Ask for Magic

Chapter 1480 Ancient Burial Sky

In those thirty days, in Su Ming's view, it was no longer the sky. It was a knife, a knife pounced across the sky, a bright knife, which was as bright as the sky, so it turned into thirty days and became a gully to block all the boundless people.

This gully is not insurmountable, but to step over here, what you need is the determination to cut the way. It doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong, but the determination!

Shura thought that he had such determination and thought that he had cut off the way, but it was not until he saw that Gu Hong could finally give up all his achievements against the path that he realized that he was never as good as Gu Hong in terms of determination.

Understood this, there is also the ancient burial emperor. The two of them have also understood that the reason why they can't step for 30 days is not their right or wrong, but their determination, which is not enough...

Because they have too many fetters. With this fetters, it is always difficult to cut it completely. Whether it is luck or the creation of the world, if they can't achieve complete determination, they will not go endlessly.

Su Ming's figure met with those 30 days at this moment. The roaring sound shocked the world, which shook the world, condensed the eyes of the ancient burial emperor, and made Shura's eyes bright. In this whole body, they looked at the black and white whirlpool and looked inside... Su Ming like a fire and a moth.

Su Ming, collided with these 30 days. When the roaring loud sound swirled, like a bright knife, faced Su Ming and cut down without dodging or avoiding. With his persistence and determination, Su Ming took a step without hesitation towards the cut knife.

Knife... from Su Ming's body, as if penetrating his body. In an instant, it flashed by. No blood was cut off. There was no wound left, but it cut off Su Ming's fate...

is illusory, but in fact, this is cut off... is Su Ming's choice, because the so-called life, the so-called fate, the so-called cut off of this road, is actually a choice. Choose the past or the future.

If he chooses to cut off the past, then Su Ming will have a brilliant future here. If he chooses to cut off the future, then he can keep his eternal past.

Except for himself, outsiders can't know exactly what kind of choice. Whether it is the ancient burial emperor or Shura, the two of them can only see that Su Ming beheaded himself, but what is the specific choice of beheading. Su Ming didn't say anything, outsiders didn't know.

knife. When he fell, in the roaring roundabouts, it became fragments. After the collapse layer by layer, it turned into the fragmentation of the whole sky, which made Su Ming slowly fall. When he slowly fell, he had surpassed twenty-nine days and stepped into... Thirty days!

At the moment he stepped here, Su Ming stood in the thirtieth day. He lowered his head and did not look at the earth or around, but silently felt something.

Under the whirlpool, the emperor and Shura in the ancient burial capital were shocked at this moment, looking at the whirlpool and standing on the 30th floor.

They didn't say a word, just watched silently like this.

For a long time, Su Ming slowly raised his head. On his eyebrows, he could no longer see the third eye, nor the nine-fold Taoist god. His whole person seemed to be indescribably different from before at this moment.

With a sigh, when Su Ming looked up, his eyes fell on the thirty-first day above, where... was the world that the ancient burial emperor and Shura could not see on the ground. While seeing the thirty-first day clearly, Su Ming also understood why Gu Hong was silent when he stood here.

Su Ming saw a huge figure, sitting cross-legged in nothingness, with a compass under him, a string of beads on his wrist, and a black robe, which was a mysterious burial.

In other words, it is the ancient burial emperor who disappeared in the ancient burial palace and is considered dead!

He obviously did not die completely, but floated in the vast sky, looking for miracles that could resurrect him from the mulberry life.

Su Ming looked at the illusory figure silently, which was also the scene that Gu Hong saw when he stood here before. While seeing this scene clearly, Gu Hong also understood what Su Ming had said to him a long time ago.

Su Ming was silent for a long time and took a step. His body walked towards the sky at this moment, step by step, until he walked to the barrier of 31 days.

He stepped on thirty-one days. When he looked up, the shadow of the ancient burial became clearer and clearer, which also made Su Ming see that in the hand of holding his fist in the ancient burial, it was... the smell of a bald crane.

This breath reminded Su Ming of the feather he grabbed in his hand when the bald crane was involved in nothingness.

It's just that Su Ming can't see the face of the ancient burial emperor clearly. This face seems to be a little vague, but... Even if it's vague, even if he can't see it clearly, Su Ming still vaguely feels the face... exactly the same as himself.

"Presumably, when the master stood here and chose the opposite path, he felt the face of this figure just like me now..." Su Ming sighed and muttered.

The sigh was still swirling. Su Ming took another step. This step fell, and the 31st day collapsed in front of him. The thirty-two-day sky was also broken at this moment, with Su Ming's coming.

Thirty-two days, Su Ming, who was standing here, had almost completely clearly seen the figure sitting on the huge compass in the void. The figure... It was Su Ming himself.

"What did you see!" Under Su Ming, in the ancient burial capital outside the black and white whirlpool, Shura asked this sentence after the silence.

In this sentence, Shura asked Gu Hong, and the [answer] case given to him by Gu Hong made Shura seem to understand something. At this moment, when he asked Su Ming again, Su Ming did not give him a similar [answer] case.

"I... saw myself." Su Ming opened his mouth softly. His voice echoed for thirty-two days, and when it spread throughout the sky, Su Ming looked at the figure on the compass and took the step of thirty-three days.

When this step fell, it dissipated in front of Su Ming for thirty-three days, as if it did not exist, making Su Ming... walk for thirty-three days, as if walking in front of the huge figure sitting on the compass, as if it was only the last step away from the eyebrows of the figure.

Standing here, Su Ming looked at the huge figure. For a long time, in silence, he had a lot of thoughts. He thought of many people and a lot of things, until he sighed and integrated all his thoughts into the sigh, so that the sigh echoed forever and took the last step!

In the process of falling, Su Ming's body emitted a purple light. The light penetrated for thirty-three days, came to the earth, scattered all the fog, and dispersed all the nothingness, making the burial country seem to be purple. Su Ming lowered his head and looked at In the world below, he saw the figure in the wind and snow in the imperial city, outside the gate, and the figure was the evil son of heaven. He seemed to be staring at himself, with a smile on his face, and the smile was reluctant, with parting and blessings.

He saw that in the July Sect, Dao Han was no longer closed, but stood on the coffin, looking at the sky, with a complicated look and a look of respect from the bottom of his heart, silently staring at the sky...

And in the area of that clan, in the space that seemed to be isolated and destroyed, Senmu Daizun also looked at the sky and looked at it in a dazun. It was not dark night in his sky, and the sun was thick. When it fell, it shone on his side face, making the shadow behind him... as if he were standing The second brother with a gentle smile in the school.

And the woman who dragged her tired body out of a cave in the mountains of the earth. The woman looked like Xu Hui. Her face was a little pale. When she looked at the sky, she stared at her, as if there was a soft sigh in her heart, which could not be heard.



Just like in the vast world, on the Zhengdao tree that replaced the sky, sitting there, the little boy who seemed to be able to see Su Ming silently, smiled happily there, raised his little hand and waved goodbye to Su Ming.

"Haohao has come home, big brother... You're going home too..."

Just like the world under the canopy, the headless figure sitting cross-legged at the head of the city seemed to move slightly at this moment. With the prosperity of the city, the laughter in the palace became part of the farewell. The laughter echoed, the happy voice of the emperor, and the happiness of the people around him. For a long time He, in no one's attention, looked up gently, as if he was drinking, but in fact, he was staring at the sky, with blessings in his eyes.

Like Lei Chen, the lights under the Wushan tribe, the wind can't blow away. After the invisible canopy in the sky, there is a melancholy that can be dissipated without the wind to blow. This melancholy comes from Lei Chen, from the laughter of his standing in the tribe at this moment and looking up at the

Laughing, laughing, tears seem to flow down...

Like the old man on the lonely boat in the sea, he raised his head and looked at the sky. His face gradually showed bitterness and became a sigh.

Su Ming withdrew his eyes. His expression was very calm at this moment, and his eyes were no longer red, but turned into Qingming. After seeing the prosperous life, he swept through many spring, summer, autumn and winter. Su Ming turned around and his footsteps also fell down...

The last step fell, and his figure... disappeared in the heart of the black-robed man sitting on the compass on his knees, and disappeared forever.

A wind and snow, a fireworks, a world of ancient burials, a sigh of departure...

When I came, I woke up to the strange, and when I left... I only brought loneliness. Only Tao, like the purple light in the sky, even if the fate has dispersed, the purple sky is eternal.


I feel like Xiaoqiang. After I felt that the world was dark yesterday, I feel that there is some sunshine today. I hope there will be more sunshine tomorrow, so that I dare not offend this Taoist friend with a cold. Let's go, cough, there are a lot of people waiting for you, go, Taoist friend, I won't send To be continued