Ask for Magic

Chapter 1255 Wuyanlin

The old man of heaven showed a deep meaning in his eyes. He looked at Su Ming and did not go to save him immediately. If Su Ming did not choose to cross the disaster in person, then he would naturally help him, but he would definitely judge in his heart that Su Ming's achievements would stop here.

A person who dares not even face his own spiritual preemptive will not be able to become a leader in his life, and can only eventually become a sentient being. Not only will his cultivation not be refined, but he will even slowly disperse.

Therefore, Su Ming asked to cross the disaster in person. In this heavenly spirit old man, he could see Su Ming's own responsibility. Such a person... He was also curious about how many disasters he could survive.

"His disaster must be different from others because of my existence. This first disaster alone is obviously beyond what I once understood...

And if it hadn't been for the swirling of death here, the power of this disaster would have been even more terrible. The old man of Tianling frowned and looked at Su Ming, who was rapidly approaching by the red lightning.

Su Ming's eyes flashed. In the face of this powerful spiritual preemptive, it was difficult for him to fight against his own art of moving mountains. Su Ming had judged this before, so now after the collapse of the huge peak of the 100,000 mountains, before the red lightning came, Su Ming pinched his hands and patted his chest.

Under this beat, Su Ming's body suddenly stepped back a few steps, and there was a purple light flash directly between his mouths, and the desperate sword roared out. The purple light was in an instant, covering all around Su Ming, forming a dazzling light. At the same time, from a distance, Su Ming himself became a purple big one in this dark whi Sword.

"Desperate, move the mountain!!" Su Ming's eyes appeared a lot of blood at this moment. It was all under the crazy operation of his body, to stimulate the sword, with the sword power to shake the sky, connect its true world, attract tens of millions of mountains, to start a... the strongest skill of moving mountains.

Sword, mountain shape, in ancient times have something in common. In human hands, willow branches and wood strips, gold, silver and iron can be made into swords. In the hands of heaven, the earth and mountains, and huge trees can all become swords!

Therefore, he used the sword to move the mountain, which was thought of by Su Ming. It was a way to make his magic power to move the mountain stronger. At this moment, when he did not hesitate to use it, his spiritual meaning spread out of the swirlpool of death, filling the real world of the three wilderness roads that had been static.

With the spread of Su Ming's will, in the whole Taoist real world, there were once, and now still exist, on the countless broken stars, as well as those floating continents and broken peaks, at this moment, under the buzzing vibration, as if the soul had been taken away.

Su Ming took away the mountain souls of the whole Taoist real world. These mountain souls instantly appeared around Su Ming in the vortex of death, 100,000, millions, tens of millions... to hundreds of millions, they are not surrounded, otherwise they could not be accommodated here at all.

These mountain souls overlap one by one, with Su Ming as the center, with the tip of the desperate sword in front of him as the tip of the mountain. Under the rapid illusion overlap, in a blink of an eye, it is... 300 million mountains!!

After the 300 million mountains merge and overlap, it contains the supreme front of the desperate sword, condenses the majestic and indestructible soul of Daochen Mountain, surrounds Su Ming, and transforms into a... purple peak!!

The old man of the spirit not far away, after seeing this scene, his eyes shrank slightly. On Su Ming, he found almost a miraculous scene again and again, whether it was in the world of the Hall of Spirits, wandering in the outside world, or the current fight against the preort of the spirit. A series of pictures came out one by one in the mind of the old man of heaven.

"This son is good at hiding his own spells. For example, at present, this magic power is much more powerful than before... It can be said that if it does not move, it will be amazing when it moves..." After seeing Su Ming's incarnation of a purple mountain, the old man of the heavenly spirit was relieved, because he knew that Su Ming did not recklessly say that he wanted to experience the first disaster of the spirit, but he was afraid that he had made a decision long time ago and made preparations.

"Unfortunately, if he were my people." The old man of heaven shook his head, and he couldn't hide his envy for the barbarian.

While the old man shook his head, Su Ming turned into a mountain like a sword in the swirl of death. It was slow to say, but in fact, all this was only completed in an instant. It was the moment when the red lightning approached, and it fell on the purple peak.

The rumbling loud noise is endlessly swirling around at this moment. Red lightning, the first disaster in this spiritual preemptive disaster is also the weakest disaster in the other six disasters. After experiencing the suppression of the vortex of death and the weakening of Su Ming's first mountain moving skill, at this moment, it is bombarded on

At the moment when the roar echoed, the purple peak turned into by Su Ming shook violently. Between the ups and downs of the click, cracks suddenly appeared. Along the cracks, red light spread rapidly. The red light was the power of red lightning, like a kind of dispersion and pouring. After being fought by Su Ming with the peak, Use cracks to weaken its strength.

Until a deafening roar rose to the sky, the purple peak transformed by Su Ming was suddenly torn apart. After the peak condensed with 300 million mountain souls completely collapsed, the purple light flashed inside. It was a desperate sword clip with a murder that had been condensed for a long time, and suddenly rushed to it. At this moment, it was extremely gloom The red lightning.

The sharp friction suddenly swirled, which was the sound of the impact of the desperate sword after touching the red lightning. The sound only lasted for about two breaths. Su Ming's eyes flashed, and his body rushed out for the first time and went straight to the red lightning.

This is Su Ming's serial magic power. The first time he moved the mountain, the second time he moved the mountain, and the third time he was desperate to kill. In this way, after continuous weakening, Su Ming took action.

He used the simplest way, with the simplest fist. When the desperate sword retreated, he punched the red lightning that was dim to the extreme.

The roar spread all over the world. Su Ming's whole body shook, but did not retreat at all. Instead, he raised his head. The whole person showed a momentum of looking at the world. This momentum became stronger and stronger. Finally, the red lightning in front of him. Under the destruction of the first disaster, Su Ming's momentum reached the strongest level.

The old man of the spirit not far away witnessed this scene, and his eyes showed admiration. No matter what method Su Ming used, it was indeed himself who fought against the preemptive.

This matter may not bring about an increase in cultivation, but in the heart, in the will, it can make Su Ming make rapid progress, as if he has taken a big step!

"There are seven disasters first. Although your disaster is guided by me, I expect that it is only three disasters at most. After all, you are only promoted once. I can help you get through these three disasters. If you want to cross the disaster by yourself, I will also take appropriate action. After all, I want to witness it. A guess.

So now, what do you want to do with this second disaster? The old man of heaven looked at Su Ming and slowly opened his mouth.

"The second disaster, the younger generation will go through it by themselves." Su Ming was silent for a few breaths, holding his fist to the old man of the spirit of heaven. At this moment, his body is like a rainbow, which cannot be relieved, so even if the second disaster is powerful, he must persist.

And... Most importantly, Su Ming obviously felt that his momentum seemed to have a sense of breaking through under this continuous cohesion. This breakthrough came from the level of life, but also from the spiritual meaning in his body.

In the world of the Hall of the Spirits, the reason why he only ascended once was not because he did not know the number of the second ascended, but because Su Ming had something beyond his own strength. If he forcibly ascended, even if the number was right, he might not be able to succeed.

It seems that when mortals can lift a ten-foot stone and look at the ten-foot stone, he feels that he is willing but not strong enough.

But now, after Su Ming survived the first disaster, he has a very strong feeling that as long as he makes this breakthrough, then he can go to the second ascension!!

"Nine times ascension... Su Ming's heart was banging, but his expression was not revealed at all. When he looked up, he stared at the whirlpool, with a sense of war and hidden in his eyes, which only he could know... Looking forward to it.

"Well, this second disaster, as I know, is the five thunderstorms. This disaster... The old man of the spirit of heaven nodded, and when he was opening his mouth, suddenly above the dark whirlpool, suddenly there was a thunderous roar.

At the moment when the sound appeared, the old man immediately saw that there seemed to be five colors shining in the whirlpool above. This scene shocked his mind, and his eyes shone in an instant, and he stared at it.

"This... After seeing the five-color light clearly, the old man's expression changed, showing a sense of shock.

At the same time, outside this swirlpool of death, at this moment, in a dead world of the three wilderness, from the four directions of southeast and northwest, suddenly four thunders condensed out of thin air, turning into a long rainbow and straight to the swirlpool of death.

The speed of their speed is not comparable to monks. For them, it is just a moment for them to shuttle a world, four long rainbows, four staggered colors, black, white, red and pink. Under these mutual changes, they are instantly close to the vortex of death.

Then, at the same time as they arrived, the fifth long rainbow appeared in the starry sky outside the swirlpool of death, which was yellow, a yellow that seemed to represent supreme majesty and supreme dignity!

Like the secular imperial power, the light covers all directions, and the other four colors surround it, but it is not clustered, but goes straight to the vortex of death according to a certain instantaneous arrangement.

The roar echoed, and the five long rainbows suddenly rushed into the whirlpool and appeared in Su Ming's eyes in an instant. At this time, he heard the incredible muttering of the old man not far away.

"Wu Yan Lei, it's actually Wu Yan Lei...

The update is late. I'll be home tomorrow, and it's finally over. This week is so painful. I'll continue to type to see if I have time to write another chapter.