Ask for Magic

Chapter 1078 Famous Land 4

"He didn't defend, but attacked!!"

"Even if others come to break into this golden sword platform, most of them are mainly defensive. After all, the sword style of Jin Xiu Dahan is extremely strong, far beyond the strength of his cultivation."

"These are not the key points. The point is... His Royal Highness actually made Jin Xiu take a step back!! I don't know if you've seen it before, but I've never seen anyone in the years who can let Jin Xiu step back.

"I've seen it before, but the cultivation required must be at least a disaster!"

In the uproar of the people around, the highnesses who came here looked gloomy one after another, and a trace of appall was revealed in their eyes. Even the Taoism and Taoism became more and more dignified.

"It's already the fifth level." The cold-faced young man, approaching His Highness, spoke coldly at this moment.

"One has only released four layers of cultivation, and the other is to fight with all his strength. There is nothing to be surprised about." The gentle man next to him, like His Highness's Taoism, said lightly when he heard the words.

On the platform, Su Ming looked up at the golden armored man in front of him, and the golden sword shadow flashed in his eyes. The reason why his previous blow with the golden armored man could make the other party take a step back was because Su Ming clearly realized the rebound power in the sword style.

This kind of power can make people's qi and blood roll over the body. If they can't resist, the qi and blood will collapse and die. Even if it can be borne, the qi and blood roll will still make people feel numb.

"You have crossed the fourth level, and I will release 50% of my cultivation." When the golden armored man opened his mouth, his eyes immediately flashed with golden light, and a force of the cultivation of robbing the moon immediately burst out from his body. The strength of the breath instantly formed a pressure around him.

At the moment when the breath of the moon appeared, it broke out again. It was a cultivation that could be a little bit worse than the sun. Compared with the previous fourth level, although it seemed to be the same realm, in fact, there was a great difference between strength and weakness.

Su Ming's eyes flashed, and immediately the golden armored man raised his right hand. It was still the same action. After taking a step, the golden sword suddenly cut off Su Ming with a momentum that seemed to open up nothingness.

Su Ming took a step forward without dodge. His right hand was raised, and his fingers became a sword, waving from the earth to the sky, as if there seemed to be an invisible sword in his hand, touching the coming golden sword from the bottom up.

The roar echoed in all directions. This time, Su Ming's body trembled and withdrew three steps in a row, and the golden armored man also shook his body and retreated as much as five steps. The golden sword in his hand stabbed into the ground and made a long mark.

Su Ming smiled at the corners of his mouth, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was like a ignited flame, burning constantly. In that smile, Su Ming looked at the golden armored man. In the flame, there seemed to be a golden sword shadow in his eyes that was rapidly condensing and smashing, condensing again. In this

"Come again!" Su Ming shook his body forward. When he took the initiative to take action, the golden sword in the golden armored man's hand suddenly lifted up, and a wave of Jieyang cultivation broke out from his body. This was 60% of his power and the sixth level of the earthquake name.

The sun that broke out by him condensed on the golden sword in his hand, emitting a group of people who were enough to threaten the great perfection of the sun. At the moment when Su Ming approached, the golden armored man roared up to the sky, and his body rushed out with a sword, swept across, and in an instant, a strong wind went straight

That is, in the blink of an eye, Su Ming's right hand became a sword, and he touched the golden sword again. During the roar, both of them retreated, and the corners of Su Ming's mouth overflowed with blood, and the golden armored man also overflowed with blood.

This time, the two of them didn't open their mouths, but when they retreated, 70% of their cultivation broke out from the golden armored man, making his cultivation directly climb to the level of disaster.

At this level, the sword he cut off can make the palm of his eyes shrink, which shows its strength.

At the moment when his cultivation broke out, the golden armored man rushed away, and Su Ming's fighting spirit was even stronger in his eyes. The golden sword shadow in his eyes had collapsed several times and reorganized several times. With a shake of his body, the two immediately touched each other again.

This time, Su Ming's right hand fingers against the golden sword were in the moment he touched the sword, which caused a ripple around the nothingness, which was a sign of the power to change the rules.

The roar was so loud that the two of them retreated at the same time and spewed out a mouthful of blood, but there was no injury. This blood was forced out after the qi and blood of both sides were shaken by each other. While scattered, Su Ming looked up to the sky and laughed and rushed out again.

"The seventh level, His Royal Highness Daokong broke through the seventh stage!!"

"Can he really break through the ninth level and become the ninth person here and successfully pass the customs!!"

"It seems that it will never be wrong, but I don't know if he can succeed..."

"It's okay to say the eighth level. The point is on the ninth level. I don't think this empty highness may be successful. After all, on the ninth level, how many heavenly prides stop!!"

Tens of millions of people around immediately began to talk about it. Their eyes looked closely at Su Ming's place just now, which made them have countless speculations in this shock.

On the platform, with the golden armored man, his calm eyes showed a sense of war for the first time. With a bang of his cultivation, he burst out 80%, and one stepped into the beginning of the palm. This kind of cultivation power is the difficulty of the eighth level here. In the past, those who broke through this level had to deploy a large number of An amazing blow.

Whether it can succeed or not is related to the magic weapon, cultivation, and also related to the golden armored man. Generally speaking, if you can break through to 80% of the people, the golden armored man will let him break through and enter the ninth level.

But once you step into the ninth level, if you don't have the cultivation of life and death, it is impossible to... successfully pass the customs.

Therefore, many people are stuck in the ninth level and can't pass the customs smoothly. Unless the cultivation reaches the fate of the palm, they will be allowed to pass the customs by the golden armored man.

But Su Ming is different here. This golden armored man has guarded this place for many years. In ten thousand years, he has never met a challenger like Su Ming, especially Su Ming, who is obviously learning his magic power, which makes the golden armored man attach great importance to it. Therefore, at this moment, even if it is the eighth level, he Seriously.

At the beginning of the palm, the cultivation broke out, and the outside world could not detect it. Everything on this platform was sealed, and outsiders could only see it with the naked eye and could not directly feel it.

"Ecreplace people come to this place. If I can reach this eighth level, I will let it pass. Seeing the combat power that belongs to me in the ninth level, if I can understand it, if there is a gain, it may be able to make it go further.

But here, I won't." The golden man's eyes flashed golden, and he waved the golden sword in his right hand. This time, he did not step out, but directly to Su Ming with the sword in his hand, and suddenly cut it in the simplest way.

The platform shook, and the roar echoed. The golden sword cut through a golden rainbow and went straight to Su Ming. Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his right hand was raised in the same way. With the same action, he cut it directly.

It was another shocking sound. Su Ming's body shook violently, and his whole body's qi and blood seemed to burst out of his body in an instant. When he retreated and a mouthful of blood spewed out, his body was a little better, but his whole body was sore and numb. After a few breaths, he seemed

Looking at the golden armored man, there was a click from his golden armor all over his body. Although it was not broken, his body also spewed blood when he stepped back.

"Look, this is the power of the ninth level here, and it is also the release of 90% of my cultivation." The golden armored man suddenly looked up, and the blood left at the corners of his mouth disappeared in an instant. When he opened his mouth, the real power of the palm burst out from his body. This is not the beginning of the palm. This is the kind of pressure that has been in the palm for many years and has accumulated enough depth to burst out.

"For the eight passers before you, at this level, three of them directly resisted through it, and five of them did not resist, but since they had already entered the palm of their hands, they were beyond the limit of the golden sword platform here, so I let them pass it.

If you can continue to maintain the previous attack and collapse the golden sword, then I will release all my cultivation and fight with you...!" When the golden armor man's cultivation broke out, he took a step towards Su Ming. Under the flash of the long sword in his hand, he actually turned into nine shadows in mid-air, as if nine swords were be cutting at Su Ming at the same time.

Su Ming's eyes showed his fighting spirit. When he raised his right hand, his fingers turned into a sword, and his solemn expression showed a solemn moment. He pointed directly to the coming golden sword.

This finger cut open the void rainbow. After touching the golden sword, Su Ming's right hand trembled silently. The golden sword also trembled and suddenly collapsed, but Su Ming's body rolled upside down until he retreated to the edge of the platform and spewed out several mouthfuls of blood.

But he showed joy in his expression, and he didn't wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth. He looked up to the sky and laughed.

"I see. So that's it. Take out all your cultivation and let's do it again!" In Su Ming's laughter, his right hand was raised, and his fingers became a sword, but a golden light suddenly appeared on his fingers. In his eyes, the golden sword shadow was no longer illusory, but became real, replacing the pupil.

This scene fell into the eyes of tens of millions of people in the outside world, and there was a strong buzz.

"The ninth level, he really broke through the ninth level!!"

"I didn't expect that someone could really break through the ninth level at one time. I remember I've heard people say before that if someone can break through the ninth level at one time in this third famous place, then the strongest state of Jin Xiu will appear... the hidden tenth level!!"

When the voice of discussion from the outside world was swirling, the golden armored man looked at Su Ming seriously on the platform, as if to remember Su Ming's appearance deeply.

"Since the re-recording of the famous list here ten thousand years ago, you are the first person who let me have all my cultivations. I remember your name, Daokong... I don't know how much you understand, but if you don't understand, you can leave now. You are still a passer. Because if you don't have enlightenment, you... can't take over my decision!" RS