Ask for Magic

Chapter 488 Mo Su!

This is a kind of majesty. One kind of palm can collapse the palm with one finger. One sentence can make the fight stop, and a glance is enough to make the man of thefu saint's heart a horrified!

"I'm also a foreigner." Su Ming raised his head and looked at the bat saints in the sky, and at the top of the sky, the golden line people who have changed greatly now.

The blood and killing in this place made Su Ming look gloomy when he came here. If he comes later, I'm afraid there will be no more life here. In this way, it will take some more trouble for him to inquire.

And... Although the dead are witches, even the witches look the same as the barbarians. Although their skills are different, they still belong to the ranks of the human race, but these creatures in the sky, with bat-like wings, obviously belong to other races here.

Their appearance is very strange, but in Su Ming's view, there are some similarities with the moon wing.

With a cold snort, in the rapid change in the expression of those bat saints, he took a step towards the air. The bat saint golden thread people in the sky, at this moment, there was a sharp roar in his mouth.

With his roar, the bat saints around him, one by one, showed their feroth and madness and went straight to Su Ming, especially the dozen purple people, who rushed to Su Ming in the front.

Su Ming's expression was always gloomy, his whole body was filled with golden light, and he did not show any magical power. Instead, he raised his right hand and clenched his fist and punched forward!

Now 60% of the bones in his whole body have become barbarian bones. For his own cultivation, Su Ming only has a general judgment and no detailed comparison. At this moment, in his opinion, these bat saints are just used to verify his cultivation.

This punch hit the void, and the whole world roared in an instant. Su Ming's body was suddenly dazzling, as if it had turned into a sun. The banging punched out even more at the moment of hitting, cracks appeared in the void, suddenly forming a huge black hole vortex. The vortex went straight ahead, but thefu saints who touched the vortex were screaming one by one. The body was suddenly sucked in and directly crushed and collapsed in the scream.

Su Ming took a step forward, and this step fell at the moment. When heaven and earth shook, space cracks directly appeared in the void at Su Ming's feet, as if they could not bear it. When they spread around, more than a dozen purple line people were already approaching.

Su Ming did not dodge. He scratched in front of him with his right hand and directly clicked on a purple-lined bat family. The purple thread man roared and pressed his right hand on Su Ming's finger. He had to resist with the strong physical strength. His left hand turned his five fingers into claws and grabbed Su Ming's chest.

He is ready to collapse half of his body. In his thinking, even if half of his body collapses, he will hurt the other party, but. What he didn't expect was that at the moment his right hand touched Su Ming's finger, he immediately felt an indescribable force burst directly from his right hand, but in an instant, he lost consciousness and sank permanently.

In the eyes of outsiders, the purple line people were just pointed out by Su Ming, and their whole body burst completely, becoming a large volume of flesh and blood. It seems that the power contained in Su Ming's finger is enough to destroy the world.

Kill a purple line person with one finger. This scene is not slow, but happens in an instant. It quickly made the pupils of the golden-lined bats contract violently, and the witches below burst into strong cheers after seeing it.

But this cheer was just coming out, and it stopped immediately, because the witches below saw with their own eyes that those purple thread people had died, and the rest of them were close to the golden figure in their eyes. They all hit the golden figure.

Su Ming did not dodge, allowing the attacks of those purple line people to fall on him. The purple line bats looked ferocious one by one, revealing crazy killing, but their ferociousness and killing were stopped in an instant.

"It's too weak." Su Ming shook his head. The strength of his body at this moment did not have much feeling for these attacks, but his qi and blood rolled slightly. He took a deep breath, and all the brute bones in the [body] burst out with all his strength. This is Su Ming's power of bone sacrifice, and this is the strongest power contained in his body at this

At the moment when this force burst out, Su Ming's body was covered with gold. Under a roar and a scream, he saw the purple-lined bats that had just attacked Su Ming, spitting blood one by one, his body rolled back, and his body collapsed.

Su Ming looked as usual. His right hand was raised. As soon as he grasped the void, an uncontrollably retreating purple-lined bat came straight to Su Ming. He was grabbed by Su Ming's neck and gently pinched. The bat man's whole body immediately roared, fell down and died of anger.

"It's so fragile and vulnerable." Su Ming let go of his hand. When the body of the purple-lined bat clan fell to the earth, Su Ming looked up and looked at the gloomy-looking golden thread of the bat clan at the highest point of the sky. His words at this moment were the same as what the golden-lined bat clan had just said to the Ming clan.

The hundreds of bat saints around them who wanted to rush up were all in horror, with strong fear, and they retreated one after another, but none of them dared to take another half a step forward.

"Who are you!" The golden thread of the holy bat clan, gloomy.

Although Su Ming looked up below, it gave the golden thread people the illusion that they were looked down by the other party, which shocked him. Su Ming's appearance and the amazing momentum and killing made the golden thread people of the bat saint have a sense of suffocation. The reason why he brought many clans to this time. One of the purposes of the valley where the witches live is to occupy the altar here.

But the occupation of the altar can be advanced and postponed, and this is the junction of the three races. According to the agreement of the Yinling clan in that year, it is necessary to give the witch a glimmer of life.

Therefore, the witch clan can survive to this day. If there is no accident, the witch clan will continue to be weak, but it will not be destroyed in a short time, and will only slowly become slavery and prey.

But there is actually a deep reason why he chose to come at this time.

The reason for this is the dissipation of the tenth month.

While dissipated in the tenth month, the only four remaining golden line people in their entirefu saint also felt the call from their ancestors.

In the voice of the call, a will is clearly expressed. What exists in the will is the sacrifice that longs for the flesh and blood souls of foreigners!

This desire may be a person or a race, and the specific expression is a little vague, so there is the killing just now.

The souls of all the dead are secretly taken away by thefu saint, even the spilled flesh and blood.

But at this moment, with the appearance of Su Ming, with the sudden change of this killing, the golden thread people of the bat saint's look can't help but change. He vaguely felt that it seemed that what the holy ancestor longed for was not the whole foreign race, but a strong man among the foreign people!

Su Ming looked calm and ignored the golden thread people of the bat saint, but turned his head and looked at the hundreds of witches who were staring at him at this moment. His eyes swept over these people and finally condensed on Nangonghen's body.

All the witches who looked at him were all fanatical, bowing their heads one after another and looking respectfully. Although they did not know the arrival of Su Ming, Su Ming's appearance saved them from the crisis, especially Su Ming's action just now, which made them even more excited.

The same is true of Nangonghen. When Su Ming looked at him, Nangonghen immediately held his fist and bowed respectfully to Su Ming.

"Nangong, meet the senior, thank you for saving the danger of our family."

"Life clan... Brother Nangong, I haven't seen you for many years. I said goodbye that day, but I didn't expect to meet now, and I have a sense of vicissitudes. Su Ming spoke slowly and sighed with some emotion.

"The senior is..." When Nan Gonghen heard Su Ming's words, he was completely stunned. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Ming carefully. Gradually, his expression changed from confusion to doubt, and from doubt to hesitation, until finally his expression completely changed, revealing his disbelief.

" are Mosu!!" Nangong Hen stayed there, and there was a big wave in his heart, and he couldn't believe it.

Su Ming, whom he saw in those years, was wearing a mask. At this moment, Su Ming no longer had a mask on his face, revealing his true face, but Su Ming's voice and the words of just now, all of which crossed Nangong's mind like thunder.

"I should have thought that you left the gambling scene with the young men and women back then. You should have gone to the place where the bones were buried in Zhu Jiuyin. From then on, you disappeared, and the tenth month appeared in the sky..." Nangong buzzed in his mind and muttered to himself.

"Mosu, he turned out to be Mosu. I still remember the name. I was also at the gambling conference in those years. The miraculous scene at the beginning is still unforgettable!

But did he become so strong now!!"

"I remember that this man did not fall behind in the battle with the predecessor of Tiemu, but his cultivation was just a central witch at the beginning, but now... now he is so powerful!"

The uproar came from the mouths of the hundreds of witches. Su Ming's appearance and Su Ming's identity made them unbelievable. It was difficult to overlap the figure in their minds with the people who appeared in front of them now.

Su Ming smiled and could see the Nangong mark here. In his emotion, he also knew that his years in the immortal world were not in the world of immortality. Compared with the outside world, it was indeed not synchronized, and it should not have been too long.

Otherwise, in those years of dreamlike years, the outside world is not only the vicissitudes of life, but I'm afraid that the Nangong mark has long been the skeleton of annihilation.

"Mosu! Good, today's event will not end. We still have a good day to say goodbye!" The golden thread bats in the sky gritted their teeth, flapped their wings behind them, and went straight to the distance.

"Let's go!" With his words, the bat saints around them were relieved one by one. In the face of Su Ming's horror, they were already frightened. At this moment, they flapped their wings quickly and were about to leave here quickly.

"So you just left?" Su Ming turned around and looked coldly at thefu saints who were leaving.