills, he will not be in the present. You know, his battle against Su Ming's Tianlan at this moment will be of great help.

He doesn't believe it. Su Ming dares to kill himself!

"It's just a slight punishment. It's just that I know that he is the master, and I don't want to turn against it. From this naive means, master, you are still too young. Although you have changed a lot over the years, you are still not as good as me and the wind!

I just need to make a painful look, make you happy after seeing it, rest assured, and then make some assurances, which is enough to hide you.

This is a play. I'll play it with you. He Feng sneered in his heart, but on the surface, he screamed and begged for mercy.

The wind has anti-bone, but the moon wing does not. In the view of all the souls of the moon wing, Su Ming is their king. Su Ming's will is everything to them. Su Ming's fluctuation of his thoughts can make them willing even if their souls explode.

In this way, the harmony of merging with the moon wing, even if he opened his consciousness and became the main body after the fusion, everything about him came from the moon wing!

So, he underestimated the pain for Hefeng, who had not experienced punishment.

The body he had just obtained was constantly trembling and screaming. He Feng experienced two different pains from the body and the soul. He felt the decay of the body, the sharp pain of the soul being torn, and everything, including the body and the soul, was being devoured by the moon wing at this moment.

"Damn it, why does it hurt so much!! Su Ming, you kill a thousand knives, you son of a bitch. When I regain my freedom one day, I will be the first to devour you. Remember it!!!" He Feng roared in his heart, but his expression was painful, and the voice was even more miserable.

"Master, I'm wrong... Hefeng is wrong, around me once, let me go once..." He Feng's body twitched, and even the eyes of the fire ape beside him changed, and the sound continued to reverberate around, intertwined with the sobbing.

"Master, I will never dare again, ah... Master spare my life, master spare my life..." He Feng, the body that has just been obtained, has withered at this moment and has become a mummified corpse. The flesh and blood in his body are completely decomposed. The black gas bred from this corpse rolled like fog in mid-air The figure, the sad scream, also came from the fog.

Su Ming closed his eyes, as if he didn't hear it, and ignored it at all. With the passage of time, the sound of Hefeng's screaming gradually became weak after reaching the extreme.

"Su Ming, I will never let you go!!"

"Master...give my life..."

"Su Ming, today's pain will be returned ten times a hundred times a thousand times in the future. I know that you won't kill me!"

"Master... I'm wrong, He Feng is really wrong, please let me go once, just once... just once..."

In Hefeng's heart and words, there are two different changes, but gradually, the inner curses slowly decreased, and there were more and more pleading voices, because Hefeng slowly had a discovery that scared him.

The black gas floating in the air is constantly floating out. After each strand is separated, it will turn into a moon wing and wander around. Gradually, the black gas is getting less and less. In the end, there is only a wisp of black gas left. In that wisp of black gas is the trembling with the wind.

"Master, spare my life!!!" The soul of the wind seemed to dissipate. As the black gas was constantly pulled out, it became weaker and weaker, but this was not the focus of his fear. From time to time, he raised his head and looked at the sky. The voice of pleading became more and more anxious, and there was no desire to curse in his heart.

At this moment, the sky is already slightly bright. In the distance, the early sun has scattered some light, and it will not be long before it will rise. Once that time comes, the darkness of the earth will be dispersed, and a new day will come.

For Su Ming, this is a new day, but for the current Hefeng, this will be the final moment of his death!!

He was not afraid of the day. After merging with the moon wing, even during the day, he was still as usual. As long as there was a shadow, he could exist.

But at present, in the punishment of Su Ming, in the forced deprivation of the moon wing fused into his body by Su Ming's will, with the loss of the moon wing in his body, he suddenly found that he had an infinite fear of the sun for some reason. He even had a hunch that if he looked up in the first sun, In today's state, if Yue Yi has not returned to his body, then what awaits him will be a complete death!

This is something he never thought of before, which is beyond his expectations!

With the passage of time, as the early sun of heaven and earth in the distance can appear at any time, and the fear of the wind has reached the extreme. He suddenly found that there was a huge mistake in his judgment!

"He's going to kill me!!! He is going to kill me!!" He Feng's expression showed extreme fear. He was afraid, really afraid.

"It's impossible. He's still scaring me. He will never waste so many twists and turns to integrate me with Yueyi. Now he just made such a small mistake and erased me!

He is warning, that's right, it's a warning!" He Feng kept comforting himself, but his eyes were looking at the heaven and earth in the distance.

At the moment he saw it this time, suddenly, the first sun was revealed between heaven and earth in the distance. At the same time, the darkness of the earth quickly dissipated in an amazing way, wrapping the jungle where Su Ming was, and the darkness quickly disappeared.

He Feng was afraid. He hadn't experienced this kind of fear for a long time. He only experienced it when he was caught by Su Ming. He had forgotten it, but now he suddenly remembered that time. He judged that Su Ming would not kill him, but in fact, if it hadn't been for his last sentence to impress him, he would have died long .

"He really wants to kill me!!" Hefeng screamed. With the disappearance of black and the arrival of the sun, Hefeng's body quickly dissipated. In the process of dissipation, he experienced countless times more severe pain than before. The feeling of death suddenly appeared.

"Master... I'm wrong, completely wrong, really wrong, give me a break, give me a break, master..." Hefeng screamed sadly. This time, it's not fake, but his real plea.

But his plea did not make Su Ming open his eyes.

He Feng was already desperate. He felt that his body was about to disappear and his soul dissipated. Since then, there has been no other He Feng, and a deep fear and regret permeated his body.

In the scream, most of his body had disappeared. When even his head would dissipate, he suddenly remembered how he avoided the disaster of life and death.

"Master, I don't want to be free. I would like to follow the master for life. I was wrong to punish him!!"

"Don't be free?" Su Ming opened his eyes.

"I will give you freedom, but not five hundred years, but double it. After a thousand years, you can be free." Su Ming spoke slowly.

At the moment he opened his mouth, He Feng suddenly found that the Su Ming in front of him seemed to be different...


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Ear root, bow to you!