Ask for Magic

Chapter 371 The Woman of the Autumn Fish

... The second volume of the wind rises in the cold Chapter 371 The woman of the autumn fish (third update)

In the sigh of the dementor, there was a dead silence in the temporary tribe of the whole Haiqiu Department.

Time passed slowly, and this feeling of dead silence formed a sense of depression, which fell heavily in everyone's heart, including Su Ming.

As for the speculation about the origin of the eldest brother, Su Ming has thought about it more than once. Only now did he really know the identity of the eldest brother.

"The Lord of Jiuli Witch Clan..."

Just as the depressing feeling became stronger and stronger, suddenly, the Jiuli witch soul woman composed of black smoke fluctuated and spread, and then a voice familiar to Su Ming seemed to penetrate a long distance from the fluctuation and transmitted it.

"Before the fourth arrival of the foreign immortals, I will come..."

At the moment when the sound appeared, almost everyone in the sea and autumn could hear it clearly. Suddenly, they all knelt down. Even the beasts of the autumn fish in the sky roared in the middle of this sentence, making the dark sky, like a black sea, rolling and roaring. .

"We, see the Lord of Jiuli!" A sound wave merged together and turned into a sound.

It took a long time for the sound to slowly dissipate.

"Little brother, don't go back to the barbarians for the time being..." The voice of the eldest brother came from the body of the Jiuli witch soul woman. After saying this sentence, it gradually disappeared.

The Jiuli witch soul woman's body also dispersed, returned to Su Ming's wrist and turned into a bracelet again, but the bracelet was much dim. Obviously, this kind of dialogue, even if it was only two sentences, was by no means simple.

At this moment, the witches around gradually stood up from kneeling down. After the old woman looked at Su Ming, she ignored it and turned around and left. It seemed that her arrival, as Su Ming guessed, was just for this conversation with the witch of Jiuli.

As for the nine central witches that had always existed around Su Ming, it seemed that they had also received a new order. At this moment, they retreated and ignored Su Ming.

Only the toothwood smiled at Su Ming, stayed there, picked up the wine jar, and took a big sip.

"Well, the old guys have left, and there is no one here to restrain you anymore. Brother Su, you can do it immediately at any time. If you don't want to leave, it's better to stay."

"The arrival of extraterritorial immortals, is...what's going on?" Su Ming was silent for a moment, picked up the wine jar, took a sip of himself, and looked at the toothwood.

"Naturally, those immortals in the outer world come to our world in a special way. The magic of these immortals is different from ours, but most of them are unfathomable.

They even have a way to let the desperate strong break through their own cultivation and step into the air... It can also be said that they have the power to make your barbarian soul in the barbarian family enter another realm.

For those old monsters, it is irresistible **, especially with the passage of time, the life limit is approaching, so the power of heaven and earth when breaking through the realm can make life transform into immortality. This kind of ** is not like them, even I am eager for it. The tooth wood shrugged his shoulders and sighed.

"Have you ever seen the immortals?" Su Ming suddenly opened his mouth.

"I've seen it." Yamu's eyes flashed and he whispered.

"I have met two immortals, a man and a woman, and that man is an old man. He came to my Haiqiu Department ten years ago to fight with Lord Zong Ze..."

Su Ming immediately concentrated and listened carefully to the words of Yamu beside him.

"I can't see the details of the war, but their battle was only carried out less than a handful of incense. In the sky, I couldn't see how to take action. I only saw a huge hand in the sky. This hand opened and looped nine times.

After nine times, his battle with Lord Zongze was over. I saw with my own eyes the old man in extremely gorgeous clothes coming out of the sky and leaving without saying a word.

Well, the old man's clothes are embroidered with some patterns. It is a purple dragon. On the dragon's claws, there are four items, one is a bottle, one is a bead, one is a small sword, and the other is hidden in the pattern. I can't see it.

After the old man left, Zong Ze appeared from the sky and returned to the tribe... I remember that he looked ugly at that time. We were all guessing, maybe... Alas, you know." Yamu sighed and took a big sip of the wine jar.

Su Ming was silent for a while and continued to say, "Where's the other one?"

"The other is a woman..." There was a trace of memory and color in Yamu's eyes.

"How to put it, she is not particularly beautiful, but it can't be forgotten at a glance. Her eyes seem to contain the whole world...

She was flying alone in the sky. When I saw her, I recognized at a glance that she was by no means a witch or a barbarian, because that atmosphere was completely different from our...

If you can see the immortals, you must be able to recognize them at a glance. This is a completely different feeling. I still remember that she looked a little strange when she saw me.

That's complicated, pity, and a trace of fear... She seems to be afraid of me, but her cultivation clearly gives me like facing a future witch. I still don't understand why she looks scared.

Yamu drank wine and shook his head in his words, as if he couldn't understand until now.

Su Ming sat aside, slowly raised his head, and looked at the sometimes flashing stars in the dark sky. His eyes slowly became deep, and after merging with his face without a mask at this moment, his unique temperament gradually revealed an indescribable charm.

Yamu put down the wine jar and no longer thought about the woman in his memory. He subconsciously glanced at Su Ming, but at this glance, his whole body was suddenly shocked, and his expression changed strongly.

"" Yamu was stunned for a moment and took a breath until Su Ming lowered his head and looked at him. When he looked at him, the depth in his eyes disappeared and turned into calm. Yamu was stunned and rubbed his eyes hard.

"What's wrong?" Su Ming asked.

"The feeling you just gave me was the same as when I saw the fairy woman and the fairy old man! This is a completely different temperament from ours..." Yamu was silent for a moment, looked at Su Ming, and said slowly.

"Lord Zong Ze is right. There is an impenetrable fog on your body. If you hadn't really known that you were a barbarian, you would have thought you were a demented witch before...

If we hadn't known your origin, we would have almost thought that you were the arrival of the fairy clan. Yamu shook his head and waved the idea that suddenly rose in his mind. He felt that this matter was impossible. The people who came to the fairy clan could not become the true god of the barbarians, nor could they get the inheritance of a generation of barbarian gods. Even here, it was the same.

"Immortals..." Su Ming muttered, with bitterness in his heart.

Compared with the illusion of Yamu, Su Ming's confusion is the root of his bitterness. If he is completely confused, it's fine, but he... has some speculation.

Some guesses that he himself didn't want to accept, or even... couldn't accept.

"Where will the arrival of foreign countries be held? Roughly when? And I once saw a woman with such a temperament as you said on the battlefield outside Tianlan City. Do you know who she is? How can I find the immortals? Su Ming asked immediately.

"You said it too fast. The foreign immortals will come within three years. I don't know the exact day. When you see that the sky should be dark, it is still daytime, or when it should be daytime, it is still black. At that time, it is the time of coming.

I know the specific location, which is carried out in Yunwufeng, the highest mountain of the witch clan, because the previous few times were there.

As for the immortals you mentioned on the battlefield, I have never seen them. I don't know who they are, but I know that there is a place where you can definitely see the immortals, which is where the great witch is located... Witch Temple!

It is also on Yunwu Peak.

Yamu said, stood up, looked at Su Ming, hesitated for a moment, took out a wooden slip from his arms and handed it to Su Ming.

"Look at your appearance, you have to choose to leave. Here is the map of most of the whole witch clan, which can only be owned by our Haiqiu tribe. Take it. It will help you.

Although it is a time of war, you can walk alone, but there is still danger. With your cultivation... Take care of yourself. Yamu shook his head, carried the wine jar, and left Su Ming.

Su Ming took Mu Jian, put it in his arms and stood up. He really chose to leave. The purpose of his coming to the witch clan was not only to let himself experience life and death in repeated battles and get breakthroughs in cultivation, but also from these coming immortals to find... What is fate!

He must go to the arrival of the foreign immortals in three years, but before that, he has more things to do, whether it is quenching the medicine stone or refining the old man of the barbarian soul, or practicing the art of wind and thunder, and melting the crystal of inheritance.

He needs time to prepare for this kind of thing, as well as whether the stick snake is going to transform, the unknown medicine stone in the medicine tripod on his body, and the Handan Zhong needs to be further refined to master the real power of this treasure because of his cultivation. These are all waiting for Su Ming to complete.

"Three years... Three years later, I want to become stronger!" Su Ming's eyes showed firmness and was about to leave when he suddenly moved his expression and suddenly looked up.

At this moment, the tooth wood had not gone too far away. Suddenly, there was a roar from the dark sky. When the sea of clouds rolled, the autumn fish in the sky roared in unison. Their roar did not seem to meet the enemy, but seemed to be welcoming, and they retreated in unison.

At the same time, I saw a huge autumn fish appeared in the sea of clouds. I couldn't see how big it was, but part of my body was exposed in the sea of clouds!!

If the autumn fish floats the sky as an ocean, there is a woman with a bamboo flute on its back. The woman's black hair is swaying, wearing white clothes, and as she approaches, she reveals a beautiful face that makes people's heart beat... This woman should be familiar with it, cough...

August is coming, Taoist friends, with the official appearance of this autumn fish girl, please guarantee the monthly ticket!