Ask for Magic

Chapter 820 Fivefold

Su Ming looked at Zhou Kang with a solemn look. The reason why he assisted the other party was not only to verify the strangeness of this place, but also to get some experience from Zhou Kang.

This kind of thing is of great benefit to him. At least it can make him take fewer detours, and taking fewer detours means that he can make the stone tablet 100,000 feet as fast as possible, so as to walk in front of others.

It's just that no one will tell others about this experience unless it is in some special environment. After all, the success of others means that they are more likely to die. The inheritance of the divine source is actually a competition.

No one will use their own experience to tell the unreppointed person, so that the person can gradually walk in front of him. More importantly, these experiences can be said to be exchanged by everyone's endless time. It is after taking a lot of detours that he found out. Its value... In some aspects, it is extremely precious.

Su Ming needs this experience, because he knows very well that since there is a person here who hunts him into a different place, then it must be the guard forces of the four real worlds that have increased the reward. I don't know what to do **, which makes someone dare to break into this place desperately.

And if one person can come in, it represents the reward of the four real worlds, which must also attract more people to step into different places. As more and more people step in, the shadow of death will fall on Su Ming again and again.

"If one person comes, I have a chance of dying one out of 100,000, and 100,000 people will come. Although I am not necessarily dead, after all, every choice. It is all carried out from 100,000 people, and because of its irregularity, even those who have just obtained the stone tablet may be selected.

But the threat of death will reach an extremely terrible level. The only way... is to use the fastest time to make your stone tablet reach 100,000 feet, the only way. Only then can we avoid the choice of death to the greatest extent. Su Ming took a deep breath. He knew that he had bet right and expressed his sincerity with his life and death. In exchange for Zhou Kang's experience, this is a deal.

"What is the test of inheritance here? How to make your own stone tablet. The fastest to reach 100,000 feet? Su Ming opened his mouth slowly, his voice was not slow, and his thoughts fluctuated at all.

Zhou Kang didn't say anything. He just silently looked at the stone tablet that once belonged to Sima Yue. After a long time, he seemed to mumble alone and whispered.

"Three thousand years ago, I was just a middle-term monk, because her father once broke into a different place and did not go out, so... I accompanied her. I came here.

Three thousand years in a flash, in these three thousand years, we have been struggling all the time, not for that bullshit inheritance, those who get the divine source can become Xuanzun. But I don't care. All I want is to go out alive with her.

We have been working hard, my wife and children, her qualifications are much better than mine, but here it is. Qualifications are useless... Three years ago, her stone tablet was only 20,000 feet... In order to accompany her, I didn't want her to stay here alone. I gave up the opportunity to make the stone tablet 100,000 feet three times.

Because even if it's 100,000 feet, if I can only go out by myself, what's the use of thousands of years? It's useless... I'd rather give up three opportunities and stay here with her. Zhou Kang did not answer Su Ming's question, but muttered there.

Su Ming listened and did not interrupt. He could hear that Zhou Kang's love for Sima Yue had surpassed his life. At the same time, he also shocked Zhou Kang three times, making his own stone tablet reach 100,000 feet, and the time... only 3,000 years.

"Yue'er is smarter than me, and her research here is also deeper than mine. In the first five hundred years, we thought about our experiences in the stone tablet world together, and slowly explored the predecessors here, each Peng Ruobao, did not reveal anything, and even happy to watch the later generations walk towards the crooked path they once walked Test.

We found that even if the worlds we experience are different, but... the final answer is the same. The so-called divine inheritance is actually divided into ten grades because of the human body. Zhou Kang muttered softly, and Su Ming immediately listened attentively.

"I don't know what the divine source is, but I just know that it can make people have the possibility to become Xuanzun, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, heart, this is the fivefold of emptiness.

Four limbs and body, this is the fifth weight.

Together, it is a complete tenth grade, and each major of them can raise his own stone tablet by 100,000 feet..." Zhou Kang's voice echoed and fell into Su Ming's ear, making Su Ming's heart shake.

"All the arrivals were told that they needed to touch the stone tablet with their hands to start the inheritance trial. It was the same with me and Yueer at the beginning.

Until 500 years later, we found the clue, but it was too late to turn back, so we had to go down one way.

Because we touch the stone tablet with our hands, so... The first five-fold road we choose is the real five-fold road. If the right hand touches the stone tablet first, the first trial is the body, the right hand, and then the left hand, until all the limbs and bodies... can make the stone tablet reach 500,000 feet.

But we guess that people who come here can actually not walk the real five weights of their limbs first, because this road is too difficult and unconscious, just rely on the body to explore, the difficulty of this road, people who do not experience it will not understand.

And the fivefold of void is not the case. What he needs is a kind of understanding, which seems to be relatively more difficult, but in fact, if he wants to have a great creation, he must first take the fivefold of void. After that, he has consciousness, and the road behind will be faster and faster. Zhou Kang's words made Su Ming shrink his eyes and suddenly opened his mouth.

"Senior Zhou Kang's meaning can be understood as that if the body first touches the stone tablet, then the body first conducts the divine source trial, that is, let the body adapt first, or remember the divine source, and then slowly realize the fivefold of the void based on the body, so... finally let the stone tablet reach a million feet.

And if you don't take this road, then let your consciousness and soul first get the adaptation of the divine source, remember that feeling, and then spread it all over your body.

There are two ways, one is from the outside to the inside and the other from the inside to the outside.

Zhou Kang was silent. After a moment, he withdrew and looked at the stone tablet that once belonged to Sima Yue, and his eyes fell on Su Ming.

"This was originally only the speculation of our husband and wife. Until 2,000 years ago, a man, with his own understanding, sat in front of the stone tablet for 300 years, and he realized this. His name... is Xingyu, and now his stone tablet is 200,000 feet."

"Don't touch the stone tablet with your body, use your eyes, nose, ears, mouth, heart, to create a connection with the stone tablet, which will make you take fewer detours and make you... more achievements.

Although time may not be fast, or even very slow, but... Under the observation of my husband and wife, many people have arrived in the past two thousand years, and some have successfully reached the 100,000-foot stone tablet. Naturally, many people have died in this series of things, but Xingyu is still there.

Therefore, Yueer guesses that the probability of death of the fivefold of cultivation is lower than that of others. This is just a guess. Because the time is short, because the fivefold of cultivation is too small, it cannot be further verified.

You can be trusted, but you can't believe it. Zhou Kang spoke calmly, and his voice echoed around.

"This is the experience of my husband and wife. In addition, whether you touch the stone tablet in various ways, you have to integrate into the world of the stone tablet. It is an illusory world... Everyone experiences different. It is based on your memory...

Even some memories that you don't know yourself will be revealed in this stone tablet. My other experience is that at the moment of integration into the stone tablet, if you set your memory at a certain time, then you will have a certain possibility that the world you see is that time. Zhou Kang's eyes showed memories. He raised his right hand and slowly pressed on the stone tablet. Although Su Ming did not know the details of the memory, he could guess that there must be a woman in this memory, called Sima Yue.

"These are my experiences, all told to you... you... take care of yourself." During Zhou Kang's soft words, his body gradually blurred, and a whirlpool appeared in the stone tablet. When he sucked out his blurred body and slowly integrated into it, he suddenly stretched out a hand from the whirlpool, grabbed Zhou Kang's right hand, and pulled it into the stone tablet.

"Finally... it was Yue'er's guess four hundred years ago. Maybe this was the reason for her death... She told me that she suspected that this place was a huge scam!" Zhou Kang's figure disappeared, but his voice was still echoing. Su Ming sat there in amazed and looked at Zhou Kang's stone tablet until a long time did he exhale deeply.

The surroundings were silent again, but Su Ming's mind was still echoing Zhou Kang's voice. After a long time, his eyes flashed, and his eyes slowly fell on the stone tablet in front of him.

This stone tablet is only 2,000 feet in size, which is really small compared with the surroundings.

"Anyway, I have to go on this road. I can't believe all of Zhou Kang's words, but it should be a little real... Is it the fivefold of emptiness..." Su Ming did not choose to touch it with his hand, but stared at the stone tablet with his eyes in his knees and looked at it with his eyes. Except for the eyes, they don't move.

"Fivefold of emptiness, I will start with my eyes!" Su Ming meditated quietly on his knees, and time slowly passed.

One day, two days, three days... In a blink of an eye, a month has passed. In this month, Su Ming's eyes rarely blinked. He stared at the stone tablet, stared wholeheartedly, and ignored everything around him.

Until he forgot the time, he saw a whirlpool on the stone tablet. He saw a magnificent suction from the whirlpool. After inhaling all his eyes, an eye suddenly appeared in the whirlpool. While this eye stared at Su Ming, Su Ming's body was blurred.

"Time, after I became a barbarian god, the place, the ninth peak... The original time of Daochen Sect!" At the moment when Su Ming's body was blurred, his eyes showed a gloomy evil spirit.

With the echo of the sound, Su Ming, disappear! RQ