Ask for Magic

Chapter 550 Tower Pastoral Department

"Save me... It must be you... Su Ming who can be ingested by me at all costs... Su Ming!"

"Su Ming, I am the third master of Tianmen. During the catastrophe, Tianmen experienced drastic changes. In addition to me and the virtuous woman, and the father of Bai Su, whom you are familiar with, all the other lords of Tianmen died...

This catastrophe comes from Sima Xin!!"

"Sima Xin doesn't know what kind of creation he has obtained. His barbarian ** is almost a great success, and his cultivation is unpredictable, as if it is endless. I am invincible...

I and several other people have been planted, and I can only obey his orders. Life and death can't be controlled by himself... The whole gate has been controlled by him.

My practice is a little special. I can get rid of its control in a short time and leave these words in this treasure bottle. The reason why the ninth peak can still be preserved is not because of Sima Xin, but that I made a plan to Sima Xin, saying that the ninth peak is there, which can attract you.

I have no choice but to do this, but in any case, I will help you master and help you save the ninth peak..."

"If you don't have enough cultivation, you won't enter this treasure bottle. If you can enter here, it means that many years later, I think you can do it...

There are nine layers of Tianmen. In addition to the first and ninth floors, the remaining seven layers became the habitat of several nearby tribes at the time of this catastrophe, but these tribes have now also become the people of Sima Xin...

Kill Sima Xin, we... respect the ninth peak!!"

"It's not difficult to leave this bottle. As long as you say these five characters, you can leave. Please shake my heart away. In this way, if you succeed, I have a way to wake up. If you fail, I will die better than now..."

Where Su Ming is. There is chaos all around, and it can't be seen too far in the blur. I can only see that there seems to be a wisp of fog around here. After watching it for a long time, they will involuntarily follow the rotation.

Su Ming's ear echoed with the voice belonging to the old man in white robe, which should have been sealed in the treasure bottle for a long time. Obviously, as the old man said, he had prepared it before.

In silence, Su Ming thought of the red line in the eyebrows of the old man in white robe, the weirdness of the car, and the more than ten thin lines in the bones of the dead old woman.

All of this kind of things are strange. It made Su Ming's words to the old man. There is speculation.

"Believe, still don't believe..." Su Ming raised his head and his eyes showed a cold light.

"I can believe that although the other party said Sima Xin's words, the way to leave here cannot be used by what he said. Instead, you have to master it by yourself!"

In the first floor of Tianmen, at this moment, when the bald crane under it was searching proudly, the old man in white robe held the treasure bottle in the sky. When he looked slightly excited, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, but he saw that the treasure bottle suddenly appeared a fine crack, and the roar was muffled.

In his distanment, the treasure bottle burst in an instant. A roar was formed, which made the world set off a long-lasting echo. While the treasure bottle broke, a palm stretched out like lightning from the empty bottle, pinched the old man's neck and gently spit it out. Then a strong force poured into the old man's body, directly shaking his heart.

The old man spewed out a mouthful of blood, his body turned upside down, and the world in front of first release~~ The world became dark, but in his look, there was a deep hidden expectation and excitement. As his body fell, It gradually dispersed, so that he didn't realize that there was a pair of thief's eyes below, flying towards him quickly with the same expectation and excitement.

At this moment, the black fog in the sky has poured into most of the crack, and the roar continues. In front of Su Ming, there is only one person left, the car...

The car turned into a red fog, and the fog sometimes showed its face, a crazy look, struggling eyes, with a trace of pain, with a trace of madness, went straight to Su Ming.

"You are the person of the ninth peak..." Su Ming looked at the car and muttered softly. To the car, he could not kill like killing others, because, as he said, the car belongs to the ninth peak!

Almost at the moment when the car turned red fog approached, Su Ming's expression was a little sad. Suddenly there was nothing in front of him, but he saw the little snake suddenly fly out. His expression was no longer cold, but calmly opened his mouth and roared at the coming car.

In his roar, the huge shadow of the candle immediately turned into a hallucible. At the moment of the car, it swallowed fiercely at the car. Under this swallow, as if half of the world was swallowed by it, the red fog turned by the car was difficult to escape, and it was completely swallowed by the little snake.

But swallowing is not equal to death. The world is contained in Zhu Jiuyin's body, which can accommodate the car and wait... After Su Ming killed Sima Xin, the forbidden art of barbarians on his body can be solved.

Su Ming raised his head and looked at the hole in the black fog rushing to the sky. In silence, he suddenly got up and went straight to the black fog. With the rolling fog, like merging together, he rushed into the hole and stepped into the second floor of the gate!

The moment he left the first floor of the Heavenly Gate, the bald crane of the old man in white robe, whose life and death were unknown, was excited and shivered while looking for all kinds of things that he thought were precious in his professional way.

Suddenly, Su Ming's indifferent voice came from its mind.

"Search is OK. Since you can come in, you must be able to go out. Go out and take care of my brother for me. Otherwise, I will take away all your searches.

If you do a good job, I can consider letting you follow behind and continue your search.

In the first half of Su Ming's sentence, although the bald crane heard it, he didn't think so and was very disdainful. However, when he heard the last sentence in Su Ming's voice, he was stunned for a moment and then screamed. After the wind and clouds, under the huge anger and murderous murder of all the disciples In the formation, I don't know what means have been carried out and disappeared.

"My baby, no one can take it away, no one can!! But if I can continue to follow, how many treasures can I find..." In the middle of the ninth peak in the sea, the figure of the bald crane was exposed. It raised its claws and touched its chin. After calculating again, its eyes were shining and excited, and went straight to the ninth peak.

"Do work, as long as I give me property, I will work!"

"I'm a bird, I'm a crane, a wise crane, an open and aboveboard bird..." The bald crane had a hoarse voice. Maybe he was too happy. When he flew to the ninth peak, he shouted loudly.


In the second floor of Tianmen, the moment Su Ming stepped into the road, he fell into a killing. Around him, there was a plain, which was green grass and green, and the fragrance of the earth came, which made people feel relaxed and happy, but now...

The fighting here is continuous, and the sound of horses' hoofs splashes everywhere, let the grass smash, and let the earth move. Here is... thousands of troops!

Countless people in leather armor and black masks ride on a fierce beast that looks like a dragon, but on a horse. These fierce beasts gallop like the wind, and their barbarian cultivation is the weakest and later stage of Kaichen.

Thousands of people formed such a team. On this plain, they launched a killing and impact on Su Ming. The long gun and a sip of knife light made the bloody wind here!

In the land of Nanchen, he is good at riding and has this special combat ability. Near Tianhan Sect, there is only one who is not a cold area, the tower herdsman!

The people of this tower herdsman are mainly riding. Their cultivation and magic power are all integrated with the war colt under them. Their strongest is dozens of horses or more, and they start the full sprint of the war colt.

If there are hundreds, such a sprint can be said to be quite amazing. If there are thousands... it can shake the earth! Even these war cods can jump up in the air, even if they fight in the sky, they can also launch the sprint that belongs to the tower herdsman!

At this moment, there are thousands of tower herdsmen beside Su Ming. They have obviously been sealed and are waiting for Su Ming's arrival again. Under the mask of each Tam people, if you look carefully, you can see that there are thin red lines looming from the position of both eyes.

This is a plain, but this is also a valley, because around him, there are circular mountains, on which there are many villages. For the tower herds, the grassland is their home, the peak, because the war colt can take up in the air, it is also their home.

At this moment, there are still more than a thousand Tham people in the mountains, wearing red masks, surrounded by blood and evil spirit, and three people stood in front of them.

Except for the old man in the middle, the other two of them are extremely burly men. The initial fluctuation of the barbarian soul was transmitted from these two big men.

Compared with them, the old man in the middle did not seem to have much fluctuation, but from the respectful look and position of the two big men, it can be seen that this old man is by no means unusual.

"Lord Sima ordered that any tribe, if there is a person who hurts this person's limb, then... free... Our Tam people have fallen to this point, and the fate of life and death is not under control. Kill it... Let the people of the clan kill it. It doesn't matter if they die in battle. As long as we break this person

The old man muttered, with a complicated look. Looking at the battlefield in the valley, he shook his sleeves and galloped away. At this moment, he no longer respects himself. There is only one thing he has to do, for the freedom of the tribe!

Beside him, the two big men followed in silence, and then behind him, the thousand bloody horses, holding up long guns, like a red fog, rushed to the mountains!

Farther away, in those villages, there are children holding their mothers, and the old people are watching silently. They look numb. In their eyes, whether it is women or children, even the newborn baby, there are thin red lines dancing strangely.

The baby's crying echoed, because the red line in his eyes drilled, which made him painful, but he couldn't catch it. He could only cry endlessly. In this kind of life, the Ta Mu clan has... got used to it... Please recommend it! ( To be continued...RQ