Ask for Magic

Chapter 569 Warmth

Deep in the bottom of the sea, the ice has disappeared in the fragmentation, and the whole seabed is dark and full of death.

Looking around, except for the darkness, I can't see any light. There is no gold here, and I can't find the left hand of the second generation of barbarian gods before.

Even if you can accurately know the position in front of the barbarian god's left hand, at this moment, it is nothingness, as if everything does not exist and no trace is revealed.

But in this area that is invisible to the naked eye, even the divine consciousness can't detect, there is a space separated from the sea. There is a golden light in that space. In the dispersion of these lights, they turn into golden rune swings, making this small space permeated with countless rune marks.

The light here can't be seen outside.

In the center of the space filled with golden runes, there are five layers of gold curtains, which look oval, and those golden curtains are closed in one drum, as if breathing.

Strange space, strange five-layer light curtain, in the deepest part of the light curtain, covered by a huge arm, which is very rough, standing there, raised high, slightly holding the palm, in the palm, sitting in the palm of a closed young man.

The young man's long black hair spread out, handsome, and his face was slightly red. It took him a long time to breathe. His hands were pressed on the palm of his hand, and it could be clearly seen that if he grew together, there were bursts of breath, drilling into the man's whole body and into his seven orifices.

Su Ming seems to meditate silently, but in his body, it is like a stormy wave. At this moment, there is an earth-shaking change. The endless power of vitality is constantly integrated into his body. While wandering in his body, it is quickly devoured and absorbed by his whole body bones.

Su Ming's cultivation is special. There are only more than 20 barbarian bones of others, but here, Su Ming is every bone in his whole body, which has the possibility of becoming a barbarian bone, and even his flesh and blood. Everything in his body is like this.

Now under this rapid absorption, I don't know how long it has been, Su Ming has gained his own creation. His whole body is almost 90%, and he has become a real barbaric!

Once he reaches the complete ten, Su Ming's cultivation will immediately step into a new height, and what awaits him will be unprecedented. Maybe there is no one behind... the real barbarian soul!

If he can succeed, then Su Ming's cultivation will reach a peak. Even when there is no incarnation of fate, he can fight with the barbarian soul without falling behind.

Unless you meet the old monster who has been silent for countless years in the perfection of the barbarian soul, and has groped for a trace of life with his profound cultivation.[]. But even so, the outcome is unknown!

But the premise of all this is that Su Ming can be full of bones. You can step into the barbarian soul!

When Su Ming absorbed, a huge figure appeared in his mind. This figure could not be seen clearly, but in Su Ming's mind, he unfolded a magic spell.

These spells are complicated. Some of Su Ming can see clearly, while others flash by. When Su Ming looks carefully, it is difficult to see too many clues.

In addition to these magical power. There are more pictures, which are more chaotic and often disappear one-sidedly and cannot be connected to each other.

Only a few pictures can be connected, one of which is the huge figure, not moving. When he floated up and flew into the distance, he was in a bright starry sky.

There is a huge round sphere in front of it, with a sea and land inside, such as a complete world.

In that world, at the moment when the figure came, countless long rainbows flew up. During the whistling sound, Su Ming saw the figure in the picture, raised his footsteps and took seven steps forward!

These seven steps went, and the whole starry sky shook. When the first step fell, the impact raised made most of the long rainbow roll upside down. In the second step, the front of the figure was no longer blocked by the long rainbow. In the third step, he stepped into the world and let the whole sphere hit the epicenter. His fourth step fell, .

Until the fall of the fifth, sixth and seventh steps, the round sphere, as if it had experienced a catastrophe, burst into pieces, the figure looked up to the sky and let out a low roar.

Under this roar, the fragmented world suddenly collapsed (bookstore is the fastest update After becoming a piece of smash, a crystal flew out and was caught by this person. It was a crystal overflowing. The body, there... contains the power of a world.

That's the power of the world.

Holding the crystal, this figure went away.

"Seven steps of the barbarian god, the roar of the barbarian god..." Su Ming muttered.

The picture flashed and appeared in Su Ming's mind again. It was still the figure, but this time it appeared. The appearance was not too vague, and it could be seen clearly. It was a very ordinary face, and even showed a sense of naiveness, without the slightest majesty.

Especially when smiling, it makes people feel much more intimate.

Looking at this person's appearance, Su Ming gradually found a trace of familiarity on his face. That familiarity came from his ability to check his memory in Handan City, and saw the huge head stepped on by the emperor's body!

This person's appearance is vaguely similar to that of that head, but this kind-looking man is compared with the crazy ferociousness of that head. If you don't look carefully, it is easy to think that they are two different people.

Su Ming was silent, and what came to his mind was that there was no majesty. The second-generation barbarian god raised his left hand and waved to the sky. The sun, the moon and the stars appeared on the sky, showing the earth-shaking magic magic.

He saw that the second generation of barbarian gods sealed another kind of heaven and earth man three wilderness spells in the treasure fan. Looking at his focused and kind smile when making the treasure fan, as if he was going to give this fan to a younger generation.

That's not a fan, and there is another one, which was branded by the second generation of barbarians.

Su Ming also saw that after making these two fans, the second generation of barbarian gods walked towards heaven and earth, until an imperial palace appeared in front of him. Until in a certain palace, when there was a baby's cry, the second generation of barbarian gods stood outside the hall where the baby's crying sounded, with a smile. At this Respected as a barbarian god, he is more like an ordinary elder. He wants to open the door of the hall, as if to give the two fans to the baby in the hall as the treasure of his life.

But at the moment when he raised his left hand to push open the palace door, suddenly, the sky suddenly changed and snowflakes fell... The second-generation barbarian god paused, withdrew his left hand, and suddenly looked indifferent, different from the previous gentleness, and looked at the sky.

The picture changed again, it was still in the palace, the door was open, the second generation of barbarian gods were full of blood, the sound of fighting outside connected the world, and countless long rainbows roared, as if they were in a catastrophe.

The second generation of barbarian looked pale. He walked into the hall and gently looked at a woman who was also pale standing there, and the two hugged each other.

For a long time, the eyes of the second generation of barbarian gods looked at the hall. There were two little **s next to each other, two babies lying there, one crying there, and the other closing their eyes, as if they were dead.

He came forward, raised his left hand, gently touched the forehead of the crying baby girl, looked at the other baby who looked like a dead baby with a complicated look, sighed, and stroked the baby's forehead with his left hand.

In his left hand, the moment he touched the forehead of the dead baby, Su Ming suddenly opened his eyes, and his body trembled. Everything in the picture, the baby's crying, the kind smile of the second generation, the feeling of touching his forehead, all of which made Su Ming breathe like a pause.

At this moment, he is still absorbing the power in the arm of the barbarian god, but his eyes have to open, because... the baby's crying gives him a familiar feeling, very familiar...

At this moment, with the increase of cultivation, with the touch of the picture, with the touch of the eyes, there was a sharp pain suddenly. In the severe pain, there was a sound of click, as if some of the existing substances in his mind had become fragments.

At the same time, his expression was in a trance. He saw a dark world. The world was black, but the surroundings were warm. There was a cry and murmur in his ear. It was a woman's voice, very gentle and soft.

"Fier, mom is here, don't cry..."

"You little girl, you cry so loudly. It seems that my daughter must be very powerful when she grows up in the future."

"Well, mom won't take your doll. Here you are. Don't cry, don't cry..."

"Ah, good daughter, look, your father is back..."

Su Ming's eyes were dark. He could not see the light, but he could hear the crying and the gentle voice of the woman. At this time, the crying suddenly changed. The crying was more violent, and the gentle voice suddenly stopped, and it was extremely cold all around, like snowing outside.

It was not until a long time later that he felt that there was a hand stroking his forehead, which was just very warm, very warm...

Su Ming woke up and sat on the left hand of the barbarian god. He lowered his head and looked at the hand of the barbarian god under him, and his tears gradually flowed down...

He understood that the warmth he felt when he touched the left hand of the barbarian god before, where did it come from...

"Fier..." The name was heard by Su Ming for the second time, but it made him unforgettable. Before the war with Di Tian, the scene in the picture of the fantasy once again appeared in Su Ming's heart.

"Brother...Brother..." The voice, wrapped around Su Ming's ear, gradually merged with the sound of crying.


The update is over. Don't mind. I will explain it in a few days. Thank you