Ask for Magic

Chapter 354 Signs of Sacrificing Bones!

The sound of the war drum was a sensation in the world. Even the thick green fog on the sky, it rolled more violently at this moment, as if the fight of the strong inside had come to an end. Strange Bookstore No Pop-up Window

Outside the battlefield, hundreds of Su Ming's people heard the war drum from Tianlan City. The passionate drum sound contained strong penetration, echoing the battlefield and wandering in the ears of Su Ming's hundreds of people.

"Those who follow me, if you don't die in a hundred battles, you are the strong!" Su Ming's previous low roar merged with the sound of the drum, which turned the will of these hundreds of people into an indomitable driving force. At this moment, they forgot life and death. In their eyes, there was only Su Ming, and only he was stepping forward.

This figure is there, this will is there, this figure is there, this momentum is there!

At this moment, they were attracted by the attention of the public. More and more people here of the barbarians looked at them. Xian was the indifferent Tianlanyou, and they also looked at them coldly.

At Tianlan City, it's even more so.

The performance of this team has now reached its peak. Su Ming rushed to the front, and the more than 300 people behind him accompanied him, showing an iron-blooded momentum, like a fierce dragon, like a roaring tiger, desperate to kill.

Meet the brave on the narrow road and win. Sometimes this sentence is not about one person, but [Ask the magic bar to fight quickly, ear root book fans official yy: 3943] so it is a group of people! For example, now, the hundreds of people behind Su Ming are just like this!

Their cultivation is uneven, but they have the momentum of dying!

"What are you afraid of death!" Yanbo roared with blood. He looked ferocious and fought crazily behind Su Ming.

Although the more than 100 people of the witch clan are strong, no matter how strong they are, they are limited after all. Su Ming's hundreds of people, if one person can't fight against them, then two people. If two people can't do it, then three people!

If the three people can't do it, then there must be the most injured person who chooses to self-exploding under the teeth. This self-exploding momentum, the roar, formed, is more heroic than the battlefields in other places.

Self-detonation requires courage. This kind of courage often goes beyond killing or being killed. This kind of self-choice requires struggle and a real courage to do it.

Perhaps in many cases, many people do not have this courage, but on this battlefield, even if it is not self-exploding, it is very likely that they will not be able to survive. The real man would rather die than let the enemy be buried with him!

The roar swirled, and the self-exploding sound continued to come out. The ferocious smiles before the faces broke apart, and the last words of life when the body burst out stimulated other people and all the barbarians looking at them. ^//^

In this short war, in the bombardment of the war drums, with the madness of the hundreds of barbarians, and with Su Ming's rush to kill in the front, there are a large number of deaths in the witches!

Death is only one of them. More importantly, these people of the witch clan looked at the eyes of Su Ming and others. For the first time, with fear, they could not be afraid. In the face of that pair of crazy eyes, in the face of the face of the face that can't be killed directly, if the other party is hit hard, they ...How can I not be afraid!

Su Ming's fight was even more tragic. His right arm was blurred, his chest was bleeding, his hair was scattered, and a deep sense of fatigue kept spreading from his body.

However, his eyes are always bright, his left eye is still extremely indifferent, his right eye is also flashing with strange red light, and his hair is dyed purple with blood. Even at the end of this dusk, it is still eye-catching.

His speed unfolded to the extreme, flashing forward, under the madness of the followers behind him, after more than a hundred witches were killed and injured, finally collapsed!

That's the collapse of the heart, and that's a sign of retreat!

The remaining more than 30 witches, including the two [Demon Bar Quick Hand Fight, Ear Root Book Fan Official yy: 3943] hunters, they coincidentally chose to retreat and chose to gather with the second wave of soldiers who are rushing behind them.

They are scared!

The barbarians have also paid a heavy price here. Except for those who fled before, there are only more than 100 followers behind Su Ming at this moment.

Of the more than 100 people, none of them is not stained with blood all over their body, none of them is not blood and cold eyes, and none of them is not... heroes!

When the more than 30 witches retreated quickly, Su Ming gasped and looked up suddenly. His right foot suddenly took a big step forward. At this step, his shadow remained in place, but his body was like penetrating nothingness, and he could clearly see the void not far from the more than 30 witches who retreated. Suddenly, a blood mist appeared, almost the moment when the blood mist suddenly appeared. Su Ming's figure stood beside the two witch hunters in a twist.

Su Ming's appearance was extremely strange. After his appearance, his legs were blurred with flesh and blood. The previous blood fog was that Su Ming's body could not withstand the explosion of the back part because he unfolded this speed many times.

With his appearance, a strong wind was raised, rolled up the desolation of the earth, and went straight to the two witch hunters. In the roar and shaking, one of the witch hunters was unprepared. What was waiting for him was the rotation of the world in front of him, because his head was cut by Su Ming's palm.

This witch hunter should not have been so fragile, but he had broken his mind in the previous battle. At this moment, he could see reinforcements coming in the escape. This moment of relaxation, coupled with Su Ming's speed, was really too fast, which was a desperate situation.

But he was a witch hunter after all. Almost the moment his head was torn off by Su Ming, his body burst out. It was the moment of his death that he chose to blow himself up.

This kind of hunter's self-explosion is almost crazy, because there are other witches around him besides Su Ming. Su Ming was the first to bear the brunt and was hit by the power of self-explosion. At this critical moment, he didn't know if it was an illusion. At that moment, he felt the piece in his The ancestor's sacrificial bone melted a trace...

But it was just a trace of melting. Su Ming didn't have time to think about it. His speed unfolded again, and his body retreated hurriedly and disappeared in an instant. When he appeared, he was already in front of more than 100 barbarians.

It was almost the time when he appeared. The roar was earth-shaking. The self-explosion of the witch hunter was greatly affected, so that many of the witches around him could not dodge. The sad screams echoed, killing and more than a dozen people were killed and injured.

The corners of Su Ming's mouth overflowed with blood, and his body staggered, spewing out a large mouthful of blood. His face was pale, and the world in front of him was blurred. It was not until he gritted his teeth fiercely that he persisted.

His heart was pounding, and the feeling that existed before made his eyes shine. At this moment, he was sure that at that moment, the bone in his body did melt a trace!

He stood there and looked ahead. There were more than a hundred barbarians following him. In front of him were the first wave of witches who had killed and injured most of them, and the second wave of witches who came quickly.

"Hunter Su Ming!!"

"Hunter Su Ming!!" The more than 100 people behind Su Ming, I don't know who roared first. Then, almost everyone was big [Ask for magic, fast hand fight, ear root book fan official yy: 3943] roared, and their eyes showed enthusiasm. They saw Su Ming's last move and saw that it was proposed in Su Ming's hands at this moment. That person's head!

Zhou De in the southern theater, he took a deep breath and smiled at the corners of his mouth. He saw Su Ming's last move and heard the crazy roar of more than 100 people behind Su Ming at this moment.

Tianlan Meng looked at the light curtain in front of him, looked at a figure in it, looked at the bloody clothes of his whole body, looked at the flesh and blood in many places on his body, bit his lower lip, and didn't know what he was thinking.

As for the northern war zone, the old man who pointed to the calculation also walked around at this moment.

Only Tianlan is quiet, frowning, and still looking indifferent.

In the direction of Tianlan City, the sound of war drums became more and more exciting. Several old people on the wall did not speak at this moment and stared at Su Ming's position.

In Tianlan City, in the beads floating on the huge cylinder, the three people who meditated cross-legged also fell into silence.

They don't see Su Ming's cultivation. In their eyes, Su Ming's cultivation is very weak and vulnerable. What they see is the will surrounding more than 100 people at this moment. This will is led by Su Ming and brought by him.

What they see is the decisiveness and tenacity that exists in Su Ming, as well as a kind of courage!

Su Ming handed the head of his hand to the car behind him. He gasped. At this moment, the second wave of witch warriors was less than a thousand feet away, and the distance would soon be close.

And behind him, more than a hundred people are exhausted and have experienced a whole day or even longer of fighting. Compared with this group of witches who have been resting all the time, they are in a weak position.

He is safe and imaginable that when the second wave of witches rush to kill, I'm afraid there are not many companions who can survive...

In particular, this is only the second wave, and the third wave... and the more than ten hundred feet of fierce beasts, and the... thousands of second holy beasts!

"The performance is over! Ziche, Yanbo, take them back and return to the southern war zone! Su Ming was decisive and suddenly opened his mouth.

Ziche was stunned, and Yanbo immediately looked at Su Ming.

"But, my lord, Zhou Shuai..."

"Rebate!" Su Ming took a look at Yanbo.

Being looked at by Su Ming's eyes, Yanbo nodded silently and gritted his teeth. Without his instructions, Su Ming's words were all heard by more than 100 people.

"I want you to live, now, go back! Ziche, you can also retreat. This is the order of the ninth peak!"

The car gritted its teeth and nodded. RT