Ask for Magic

Chapter 815 Forced into a different place

Because of most of the stars came, hundreds of bronze ancient swords in the starry sky surrounded all directions. The long rainbow of the Xiuzhen star sky roared, and the ground net was about to be clothed. This time, all the true guards stationed in the abandoned land of the Yin Holy Realm were dispatched, and they invited the worship of the two moon Degree.

"There are still ten breaths, because the star will come completely. After ten breaths, even if you can move, you can't unfold it at all!" In the starry sky, on an obviously huge bronze ancient sword, Dao Ren with a flame mark on his eyebrows stood at the tip of the sword, with invisible fire all over his body, staring at the Xiuzhen star not far away.

"Even if you choose to move now, you can't change the ending. No matter where you move, we can chase it in an instant." Dao Ren sneered.

The starry sky was frozen, and the sound spread violently. On this Xiuzhen Star, with the decisive meaning of Su Ming's calm voice, the Red Fire Marquis gritted his teeth, and he no longer opened his mouth, but in a low roar from the sky, the ripples all over his body echoed crazily.

This ripple swept across all directions, directly covering Su Ming and the bald crane. At the moment when countless long rainbows approached in the sky, there was a violent roar from the nothingness around.

At the earth-shaking moment of the roar, at the moment before the arrival of the stars, at the moment when the net of heaven and earth was about to be formed, the figure of the Red Fire Marquis disappeared, and together with Su Ming and the bald crane, all of them merged into the ripples in a blink of an eye and moved away.

Su Ming's disappearance did not let the look of the Zhenwei who came to the sky change at all, as if they had expected this for a long time. Almost at the moment when Su Ming moved away, because of the complete arrival of the stars in the starry sky, under the strong light sweeping, all the Zhenwei, all the bronze ancient swords, , disappeared.

Inside and outside the real star, there is no real guard now, as if everything before was illusory.

There is a special place in the western ring star domain. There are countless empty cracks here. In these cracks, the cold wind blows all year round. The wind sobs. Because there are many cracks, the wind here is blowing around, so that the vision will be distorted and blurred.

The wind here is not strong. Even if you are a local monk, as long as you are cautious, you can be safe and sound in the wind. However, this seemingly non-dangerous area is the whole western ring star domain, and even the whole divine source abandoned land, so that all monks stop, and there are few people who dare to break in... one

West Ring Star Domain, off-site!

The wind here is not dangerous, because this is just an entrance, and there are not too many dangers at all the off-site entrances. But once you step into any of the countless cracks, a crisis will come.

These cracks all have the power of transmission. As long as any life enters it, it will be instantly transmitted into the off-site.

The true crisis will become a nightmare after being sent to another place.

At this moment, outside this area, the ripples of the starry sky appeared out of thin air. Under the violent spread, Su Ming's figure condensed and came out. Only he himself, no bald crane, no red fire marquis.

The bald crane was taken away by Su Ming, and the Red Fire Marquis... In this move, he tried his best and fell into a deep sleep. After all, this move was not as good as before. It was unfolded under the lock of the eye of the sun, and the power of consumption exceeded a lot.

The sleeping red fire marquis turned into a totem, branded on Su Ming's right arm, with a trace of vitality in the dark, and it takes some time to recover.

As soon as Su Ming appeared, he did not hesitate to take a step forward. His figure was like a rainbow, and he galloped in an instant. Almost at the moment when Su Ming appeared, suddenly, outside the long-distance place, around the position where Su Ming had just appeared, the starry sky roared violently.

With the roar, a huge outline appeared in the starry sky, which looked like a twisted ladder, precisely because of the stars! After locking Su Ming, where Su Ming is, it can be moved and chased in an instant.

At the same time as the appearance of the stars, in the starry sky outside the remote place, a huge bronze ancient sword flashed into a flash of hundreds, appeared at the same time, and countless long rainbows were revealed around.

"A different place! This is... a different place in the West Ring Road!"

"Damn it, he moved here. What is he going to do? He knows that he will die, so he has to break into a different place to find a glimmer of life."

"A different place!" While a bronze ancient sword appeared, countless real guards on it stood up and were about to walk out of the sword. They saw the surroundings clearly and saw Su Ming's speeding figure in the distance.

Qi Longshen was also in the crowd. He stared at Su Ming in front of him, his eyes showed a strange light, and the fire beside him was even more complicated.

Ji Yunhai's eyes contracted, and the call in the dark was so strong to the extreme at this moment that he almost controlled his body and wanted to gallop away.

With the appearance of Yinsheng Zhenwei, the ripples of the starry sky echoed violently, and there was a black sun, which transformed in the starry sky, and his eyes flashed and stared at Su Ming.

Su Ming's footsteps stopped. He suddenly turned around and looked at the hundreds of huge ancient swords, at the more magnificent stars, and the many Zhenwei monks. At this moment, he had broken into the wind here, and even less than three feet behind him, which was a crack in the void.

The array is not very strong, so that Su Ming clearly knows that these cracks here are the entrances to different places.

He finally saw the three people standing on the three swords in the front, and saw the boy and the other strong man who had no cultivation fluctuation, but made Su Mingwang's eyes sting.

Su Ming has seen the invisible pressure of these two people!

In the place of death, the three souls sealed in his [body] were also the people of this realm. This is... the horrible existence of the moon. The two of them stood there, and the starry sky around them seemed to stop running, which was a kind of power that shocked Su Ming's mind.

In addition to these two people, there was also a young man with flames in the middle of the sword. The young man looked at himself and showed a strong murderous intention. Su Ming just looked at him, and there was an endless heat all over his body immediately.

With these three people as the leader, there were tens of thousands of real guards around him. Seeing so many people coming out to kill himself, Su Ming smiled, and the smile gradually became more and more prosperous, until he finally laughed.

He was laughing, because he saw that no one dared to step into this area without danger. There was only the entrance area of the wind, because he saw the two strong men who made Su Mingwang's mind tremble, and even the young man with flame totem in his eyebrows. The two people were tightly frowned.

Because he felt that everyone, including these three people, not only did not dare to step in here, but even the fluctuation of cultivation did not approach this off-site area, but echoed in the periphery.

He also saw the complicated look of Qi Long Shen and Li Huo, and Ji Yunhai, who was staring at him.

This scene let Su Ming know that he was right to bet and moved to a different place. This was Su Ming's big gamble, and he also had to bet. Just now on the Xiuzhen Star, even if he could hide in the debris space, his body would definitely perish, and the Red Fire Marquis would definitely die. No matter how mysterious the bald crane It's hard to escape.

For the sake of himself, so that the partners around him pay such a price, even if Su Ming is already ruthless, he still can't do this, and even if he hides his soul, he can't escape being suppressed and sealed. I'm afraid it's difficult to get out of the debris space in this life. Once he gets out, he

In that case, then he simply went to gamble, went to this different place where he was talked about, and went to a glimmer of life. This is his choice.

In Su Ming's laughter, all the Zhenwei outside the place were silent.

"The people of the yin and the true world in the four true worlds, after several times, what Mo sees is you... If Mo steps into a different place and does not die... There will always be a reward day!" Su Ming's laughter revealed endless coldness, and he stepped back a few steps and stood on the edge of the crack.

"If you have the courage, you can continue to chase into the off-site and continue to chase and kill Mo." Su Ming's eyes showed murder. He remembered the faces of everyone here, especially the three strongest people. At the moment of saying this sentence, Su Ming took a step back and completely stepped into the crack.

"When you enter a different place, it's like stepping on the yellow spring, not to mention you. Even if you rob the sun, it's rare to survive... You don't want to die in the hands of our others, and you trample on the yellow spring and kill yourself in a different place, it's not impossible." It was Dao Ren who spoke. He stared at Su Ming and opened his mouth faintly.

When Su Ming heard these words, he didn't say anything. Before his body was transmitted and disappeared, he took a deep look at Dao Ren, which shocked Dao Ren's heart.

He saw Su Ming's eyes, revealing a kind of persistence and perseverance that he had never seen in anyone. The eyes expressed a message very strongly, a word that Su Ming did not say.

"I will definitely come back!"

Su Ming's body suddenly disappeared, and the crack was like a big mouth. After swallowing Su Ming, he seemed to be laughing at everyone and expecting that someone would continue to come.

As time went by, Dao Ren clenched his fist and his eyes showed a cold light.

"If you step into a different place, this son will die and you don't have to continue to be wanted."

"It's impossible for him to come out alive."

"No one got this reward, but in the end, this matter was solved, and it was also counted as an answer to the camp." The ripples of the starry sky spread, and gradually the hundreds of swords and countless guards gradually disappeared with the blur of the stars in this emotion and silence.

Until they completely disappeared, many of those who left Zhenwei always remembered Su Ming's eyes before he disappeared, which always existed in their minds for a long time.