Ask for Magic

Chapter 1322 Take a sedan chair or walk?

"The old man who died... Su Ming muttered. He never thought that the origin of all this was actually related to the legendary character, especially Su Ming, the seed of death. He even warmed him for a long time until he let the half of the seed of death grow up.

And Yuxuan, and the same is true. At this moment, there is another connection with Su Mingming, especially...

Outsiders may only say that the matter of the extermination of the old man is just a legend, but Su Ming clearly remembers that he did see an old man sitting on an ancient boat from the seed of extinction.

Even... Even the bald crane has seen the old man who was killed. At that time, the bald crane tried to exchange for eternal life.

"Such a strong man can escape from the hands of the young man in black when his world is destroyed, and can shuttle through the vastness. If he dies in the years, I... I will never believe it!!

So since he is not dead, where is he at this moment, and what is his purpose? Su Xuanyi is so persistent in destroying life, so he must know a lot. Su Ming was silent for a long time, took a look at the hall again, turned around and walked out, raised his feet, and disappeared in this world.

Before coming to this dark morning camp, Su Ming thought that he understood Sanhuang and Sangxiang, but it was not until now that he found that there were some secrets that he didn't even know Sanhuang, and even Sang Xiang didn't understand them.

The more he knows, the more Su Ming looks at the world transformed by the four wings of the mulberry phase and feels deeper... Who created the nine butterflies in the vast world, and who gave these nine butterflies the ability to create the world and create life.

Who is the young man in black? Why did he devour the butterfly...

There is also an old man who escaped here for the rest of his life. What is his purpose...?

All the questions were surrounded by Su Ming's mind. After Su Ming left this world in silence, his eyes flashed. No matter how the gaffe developed, whether the Sangxiang where he was located was destroyed, whether the seizing of the three wildernesses would succeed, and whether the young man in black would come, or what happened to the old man. What's the purpose, these... Since Su Ming doesn't know the details, it's useless to guess.

Now the most useful thing for Su Ming is to make himself stronger and stronger. Even if he is the strongest in this era, it is not enough. It is necessary to be the strongest from countless eras, and even need to take a step closer to become an existence that can cross the vast extinctity like the old man.

Only in this way can we fight against all catastrophe. Even if we can't resist in the catastrophe, we can still retain our strength and leave a little possibility of rising in the future.

With such determination, Su Ming's eyes flashed when he looked up, and he stepped towards the more worlds of the dark morning to devoured. He not only wanted to devour the world of the dark morning, but also the world of the anti-sage. Until he swallowed up all the 360 worlds of the dark morning, Su Ming'

You can support him and go to the final promotion!

This kind of devouring lasted for nearly half a month. Wherever Su Ming passed, any world, no matter what tribal ethnic group was in it, the weak will born in the world would be swallowed up by Su Ming, but he did not interfere with the tribal people in any world.

In fact, this kind of devouring does not have much impact on these people. It is just equivalent to devouring the will in the world that has absorbed the transformation of their tribe's mind over the years. It can even be regarded as the only disadvantage of the tribe in this world after the gods worshipped by their respective tribes are swallow I have the feeling of integrating with the whole world, but the cultivation is still the same, the longevity is still the same, and even after some years, it will return to normal.

It's just that there are still hundreds of years before the catastrophe. Even if Su Ming does not swallow it up, in the end, these weak will will be erased from the meaning of existence under the catastrophe.

However, Su Ming still did not notice that in the world he had lived, the three black-robed people in the Hall of Extinction always existed, condensing resentment, condensing the hatred of countless tribal people for Su Ming, like seeds, they are absorbing all these negatives and constantly growing.

Su Ming is devouring the will of the world, and the bald crane is extremely nourishing these days. Often when Su Ming devours the will of the world, he relies on the method of incarnation to collect all crystals in various ways, and all kinds of despicable and dirty things are exhausted, but for it, these are all small meanings. Crystal has done tricks to cheat marriage. Compared with these days, its bald crane is much softer.

Until half a month later, Su Ming swallowed up about 70% of the will of the 180th world of the dark morning. When he had to continue, even the bald crane was not satisfied. On this day, after walking through the world, Su Ming suddenly stopped, raised his right hand and patted the storage bag, and immediately a jade slip appeared in his hand.

This jade slip is exactly the jade that Su Ming condensed a wisp of gem of Yan Pei and formed a sound-transmitting jade. Shi, looking at this Yu Jian, Su Ming's will glanced at him, and Yan Pei's respectful voice immediately appeared in his mind.

"Lord, I have found the traces of the people you asked for, but... Lord, you'd better come to the world where the Tianhu clan is located... This sentence seems to be a little hesitant, and there are some who don't know how to say it, as if they don't know how to explain what happened, and they are worried Look.

Su Ming pondered briefly, put away the jade slip, shook his body, and walked away according to the world where the Tianhu clan was marked on the map in his mind.

This world is one of the three worlds that Su Ming has not had time to devour his will. Su Ming does not know what tribe the Tianhu clan is, but the third morning emperor Ziyu that Yan Pei once said to him belongs to this Tianhu clan.

Su Ming doesn't have much concept about this purple in Yan Pei's mouth, the first woman in the whole dark morning camp. At this moment, he did not waste any time, that is, about half a column of incense, and he has continuously shuttled through many worlds and stepped into the Tianhu world where the Tianhu clan is located.

As soon as he stepped into this world, Su Ming immediately frowned. The starry sky in this world is not dark, but pink. After the pink color makes people see it, the whole body will unconsciously warm, but this warmth is not the real warmth of the body, but the speed of blood circulation is faster, and there will be a trace of heat in the

This feeling made Su Ming feel strange, but with his strength and magnificent will, he did not think too much. After all, each world has its own differences, which Su Ming still knows.

There was no flaws in their bodies. As they approached, two long teams were formed in front of Su Ming. Each woman held up the red lantern with a smile, which suddenly reflected the pink starry sky with a rose-like feeling, which was very dazzling. At the same time, there is also an indescribable ambiguity.

However, this ambiguous is extremely indifferent. If you have evil thoughts, you will feel extremely strong, but if you are pure in your heart, you will only feel wonderful. Su Ming is not the former or the latter. He frowned and looked coldly at the long road composed of the two teams of women. He did not know where it spread.

These long beauty and ugliness can't get into Su Ming's eyes. His feeling is not particularly strong, because he has never had the slightest experience in this aspect in his life...

"Tianhu clan, meet Elder Su Ming." A group of women's warbler voice, with a dignified meaning at this moment, Qi Qi bowed to Su Ming. The voice was quite beautiful, but there was no **, and the respect seemed to contain an illusion of unintentional teasing. Even Su Ming couldn't help looking at it a few more times. It was very comfortable to listen to it His frown unconsciously loosened down.

"Senior, please, the patriarch, the Purple Emperor, and the Pei Emperor are also in the front. They are bowing here to welcome the senior." The two women in the front of the two teams, when one of them opened her mouth softly, the beautiful eyes swept over Su Ming, revealing a pure meaning.

Su Ming nodded. When she was about to step, the other woman quickly knelt down and whispered her words.

"I don't know if the senior wants to take a sedan chair or walk?" The woman's voice was as crisp as a bell. When it was introduced into Su Ming's ear, there was warm rain in her heart, and she unconsciously rose a sense of comfort, so that Su Ming stopped and looked over.

"What does it mean to take a sedan chair?" Su Ming spoke lightly.

In the center of the snake array, more than a dozen women have bodies to form a soft sitting and sleeping place, forming such an extremely **... sedan chair.

"Please get on the sedan chair." The woman who talked to Su Ming before bowed and spoke softly. Her expression did not change at all. She was as dignified as ever. Such a sedan chair is natural. If you think too much, it's not their fault, it's your fault...

Su Ming was silent.

Today's lucky readers of prestige will be announced tomorrow. It's very late. At present, the number of people is already 50,000, but because it's late, it's almost the least of all authors... It's embarrassing, a little faceless... Can it exceed 60,000? Three visits to Ergen, please search for Ergen, please give me strength, please don't be embarrassed, and continue to update three times tomorrow!!! ( To be continued