Ask for Magic

Chapter 1199 Saint

As her eyes opened, a touch of blue in her pupils was revealed, and her face gradually changed at this moment, as if to forcibly peel the years away from her body, making her no longer look middle-aged, but as if she had become a girl.

She looked calm at this moment. She raised her head as if she didn't feel the ice in the frozen altar and looked into the distance. The direction she looked at was the exit of the ninth world of the dark morning, and farther away was the three wilderness world.

In silence, she slowly raised her jade hand, revealing a blue crystal in the palm of her hand. At this moment, there is a faint blue light shining on the crystal. The light is very beautiful. If you look at it for a long time, it seems that you can suck your mind in and can't extricate yourself.

"My sister's holy soul crystal, for the first time in tens of thousands of years... such a light appeared..." The woman muttered softly, and her voice was very cold.

"The guidance of this light is in the three wilderness world, and the only thing in the three wilderness world that can cause the sister's soul crystal to fluctuate is the son she gave birth to in those years, and the baby she will never forget until she returns to the ruins." The woman was silent. After a long time, there was a trace of thought in her indifferent face. After a moment, her left hand waved on the ice in front of her, and the sound of clicks suddenly echoed. Cracks appeared in the ice, that is, a few breaths. The ice broke up in an instant and fell in all directions.

Almost the moment the ice broke and fell off, the dark starry sky suddenly appeared with ninety-eight shining stars. These ninety-eight stars seemed to be far away from here, but because they were far away, you could see a pattern composed of them.

That is a phoenix pattern. If there are lines connecting the stars, it can outline a lifelike phoenix.

At the same time as the Phoenix pattern in the Ninety-eight Star Ancestral City, around this woman, there were immediately figures coming out of the air, densely packed. There were more and more of these figures, and after a moment, there were hundreds of thousands of people around.

They can't see clearly one by one, as if they are integrated with this nothingness, but the breath errted from them seems to freeze the sky of this world.

After these people appeared, they bent down to the woman and knelt down.

"Congratulations to the saint for leaving the customs!"

"In the years of my retreat, what happened to the dark morning." The woman calmly looked at the hundreds of thousands of people around and spoke faintly.

Soon, some people will tell the women in detail what has happened in the years, including the gap between the three wilderness worlds, including the war with the rebellious saints to compete for this gap.

After a long time, the woman closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again, she stepped forward.

"I'm out of business, and it's strictly forbidden to spread it. Su'er will continue to close the customs for me. I'm going to go there... Sanhuang." The woman opened her mouth lightly. In the crowd behind her, a woman immediately claimed that her body gradually changed and soon turned into the woman's appearance. She went to the altar and sat there. The ice slowly appeared and sealed again.


In the world of the Hall of Spirits, Su Ming was bathed in golden light. His figure was blurred, and the old man of the heavenly spirit tribe in the distance looked gloomy, showing regret in his eyes.

At this moment, Su Ming's body seems to be as usual, but in his mind, two hundred and fifty-six souls and two hundred and fifty-six consciousness have made him unable to find the first soul very accurately.

This is lost. Although Su Ming has not been completely lost, after a long time, or if there is any change, then he will definitely lose his soul.

At the moment when Su Ming struggled to lock his own soul, suddenly, Su Ming's two hundred and fifty-six souls were shaken together. The power contained in the powerful golden light was full of all the soul bodies of the two hundred and fifty-six souls. Any soul body was several times more powerful than the previous soul of Su Ming.

At this moment, there was a strong roar in Su Ming's mind, and the ninth split suddenly came.

Two hundred and fifty-six souls, with the shock at this moment, split again and turned into five hundred and twelve parts, and Su Ming's consciousness was also scattered, from the previous two hundred and fifty-six to five hundred and twelve.

This made Su Ming, who could only lock his soul with difficulty, completely unable to find his soul at this moment and fell into a kind of loss. He looked at any soul as if it were his own soul, but none of them seemed to be all.

The old man of the heavenly spirit department in the outside world saw this and sighed. He understood that this time, Su Ming failed. No one can reverse the success in the loss, but most of them split three or four times. There will be hope of finding his own soul in the loss, but Su Ming's nine divisions here, which is so difficult that it is Yes.

"His failure has nothing to do with himself. It's because of the foreign atmosphere in his soul. That's all, that's all." The old man of heaven shook his head, but the pity and regret in his expression were very strong. He could imagine that it would not be long before the five hundred and twelve souls were once again strengthened by the power contained in the golden light, these souls would be fused and devoured.

Only when you master the soul can you guide and merge at that time, until after turning zero into a whole, there is a... spiritual soul that integrates all other souls!

Only at that time, the body, cultivation and soul will transform at the same time, taking the soul of the spirit as the seed, destroying the barbarian body as the root, and cultivation as the leaf, will Su Ming really take the first step in the sublimation of the spirit.

"It's a pity... But it can't be said that he failed. It's just that his consciousness has been erased and replaced by another reborn consciousness. In this way, in a way, he is still him, and there is also the possibility of trading." The old man of heaven's eyes flashed, and then sighed that outsiders couldn't help him. Even if he couldn't do it, he could only look at Su Ming's face in the golden light, with a deep confusion at this moment.

Su Ming was lost, lost in 512 consciousness and souls, and could not find his own soul, until these 512 souls, after all completed under the golden light, Su Ming saw blankly that they... began to devour and merge with each other.

A sense of life-and-death crisis instantly appeared in Su Ming's mind. He had a strong premonition that if he could not find his own soul, then in this fusion, once his original soul was swallowed up by other souls, it represented Su Ming, a certain sense of death.

Perhaps the last soul also thinks that it is Su Ming, but this is like the consciousness of empty split independence, which is no longer the real him.

The devouring and fusion of the soul has unfolded at this moment. The five hundred and twelve souls are now roaring in Su Ming's mind under the collision of each other. In the mutual devouring of the soul, the feeling of life and death crisis emerges in every soul of Su Ming, making it difficult for him to judge at all.

"What should I do!!" The consciousness in the 512 souls all emerged at this moment. It seemed that each of them was true, and it seemed that every one was false.

Seeing that the souls had been swallowed up under the mutual fusion, at this moment, suddenly, Su Ming saw that one of his souls was being devoured by the fusion of three souls at the same time, and suddenly a blue light appeared.

The blue light was very weak, but at this moment, in Su Ming's mind, the faint blue light seemed to be a lighthouse in the night. At the moment of flashing, Su Ming had no time to judge, so he had to rush all his consciousness into the soul emitting blue light that was being fused and swallowed away.

At the moment when his consciousness was integrated into this soul, Su Ming's heart was shocked. He had a strong feeling that this soul was his own soul, which was his earliest soul.

couldn't understand why he felt like this. The urgency at this moment also made Su Ming have no time to think about his attitude. He persistently believed that this was his own soul, and immediately began to merge and devour with other souls around him.

Time passes slowly, and the feeling of severe pain has long been numb. These more than 500 souls, if one soul is swallowed up, it is not one individual, but the whole soul.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer souls in Su Ming's mind. When there were only more than 200 left, each of their souls exceeded Su Ming's previous one.

With the continued integration and devouring, Su Ming was almost erased several times, but his consciousness in this soul was like fighting with hundreds of himself. This feeling is indescribable, but Su Ming's feeling is countless times more dangerous than the outside world's fighting.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer souls left, one hundred and eighteen, ninety-six, sixty-four...

Su Ming didn't know how long the time had passed. He couldn't distract him from anything. He could only immerse himself in the fusion and devouring of the soul until the remaining soul in his mind, together with him, only ten times. Su Ming clearly felt the soul at this moment, which was too powerful than he had in the past. It can't be compared. That's the difference in life.

The roar echoed in Su Ming's mind. The remaining ten souls began a crazy devouring. In the end, only one can exist. The existing one will dominate the body and become the new Su Ming.

If this soul is his choice now, and his choice of this soul is indeed the earliest soul, then he is still him, but there is a mistake in this link. Then even if the soul chosen by Su Ming now successfully exists, then Su Ming's consciousness will be erased and replaced by another born consciousness.

Time passed slowly, and the soul in Su Ming's mind changed from ten to eight, and then to five. In the end, when there were only two left, one of them was Su Ming, who began a duel.

Each of these two souls, including Su Ming, is infinitely close to Lingxian. The power of the breath and the fluctuation of that soul are enough to make the outsider's mind shake. But now, these two souls must be merged into one. Only in this way can they truly transform from the spirit. Become a spiritual first! RS