Ask for Magic

Chapter 1257 Barbarian God's Disaster!

That is the dragon that came from the rise of his mother clan in Su Ming's soul. This dragon condensed to the extreme cold, making the power of the polar light surging several times more, surrounding Su Ming, turning into a polar light source, the dragon roaring.

The roar is soaring in this moment, continuous, and one sound is amazing, that is, a few breaths. In the palm of the palm formed by the five faces, it seems to be difficult to hold it completely under this roar. There are more and more black light emitting from the fingers. In an instant, with the catharsis of the black light It seemed to be covered by endless auroratic light, and the virtual shadow of the inner dragon was transformed into a sudden rush.

Suddenly, from the fingers of this big hand, the polar light scattered as if it had a tact, as if it had the flexibility, as if Su Ming's body was transformed from tangible to intangible, from substance to illusion that melted with the extreme. From that finger seam, you scattered a lot, re-condensed in the

After the dragon appeared, he looked up to the sky and roared, and his voice was like thunder, as if it contained the power of heaven, especially the light in his eyes, and he looked at the big hand composed of five faces.

This big hand slowly loosened, and the palm was raised when it was empty, and suddenly grabbed it again towards the dragon. This time, the five faces turned into five fingers became clearer and clearer.

"The power of the inverted sea is scattered, and the soul of the dragon winter cold mausoleum!" The cold light shines in Su Ming's eyes, and the light outside the body of the dragon is strongly spread. This is the metamorphosis of Su Ming's magic power when he was alone earlier.

His magical power, moving mountains and subverting the sea barbarians, and killing the gods first curse the three wildernesses. Among them, moving the mountain and the fusion of the ultimate sword can attract 300 million mountain souls and achieve its vast magic. This is the shaking of the spiritual soul of the mountain!

The art of pouring the sea is originally a manifestation of the extreme underworld. It melts with the dragon in Su Ming's soul, and its power has increased by several times, but it is still not as good as the movement of 300 million mountain souls, so the art does not have the treasure like a desperate sword.

But... The existence of the ring made Su Ming use it in the art of the pouring sea, so that his inverted sea magic power can reach a kind of terrible power.

Then there is the barbarian god change. This skill does not need Su Ming to study again. The first and second types of the barbarian god change are to make Su Ming have a stronger magic power in the state of barbarian god change.

At this moment, I saw the colorful big hand roaring, and a magnificent pressure that seemed to destroy all life dispersed strongly from this big hand. In an instant, it was close to the dragon that Su Ming turned into. At the moment of being caught, the dragon that Su Ming turned into a dragon roared and rolled up the aurora like the sea outside his Go away with your hands.

The two sides approached in an instant, touching each other. At the moment when the big hand opened to catch the dragon, Su Ming's body suddenly shook, and its tail was surrounded by the five fingers of the big hand, as if to turn the body into a rope, and wanted to tie his big hand and five fingers.

Even more at this moment, with the infinite spread of the dragon's tail, when its tail touched the dragon's head, his body suddenly turned into a circle, covering the big hand...

"Cold underworld destroys the dragon ring and kills!!" When Su Ming muttered, he became a ring-shaped dragon-killing body, and the breath of the most precious treasure suddenly appeared, which refers to the unspeakable treasure of the ring, which came from the reverse holy world and was snatched by Su Ming!

All this is slow, but it actually happened in an instant. At the moment of its appearance, the treasure ring immediately expanded as if it fused with Su Ming's dragon-killing body, regardless of each other. With the appearance, the dragon-killing body suddenly contracted rapidly, and the ring also contracted, and in an instant, The five fingers of the colorful hands are tied together.

With a bang, Su Ming suddenly melted the treasure ring with the body of the dragon. He not only tied the five fingers together, but also wanted to close it under the rapid contraction.

This is to change from passive to active. This is Su Ming showing his fangs. He is unwilling to passively respond to the robbery. He wants to take the initiative to take action to... destroy the robbery!

From afar, Su Ming became a ring. The five fingers of the big hand were trapped by the ring. When he contracted, he would strangle the five fingers of the big hand!

roared around, in the rapid contraction of Su Ming's dragon extermination and ring treasure, the five fingers of the colorful big hands vibrated, especially the position of the five fingers, which was quickly sunk, but a strong anti-shock force was constantly rebounding.

The colorful fingers shone quickly, and the light appeared dimly. Obviously, it was Su Ming's counterattack. Even if it was this disaster, it was difficult to break free for a while.


The first of these five-finger index finger collapsed. After being strangled, the red face on it was twisted, as if with an unwilling sigh, and disappeared without a shadow.

Then the little finger, which represents the childlike face, is also collapsing and breaking in the roar...

When the first finger collapsed, Su Ming's spirit was shaken up, but with the collapse of the second finger, Su Ming's eyes of dragon destruction shrank slightly.

Although Su Ming is confident, he will not be arrogant enough to think that his magic power is strong enough to force the second disaster. His original intention is to constantly weaken it in the struggle of that big hand, just like the process of coping with the first disaster, when he is extremely weak, he will launch a fatal blow.

But now it seems that this colorful hand is equivalent to a spontaneous collapse.

At this time, the fingers representing the pink face also collapsed under Su Ming's dragon-killing ring, followed by He Yan's thumb and Long Yan's middle finger, all of which broke and collapsed, causing Su Ming's ring to contract directly to the extreme.

Just as the dragon and ring he turned into contracted to the extreme, dissipating five fingers, such as floating in the palm of the big hand without fingers, suddenly, the position of the five fingers of this big hand suddenly twisted, and suddenly appeared in unison, such as the collapse before the five fingers was just illusory, if it hadn't been for The current fingers are obviously much dim, and Su Ming will definitely feel that the weak plan just now has failed.

"What a difficult second disaster..." Su Ming sighed in his heart. At the same time as the five fingers reappeared, these five big hands suddenly put their five fingers together, clenched their fists directly, and wanted to grab Su Ming inside him.

When Su Ming sighed secretly, the body of the dragon was condensed together. When the black light flashed, his body appeared. He looked at the roar of his fingers on Thursday and Friday, and showed decisiveness in his face, giving up the means prepared in the plan, because he found that even if all these means were used, it was impossible to cause his will The effect.

In this case, Su Ming simply... used the means originally intended to fight against the third disaster in this second disaster!

"Barbarian change!" The big hand went straight to Su Ming, covering Su Ming's surroundings. The moment he wanted to hold it, Su Ming's eyes showed a light of essence. With a wave of his right hand, more than 100 million barbarian souls suddenly roared out, and part of Su Ming's right hand condensed, and suddenly expanded his right hand infinitely, full of collapse It broke out, and Su Ming's right arm was shocked.

With the wave of his left arm, it expanded exactly like his right arm, full of Su Ming's two arms inside and outside, and countless big barbarian souls were integrated. Su Ming's body expanded violently, followed by his legs. At the moment of completion, Su Ming had changed from ordinary people to more than ten feet in size, like mountains. Like a giant.

His body is full of strength, his eyes show strong self-confidence, and his body burst into a rainbow-like momentum. This momentum is the momentum of the barbarian god. This body is the strongest body of the barbarian clan. He has the will of the true world. This will... is revealed in the third eye of his eyebrows, and now the third Qi, after revealing a gap, Su Ming at this moment...

He is the ancient barbarian god, the war in the sky, the war in the field, and the war in the eight wilderness, which is the strongest embodiment of the meaning of the spiritual first!

Almost at the same time as Su Ming's barbaric change, the five fingers of the big hand were less than a few tens of feet close to Su Ming, covering the surroundings, covering all directions of Su Ming, so that he had nowhere to hide at all, but Su Ming never wanted to avoid it. There was a sense of war in his eyes. At the Under the jump of the body, his hands suddenly raised and pressed directly on the coming index finger.

At the moment when the two sides touched, it roared. Under the strong shock of the index finger of the big hand, it could not sink. After being held down by Su Ming after the barbarian god, with a low roar, Su Ming clenched his fist in his right hand and punched at the index finger. The index finger shook and bounced suddenly He had clenched his fists together, but Su Ming flew up from his index finger.

He did not stay away, but turned around after flying out, clenched his hands together, turned into a long rainbow, and went straight to the big hand that clenched into fists and roared away.

"Great barbarian for thousands of years, countless spirits of barbarian souls, Su survived the disaster today, you wait... May you help me!" Around Su Ming's transformed Changhong, there seemed to be countless virtual shadows at this moment in the nothingness. Those virtual shadows were blurred. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them clearly. Even if you look carefully, you will have a sense of illusion.

Maybe it exists, maybe it doesn't exist. Su Ming's barbarian figure approached the fist held by the big hand in an instant. At the moment of touching each other, the roaring sound triggered the whole swirlpool of death, spreading all over the world and the outside world.

The old man of heaven looked at this scene with a strong light in his expression.

In this roar, the five faces of the colorful big hands were strongly twisted. The index finger collapsed first, followed by the little finger, ring finger, thumb and middle finger, and finally the palm, all of which collapsed under the transformation of Su Ming's barbarian god and a large number of cultivation.

The second disaster, broken!

Su Ming's body retreated and spit out a mouthful of blood, but his expression was still full of fighting spirit. The life in his body rolled, and his will was like a wolf like the sea. Once again, he felt a strong sense of breakthrough, which clearly emerged in his heart.

"I have been promoted for the second time. Now if I can break through again, I can rise to the third level twice in a row!!"


On the way, update the second chapter RS when you get home