Ask for Magic

Chapter 1185 The Road to Life

"The Hall of Spirits, the legendary origin of all the spirits..." Su Ming's eyes fell on the skeleton and frowned. The skeleton had the meaning of vicissitudes. Obviously, he didn't know how many years it had been here.

And this spiritual hall is completely separated from the outside world. If it hadn't been for the sun charm, Su Ming would not have stepped in here and been trapped here for four years. Looking at the skeleton, the empty head and eyes of the skeleton seemed to be staring at Su Ming, with a trace of sarcasm, mocking Su Ming's idea Ming's future may be the same as him, in such a cave, waiting for the day when his flesh and blood are lost and become bones.

The black bones may be caused by the precipitation on the bones in the years after death, and it may also be... Like Su Ming, they swallowed more fierce animal blood, making his body not only black, but also with bones.

"Sacrifice... Sacrifice..." Su Ming sighed. He still remembered the buzzing sound echoing from the Shenyang charm when he transmitted himself after being attracted for no reason four years ago.

"There is no sacrifice, the sacrifice is self-sacrifice... The sacrificer here should be said to be me. According to the situation at that time, it was an unintentional move, which met the conditions for the opening of this sun charm for countless years.

It's just that what I did after that, so that I couldn't complete the sun charm after it was opened, so I was punished, and it was transmitted here as a sacrifice. In fact, Su Ming had figured out this problem a few years ago. There is only one possibility for the so-called sacrifice, that is, the soul of the empty split.

Only such a consciousness independent by the Tianxiang array may faintly meet the conditions of sacrifice, and faintly conform to the spirit in the three words of the Hall of Spirits.

It's just that the soul of the empty split at that time was taken away by Su Ming, which is equivalent to taking away its sacrifice after opening the sun charm, so there was a scene after that.

"Since this skeleton can appear here, and since I can be transmitted here, even if this place may not have been opened for a long time, there must be a lot of such bones here, and it is even very likely that there are living people." Su Ming's eyes flashed. This is the answer he has been looking for for for four years. It will be a way to leave here and find the living people who still exist here. Even if he doesn't get the answer, he can better understand the so-called Hall of the Spirits.

After a moment of silence, Su Ming looked at the white sky outside the cave. He knew that the white fog outside would last for seven days, and the color of the fog would change after seven days. With the change, there will be different dangers until the red came to the earth again, which was like a cycle.

Turning his head to look at the cave again, Su Ming looked firm. He had been stranded in the cave for several years, and he was only surrounded by, rushing back here to avoid the strange existence in the red fog before the red came.

But after all, this is not a long-term solution. If you want to leave here, you must know more about the outside world. At least you must know the origin of those figures in the red fog, at least... If you can step into the huge palace that once appeared in the sky, you may find a way to get out of here.

Su Ming took a deep breath. With a flash of his eyes, his skin immediately aged rapidly. His body slowly became white, and a dead breath gradually permeated Su Ming's body. This is a minimum reduction in his body in the past four years. For the method of loss, keep valuable cultivation so that it will not be wasted.

After turning into an old man of vicissitudes, Su Ming got up and walked out of the cave. At the moment he walked out, he looked around, the white fog of the earth rolled, and the fog in the sky was shrouded, white and boundless.

There was no sound at all. The silence here was like a huge tomb. Su Ming silently went down the mountain, ignored the white fog, and walked quickly towards the east. He did not use his cultivation, but walked with his feet. Although the speed could not be compared with the use of cultivation, it was also too fast than ordinary people. More.

At this point, Su Ming was very uncomfortable when he first entered the foggy world, and his speed was much slower. The weak feeling of inaction made his body seem unacceptable. However, with the devouring the blood of those fierce beasts, while Su Ming's blood was changed, his physique was slowly changed.

Su Ming doesn't know whether this change is good or bad, but there is no doubt that he needs such a change here.

The surrounding environment is very familiar to Su Ming. He did not stop at all the way. When the fourth day arrived, he stood at the top of a high mountain in the east. Looking back, although his eyes were covered by the vast fog, he could still find the cave where he had lived for several years.

Because the position he is in at this moment is the farthest place he has stepped on in the right east in the process of searching around in the past few years.

Looking at the covered cave in the white fog, Su Ming looked firm. It was indeed much safer to hide there, but at the same time, it was also equivalent to being trapped there. The final result would be like the skeleton, until he became a skeleton.

If you want to leave the damn spiritual hall, you must leave the safe cave. Although it is dangerous in the outside world, there is a glimmer of possibility to leave here at the same time of the crisis.

It is not easy to make such a decision. After all, if any life finds a safe place from a dangerous environment, if he leaves, and puts him in danger again, this is a kind of human nature, an instinctive rejection of life.

The vast majority of life will choose that safe place. Even if they know that there is no result and they will eventually die, it is much better to die a day later than to die early.

Su Ming also confirmed this belief after several years of silence. At this moment, after a deep glance, he turned his head and followed the farthest mountain he had walked in those years, straight to the fog below, and stepped into the distance he had never been to in the past four years since he came here.

The fog covers the line of sight, and the eyes can't see even a few inches in front of him. Every time the divine consciousness unfolds, it represents the consumption of cultivation. Therefore, Su Ming rarely uses the divine consciousness to cover the surroundings. In addition to the loss of cultivation, the most important thing is to cause some unnecessary trouble.

This is a lesson. It is a lesson that Su Ming has eaten in the past four years. The fundamental reason why he was chased and killed by those creatures in the red fog in those years is also that Su Ming's divine consciousness attracted the first figure in the red fog.

All life here seems to have an extremely strong sense of divine consciousness, and a little bit of it will make them detect it instantly.

So, if it hadn't been for the last resort, Su Ming would not have used the power of divine consciousness, but in this white fog, in the safest white light of all the fog, Su Ming still tried to let the divine consciousness sweep around.

His consciousness will be weakened and restricted in this fog, so even if he expands with all his strength, it will not be too far. He just wants to brand the terrain around him in his mind, so that even if he can't see the surroundings, he won't get lost.

Time went by day by day. Su Ming walked constantly, and there was no time to rest. After seven days, when the fog around him gradually changed from white to blue, he walked far away until he saw the appearance of blue in the white fog. Su Ming obviously relaxed a little and was always vigilant. God, with the relaxation of God's mind, sat cross-legged and had a little rest.

Su Ming, who has been here for four years, has never found the rule of fog here. He just knows that it must be white after red, but he can't judge what is after white. It may be blue, green, purple, or even possibly red.

Therefore, seven days is a limit and a gamble. Therefore, the farthest Su Ming has traveled before will never exceed four days. He will leave him enough time to return to the original cave.

Unless it's... going out hunting.

Caution, be careful. It is Su Ming's vigilance that has existed in his heart all year round after living here for four years. Even if the white fog turns blue at this moment, Su Ming just relaxed for a sip of incense, and immediately tightened his mind again, looked around warily, and walked slowly.

Because, except for the white fog and the red fog that must last for seven days, the existence of other colors of fog is uncertain. It may be one day, seven days, or even half a day or even one hour. Su Ming has also seen it with his own eyes.

In this vigilance, Su Ming continued to run forward without hesitation, unfolding all the speed he could, away...

"It's a pity that the empty split can't be taken away, otherwise it will be much faster." Su Ming sighed secretly. In the past four years, he has tried many times to take out the empty split from the storage bag and the soul of the empty split. He wanted to seize and merge, but every time as the storage bag was opened, as long as the empty split appeared, even if the outside world was in a relatively safe white fog, it would instantly become red, with It will appear in an instant.

In terms of time, it is impossible to give Su Ming a chance to give up. If he persists, his figure will be submerged in the existence of the red fog.

After three days, the blue fog turned orange, but the orange fog lasted for five days. When Su Ming had been out for half a month, the orange fog turned purple.

At the moment when the purple fog appeared, Su Ming's expression immediately showed a stronger vigilance. The purple fog, in his previous four years, was the fog of hunting.

Those fierce beasts that have recovered their cultivation after devouring will only appear when the purple fog appears, and it is not only these fierce beasts that make Su Ming wary, but also a law that he has summarized out after countless observations over the past four years.

After purple, it must be red!


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