Ask for Magic

Chapter 1130 Light Source!

"Aurobright, at this moment, I am the aurobright. I don't know if this is a great success!" Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his body turned into endless light, forming a sea of light. When it roared in all directions, with the disappearance of the light, all the aurora lights here contracted in an instant and condensed into a figure.

A black hair floats, a black robe shines, and the deep light is revealed in the black eyes. It is Su Ming.

Su Ming is standing in the sea of light. At this moment, he is part of the sea of light. He has no sense of being torn at all. On the contrary, he has the power to shake the world between his hands.

"It's not Dacheng, otherwise, because things are gathered by kind, when I scatter the polar light, all the polar light born from the sea of light will come.

The aurora... The word of the pole can be seen its hegemony. This is a kind of aurora that is the only one of my paths in heaven and earth if it is cultivated to great success!" Su Ming's eyes flashed, and a moment later, his eyes showed decisiveness in an instant. After the whole person closed his eyes again, when his arms were stretched out, the two runes in his body merged and released again, and the black polar light burst out from Su Ming's body in an instant.

This time, Su Ming did not deliberately stop at all and did not consider his own limits. He wanted to release, release all the aurora that his body can produce, and release an extreme!

The appearance of this kind of thought seems to be invisibly consistent with Su Ming's aurora, which immediately spread out at an indescribable speed.

Thousands of feet, ten thousand feet, thirty thousand feet, more than ten thousand feet or even hundreds of thousands of feet. Looking around, all the light in the place where Su Ming is in the sea has been dispersed, leaving only a mass of extreme black, leaving only the extreme darkness!

The light has spread to this extent, but Su Ming is not going to stop. He can feel that he has not reached the extreme, and he can feel that his will has not been achieved.

His will is very simple. The world can have countless different kinds of light. But he chose to become the extreme. So he is the only one in the world!

The only one!

The light from Su Ming's body is still spreading rapidly in all directions. In a blink of an eye, it directly reached nearly one million feet from the previous hundreds of thousands of feet. Even with the passage of time, the light directly exceeded millions of feet and spread endlessly. Su Ming finally felt his own extreme.

But he still didn't give up, because he didn't feel that he could be called the only extreme, so even to the extreme, he was still crazy about the continuous absorption and release of the two runes in his body.

Until Su Ming himself didn't know how far his polar light had released, suddenly. A roar came from Su Ming's body. At the moment of the roar, it seemed that after Su Ming's polar light had reached a certain limit, it seemed to break some kind of confinement. In the moment of the roar, Su Ming was immediately shocked.

The aurora he emitted seems to be a little different from before, but it is different there. Su Ming said it was not clear again. The only thing he can see is inside his own body. The two runes merged together and became more complicated, and even had a strong feeling when Su Ming felt it.

It seems that... they are really fused together, not in order to absorb when they were fused before, and in order to release light when they dispersed, they seemed that they would never disperse with each other again...

At the same time, Su Ming felt that he didn't need to control anything by himself, and he didn't need to release anything by himself. Within the range of millions of feet, the aurora that appeared with his body as the center seemed to be... eternal!!

"Light source!!" Su Ming suddenly woke up. At this moment, he was no longer just an aurora that could be formed by continuous release. He became a light source, a light source that could emit aurora all the time.

Then, at the moment he became a light source, Su Ming felt that in this boundless sea of light, there were four polar light sources like him!!

These are four ancient light sources. They obviously exist for many years. They are naturally formed after the polar light scattered in this endless light condenses with each other.

The ancient feeling emerged from Su Ming's mind at this moment, and he sensed the four light sources from afar. Su Ming's eyes suddenly showed a touch of essence.

Since it has become the aurora of the underworld, it is going to become the only aurora of the underworld in the world. This idea comes from Su Ming's character. As his eyes flash, Su Ming's body immediately shook, and his whole body rolled up millions of feet of aurora into aurora in this sea of light, Go quickly.

It seems that the feeling of swallowing a few big splits in those years once again emerged from Su Ming's memory, but this time what he wants to devour is not the Heavenly Cang with consciousness, but the aurora born between heaven and earth.

To devour other polar light sources and make yourself the only one. This is Su Ming's character and the invisible law in the world. No one regulates this law, and no creature is qualified to regulate it. This is a natural nature.

At this moment, in this sea of light, the endless light shines brightly, but they are unconscious, which is doomed that once a person with self-consciousness appears among them, the rest of the same kind of light will face a fusion.

Consciously integrate the unconscious, which is itself part of the invisible law of the sky. It cannot be changed, and no one is willing to change it.

Time passed slowly, with the speed at which Su Ming incarnated into an extreme underworld light source. A few days later, he saw a magnificent Black Sea in the sea of light, which was an ocean of black light, which was exactly the same as his polar underworld light source.

Swallow, at the moment you see it, it has unfolded. The black aurora rays merge with each other, without experiencing any resistance, that is, a few breaths, a long roar from Su Ming, the moment of the sea of light, the two light sources have been completely integrated together, and a ball of light is enough to cover thousands The huge light source appeared in the sea of light at this moment.

With the appearance of this huge polar light source, when Su Ming's long roared around, his mind shook again, and it was a feeling that seemed to break some kind of confinement. The moment when his heart appeared, immediately in his consciousness, the other three polar light sources that had been perceived from afar collapsed and turned into Countless aurora lights actually roared straight to Su Ming at a very fast speed from all directions.

Their approach, as if Su Ming had become the ancestor of the polar light here. All the aurodesic light born in this sea of light is eager to be fused by it. Within a few days, under the continuous arrival of the aurora of the aurora, the light source of Su Ming's incarnation continued

Every time he fuses a polar light, the light source of Su Ming's incarnation will be larger, until he fuses all the polar light in his perception, and the sea of light within a radius of 30 million feet will become black!

But at this time, six magnificent light sources appeared again in Su Ming's perception. Each of these six light sources is larger than Su Ming's. They are far away from here. Even if Su Ming incarnates the polar light, it will take hundreds of years to gallop at full speed.

The sea of light is too big and boundless... Even Su Ming still has a strong feeling. Even if he integrates the six light sources, he can still feel that there is a more magnificent aurora in this endless sea of light.

"Cultivat light is like a monasticism... The light is boundless, Tao... boundless." Su Ming muttered, faintly understanding something from the polar light, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that he didn't understand anything.

In silence, Su Ming gave up to continue to integrate other aurora. It's not that he couldn't do it, but that it took too much time. Now, time is very precious to Su Ming.

"It's time to leave, but before I leave, I still need a light." All the extremes outside Su Ming's body disappeared and turned into a black Su Ming. He stood in the sea of light and became the master of this area. As he muttered, he walked forward.

Walking in all kinds of colorful light, until in a sea of light, Su Ming found the kind of red and white light he wanted, and could see the light of the extinct veins on the yuan god in his body.

After taking a wisp of it into the body in the swinging sleeves and preserving it in the yuan god, Su Ming was about to leave the sea of light. Suddenly, his expression moved and became the polar light. The sea of light in the range of 30 million feet all appeared in Su Ming's mind.

He saw that in the distance, the bald crane was carefully swimming in the sea of light, sometimes screaming, sometimes cursing. The damage caused by those light seemed to be strong and weak. It was avoiding the heavy and walking in the sea of light.

At the same time, Su Ming also saw that in the other direction, there was an obvious existence of a soul silk, clinging to a light, walking with the light, and almost dissipating in the struggle.

After a little meditation, Su Ming raised his step forward and disappeared. When he appeared, it was in front of the bald crane. Almost the moment when Su Ming had just appeared, the bald crane suddenly screamed.

"Your grandma crane, what kind of luck is this? This... There is actually a light source. It's over. Su Ming, you kill a thousand knives. It's not that Grandpa He doesn't save you. I can't protect myself!!" The bald crane screamed and retreated rapidly, looking frightened.

No wonder the bald crane can't help Su Ming, because in its eyes, what it sees is not Su Ming, but a figure of the aurora full body, which blocks all the breaths. What's more, around Su Ming, the other lights are avoided and dare not approach. In the view of the bald crane, this is obviously a light

Su Ming smiled slightly, but his smile was not visible to the bald crane. With Su Ming's big sleeve, a mass of polar light immediately enveloped the bald crane in an instant. With Su Ming's body shaking, he shuttled the void with the bald crane to the wisp of soul he felt before. . ( To be continued.)

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