Ask for Magic

Chapter 585 Heaven, Earth!

The sun is in the west, gradually disappearing, and the golden dusk slowly disappears. With the darkness of the sky, the little stars outline the starry sky in Su Ming's memory, and the bright moon, which makes people look at it and can't help but miss home.

But Su Ming didn't know how to be homesick in his hometown. He just knew that on the first night he returned to Wushan, he looked at the moon and missed it, and it was still here.

Seeing Grandpa, seeing Lei Chen, and seeing all the people in his memory, Su Ming's heart gradually calmed down. He is so familiar with the grass and trees here. Everything here is in his buried heart and will never be forgotten for the rest of his life.

Bei Ling is still indifferent to him, and Chen Xin still cares about him. The house belonging to Su Ming is spotless and neat, which is Chen Xin's silent care.

Maybe, this is love, or maybe, it has nothing to do with love. Chen Xin may have liked Su Ming, but maybe she likes it more // the fastest text update no pop-up window no advertisement // happy, it's Bei Ling.

Ula's contempt, this girl, who was not particularly beautiful, fell into her arms in her memory and muttered the name of Mo Su. Her beauty was more than all, deeply imprinted in Su Ming's heart, so that he could not forget.

Now I see again that Su Ming's heart is only warm, and there is nothing else.

Lei Chen's cheerful laughter and the oath made Su Ming deeply feel that the warmth between brothers, all of which he did not want to believe, was false.

Grandpa's kindness and warm embrace also made Su Ming rather believe that he had a dream last night, a cruel dream that had nothing to do with the wind and moon, with blood, containing time.

Now, maybe, it's a dream.

Su Ming sat outside his house and looked up at the moon in the sky. The dinner at Lei Chen's house reminded him a lot...

The tribe at night, with few lights, quiet around, tonight... no wind.

But another wisp of sobbing song swirling around in the night. It was a song played by the people in the tribe, which Su Ming could not forget.

"Maybe, not three days, maybe, yesterday was a dream, maybe... I can stay in Wushan all the time." Su Ming muttered that Lei Chen was not with him. At night, he was scolded by his mother again and stayed at home and had to pretend to sleep.

Su Ming silently looked at the moon in the sky and listened to the song, like... he didn't know he was a guest in his dream.

He suddenly wanted to have a look. Maybe he didn't know his Bai Ling at this time!

Thinking of Bai Ling, Su Ming's heart was tingling. The lost agreement is gone forever. When people look back, they can only hear sighs and can't see each other.

Su Ming stood up and walked towards the tribal gate, but at the moment he walked to the tribal gate to go out, his footsteps stopped, because a figure came in the darkness in front of him.

"Who are you!" A gloomy voice came from this figure, "Gradually, he walked out of the shadow and walked to the moonlight. He is a mountain mark!

His eyes were cold, staring at Su Ming. At this moment, there was a faint fluctuation of cultivation on his right hand, as if to condense a knife.

"You are not Su Ming. You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. Every time Su Ming looks at me, it's different from yours." Shanhen stared at Su Ming and opened his mouth in a low voice.

Su Ming silently looked at the mountain mark, the patriarch of the clan that he had been killed by himself in his memory.

"I'm Su Ming." Su Ming opened his mouth softly and walked forward. Shanhen's expression changed, and his right hand suddenly raised. But at the moment when his right hand was raised, Su Ming passed by him gently. Shanhen shook his whole body, and his raised right hand could not be put down. At that moment, at the moment when Su Ming passed by him at a speed beyond his eyes , he felt a powerful fluctuation that suffocated him.

The fluctuation was very light, only half a foot scattered. Only he could feel it. The strength of the breath surpassed all the barbarians he had seen in the mountain trace, and even surpassed the dust!

He has a strong feeling that the other party can destroy himself with only one thought, and can destroy this tribe and this land!

In this embarrassment, Shan Hen's whole body was soaked with sweat. After a long time, he slowly turned around and could no longer see Su Ming's figure.

Su Ming walked on the road of the mountains and forests. In the middle of the night, his pace was not fast, step by step, towards the tribe where Bai Ling was located.

While walking, Su Ming stopped. He hesitated for a moment and looked at Wushan in the night. He suddenly raised his right hand, put it on his mouth, and blew a sudden whistle.

The sound of the whistle gradually disappeared into the night. Su Ming waited silently until half an hour later. Suddenly, in the jungle in the distance, a fiery red figure galloped along with the appearance of this figure, and there was a cheerful hiss. The fiery red was exactly... Xiaohong!

It galloped in and soon appeared in front of Su Ming. It looked excited. After dancing around Su Ming for a few laps, it sat on Su Ming's shoulder, grabbed Su Ming's hair with his paws, and kept fiddling with it.

"Xiao Hong..." Su Ming looked at the little monkey on his shoulder, let it play with his hair, raised his hand and gently touched it on its body, with a sigh of emotion and a complex smile on his face.

"We meet again..."

Xiaohong hissed a few times, as if they did meet again. She stared at Su Ming for a long time, expressing a very angry meaning, as if complaining about Su Ming. He hadn't appeared for a long time.

In the end, Xiaohong's comparison is three fingers. Su Ming knows that this means three days, or three months, or three years, thirty years, or even longer...

Only Xiaohong knows how much it is.

Touching the hair on Xiaohong's body, Su Ming strode and turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the tribe of Bai Ling. Before long, the huge fence of the Oolong Department appeared in front of him.

And on the fence, there are long guns erected one by one, which are the guardians of the tribe.

Su Ming looked at the oolong Department. He walked over, and no one noticed his arrival until he found a stingling figure in his memory in this tribe, in the dispersion of divine consciousness.

That was Bai Ling's house. In this night, Bai Ling had fallen asleep. Her beautiful cheeks showed quietness, which seemed to be a little different from her who opened her eyes and contained wildness.

Su Ming stood silently by Bai Ling's bedside, looking at this beautiful woman, looking at the smile at the corners of her mouth in her deep sleep, I don't know what a beautiful dream.

Su Ming's heart was very painful. The scenes in his memory appeared between him and Bai Ling, the meeting of the blood moon, the circle of the snowy night, the whispering, telling each other's stories, and in the end, the white head in the snow...

Until the agreement that Su Ming couldn't make, all of this turned into a sadness at this moment, which permeated Su Ming's heart. He looked at Bai Ling in amazement and looked at the woman who was deeply imprinted in his heart, the first love in his life.

"Linger... I'm back..." Su Ming muttered softly. His eyes were soft. He raised his hand and gently wanted to touch Bai Ling's face. His movements were very gentle, but the moment his hand was about to touch Bai Ling's cheek, Bai Ling's eyes opened.

She looked at Su Ming, which was very quiet. The wildness in her eyes was the fireworks that Su Ming could not forget.

Su Ming's hand was stopped, but it was just a meal, and he did not hesitate to touch Bai Ling's face. His face was a little cold and very soft, which made Su Ming's eyes softer.

Bai Ling did not dodge, but opened his eyes wide and looked at Su Ming, completely stunned there.

Until Su Ming raised his hand, the softness in his eyes was still the same. After a deep look at Bai Ling, he stood up, turned his head, and was about to leave.

"Who are you..." behind him came Bai Ling with a weak voice in fear.

"Su Ming." Su Ming walked to the door of the house. At the moment he touched Bai Ling, the coldness from Bai Ling's face made his heart understand a lot in bitterness.

Here, it is not true, here... it is false. This is what the old man said about a creation. This is an illusory world created with Su Ming's memory as the center.

Here, it is a boundary space...

Because in this hot season, the coldness on Bai Ling's face is the feeling in Su Ming's memory and the last feeling in the snow, all of which is illusory.

This three-day creation is to let Su Ming feel the existence of fate in the world of memory... You can not believe it. You can think that the Wushan in memory is false. As long as you take action, kill all the familiar people here, such as Grandpa, Lei Chen, Beiling, Ula, Chenxin, Bai Ling and so on. Light!

As long as you can take action, you can naturally see that everyone shows their expression after being killed by you. At that time, you can see whether all this is true or not. At that time, you can also do it, reverse Wushan and completely forget it. From then on, there is no trace. The connection will no longer affect your mood.

Regardless of the future, whether someone will go to the bureau of Yiwushan to do anything.

As long as you can choose to take action, everything... will disappear. Everything, like a real awakening, shatters what you think you don't believe, the world, and the people behind your fate.

If you believe it, you must have the determination to bear it. Since then, because of Wushan, a series of hardships, a series of sorrows and parting...

No matter how you choose, this will be a short-term success. In this success, Su Ming can take half a step at the end of the bone sacrifice and step on the road to the barbarian soul.

Because of this perfection, it can be turned into an obsession, so that Su Ming will not be confused when stepping into the barbarian soul, so that his success is more likely.

"Why do I think you... are so familiar..." Bai Ling's voice came to Su Ming's ears. After him, Bai Ling sat up and looked at Su Ming in a squat.

"Don't go..." She said softly, walked out of bed, and gently snuggled on Su Ming's back.

The starlight is transparent with the leather curtain, hazy sprinkled, and melted with the moonlight. I can't tell the stars and the moon, I can't tell the dream, I can't tell what is bright, what is sad, what I miss, and what. I can't tell who is crying between this man and woman.

If you make a wind and moon in the years, you can't take away the company of this life other than waking up from a dream. Such attachment... It's getting farther and farther away, it's better to... not see.

The fourth update, there is no fight in these four chapters, but it is much more tiring than fighting. Tomorrow, it will continue to break out. I'll see if I can write the fifth update tomorrow!!

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