Ask for Magic

Chapter 583 The Emperor is Coming!

Another strong light is on the edge of the eastern wilderness near the south morning. On a plain, the strong light came. At the moment of falling to the earth, it triggered the vibration of the ground and set off a circular impact, so that all the people in the eastern wilderness in this range, all the people close to the eastern wilderness, are like the top of thousands of Blood came out, and many bodies burst directly, unable to withstand the sudden strong pressure!

This is... a strong man is coming!!

Especially in the east of the eastern wilderness continent, at this moment, a huge fog suddenly appeared out of thin air, rolling the world and spreading. The fog directly covered a radius of 100,000 miles, covering the heaven and the earth, and it could be faintly seen that it formed a huge face, staring at the two pillars of light. In.

"Di Tian!!!" The foggy face let out a shocking roar, and the sound of his roar swirled in all directions and spread.

At the moment when his voice came out, the light pillar of the mountain hall worshipped by tens of thousands of people in the center of Donghuang Continent emitted a stronger light. Under the light (bookstore, the fastest update, there was a trace of emptiness. The shadow fell in this beam of light. I couldn't see it clearly. I could only see the virtual shadow flashing and disappearing to the top of the hall on the top of the mountain.

After a moment, the door of the hall opened, and a person slowly walked out of it!

This man is middle-aged. He is not angry and arrogant. He strokes his shoulders with black hair and wears a... dazzling emperor's robe. He does not wear the imperial crown. His long eyes show a shock that everyone can see, and it is inevitable.

He walked out slowly and stood outside the hall for a moment. The man looked up at the sky in the distance and took a deep breath.

"The long-lost atmosphere of death..."

At the moment he said this, the tens of thousands of people who knelt down under the mountain looked extremely respectful at this moment. They opened their mouths in unison, and their voices were like waves, circling in all directions!

"We, the disciples of the Daye Xianzong, pay homage to the emperor's ancestors and welcome them to the barbarian wilderness!"

The sound echoed and was deafening. The middle-aged man didn't care about these respectful voices. He breathed the air here. Slowly, the evil spirit of both eyes became thicker and stronger, and his body emitted a thin fog. Under the fog, it rushed to the sky and made the clouds in the sky. The layers all collapsed, making a white fog column covering a radius of 100,000 miles, becoming the distinct existence of this eastern wilderness continent!

He is the emperor!

is another split body that came to the barbarians again after many years of separation!

Almost in an instant, the virtual shadow touched the earth in the beam of light. At the moment it came into contact with the earth, the whole plain collapsed, and huge cracks were torn open, and layers of soil rolled upside down and swept around.

The continuous existence of the shocking roar turned into echoes over and over again, until it gradually dissipated a moment later, the plain on the earth suddenly disappeared, and it was a huge deep pit that appeared there!

As if a meteor fell from the sky and hit the ground, the deep pit is tens of thousands of feet. At this moment, when the strong light covering it gradually dissipates, a figure slowly floats out of the deep pit!

This is a middle-aged man with an imperial crown and an indifferent look in an imperial robe. He is handsome and has more vicissitudes. An imperial robe makes him full of majesty!

At the moment he floated out, he calmly looked at the direction of Nan Chen, with a chill in his eyes that could freeze the sky.

"Fate, you can't escape!!" The hoarse voice slowly came out of the population. He raised his right hand and grabbed the sky with five points. Under this grasp, an invisible ripple immediately swept around with the outside center of his body.

This ripple continues to spread, 100,000 miles, millions of miles, tens of millions of miles..." Until the small half of the eastern wilderness is covered, this place covered by ripples, which is imperceptible to outsiders and does not have any impact on the creatures here. However, the range of this ripples permeates most of the road of Nanchen's coming to the eastern wilderness.

Unless you cross the Dead Sea in a large circle and step into the eastern wilderness from the other direction, if anyone comes to Nanchen, this middle-aged man in the imperial robe will know.

And even if someone really bypasses the eastern wilderness, he must be prepared by the means of this middle-aged man.

The appearance of this person is exactly the same as the person who came in the hall on the top of the mountain in the center of the eastern wilderness!

He is also the split of the emperor!

This time, the emperor came to the barbarians, not a split, but... two!!

From the location of their arrival, we can see the thoughts of the emperor. The one who came to the top of the central mountain was to guard the sect of the Daye Xianzong here, in order to fight against the east of the east and wilderness, the black fog full of evil spirit!

And the split that came near the edge of Nanchen was obviously... aimed at only one person, that is, Su Ming!

The emperor's split with the imperial crown looked at the direction of Nanchen and slowly walked out of the deep pit until he stood on the ground. Hundreds of feet away, there were four eastern wilderness barbarians. At this moment, he looked at him with a pale face. There were also three explosive bodies beside the four people. They were seven people, and the He died under pressure, and the four of them spewed blood, and his whole body collapsed, but he was not dead yet.

The emperor's god was cold and looked at Nanchen, but he frowned. At the moment when he came, his divine consciousness swept away, but... he did not notice the breath and fluctuation of fate.

I can't find it!

After a little meditation, Di Tian snorted coldly and sat down cross-legged. At the moment he sat down, the four people hundreds of feet away spewed blood together, their heads burst open, and they died in the end.

These seven corpses all had no heads, only the body existed, and the blood was stained red around, making it silent here. Di Tian didn't pay attention to all this. He just raised his right hand and waved the formula, and immediately all the seven corpses trembled. Chen... slowly got up one by one.

After they got up, they tore their clothes one after another and exposed their chests. At their chests, a vague grimace suddenly appeared at this moment.

The grimace seemed to roar, making the seven corpses gallop in seven different directions...

With the passage of time, all the people who came here curiously because of the appearance of the beam of light were all seeing the emperor's head collapsed, and the body left around after the grimace appeared.

Everyone goes in a different direction.

"Continuous search of divine consciousness, I see how long you can hide!" Di Tian closed his eyes and remained motionless.

This is the disaster that the old man who repaired said to Su Ming!

The disaster has come, and at this moment, Su Ming is still on the small island in the Dead Sea, standing silently, as if he had lost his soul. A fog gradually appeared around him, covering his body, and even covered the bald crane. After finally covering the whole island, the island,...

If it disappeared from this dead sea!

Su Ming looked in front of him, holding a doll in his arms, with big eyes open, and looking at the little girl who was very cute. The joy on the child's face clearly showed her happiness at this moment.

"Tong Tong..." Su Ming looked at the little girl in front of him. His body trembled. What he saw was not only the child, but also what he sees now. The surroundings are extremely familiar in the depths of memory... Tribe!

Wushan tribe!

A grass, a tree, a house and a house, everything, even the familiar breath, is clearly Wushan in his memory, the place where he thought he could never come back, that... the false place!

But he clearly knew the truth, he clearly saw Beiling, Chenxin, and experienced the vicissitudes of life, but at this moment, he can't deceive himself, and his eyes can't deceive his heart. You... are deeply attached to... his home.


He saw Chen Xin sitting aside and looking at Beiling. There was tenderness in his hand. He held a bowl full of water in his hand, as if to hand it to Beiling, who was sweating like rain.

He saw Ula, who died in his memory and muttered in Mosu's arms. This stubborn girl, was surrounded by a large group of children at this moment and was telling stories to those children. The vivid changes in look and exaggerated words made her laugh like silver bells with the children, and the laughter dispersed. It is a kind of happiness from the lungs.

Su Ming also saw Lei Chen, his best brother, who was crying and bowing his head at this moment, and was constantly scolded by a middle-aged woman in front of him.

Su Ming looked at all this in a stinct. He forgot everything. His mind was blank, and the words around him seemed to be far away and blurred.

Until he saw two big men coming out of a big tent, one was Chenlong, the patriarch of the Wushan Department. He frowned and seemed to have something on his mind. The big man who followed him was Su Ming's deep memory... Shanhen!

The mountain mark is still the appearance in Su Ming's memory. It is gloomy and unwilling to speak. Sometimes when he looks around, he can't see his joy and anger, like a beast with hidden breath.