Ask for Magic

Chapter 477 Fate!!!

"Many things that exist in this world contain both positive and negative sides, especially this immortal world, and even more so. This is because of the desire of the candle nine yin, which is to devour the nine babies. As it said at the beginning, since there is a candle yin, why do you have nine babies...

This is the inheritance of the candle nine yin vein...

But obviously, this candle Jiuyin has not devoured Jiuying, so... This immortal world is not perfect. In addition, it has died, and even the will is frozen in opening this world to absorb me. In this way, it means that this immortal world is by no means complete!

There is a huge gap here. This gap is the regret of this candle, which is also revealed, the so-called fusion!

In fact, there is no real fusion here. Whether it is light or heavy, fast or slow, press and grab, these are all imitations of Zhu Jiuyin in this immortal world!" Su Ming's eyes flashed brightly, and he looked up at the gray sky.

"Fusion is the root of this immortal world, and it is also the real reason why it is framed by the circle of candle nine yin! It once said that it swallowed up the ninety-seven worlds, so can it be explained that the immortal world of Zhu Jiuyin is composed of swallowing other realms, which is used to make Zhu Jiuyin understand and integrate, so that one day, it can devour Jiuying and complete the mission and desire of their family for countless years..."

"The way to get out of here is either that I have the power to break this world and walk out! Or... I just need to realize the real integration!"

"It's just, my fusion, what is it..." Su Ming muttered, looking at the gray canopy. His eyes showed confusion.

"life and death..." Su Ming's eyes gradually lighted.

Time passed, thirty years in a blink of an eye. In these thirty years, Su Ming sat there cross-legged and did not move. He has been thinking all the time. I'm feeling it. Immersed in a strange state, his look gradually appeared the vicissitudes of life, and his body slowly had a smell of time.

There are more and more white fog around him, which is the immortal souls who came here in the years to try to devour Su Ming, formed after dying one by one.

This white fog constantly attracts more immortal souls, but these immortal souls often burst out one by one and turn into white fog and die at the moment when they approach Su Ming.

They are around Su Ming. Constantly waking up, constantly dying, and over and over again. It has become a cycle.

"Hundreds of thousands of reincarnations, the alternation of death and awakening, it is easy for people to feel the traces of birth and death, but life is good. Whether it is death or not, in this immortal world, there is no real meaning of life, and there is no real meaning of death...

No matter how much you experience, it is like a dream. When you wake up, everything is like a mirror... This is not my integration. Thirty years later, on this day, Su Ming opened his eyes, shook his head, and raised his right hand and waved out casually.

Under this wave, the thick white fog immediately spread out to the outside, until it dispersed far away, and then stopped. At the same time, although Su Ming's body was still sitting cross-legged, there was a faint distortion around him, as if he could see his body in his eyes, but in the sense, the place where Su Ming was It's empty.

Soon after, there were awakened immortal souls breeding one after another. These immortal souls did not jump on Su Ming as usual, but left blankly. Gradually, there was no immortal soul born here.

Even if he passed by here, he floated by Su Ming as if he didn't notice the existence of him.

With the passage of time, another 20 years have passed. In these 20 years, Su Ming's thinking has never stopped.

"Light and heavy... Fast and slow, press and grab... These are simple and different in nature. In my countless reincarnations, I have learned from others and do not belong to myself... The reason why there are these pros and downs here is that they are related to the ninety-seven world swallowed by candle nine yin... This is not my

"My integration should be completely my own..." Su Ming muttered.

"What the hell is it?" Su Ming closed his eyes and thought for 50 years. He didn't get the [answer] case. At this moment, he was at a loss. He gradually immersed himself in his memory and looked at his memory. The pictures in those memories gave him a strange feeling. After all, here, he experienced hundreds of thousands of reincarnations and the flow of unknown years. Deceased.

Looking at it, he saw that he came to the Jiuyin world with two young men and women who had forgotten their names, came to the buried bone of Zhu Jiuyin, entered the [body] of Zhu Jiuyin, and saw the old man in black robe.

A scene about the Jiuyin world flashed quickly. He saw a somewhat familiar mountain range, which was his cave, Hongluo, Di Tian, and... the ninth peak.

His memory continued to flow, from the ninth peak to Handan Mountain City, and from Handan Mountain City to... Wushan Mountain.

The scene of Wushan is something he will never forget, Grandpa, Beiling, Ula, Lei Chen, Shanhen, and... Bai Ling.

"These are my past." Su Ming recalled that there was sadness in his heart, but there were no tears in his soul. If there were tears, they would flow down at this moment.

"The most precious thing in my life is Wushan, the ninth peak, which is my past... What I want to guard is also Wushan, the ninth peak, and my past..." Su Ming whispered softly.

"Everything in the past can't be changed. It is buried in my memory, in my years, in my palm, I will never forget... This is the positive of my life!"

Su Ming's eyes suddenly opened, and his interior was dim, but deep, as if it contained the sun and the moon.

"The positive and the negative, the positive represents the experience, and the negative represents continuous change. If my past is the positive of my life, then the opposite of my life... is the future!" Su Ming was silent for a moment, and his eyes fell on the vast world in the distance, and a trance appeared in front of his eyes.

In this trance, he seemed to see himself, tied to the black pool of the abyss of the earth by chains. In the black pool, there were nine black dragons spitting black fog at him. In the sky above, there were several figures. With fear and indifferent eyes, he looked at them silently, but looked at themselves in silence

In a trance, the picture changed again. He saw himself with purple hair, standing at the highest supremacy and looking at the earth indifferently. On the earth, there were countless lives kneeling and worshiping. The picture changed again. He saw a self lying on an altar, his whole body was covered with golden needles, and a large amount Out, thousands of people sitting around on their knees were absorbed one by one. When they were absorbed, their expressions showed joy, which became a sharp contrast with their painfully distorted expressions.

The picture is not over, and another change makes it difficult for Su Ming to know whether all this is his trance illusion or a real existence.

He saw himself again, with long red hair, a white gown, a touch of lonely eyes, a wisp of sadness, and the blood of his hands, like the killing of billions of souls.

Standing in a world with shining stars in the dark, around... endless corpses... He was the only one standing there, looking up to the sky, making the world collapse into a sad roar of fragments in Su Ming's eyes.

The roar revealed an indescribable sadness and destruction of anger!

Su Ming sat there cross-legged. His eyes were broken at this moment, collapsing, turning into wisps of gray fog and dissipating. His world was suddenly fragmented and dissipated.

If his eyes can't bear what he saw in this strange state, at the moment of fragmentation, Su Ming raised his head. His eyes were empty, and the world in front of him was black, boundless darkness.

In the darkness, he should have seen nothing, but at this time, he saw...

He saw a thin baby, whose whole body was lifeless and full of the smell of death. He saw a purple-haired man standing there with fatigue and sadness, roaring silently into the sky.

He saw that with the silent roar, the whole world, the whole sky collapsed...

He saw the purple-haired man and walked towards the baby. He saw the moment they were approaching and slowly merged together, like the sad man who hugged the baby and wanted to protect him, like protecting his past.

He saw...

"The world in my eyes can't be seen by others..." Su Ming muttered and said such a sentence.

There are two hands. In the eyes of the wanderer who have left his hometown, it is a bone-rooted miss.

There are two hands. In the eyes of lovers who help each other, it is the eternity of the sun and the moon.

There are two hands. In the eyes of lonely people, it is the increase of palm prints.

There is a pair of hands. In the eyes of children, it is an unforgettable attachment.

There are two hands, the palm represents the past, and the back of the hand represents the future. If he doesn't want to, the memory of the palm will always be protected. If he doesn't want to, you can't see his palm prints, you can't see his past... All you can see is the back of the hand outside, forever

has two hands, the left represents the baby, and the right represents the old man. The distance between the two hands can be long or short, which is his life.

"The integration that belongs to me is the past and the future. Use my past to promote the strength of the future, and use the strength of the future to protect my past...

When I was born, fate did not belong to me. When I grew up, I wanted to put my fate on the soles of my feet... The past and the future were integrated into the present. Su Ming's eyes were completely opened, and the emptiness in his eyes became calm.

"This is my fusion, and I call it..." Su Ming showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

"I call it...fate!"


When I wrote this chapter, I was very enthusiastic, because there were a lot of people lined up outside the window. The sound of Diaoyu Island was from [China], which made Ergen eager to go downstairs to join in.