Ask for Magic

Chapter 1253 It--related to you

In this swirl of yin and death, Su Ming completely sealed the space world where the three emperors and five emperors were located with the hand of the old man of heaven. At the same time, outside this swirl of yin and death, the barbarian earth floated in the starry sky, and countless barbarian monks

This is the first time they have left Yin and died, and the first time they have come to the outside world. At this moment, their inner thoughts have ups and downs, especially their barbarian gods are still in it, and it is inevitable that there is anxiety.

After the previous fierce fighting, today's barbarians are like being reborn in the fire, and the whole momentum has changed. Although they are silent at this moment, their eyes show a trace of determination first.

That is the determination that if Su Ming can't do it, they will never leave, and even do not hesitate to return to the whirlpool of death.

Although this momentum was available before, it is by no means as decisive as it is now. Sometimes, the word decisive represents a kind of unconcealable momentum!

Fang Canglan sat silently on a peak on the edge of the earth, shaking her eyes at the majestic swirl under the starry sky. The whole swirl of swirl is like a bright star. If it hadn't been for the dead haze, it would have made people a wonderful and dazzling feeling.

She is waiting, just like the past thousand years, no matter how long it has passed, she will wait all the time, but fate seems to always have too much attachment on her, making him outside and she is inside for more than a thousand years.

Now, she came out, but he... was left to death.

Similarly, at this moment, the former Daochen Sect, now the Ninth Peak Sect, is being reinforced. Whether it is the protective formation or the integration of the internal three forces, it is rapidly changing the face of the Ninth Front, as if it is changing with each passing day, making the former Dao Chenzong the mountain gate after integration. Nine peaks are growing invisibly every day.

The army from the Yinsheng Real World and the Fourth Real World also shuttled through the boundary during this period. At the invitation of the messenger sent by the ninth peak, it broke through the hurricane all the way. With the 100,000 monks sent by the ninth peak, a total of 300,000 strikers went straight to the Sanhuang Gap.

Here, it will be the first line of defense against the dark morning and the anti-sage of the three wilderness world, and also the first army.

The whole Taoist morning real world is in this tension that time passes slowly. Relatively speaking, in the tense atmosphere at this moment, there is more of silence before the storm. No one knows when the anti-sage and the dark morning will roar in the gap of the three wilderness.

But some qualified monks, they all understand that that day... was already very close, very close...

It's close to... Maybe it's tomorrow.

Outside the gap of the three wildernesses, there are still strong hurricanes within a radius of 100,000 feet. Although there are still hurricanes outside them, they are much thinner. This is the work of the three true worlds. They are stationed in the three directions nearby, forming three camps connected together.

Arrays, prohibitions, powerful weapons, and so on are all around, all locked in the three wilderness gaps. Usually, many monks from the three major camps will be sent to rush into the hurricane near the gap as a scout for close observation.

This task is mainly based on the cultivation of the ninth peak, because although the hurricane here can be resisted by the fourth true world and the yin holy real world, it is not like the monks of the ninth peak. Because Su Ming is the master of the will of the whole real world, and whoever has his imprinted divine consciousness, it can even be said that The monks can move widely in this hurricane without being affected.

Even as long as Su Ming is willing, he can make the hurricane here disappear in an instant, but he doesn't want to do so. Hurricanes exist, which is better for the three wildernesses. After all, this is natural protection.

The tension of the Taoist real world and the silence before the wind and rain have formed depression. While this depression covers the whole real world, the Yin Sage and the fourth real world are also preparing for the second wave of monks to be sent.

This is a... war of prosperity and loss. This is not an internal struggle. If it is a civil war, regardless of victory or defeat, life or death, the final result is only to decide which side is the hegemon.

Now this war is an invasion of foreign enemies and an invasion. Once this war fails, the four real worlds will be enslaved, countless monks will be erased, and will... change owners!

Originally, in the view of the yin holy true world and the fourth true world, the ninth peak of the re-emergence of the Daochen real world seems to be not qualified to be the master of Daochen. Even many people in these two real worlds think that the Taochen real world has become a ruin, so there is no need to exist. It The Taoist real world has been arranged into a dangerous place, and even such remarks have been supported by many people among the strong people in the two real worlds.

However, Xuan Zun of the yin holy true world, and an ancient will of the arrival of the fourth true world, directly denied all this. Not only did they meet the messenger of the arrival of the ninth peak, but also vaguely seemed to be very polite to the ninth peak.

This incident caused many monks to be puzzled. Gradually, a rumor spread somehow. This rumor said that behind the ninth peak of the Taoist real world, there was a strong man like Xuanzun. It was the existence of this person that made the ninth peak gain the respect of the other two real worlds.

This rumor is illusory. Some people believe that some people sneer at it, but in any case, the offensive and defensive alliances of the three real worlds are extremely strong with each other under the arrival of foreign enemies at any time.

At this moment, Su Ming, the strong man like Xuan Zun behind the rumored ninth peak, was in the vortex of death, with an indifferent look, with decisiveness in his eyes, roaring towards the depths of the vortex of death, and went away in an instant.

Arrays of ring ripples echoed around Su Ming, forming a protective power of the treasure ring. This force permeated Su Ming, so that he could still maintain a certain speed in the depths of the swirlpool.

His speed was very fast. When the sixth day was about to pass, he had penetrated to a depth that he had never sunk before. The swirl around him became narrower and narrower, the suction power became stronger and stronger, and the sharp roar like wolves in his ears was deafening.

"A little more, I can feel that in the depths of this swirlpool, there is a... unimaginable existence!" The old man of heaven said with a touch of excitement. He grabbed Su Ming in his words and rushed forward with his body.

But at the moment he rushed out with Su Ming, suddenly there was a strong sense of rejection in the whirlpool, which turned into a wind. The wind seemed to be weak, but it seemed to solidify the whirlpool, so that the swirlpool of death under that meal, set off a storm in which even the old man of the spirit of

The storm suddenly appeared in an instant. Su Ming was better, but he felt numb all over his body. It seemed that he had lost his cultivation for a moment. His will was blank, and his body was stunned.

But that day, the old man's whole body trembled suddenly, retreated quickly, and spewed out three mouthfuls of blood in a row. He looked frighted, but soon looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Sure enough, it's true. My guess is not wrong. There can be no eternal life in this world. All life has natural enemies, and all existence will fall!

Su Ming, go to the depths of this place, go to the deepest part, the secret hidden there, it... has something to do with you!!" The old man of heaven looked crazy, turned around with laughter, looked up and shook at the endless swirlpool of death.

It's almost the moment when his words fall, and the seventh day... comes.

The arrival of the seventh day represents Su Ming's spiritual preemption!

A blood mark immediately appeared in Su Ming's eyebrows, and the mark quickly melted into blood. In the blink of an eye, Su Ming's whole body was covered, such as loading his body into a blood net.

Outside the swirlpool of yin and death, the other direction of the barbarian land floating in the starry sky is almost separated from the swirlpool of yin and death. At this moment, there are two figures standing there silently.

Both figures are very vague, as if they are unreal. I don't know how long they have been here, and they have been silently watching the dark whirlpool.

One of them is short, but he is not a dwarf, but a boy.

The other one is as if the whole body is surrounded by fog, and the rotation of each fog seems to become an eye, so that when looking at this person, it seems that you can see countless eyes in his body.

There was no breath on the two of them. They stood there and seemed to be able to avoid some rules and wills of the real world. After a long time, the boy sighed.

"Have you seen this person's cultivation..."

"Those who can take away the real world of Daochen, don't say that I can't see it. There are only a few people who can see it in these three wilderness worlds." The foggy figure opened his mouth in a low voice.

"It is rumored that this person is Xuan Zun like you and me, but they don't know that this person... has already surpassed Xuan Zun, above you and me.

I just don't understand that all the spirits have been suppressed in the fourth true world. How did he... become the spirits!" These two people are Xuan Zun in the true world of Yin and the fourth frame. If Su Ming can be distracted at this moment, he will definitely recognize him at a glance. This person is the master of the long river in the illusory scene he saw on the bones of the long river!

Only the fog figure, from his understanding of Lingxian, it can be seen that he, who can become the Xuanzun of the fourth real world, has too many secrets related to the suppression of the Sanhuang Lingxian.

"Don't forget the legendary... Hall of Spirits!" The foggy figure, after a moment of silence, opened his mouth hoarsely.

"Spirits... huh?" The boy was about to speak when he suddenly looked up. His eyes contracted in an instant, and he saw the whole real world. At this moment, even he had a terrible change. At the same time, his breath expanded rapidly, as if he had been strongly stimulated.

"This is..."

"Spirit...first...rob!!" What answered him was the fog next to him. The man almost stopped talking, with a trace of disbelief, until the last word was high and he lost his voice. RS