Ask for Magic

Chapter 961 It's coquettish

"800,000... No, it seems to be more than 700,000...

"Your grandma crane, it was more than 700,000 yuan just now. Will you calculate it or not!"

Those are some stone people. After holding their bodies together, they form meteorites. At this moment, they are rapidly approaching the bald crane and the underworld dragon. The number is boundless, enough to exceed 100,000.

The bald crane opened his eyes wide and screamed. At the same time, he heard the voice from the underworld dragon behind him.

"There are more than 800,000 children. I'm sure it's more than 800,000 this time. It can't be wrong.

The bald crane turned around fiercely and looked behind him for the first time, but at this look, it almost fainted. There were dense and endless beasts behind him. Although anyone with a little experience and calculation could not see the specific number at a glance, it could definitely be cut in half. This is... more than a million.

"Your grandma crane..." It didn't know how to express the inner separation and aggrievedness at this moment. It roared and shook its body and went straight to the distance. It had already decided that it would no longer lure the fierce beasts here. Since the number had reached one million, it left the direction required by Su Ming at the beginning. The stars roared across the starry sky.

"It's only more than 800,000, and it's still a little short. Bald, you can take less crystals, but I don't want to play with my belt. When Minglong saw the bald crane escaping, he immediately knew the other party's plan and became nervous and even more anxious.

The bald crane was angry and turned a deaf ear to the words of the underworld dragon. It was really unwilling to pay attention to this local dog that could not count and almost killed him.

"The bald crane!!" The dragon roared.

"You idiot, you are a local dog, you are your... You look back and calculate carefully. I can only know at a glance that this herd of animals is at least more than a million. You also told you that Grandpa Crane is only 800,000, and you want to kill your Grandpa Crane. The bald crane roared, and his head did not

The Dragon was stunned and immediately became nervous. It remembered what Yuxuan had said to it in those years, as if it had some defects in calculating the quantity...

In embarrassment, it immediately lost its words. It bowed its head and followed the bald crane, gritting its teeth and galloping.

Looking at the starry sky, you can see an extremely spectacular scene. It is a group of beasts that have rarely appeared in the Shenyuan Star Sea for many years. It occupies the endless starry sky like the roar of the sea, roaring and chasing the bald crane and the underworld dragon in the front.

There are all kinds of fierce beasts in these herds, and the weakest ones also have the cultivation of heaven. Even those powerful fierce beasts are comparable to the robbery of the sun, but these are not important. Even if the ordinary number of such beasts is born and destroyed, their eyes will shrink.

Although it can be fought, it is also quite a lot of twists and turns.

When the number reaches a certain level, the strength of the individual's cultivation has little to do with it. The overall momentum and impact is the madness that can smash all barriers.

In this madness, any creature, any ethnic group, bears the crisis of extermination, especially... This is not just one million, but the actual number is more than 1.5 million.

Although there are countless fierce beasts in this sea of divine source stars, these more than one million is just a dime, and it is just a living creature in this small area, but for the Hengtian clan, which has only more than 100,000 people, this is an unprecedented catastrophe for their tribe.

They have lived here for countless years. They have never seen such a herd. In the past, more than 100,000 or even hundreds of thousands of people, it was the limit, and they were all one ethnic group. As it is now, a sea of beasts composed of multiple ethnic groups, and many single beasts. The momentum can crush all wills.

With his dedication to the crystal, regardless of fatigue, he has the will not to look back without getting the crystal. With a fearless expression, like a tragic song, he strode towards the Hengtian clan.

The sad meaning contained in its body is only known by itself, but compared with crystals, all this immediately turned into an impulse in the heart of the bald crane.

"Did Grandpa He always do something that was accused before, so he was often chased and killed?" The bald crane blinked in surprise, with its understanding of itself, as if this matter... is really very, very likely.

"Come on, you crane grandchildren, come and chase your grandfather crane." The bald crane thought about it, then turned his head and shouted according to his feelings.

"See, crane grandchildren, your grandfather crane will still run like this." The bald crane faced the boundless sea of beasts, and his body retreated and galloped. It was even more shocked to find that such a person was faster...

"Did I really do this before..." The bald crane was a little [excitement] excited. Its body was no longer just flying, but between the wings flapping, and the body swayed. Here and there, there were some traces of curves. In this way, it found that the speed was not only faster, but also in the depth A feeling.

In the middle of laughter, the bald crane still twisted his body and opened his mouth to the sea of beasts chasing with red eyes, like spitting, ping.

"Hey, you guys on fire, didn't I just take out your old nest, didn't I just kidnap your most beautiful girl? Come on, come and chase Grandpa Crane, I want you to die.

"And you, these stone people, what's the matter, still staring at your grandpa crane, oh, sooner or later I'll break you away to build a house, huh... I seem to have done this before?" The bald crane subconsciously opened his mouth. With the words, the familiar feeling became stronger and stronger. The faster it was, the faster it was, and even more skilled the movements were. The continuous "bowing down" look unconsciously showed a sense of sarcasm.

It even suddenly stopped at its speed. When the beasts saw it to drown it, it immediately screamed, twisted its buttocks, cursed, shook its body, and actually pulled away again. Sometimes it shook left, turned right once, and occasionally stretched out its claws to provoke with its fingers. The action, the expression, the move fell into the underworld. In the dragon's eyes, Zao Sijing made it stunned.

If the bald crane at this moment is described, there will be many words, but if it is the most accurate and direct, then there are only two words...


The cheap crane...

In response to the ** behavior of the bald crane, it was a roar that was almost connected, which was the roar of the whole herd, and the sound was like a wave, shaking the starry sky.

"A little louder" The bald crane [Xing] rose up. Its familiar feeling became stronger and stronger. Even at this moment, it was about to forget the crystal. In the roar of the herd behind it, it shouted loudly.

The underworld dragon looked at the bald crane, and its eyes showed worship. It never thought that the bald crane had such courage that there was today's scene.

The bald crane is full of cheap **, which has completely detonated the madness of the sea of beasts. This is no longer simply attracted by the god huā honey. It can even be said that even if there is no god huā honey, if the bald crane has been like this for a long time, then it can also complete the There will be more fierce beasts coming.

Su Ming opened his eyes in the starry sky. He admired the courage of the bald crane. To be told the truth, if such a scene were him, Su Ming did not think he would do better than the bald crane.

"There is a specialty in the art industry, this guy is a... strange guy" Is it possible that he often did this when he didn't lose his memory before?" Su Ming thought about it.

In the starry sky, the bald crane flew around in **. The proud expression, [Xing]'s excited look, seemed to be extremely enjoyable for the event that caused the sea of millions of beasts. It constantly twisted its buttocks, provoked with his fingers, and scolded loudly from time to time. In addition, the sarcastic expression, It has become the most eye-catching existence in the starry sky. The sea of beasts behind it has been completely crazy and chased faster, as if they are no longer for the god huāmi, but to rush up to tear the hateful bald crane.

The worship of Pluto became stronger and stronger. A few days later, this worship stepped into the scope of the Hengtian clan with the bald crane. With the roar of the bald crane turning around, it immediately climbed to craziness.

It's Grandma Crane, we occupy it here. The bald crane turned its head and roared at the sea of beasts. The expression of [Xingxing] has reached the extreme. After roaring, it is still wondering. It seems that... If you talk like this, the familiar feeling will be stronger.


The roar from millions of beasts shook the starry sky and echoed the whole starry sky of the Hengtian clan, which shocked countless people of the Hengtian clan. At the same time, the underworld dragon also roared and looked at the bald crane feverishly.

If there are people who don't know the specific details at this moment, they must think that the bald crane is the leader of this sea of beasts... The momentum, that **, the expression, all reveal the temperament of the beast's head. (