Ask for Magic

Chapter 1149 Grandpa, can you give me this fish

Su Ming's eyes flashed. Although Bai Feng's muttering voice was still talking to himself, Su Ming saved Bai Feng here because of his feelings for the past and pity, which had nothing to do with love.

From the moment Bai Feng decided to use Su Ming, the fate of the two of them was destined to become strangers from then on.

When his eyes flashed, Su Ming no longer paid attention to Bai Feng, but his whole body flashed with a flash of black light. Immediately, with Su Ming as the center, suddenly swept around. It did not spread too far, but only covered the deep pit.

At the same time, at the moment of the polar light, Su Ming's eyes slowly closed slowly closed, and a wisp of black smoke immediately flew out of his body. The black smoke turned into a bald crane in a blink of an eye. It existed in the aurora, and its body gradually melted, as if it had melted with this a

"All the art of refining, surround the treasure with intention, take thinking as the way, and enter reincarnation together!" Su Ming raised his hands and shook forward. Suddenly, the white ring suddenly appeared and floated in front of Su Ming. The ring was extremely large, occupying almost all of the deep pit.

Su Ming looked solemn, and his hands were constantly changing in front of him. These seals were taught to Su Ming by bald cranes, and now they are displayed from Su Ming's hands - sinking into the white ring.

But the ring did not move at all, and there was no reaction to these marks in the float.

Gradually, Su Ming's hands pinched the formula faster and faster. In the rapid change, after nearly a hundred breaths, Su Ming's eyes suddenly opened and bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The blood directly turned into a blood mist and went straight to the white ring. In an instant, it was

The ring trembled suddenly, as if Su Ming's blood donation had been changed under the complex printing of the previous mistakes, with some strange power, shaking the white ring.

But the trembling just recovered as usual in an instant, but Su Ming's eyes suddenly lit up here.

"This art of refining is really useful. This is only the beginning of the first refining, and it actually shakes this treasure." Su Ming's eyes flashed, and all his mind was immersed in his hands. He changed again. This time, after sticking to nearly 200 breaths, he spewed out another mouthful of blood. When the blood touched the white ring, the white ring immediately trembled again.

And with its trembling, it seemed that there was a trace of blood to drill into the white ring, but soon the ring showed signs of recovery. Su Ming did not hesitate to jump up and kept swimming around the white ring. As he walked, it was a fast pinch of both hands, and its speed was getting faster and faster, and the seal was also More and more, sometimes blood is spewed out.

But if you look carefully, you can see the blood sprayed by Su Ming, which is in the same position as the white ring every time, which is where the white blood appeared faintly before.

It's just such a little time that Su Ming's whole body has been soaked! A large amount of sweat permeated the whole body, and even with his cultivation, it seemed to be unbearable. After all, every seal of it consumed a lot of Su Ming's cultivation, and the blood spewed out, and every mouth contained Su Ming's soul, and even more of his painstaking efforts.

"Ninety-nine hundred and ninety-eight seals, eight mouths of blood, now there is only one seal, only one mouthful of blood, can open the first refining!" Su Ming was out of breath, but he looked firm. With a shake of his body, his right hand raised and pinched out 999 seals. At the moment of patting the ring, he opened his mouth and spewed out the ninth mouth of blood. The blood instantly caught up with Su Ming's right hand and almost fell on the position where the ring appeared at the

"The bald crane!!" At the same time, Su Ming immediately spread his mind in his heart.

The bald crane has been preparing for a long time. At this moment, it let out a fierce roar. Its disappearing body suddenly turned into a black needle. Instead of stabbing the white ring, it went straight to Su Ming's eyebrows. Su Ming did not dodge, allowing the bald crane to turn into a black needle with sharp light. After the moment In the heart, after completely penetrating, it instantly pierced into its brain!

Su Ming immediately felt the roar of his mind in an instant. The roar echoed Su Ming's mind with bursts of tinging pain, and under the continuous rotation, it became bigger and bigger until he completely replaced all of Su Ming's consciousness. From Su Ming's eyebrows, a drop of red blood suddenly appeared, which turned into a long rainbow and went Where there was a faint trace of blood in the ring, after touching it, the drop of blood was immediately absorbed by the blood like melting and absorption. Suddenly, the blood in the white ring, as if nourished, quickly spread around.

Then, Su Ming's consciousness was directly scattered, and his mind was empty in an instant, as if all his thoughts had been cut off at this moment, but soon, his lax consciousness condensed again. But when it was completely condensed, the moment Su Ming opened his eyes, what he saw was no longer the stars surrounded by the polar light. His body is no longer in the broken stars, but in a world that Su Ming has never seen before.

"Grandpa, can you give me this fish?" In Su Ming's ear, another bright voice immediately came, which seemed to pull back Su Ming's somewhat confused consciousness in an instant, making his eyes condense and see the world.

This is a sky with blue sky and white clouds, the earth is full of mountains, and the place where Su Ming is located is a small island next to a lake. There are some villagers on the island. Su Ming sits on a fishing platform, with a hat to cover the sun. There is a fishing rod in front of him, fishing.

Next to the edge of the wooden fishing platform, there is a net hanging on the wooden pillar. The net is suspended and falls into the lake. It can be faintly seen that a fish in the net is swimming away, as if trying to break free, but it can't.

behind Su Ming, there was a little girl squatting there, with innocence, pointing to the fishing net and begging to Su Ming.

Su Ming was stunned for a moment and looked down at himself. It was an old man's body with rough hands, but although he was old, there were no cracks. Obviously, he often fished and often touched the traces of years left by the water.

Looking at the fish and the little girl, Su Ming's eyes showed a touch of enlightenment.

In his mind, what the bald crane said to him before came to his mind, which was to tell Su Ming about the meaning of the reincarnation of the art of ordinary alchemy.

"Nine reincarnations are the reincarnation between you and this treasure. This reincarnation may be very short, but it may also be extremely long. In this reincarnation, you are no longer you, and the treasure is no longer the treasure.

It will form a wisp of consciousness and integrate into this reincarnation. In these nine reincarnations, if you are bound to it, after the end of the practice, this fate can become the connection between you and this treasure, and it will belong to you.

This seems simple, but in fact there are many difficulties. First of all, you have to find it in reincarnation. Only by finding it can you make a thorn.

Reincarnation is wonderful, and few people can figure it out thoroughly. Therefore, in this reincarnation, finding it is the most critical point. If you can't find it, or find it wrong, then you can't get married, and every practice will fail.

As for how to find it, I don't know about it..."

"Grandpa, this fish is so pitiful. Don't eat it. Give it to me..." When Su Ming's words echoed in Su Ming's mind, the little girl next to him looked at Su Ming with a begging face and spoke again with her tender voice.

Su Ming looked up slightly. The sun was covered by the bamboo hat and could not fall on Su Ming's face. He looked at the little girl in front of him and looked at the fish in the net. His eyebrows gradually frowned. He could not distinguish whether the consciousness of the treasure was transformed into a little girl or... the fish in the first reincarnation!

At the same time, outside this reincarnation, on the broken star, in the deep pit filled by Su Ming's polar light, the bald crane was gasping in it, and sometimes his eyes swept over Su Ming, who was sitting on his knees not far away. In the middle of Su Ming's eyebrows, there was a black silk spreading, connected

The bald crane gasped and looked at the floating white ring, looking very bored.

"Hmm, Grandpa He is still smart. I can think of such a powerful method of refining. It seems that I must not be simple before. Maybe he is a big shot." When the bald crane is bored, it begins to brag about itself. This feeling of self-bragging is its favorite thing. Often once it is bored, it is willing to do so.

"Speaking of Grandpa Crane... Hey, I seem to think of something again. There seems to be some drawbacks in this method of refining. It seems... It seems to be very serious?" The bald crane was stunned, scratched its bald head with its claws, and subconsciously swam in this polar light.

"It's strange, what's the drawback? Damn it, why can't you remember it..." The bald crane looked annoyed. Unconsciously, he flew out of the aurora and appeared outside the deep pit, but almost the moment he walked out, the bald crane immediately opened his eyes wide and stared at the original position of the white What it saw was the white phoenix that had lost its breath, but there was a black silk in the middle of the white phoenix's eyebrows! It spread in the polar light.

The bald crane cried and immediately flew into the dark light along the black silk until at the white ring, he saw the black connection, which was... connected to the white ring.

"Damn it, I remember that the most taboo thing about this treasure is that there are other people around. It's over, and now Su Ming fails! Grandpa Crane, I am wise..." The bald crane's face was full of depression. It vaguely knew that it could not cut off the black silk, otherwise it would have a great impact on Su Ming and directly lead to the failure of refining.

Once you fail, it is almost impossible to do it a second time. After all, it is like the original impression. Once left, it is difficult to change.

He kept grasping the bald head with his claws. The bald crane suddenly flashed in his eyes and raised his claws. In front of him, it was like pinching his fingers to calculate, that is, a few breaths, and it suddenly relaxed.

"There is a hidden creation, hey hey, since there is creation, even if Su Ming fails, no wonder I didn't remind him. Yes, that's it. I deliberately didn't say it in order to get his creation. Yes, Grandpa He is really smart, haha." The bald crane laughed proudly and began to praise himself again...

The update is finally coming... (To be continued.