Ask for Magic

Chapter 955 A ttle and a rattle

Su Ming shook his left hand and immediately enlarged Kui Mountain infinitely. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a thousand-foot peak. He lifted it up and threw it forward.

Immediately, the mountain roared and went straight to the middle-aged man.

It's so fast that it's close to this person in a blink of an eye.

"You still can't tell the ups and downs of the palm." The middle-aged man shook his head. He raised his right hand and waved at the coming Daoyi Mountain.

"Fate and fate, only in one thought, everything in the world has fate, such as this mountain and stone... It has a fate with you, so it can be obtained by you, but this fate, I said... just break it." The middle-aged man opened his mouth faintly, then waved his big sleeve, and immediately the Kuishan suddenly paused in front of him.

Su Ming's eyes shrank, and he immediately saw that countless silk threads seemed to appear on Daoyi Mountain. These silk threads were connected to him, but at this moment, when the middle-aged man shook his sleeves, the silk threads were broken.

With the disconnection of the silk thread, Su Ming's body shook, and an empty feeling suddenly appeared in his mind. The connection with Daoyi Mountain was actually cut off!

This is not as simple as taking away Su Ming's magic weapon. As he said, it cut off the fate of Kuishan and Su Ming, so that he has no fate with this treasure from then on, and will no longer have it.

"Fate and fate, find your next master." The middle-aged man's words echoed, and the Kui Mountain trembled and disappeared into nothingness. At the moment it disappeared, Su Ming raised his right foot and stepped on the starry sky. Immediately, the starry sky shook, and the Dao Kui Mountain, which disappeared in nothingness, was shocked out from the dissipating state.

"You should have fought with the palmist. I don't know how that person gave you confidence and made you think... the palm can be the enemy?" The middle-aged man smiled, with a trace of sarcasm in his smile.

"You can't walk around me, because this is the end of our relationship." When the middle-aged man opened his mouth indifferently, Su Ming's face immediately changed. He felt an indescribable force suddenly burst out from nothingness, roaring, and his body retreated from thousands of feet from the middle-aged man before, until he was forced back to ten thousand feet, and even he had a strong feeling that he could not... get

It seems that this is a rule that cannot be dispersed.

This is completely different from Su Ming's first indirect battle with Zhang Yuan before. He even clearly felt that the person in front of him was a little weaker than that of that year, but even so, it made Su Ming have a feeling that this person was not as good as that of that year, but in the confrontation, he had no power to fight back at all

"Fate..." Su Ming was shocked, and he suddenly understood something.

Why, the fate of the palm will be called the fate of the palm!

It is the fate of others to control. Only by controlling the fate of the heaven and earth can it be called... palm fate!

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and under the pinch of his right hand, the mountain stone of his right hand suddenly emitted a dazzling white light. When the white light flashed, the power of the divine source in Su Ming's body was widely integrated into it, making the mountain petrified thousands of feet big. After a roar and roundabout, the petro

Unfortunately, without the fierce ghost of Daokui Mountain, it is impossible to form a fierce ghost image map, but when the elephant roared, it immediately rushed into the front, but... At the moment of it rushed in, the whole body of the giant elephant shook, which shrank rapidly in Su Ming's eyes and turned into a mountain stone, and there were countless At this moment, it suddenly broke.

"So, do you want to fight with me?" The middle-aged man opened his mouth lightly and raised his right hand to point to Su Ming.

"There are three in your body, and there are three in this fate, and the fate of your cultivation is broken!"

As soon as this statement came out, Su Ming's body was shocked, and a sharp pain appeared in his soul. That was the feeling of tearing. For example, the body was forcibly torn apart by an indescribable force. The cultivation split that wanted to integrate it together was torn apart with his soul. Once it was torn, Su Ming Become an independent existence and no longer be controlled by it.

Su Ming's eyes were purple. His body was trembling, and the cultivation immediately appeared overlapping shadows, as if they were about to be torn apart.

"Cut off your physical fate." The middle-aged man smiled and pointed again when he opened his mouth.

With a bang in Su Ming's mind, his empty split also overlapped, which was related to the existence of his soul. With the middle-aged man's words, there were signs of tearing.

"Cut off you again... the body of Ecang!" The middle-aged man's eyes flashed, and his right hand was raised and suddenly cut through the void.


Outside Su Ming's body, the three detupons tilted to three places, and they were about to be torn apart. The severe pain was strongly expressed in the expression of Su Ming's three detaves.

Su Ming even has a feeling that his will will will be torn into three parts. If it is really torn apart, then he is equivalent to becoming three independent selves. In this way, it is equivalent to losing his true self.

Even his memory was torn, so that the previous scenes appeared in his mind. These memories were being broken, but he did not panic. To solve his own danger, he had a way for Su Ming. The simplest way was to summon the spirit of sand, which was indeed his plan, but now, he didn't This is because in the tear of memory, in Su Ming's mind, he saw a certain spell he learned in Wushan.

When he saw this spell, Su Ming suddenly understood.


At this moment, at the time of Su Ming's crisis, far beyond the Shenyuan Star Sea, outside the ruins of the abyss, in the midst of a war... in the real world of Daochen.

In Daochenzong, there is a towering altar. There is nothing above the altar, only in the center, there is a crack in the ground.

This place is a very common place in the Daochen Sect. It can even be said that there are many such altars in the Daochen Sect. No one knows their role, but there are ancestral teachings left over. The altar of the Daochen Sect cannot be stepped in.

There are more than 97,000 altars, and there are more than 97,000 cracks. Only the ancient existence of Daochenzong knows that these cracks are actually similar to the coordinates.

When they are connected together, they can become a complete coordinate, guiding... the ancestor of the whole Daochen real world... Daochen robbed the Lord's retreat.

It is a fragmented void connected with the whole Daochen world in nothingness. It is a fault space. No one knows what it looks like there except Daochen.

The owner of the morning robbery has been closed for a long time...

If Su Ming can stand on an altar and unfold all the power of his evil eyes, even after his cultivation exceeds the present and reaches the level of the palm, then he will see with the evil eyes that there are countless fragments of nothingness in this crack. If his eyes can run through the cracks of all the altars, he can be in them. After connecting with each other, connect these pieces into one piece and look at a door.

After the door, there is a space that exists in nothingness.

That's the closed space of Daochen.

At this moment, there is a lot of white fog in this space. In the depths of this fog, you can see a person sitting cross-legged. The man lowered his head and was shrouded in fog. There was no vitality in his body, but a silence.

In front of him, there are two items, one is a trap, the other is a children's toy, and the other is a rattle.

Now, the trum is trembling, and there are even a few cracks on it, which are constantly spreading, as if it can break the whole trum at any time.

The figure sitting there cross-legged couldn't see whether he had opened his eyes, but he could see that his body, which seemed to have not moved for a long time, trembled with the appearance of the crack of the rattle, and his right hand was slowly raised.

With the movement of raising his right hand, the whole space immediately had an endless roar, and even the roar affected the outside world, making the whole Taoist real world, at this moment, a star storm appeared out of thin air.

This storm swept the whole Daochen real world, shocked countless people who were fighting, and even shocked Daochen Sect and even the whole fairy alliance. Such a star storm made the whole Daochen real world seem to be a bottle, shaking violently.

This is not the first time such a storm has occurred, this is... the second time!

The first time, it was more than a thousand years ago. No one knew the reason. After it appeared for a few breaths, the storm disappeared by itself and became a mystery that countless people could not guess.

Now, more than a thousand years later, the storm appears again.

No one knows that the root cause of the storm was the figure in the broken space. It was caused by the wind caused by the action of raising his hand. The hand of the figure slowly raised, as if to touch the shattering rattle.

But before his hand touched the trum, the crack in the drum did not spread, but quickly reversed and healed by itself, making the hand of the figure pause in the air.

Gradually, through the fog, I can vaguely see that the figure seems to be smiling. The smile is very kind, and there is also a faint trace of... guilt.


In the sea of Shenyuan Xinghai, Su Ming is here, the three splits he is being forcibly torn open. At this moment, he is about to be torn. As Su Ming raised his head, and with the enlightenment in his eyes, there was a moment when there was stillness.

"I was really careless about the strength of the palm, and I did estimate myself too much... However, this battle also made me understand what the palm is!

Control the fate of all sentient beings in the sky, but... the fate of others in the world may be a good palm, but your own fate is the most difficult. You... can control the fate of the sky, but you must not be able to control your own fate.

That's why I think, like the one I met in those years. Su Ming raised his head and raised his right hand.

"This battle also made me understand why the one-attack spell I learned as a child impressed me so far. Every time I think about it, I feel elusive, because the magic of those years is not an ordinary skill, it is... the skill of palm." Su Ming endured the severe pain and raised his right hand to the middle-aged man who was thousands of feet away in front of him.

"Cut...Three evils!!"


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