Ask for Magic

Chapter 691 Rise!

"What I don't understand is that if the front of the mirror represents life to death, it is naturally the opposite in the mirror, from death to life... Then my reincarnations, the sinking in your mouth, and your magic just now, those [real] real, illusory, what is it..." Su Ming said faintly, and he looked God, there is no inquiry in the words, but I have a [answer] case.

"At this moment, I finally understand that the positive and negative of the mirror are not complete reincarnation." Su Ming shook his head and sighed in his heart.

"Like the existence of yin and yang, people only see these two sides, but forget... there is another point!"

"The world outside the mirror is a fairy, and the world in the mirror is a barbarian. In fact, there is also a mirror. If you put the two mirrors opposite each other, the countless dark is the mirror in the mirror!

There is the place where you let me sink, and it is also a point and boundary of reincarnation!

There, it is also what Grandpa keeps telling me... Jieman Mountain.

He sacrificed his life in the boundary barbarian mountain, not to be buried, but to find that point. After walking out of that point, he walked from the world of the mirror to the mirror.

Now I am the real one, existing in the mirror... And my next step is to go from death to life, from the mirror, to the outside of the mirror, from death to Haoyang, from the barbarians to... immortals!" At the moment of Su Ming's words, his breath beyond the great perfection of the barbarian soul suddenly increased. This breath was sensational, making the whole world wonderful because of Su Ming at this moment.

Let the face of the stars in the sky twist at this moment. In the wave of Su Ming's right hand, it collapsed and broke apart, revealing the blue canopy, which was transformed by the old man Xiu to block the arrival of the Xiuzhen Star.

Su Ming's hair is windless and automatic, and his cultivation has undergone a qualitative change in [body] at this moment, this change. The breath from Su Ming's body suddenly turned into a pressure, which scattered from Su Ming's [body], and immediately shrouded the earth and the whole sky. It spread the whole barbarian land.

The barbarian sky shook, all the mountains of the earth trembled, all the mountains and rivers stopped flowing, and all the fierce beasts looked up and roared at the sky.

Even the fierce beasts that are fighting with each other have stopped fighting at this moment. The sound of raising their heads and roaring, the whole barbarians are responding.

The Dead Sea rolled up a big wave. The huge waves were set off, as if the whole Dead Sea was boiling, and the sound of the rumble of the waves was earth-shaking, like the roar of the whole barbarians rising.

The roar of these four regions, such as Nanchen, Donghuang, Ximeng and Beizhou, made the whole barbarian have a soul that can unite them in the division at this moment.

This is the soul of the barbarians!!

even more at this moment. The blood of the cloud around Su Ming and the people of nearly 10,000 people behind him, one by one, the inner blood vessels were boiling to the extreme, and they were short of breath. There was an uncontrollable momentum on the body.

The tens of thousands of immortals below, under this pressure, trembled one by one and knelt down uncontrollably one by one. This is not their will, but the will that exists in this world at this moment. If they don't kneel, they will be immediately crushed and collapsed by the world.

Ji Yan's face was pale, all of which had exceeded his expectations, and even the immortals could not have predicted it. Because of the emergence of an eastern barren tower, it has evolved to such an extent.

Su Ming's momentum, crazy climbing, and the transformation of [body] internal cultivation made him the most brilliant light on that day. It was around him, and suddenly at this moment, there was a stream of light rapidly condensing between the distortions.

Surgingly, in front of Su Ming, those streamers that appeared out of thin air turned into a huge statue with the condensation!!

This statue, Su Ming knows, this statue, and even some barbarians have seen it. This statue... is a god of dust!!

is a statue of a barbarian whose blood line has reached a certain level. It is a god statue that appears at the moment of Kaichen. This is a god created by a generation of barbarian gods, so that the whole barbarians can worship and get the power of Kaichen!

At this moment, the statue is just like Su Ming's memory. After he appeared, his eyes showed a strange light, staring at Su Ming like a resurrection, holding his fist, and suddenly bowing to Su Ming!

This is the worship of the Kaichen statue, and this is the respect of the Kaichen statue!

It was almost the moment when the open dust god statue worshipped Su Ming, the sky roared, and more streamer burst out crazily from the nihilities. Suddenly, in front of Su Ming, above the open dust god statue, there was a huge statue.

That's... the statue of the sacrificed bone!!

In the minds of the barbarians, the noble and extremely sacrificial bone god statue, every time it appears, represents people with high talent, and those who have been recognized by Dayu and are canonized as the god of sacrificial bone!

That is the supreme glory. Every time the bone god appears, most of the people who see it will worship it. But now, after the appearance of this bone god statue, he... is like the open dust god statue, suddenly bowing his head to Su Ming, bowing to Su Ming with respect.

This worship, the sky roars, this worship, the whole world seems to be shaking.

After this worship, above the statue of the sacrificial bone god, the streamer of the whole world condensed in an instant. When a bright light swept the sky like running water, a larger and stronger statue suddenly appeared in the sky.


"Is that the image of the barbarian soul?!"

"The barbarian soul statue that appears the least frequently, even once in the ages!"

The sound of an uproar roared at this moment, but he saw the barbarian god statue standing in the sky, like the statue of the sacrifice of the bone god and the god of Kaichen, bowing his head to Su Ming and bowing to Su Ming's respectful fist, as if he was subdued!

The appearance of the three gods and the worship of the three gods made Su Ming's momentum burst out. At this moment, he far beyond, the barbarian soul was perfect, and he was still climbing. His body [body] emitted terrible pressure inside and outside. Gradually, behind him, the barbarian statue that collapsed before, turned out again.

This scene made the emperor's god at a loss, and there was a kind of crazy struggle.

"Sanman Qibai, this is... This is the legendary life training!! This is the breath of life cultivation, this is... The breath of life cultivation that has appeared again in the ages of my barbarian!!" The dry and thin old man in the cloud department was so excited that he couldn't control himself at this moment. He looked at Su Ming with a trembling body, and the heat and reverence in his eyes. Instantly ignited and burned to the extreme.

"This is the day of my barbarian rise!! I'm bloody. I'm willing to follow the barbarian gods, live and die with the barbarians, and open the road of the immortals for the barbarian gods!!" The blood is crazy. This was excited and crazy. He suddenly knelt down to Su Ming, and his whole body was trembling and made a barbarian oath!

"From then on, my soul sacrificed to the barbarians, I worshipped the barbarians, my flesh and blood opened the sky for the barbarians, and my blood power paid all for the rise of the barbarians!!" The sound of blood echoed. With his excitement, with the excitement of his old heart, with the tears of excitement in his eyes at this moment.

He loves the barbarians and deeply loves his own nation, but... Until this moment, this kind of love can not be suppressed, not to despair, and can be vigorously released and explosive.

behind him. The people of the nearly ten thousand Taoyun tribe knelt down Qiqi and roared the same barbarian oath as the blood!

At the same time. The apocalypse of the Sect of all sentient beings, the old man shed tears and knelt down excitedly. Together with the people of nearly 12 tribes behind him, he made a barbarian oath and dedicated everything to their nation!

It is at this moment, in other directions of the world, there are countless long rainbows roaring, coming crazily. This speed has exceeded the limit and is desperate madness.

"Red Thunder, see the barbarian god!! I would like to sacrifice my soul to the barbarians, I worship the barbarians, my flesh and blood are open for the barbarians, and my blood power is all for the rise of the barbarians!!" That's the sound of Chi Lei Tian. What's more, behind the old man whose whole body was filled with thunder, more than ten thousand people of his tribe roared and vows!

"The barbarian tooth department, the tooth is barbarian, see the barbarian god! After that, the old man sacrificed his soul to the barbarians, paid all his blood for the barbarians with the power of his blood, and rose for my barbarians. May the soul fly away and never regret!!" In the voice of the vicissitudes of life, with an uneasy fluctuation, it was tens of thousands of people from the Manya tribe. At this moment, they roared at full speed and roared!

"The barbarian of Luan Mountain is unparalleled, leading ten thousand people in our department to see the barbarian god!! With the rise of the barbarians, I, Luanshan, would like to become the vanguard of the barbarian gods, for the barbarians, for my barbarians, to trample on all the sky!" The tribe hidden in the mountains is also coming at this moment. Their appearance and Qiqi's kneeling worship make the whole world at this moment, as if only Su Ming, who is continuing to explode, is left.

Su Ming's hair fluttered, his expression was calm, and familiar voices came from his ears one after another at this moment.

"The cultivation of the life clan, see Mo Zun!!"

"Nanghen, the man of the life clan, see Mo Zun!!"

The scattered people coming from all directions came from all directions. At this moment, there was a roar of heaven and earth. The excitement of the sound was like a roar of boiling blood.

Life, here we are!

Su Ming was in mid-air. His calm eyes swept over all the kneeling people around him. He looked at the pale face at this moment, and only half of the emperor's head burned. He saw the unwillingness and madness in the emperor's eyes, as well as the deep confusion.

"Reincarnation is a point... This point is Jieman Mountain, and it is also here." Su Ming raised his right hand and grabbed the earth. Under this grab, the earth suddenly collapsed, but he saw a blood crystal buried in the depths of the earth for many years. With vicissitudes, it turned into a blood rainbow and went straight to Su Ming.

After this blood crystal, more blood crystals flew out of the earth. Those long rainbows turned into blood crystals went straight to Su Ming, and quickly merged with his body. Every fusion made Su Ming's cultivation explode crazily, making his pressure and horror multiply. !

"After cultivation!" Su Ming opened his mouth faintly, and what appeared in his eyes was a kind of firmness and a kind of persistence!!

At this moment, he felt the frozen Dayu Imperial City!