Ask for Magic

Chapter 341 Accompanying!

In the face of the middle-aged man in this barbarian soul realm, Su Ming looked as usual and bowed with his fist.

"The younger generation Su Ming, from Tianhanzong."

"Tianhanzong?" The middle-aged man took a more look at Su Ming.

"The people of Tianhan Sect are unlikely to appear here. They are all fighting in the witch land outside the city." The man spoke slowly and looked at Su Ming.

His slow opening, coupled with the gaze, suddenly formed an invisible pressure, which came directly to Su Ming.

During the conversation between the two, beside Su Ming, each of the other six people left behind was covered in blood, but most of the blood belonged to the witch clan. These six people were about 60 years old, with white hair mixed with white hair, and the young ones were more than 30 years old, and their eyes were as bright as lightning.

These six people, in the small-scale battle just now, are all outstanding. There are a lot of witches killed, and at the same time, they are attracting attention in their respective places.

The blood of that body is the best proof that they are good at fighting.

There is also a woman among the six people. The woman has three claw-like scars on her face, which is like a torn face, revealing a turned-over scar. She stood on the edge with a cold look, as if she did not want to have too much contact with people.

"The junior left on the way, and now they are rushing back." Su Ming looked at the middle-aged man and said calmly. The pressure brought to him by the middle-aged man in the barbarian soul realm in front of him was very strong, but Su Ming was open-minded and did not avoid others at the beginning, and the answer was not turbulent at all.

"How many witches have you killed?" The middle-aged man spoke slowly.

Su Ming did not answer, but put his right hand deep into his arms. He took out the storage bag and waved it to the side. Suddenly, dozens of heads flew out of it, floating around, and a sense of blood suddenly dispersed.

Each head contains all kinds of facial expressions before death.

"Good, even if you are a deserter among the people of Tianhan Sect, now you have proved your value. From now on, you are a member of the barbarians of Tianlan City!" The middle-aged man's eyes fell on the heads of many people, and he smiled at Su Ming on the head of the only psychic man who died before he took action.

"The seven of you, including Tianhan Sect and Haidong Sect, and the rest are all soldiers of my Tianlan City. Now, no matter where you come from, the seven of you will become our attendants and protect the witches with me!" The middle-aged man's eyes swept one by one from Su Ming's seven people. When he said that Tianhan Sect, he looked at Su Ming, and when he said that his sea east sect, he looked at the woman whose face was destroyed.

"I'm Shanhua, one of the top ten soul commanders of Tianlan City. Before I die, you, follow me!" While the middle-aged man said this, in the direction of the witch clan in Tianlan City, there was a loud noise from the five cracks in the sky, and the faint light inside flashed, as if half of them could be opened at any time, and the same was true of the two cracks in the barbarian direction. Outside the crack, a large number of

"Come with me!" Shanhua, a middle-aged man, looked up at the direction of the witch. He shook his body and immediately had twisted ripples under his feet. His figure suddenly rushed out and went straight to where his eyes were looking.

Behind him, the six people beside Su Ming flew up almost at the same time, including Su Ming, and seven people followed Shanhua. The eight people turned into eight long rainbows in the sky, cut through the sky and crossed Tianlan Xiong City. Shanhua was in front of him, and all the invisible barriers of Tianlan City were Open it, so that everyone came to the earth and sky belonging to the witch clan without any pause!

At the majestic moment of crossing Tianlan, a fishy wind came to my face, like inside and outside the city, like two completely different worlds. Here, it belongs to the witch clan. The bloody wind forms an indescribable depression, which can make people's heart can't help beating faster, and the whole body is full of qi and It is average.

The sound of fighting turned into a sound impact in the most direct way and fell into the ears of everyone, including Su Ming. Compared with the habits of others, this is the first time that Su Ming has participated in the war in the land of the witch clan. The sad screams, an angry roar, and the bloody smell, let It is difficult for him to calm down.

"This is a game, Brother Su." Shanhua galloped ahead, and Su Ming's seven people followed him, leaping over the earth, facing the depression, smelling blood. On the right side of Su Ming, there was a young man who looked about thirty years old in the seven people. The young man's hair was scattered, but his eyes were bright, and there was a trace of excitement.

"Let's see which side will win the game in the end." The young man licked his lips and smiled at Su Ming.

On a battlefield with more than tens of thousands of people, there were a large number of fighting figures in the sky, including witches, barbarians, fierce beasts, and Su Ming's eight people crossing, which was inconspicuous.

"Ring to the third crack, your first task is to keep up with me!" Shanhua's voice came from the front, and the speed was a hundred feet away. Su Ming and the seven people galloped behind, but when they crossed less than hundreds of feet on this battlefield, they immediately set off a fierce wind in front of them. It was a group of nearly a hundred fierce beasts with big wings, and they were witch warriors on their backs

These witches all have this thorn on their faces. At this moment, the blood boils, emitting a strange feeling. These witches are insignificant to Shanhua. He does not dodge at all. As soon as he rushes, the roar echoes, and immediately dozens of big-winged beasts burst out, together with the witches on It was divided, and the process was only a moment. I couldn't see how Shanhua took action at all. I could only see the blood splashing around him. Shanhua's speed did not stop at all and directly penetrated through.

But Su Ming's seven people could not be as calm as Shanhua. Although nearly a hundred fierce beasts died, there were still dozens of them. After a short time of dispersion, they suddenly condensed and rushed to Su Ming's seven people.

"What I need is the barbarian warriors who can always follow me." Shanhua did not look back and did not pause, but his voice echoed in the ears of Su Ming's seven people.

It was almost the moment when the sound echoed, and the sound of fighting went away. The dozens of fierce beasts roared with fierce flames. The witches on their bodies jumped away with more than a dozen people, and the sound of crackling all over their bodies. Their bodies suddenly swelled, their blue veins bulged, and their blood

Su Ming's right eyes were blood red, almost the moment when these witches and fierce beasts blocked him. He suddenly took a step forward. The speed was indescribable, but he disappeared in place in an instant. When he appeared, it was two hundred feet away. After he appeared, the corners of Su Ming's The blood overflowed, and there were four or five witch people on the invisible and speeding road behind him. At this moment, their bodies suddenly burst into pieces.

Their death was caused by Su Ming's rapid impact with his own protective means!

Su Ming did not pause. After appearing, Shanhua flashed again in the distance and followed. Almost while he followed in this rapid way, behind him, only three of the other six people used various ways to get rid of the siege of the witches. After rushing out, they chased each other to Shanhua behind Su Ming.

But after less than ten breaths, when Shanhua once again dispersed a group of besieged witches, one more person could be followed by Su Ming's four people.

At this moment, behind Shanhua, only Su Ming and the woman who was ruined, and a middle-aged man who was inconspicuous in everyone from beginning to end.

The three of them galloped and were short of breath. Obviously, it was not easy for them to follow like this.

At this moment, Shanhua in front of him has rushed into the center of this battlefield. not far ahead is the third crack. At this moment, the crack is constantly expanding, and there are a lot of shadows flashing inside, and there is a faint low roar coming from its stuffiness.

If there is no obstruction between this crack and Su Ming and others, then they can rush there soon, but this is not the case. There are four fierce beasts about the size of a hundred feet, coming quickly towards them from the direction of the crack.

Shanhua's eyes flashed and disappeared in front of such a fierce beast. When he appeared, after the fierce beast, the fierce beast's body stopped, and his whole body was withered visible to the naked eye. Together with the witch clan, after being stunned, there was no vitality in his eyes and fell to the earth.

Su Ming's pupils shrank. On the way, he saw Shanhua's action several times, but every time he could not see his specific means, it was difficult to find other words to describe the scene he saw except for the word strange.

Shanhua's figure flashed, getting closer and closer to the crack, but the three Su Mings behind him directly faced the three fierce beasts and their witches.

Su Ming had decisiveness in his eyes. When he was approaching the coming beast, he gave up the puppet's body behind him and turned into a shadow of the wind again. He rushed out first. At the same time, Su Ming raised his right hand and pointed to Man Shang. At the same time, his speed reached the extreme. At the same time, the bracelet .

The roar shocked the sky. A moment later, when Su Ming passed by the fierce beast, Su Ming spewed out a large mouthful of blood. His chest broke the armor, and a black wooden thorn was blocked by the Handan clock, but the vibration from the wooden thorn still injured Su Ming.

As for the fierce beast, half of its body collapsed, and the blood was permeated. There was a shadow at the wound. While madly absorbing its flesh and blood, it tried to expand the order, but the fierce beast's body was so big that it was a little difficult to wrap it all in it.


The third update is sent, monthly ticket, can you give me more!!! Can you have more!!!