Ask for Magic

Final chapter How many reincarnations less than one person, how many reincarnations to mortal world

Su Ming is foggy, doesn't care about the passage of time, doesn't care about how many reincarnations have been, and he is still looking for the faces in his memory, which belong to them.

Until he found the second brother, in the fog formed, he found the second brother who had changed the level of life, which was a kind of ghost-like life.

Outside the fog, Su Ming found Huzi. He seemed to have never been separated from the second brother. The second brother became another ghost of life, and Huzi turned into an endless wind outside the ghost.

There are also Xu Hui, the fire puppet ancestor, and the traces of one face after another. After this unknown number of years, Su Ming was found one by one in the round of the vast whirlpool rolling again and again.

Until he found Bai Ling, found Zi Yu, found... Grandpa.

Finally, in the vastness, Su Ming found a tree. The tree was not an ordinary tree, but an ordinary-looking tree. Under that tree, Su Ming found Sanhuang.

When he found everyone, Su Ming returned to the vast reincarnation, where the deepest part of his compass was, where he chose to meditate cross-legged again and finally took a look at the world.

"Are you... lonely?" Su Ming was silent for a long time, and slowly spread the divine mind. There was no open word, only the echo of this divine mind, which lasted for a long time.

Only one person can hear this idea.

"How many years... Are you alone and lonely?"

Su Ming's divine thoughts came out again, echoing in front of him. In the vast whirlpool. There was a cold hum. With the cold hum, it was an ancient boat that seemed to tear up the vastness and swam out of thin air with endless lightning.

On the boat, the old man sat cross-legged. At this moment, with the appearance of the ancient boat, his eyes had slowly opened. When he stared at Su Ming, Su Ming also raised his head. Look at the old man who killed him.

"Our way is different... This is the way I choose. On this road, I can live endless years alone to sacrifice all... to complete my way!" The old man was silent for a moment and opened his mouth hoarsely.

"Is this road lonely?" Su Ming's thoughts came out again.

"It's useless to say more. From the moment you succeeded in taking the mysterious burial, I have lost half of it. Today, after countless years have passed. You say what you want, and I have exhausted everything. Just finish it. Extinction was silent again. This time, after a long time, his voice spread all over the world with decisiveness.

"Help me find... bald crane, it is in a world that may exist, you help me find it... bring it back... no matter what it does in that world, no matter what kind of life it becomes, bring it back, take it... home." Su Ming opened his mouth softly and looked up at the vastness in the distance. His eyes showed his thoughts, melancholy and regret. He found everyone, but he could not find the bald crane.

Because the bald crane... is not here.

During the words, when Su Ming raised his right hand, a bead appeared in his palm, which was the seventh bead of the mysterious funeral bracelet. The virtual shadow of the crane that originally existed there had already dissipated.

"You can't find it. How can I find it? Why don't you find it yourself?" The old man frowned.

"Follow its traces, you can find the bald crane... I can't find it by myself anymore." When Su Ming spoke softly, he was silent. After he looked at Su Ming carefully, a trace of complexity gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Is it worth it?" He opened his mouth softly. When he looked at Su Ming, he had already seen Su Ming's body, which was slowly rigid. His vitality was slowly decreasing. He had integrated all the vitality into the world in the [body]. With his own vitality, he let that world have life, and with his own vitality, to let those He found traces of life and woke up from the underworld.

"This is my way... I don't want to... continue to be lonely." Su Ming smiled. He did not answer the words of extinction, but when this sentence came out, it was already an answer.

After saying this, Su Ming loosened his right hand, and the beads in the palm of his hand turned into a long rainbow. Instead of flying to extinction, he thought about the nothingness in the distance. If he wanted to break through this vast world, he rushed to the world where the bald crane is now.

At the same time, the compass under Su Ming suddenly stopped rotating at this moment, turned into a long rainbow and went straight to the bead, gradually shrinking until it caught up with the bead and merged with the bead!

"Maybe, in that world, there will be a person... in this life." Su Ming opened his mouth softly and gradually closed his eyes. At the moment his eyes closed, the beads that merged with the compass became white.

Extinction was silent. After a long time, he sighed. With a big sleeve, the lonely boat under him suddenly flew up, rushed out of the world in the direction of the broken compass beads, and then went away until their figures disappeared in the vast world, went to the world that may exist, and left... the vastness that belonged to Su Ming.

"I'll bring it back. This is the bet I owe you." Extinction, let's go.

Su Ming's eyes have been closed, which will be the last time he closes his eyes in his life. His body has been completely stiff, and his vitality has been completely restrained and exuded, gradually becoming a strong death.

His vitality is integrated into the inner world of [body] and into the imprint of life transformed into traces one by one. Only in this way can the imprint of these lives open their eyes in his world.

When these imprints of life were integrated into Su Ming's vitality, Su Ming's heart was full of waves in Yuxuan, Canglan and Xu Hui.

"I couldn't bring you anything before... I can only give it to you now... a child condensed by my life to continue the story between us..." Su Ming's heart echoed his muttering, and the sound was integrated into the imprint of the life of the three of Yuxuan, and in that imprint, it was integrated into Su Ming's vitality The condensation of his life.

Time passed slowly. Su Ming in the vastness, there was no compass under his body. He sat cross-legged in the swirlpool in the vast, gradually sank, and was gradually covered by the swirlpool. Gradually immersed in reincarnation. Outsiders... can't find it.

A sigh. Echoing in this vastness, the figure of the evil son of heaven condensed from the ambiguity and came out of the void. Looking at Su Ming dissipating in the whirlpool, his face showed sadness.

"That's it, Master... stay with you." Whispering softly, the evil son of heaven turned to the whirlpool of Su Ming's disappearance. He walked away and disappeared with Su Ming.


With Su Ming's closing of his eyes, in Su Ming's [body], the already full world, the sky is blue, the earth is green, the sea is majestic in the distance, the mountains are undulating, and there are mountains called Jiufeng...

sui sui. A door appeared on the canopy.

That's a purple door, when it opens slowly. At this moment, the whole world became purple.

The purple light lasted for a long time, and when it dissipated, the door disappeared as if it had never appeared.

On Jiufeng, Huzi was the first to open his eyes. He looked at the sky blankly, shook his head vigorously, raised his right hand and subconsciously touched the side, but did not touch the wine jar.

"His grandma, why does it feel like he has slept for a long time?" Huzi scratched his head in surprise and saw the second brother who opened his eyes from closed his knees not far away.

The second brother silently looked at the earth in the distance, a little confused, but soon he seemed to remember something and suddenly looked up at the sky. Looking at him, the corners of his eyes were wet.

The footsteps came, and the eldest brother came here step by step. He already had a head. At this moment, his strong body seemed to tremble fragilely after walking to the second brother and Huzi.

"Where's the little brother..." His voice was a little hoarse, muttering, but he couldn't find the answer...

"Where's the little brother..." The second brother looked at the sky. He bit his lip and his face showed bitterness.

"Don't hide, little brother, Huzi is in a hurry. Come out quickly." Huzi opened his eyes wide, quickly stood up and shouted around.


"Haha, Huzi knows. Little brother, you must be hiding in the cave. Hey hey, Huzi will definitely find you." Huzi's voice seemed to come from afar, echoing on the ninth peak. After a long time, at the foot of the mountain, the car looked at the woman beside him. That was Ziyan, and that was his sister.

In the distance... Bai Chang looked around blankly and muttered, as if he couldn't remember what had happened.

Farther away, on a plain, the long river woke up and opened his eyes. He felt that his hand seemed to hold a person. When he subconsciously turned his head, his whole mind roared. When he was stunned, he shed tears from the corners of his eyes and looked at his wife who woke up at this moment, his memory.

Under Wushan, Grandpa sat there silently and looked at the sunset in the distance. There were Beiling and Chenxin beside him. Except for Su Ming and Lei Chen, there were many people in the Wushan Department in those years.

However, they all looked around blankly, as if they didn't know where they were in this strange and familiar world.

Su Xuanyi sat on his knees in silence, looking at the lake, muttering whispers that outsiders didn't understand, looking sometimes complicated, sometimes depressed, sometimes crazy.

In the distance, in the wind and snow, Bai Ling was walking alone on the snow, gradually moving away...

Only a sad ape cry seemed to echo in the wind and snow, reflecting a red figure on the black mountain.

On the coast, Fang Canglan looked at the ups and downs of the sea, sat on the beach, and silently picked up the sand of a palm. When she gently grasped it, the soft sand could not stop flowing down, as if... could not hold too much.

A drop of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes, across her cheeks, and dripped into the sand. Perhaps at the next tide, the dripping tears that melted into the sand will be taken away by the sea and become part of the sea.

All sentient beings one by one, one by one, in this world, all appear...

Yuxuan hugged her knees, sat on a cliff, buried her head on her knees, and her hair covered her face, but she couldn't cover the gap. Her face was crystal clear, and the sky was already dusk. The afterglow fell on her body, pulling her figure very long... very long.

Xu Hui's gown fluttered in the wind. She stood at the top of a peak, which was the closest place to the sky. Standing there, Xu Hui stared into the distance until the dusk dissipated. She turned around and left. With the waving of her long hair, a tear left her cheek and she didn't know where

"Your road, if you go down, the whole sky will eventually. You are the only one in your world.

"So what about your way? Go on. In the end, you are the only one who disappears in the whole sky!" The words between Su Ming and death seemed to reverberad in this world at this moment, in the ear of everyone who thought of Su Ming.

The years have changed, and in more than a few reincarnations, there is one less person in eternity. The less person is Su Ming.

In the thirty-three days, Su Ming did not choose to cut off the past and choose the future. He chose to cut off the future and keep the beauty of the past.

Like his path, walking is pursuit, tortuous and desolate, like his life, lonely and persistent. Or... this is a demon. A magic road.

It's the same as the devil for thousands of years, looking at the mulberry disc into the world alone.

A sigh for the devil for thousands of years, more than a few reincarnations of ancient burials.


With the passage of time, in addition to the life resurrected by Su Ming, the mainland has gradually appeared sentient beings belonging to this world. Cities and sects have appeared. The time has been wandering year after year, and the reincarnation dreams seem to be able to bury all the previous stories.

Only... In the mountain gate called Jiufeng, there is an eternal legend about this world. Legend has it that this world is a Jiufeng ancestor named Su Ming. Whenever the night falls, it is him... staring at the master and all sentient beings.

The same legend is also circulating in Wushan on this continent. What makes some difference is that the reason why the world here has a day is the legendary Su Ming, who can't forget the night, and the reason why there is the night is because of the twinkling starlight, which can make his blinking eyes brighter and can look at his hometown.

And in this world, there are legends about barbarian gods on a land that belongs to the barbarians. The legend has gradually changed a little, and the world is gradually called the barbarian world.


The wind is blowing, and the snow is far away.

I don't know when I'm old in my dream, and who climbs high in the hazy world.

The night is memea, and the smoke is curling.

A bridge of true and false, more reincarnation, less than one person.

A few years later, at dusk on a rainy night, in the rain, under the rain pavilion, a woman held an oil-paper umbrella, her hair and shawl, she could only see the beautiful back, and she could not see clearly.

beside her stood a six- or seven-year-old child. It was a girl with two braids, holding a doll while holding the woman's hand. The little pink face seemed to be a little unhappy at this moment.

"Mom... I dreamed of my father again last night, and Pipi also dreamed. Where is my father? You must tell me this time..."

The woman bowed her head and seemed to show a kind smile to the little girl, touching the little girl's hair, and her soft voice echoed in the dusk of the rain.

"Close your eyes, he is by Tongtong's side. You can feel... He will always be there." The woman said, with a smile on her face and looked into the distance.

The little girl seemed to understand. Listening to her mother's words, she slowly closed her eyes.

When the afterglow of dusk scattered through the rain, it seemed that there was an extra man on the right side of the little girl. The figure gradually changed from a blur to a clear, straight figure, with purple hair, with a cordial atmosphere.

When he lowered his head, he looked at the little girl, revealing his side face and a soft smile on his face.

Looking from afar, in the rain, under the rain pavilion, this scene is like a family of three, full of warmth and beauty...

"Mother, Tongtong felt it." The little girl immediately opened her eyes and looked to the right with surprise...


"Big brother, you're coming back... When you come back, I'll tell you a secret..."

"Big brother, this secret is very funny. I dreamed last night that many years later, you became my father..."

(the end of the book)

Postscript, Immortal Reverse.

"Wan'er, the road to immortality will never end. There must be the fifth, sixth or even the seventh step..."

"Well, I'm with you. Even if we can't finish the monasticism, we can go through reincarnation for a lifetime."

In the Xianang Continent, Wang Lin looked at Li Muwan softly, took her hand, and walked towards the starry sky in the distance, going further and further... Until in the endless starry sky, he saw an ancient boat floating in the starry sky.

There was an old man sitting cross-legged on the boat. The old man looked at Wang Lin with a smile at this moment. Wang Lin was also looking at him. The old man was the one who played chess with Wang Lin.

"In this world, I met you, and there is no regret. You have surpassed me, my way... After all, you have not completely failed... Wang Lin, you still have a long way to go..."

Wang Lin looked at the old man on the boat and smiled. He did not open his mouth, but took Li Muwan's hand and went further and further...

For a long time, the old man on the boat withdrew his eyes and looked at the Xiangang mainland.

"I found you for endless years, and finally waited for your awakening, bald crane, my husband's death, I owe Su Ming a promise to take you... home!"

"My hometown... Dao Chen..." A blank murmur, echoed from the nothingness of the Xiang mainland, a black crane... suddenly flew out of the nothingness, and there was excitement in its eyes. In its pupils, after losing countless reincarnations, a... In the depths of its memory, nothing No matter how many years it has become, no matter what it has become, it will never be forgotten.

It was a smiling man, a man who stretched out his hand to it.

His name is Su Ming.

"Go home..." (To be continued...)