
Chapter 26 All kinds of dissent!

People who are about to die often recall all kinds of things in the past. If there is no nostalgia, if there is no unwillingness, what does it matter to die?

The fragments of Mr. Lin's boss have run through the past years. Those memorable pictures are like sharp knives, stabbing Xue Hao's heart fiercely. How can the pain of the body and the torture of the sea be compared with the sadness in his heart? He still have many wishes that have not been fulfilled. He also wants to bring his sister back to the Xuannuzong of Southern Xinjiang. He Still want to find your biological parents and ask why they abandoned him back then? Even about the inheritance here, he has great confidence. He firmly believes that he can break the Montenegrin ban, and he firmly believes that he can restore his mind and cultivation, and even finally get this inheritance!

But God wants to play tricks on people, and before he grows up, he ruthlessly wants to kill him!

This sadness!

This indignation!

This is unyielding!

Who can understand?

"Uh...ah!" Xue Hao covered his head, and the seven holes were bleeding. What echoed in his mind was the ruthless and evil smile of the cliff. He looked up to the sky and roared, but after this roar, maybe he should be relieved!

At this time, this virtual shadow has gone crazy, and even now, it has abandoned the idea of giving up. It was Xue Hao who angered it. Its anger is not much like Xue Hao. Once upon a time, he was the supreme power of the godhood. Whether in southern Xinjiang or the eastern land, no one dared to provoke it. It is such a powerful , so that it can't let it go!

It can't let go, can't let go of the ruthless contempt of Xiaoyaozi in the past. No matter how high its cultivation is, it is like a firefly in front of Xiaoyaozi!

This hatred is the resentment that it has buried for thousands of years. Unexpectedly, today, this free family is also a saint, but his cultivation is not even a small role in his eyes, but he dares to humiliate it and despise it. That kind of contempt is not pretted, but from the bottom of his heart, and it is ** naked!

In the past, he was despised by Xiaoyaozi, but now, he is despised by the younger generation. Who can understand this anger?

"It's time to end!" Xue Hao slowly showed a touch of bitterness at the corners of his mouth, and it was even more in his ear, as if he heard the smooth roar of Feng Yazi...

"Xiaozi! If I can't fight you, I will take your after you!! Hahaha!"

While the laughter echoed, as if the feeling of revenge, the corners of Xue Hao's mouth were more bitter, but at this moment, somewhere on his body, suddenly burst of green light, which was rich and with a strange power, instantly filled Xue Hao's whole body, making him recover at a very fast speed.

The green light came suddenly, and even Xue Hao had not reacted. After running around his body for a week, he suddenly rushed into Xue Hao's sea of knowledge. At the same time, there was a roar of horror inside.

"Ah...what's going on?!! This will!'s you! is it possible? Are you still alive?" As if he recognized the extremely terrible existence, Feng Yazi's voice was extremely shocked and even trembling, as if at this moment, he returned to the scene of facing Xiaoyaozi in the past, as if he had turned into an ant!

For a moment, a green light wrapped in a black fog rushed out of Xue Hao's sea of knowledge and floated in front of him. Xue Hao was naturally familiar with this green light, but now when he looked at it, there were some differences. Even at this moment, Xue Hao suddenly felt that in the face of this green light, there was an invisible king's pressure, which suddenly hit him. Submission, like a king who has been in power for a long time, needs people to worship.

This is still not aimed at Xue Hao, and the virtual shadow surrounded in the void at this moment is close to collapse. The outline of the cliff is trembling violently. Even Xue Hao suddenly looked at it. The cliff seems to be kneeling!

This green light is the jade pendant on Xue Hao's body!

"" Feng Yazi was trembling. Before he finished speaking, he seemed to have suffered great pain, which was stronger than Xue Hao had suffered before!

At this moment, the virtual shadow of the cliff, some parts, had already emitted blue smoke, and was slowly swallowed up by the green light. Every time it was swallowed, its fear was increased countless times. Because of this green light, a twist, it seemed to turn into half of the head. The head did not look illusory, and there was half of the woman's face on it. , like a smile, exactly the same as the previous woman's imprint on the jade pendant.

This scene shocked Xue Hao. He had long known that the jade pendant was extraordinary, but it was not until this moment that he realized that he really underestimated it.

"You... you didn't want to pursue the reincarnated flower, then continue your destiny, enter the Genting Palace, meteorite... meteorite..." At this moment, there is no previous arrogance in Fengyazi, because it never thought that this king had survived endless years! At this moment, he is still alive. Although it is not an entity, it is only the body of this jade pendant that also makes him tremble. Even if he is now fully fleshy and reproduces the supreme cultivation of the peak of the god, he can only run for his life in the face of this existence!

"It fell in the hands of the saint in the Genting Heavenly Palace, right?" A divine thought came from the jade pendant. There was no joy or sadness, but the cliff was even more trembling. Isn't he looking for death? Obviously, the king in front of him still has the power of the venerable. He is still the existence of the one who dares to compete with the five clans and fight against the most powerful king of the human race. How can he fall?

"Zun...Zunwang, the younger generation...the younger generation dare not..."

"Are you... going to take this boy away?" The jade pendant made a sound, and the pressure was full of pressure. The eyes on the woman's imprinted on the other half of the woman stared at the virtual shadow of the cliff!

"The younger generation...the younger generation dare not..."

This scene made Xue Hao even more surprised. As a god monk, this cliff has lived for tens of thousands of years, but in front of the jade pendant, he claimed to be a junior. If so, Xue Hao can't imagine the existence of this jade pendant.

"Father...mother... who the hell are you? Now...where is it? What does this jade pendant have to do with you...? Xue Hao said to himself, this jade pendant, obviously, was an extremely terrible existence before the endless years, absolutely beyond the divine period. So what will be the origin of giving this jade pendant to his biological parents?

"Uncle only remembers that your parents are extraordinary people. Uncle doesn't know much, but he knows that there are immortals in this world. When your parents handed over your brother and sister to me, my uncle saw with his own eyes that the man was extremely handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, dressed in brocade robes, just like an emperor on patrol in the world. He controlled nine dragons and flew in the clouds, and the woman was extremely beautiful and wore a phoenix crown. The two of them worshipped their uncle deeply and disappeared into the sky!"

These words were said by Xue Hao's uncle in the small mountain village in the past. At that time, Xue Hao was young and felt that it was like a myth that his uncle lied to him, but until now, he seems to feel that those are true, because he is now a monk. He knows that if the realm reaches a certain terrible height, he will have such abilities. Power, you can control the nine divine dragons. What is the existence of your parents?

Thoughts flew back. Here, for the question of Yupei, Feng Yazi had trembled and replied, "If the children of this saint are related to the king, even if they borrow 10,000 courage from the younger generation, the younger generation will not dare to make a difference..."

You mean you don't have the idea of giving up? Then you rushed into his sea of knowledge? For what? Are you easy to deceive yourself? Ah?"

This question made the virtual shadow of Feng Yazi actually have a rhythm that is about to dissipate. At this moment, he replied bitterly: "Yes... Yes... At first, the younger generation wanted to take the idea of giving up, but you also know that the king, if the existence of the king who has experienced three disasters and nine disasters should understand that it is difficult for the younger generation to give up. Success..."

This time, the cliff was very honest. I thought that the king in front of him would be more comfortable, but the next moment, he was wrong...

"So you just said that you didn't have the idea of giving up? Do you think you are a commoner and let you play with it?

" do you want the younger generation to answer? The younger generation really dare not..."

"Are you blaming me?" Another question, like thunder, made Feng Yazi tremble constantly. Although it is not a entity now, Xue Hao has seen that even the virtual shadow has formed such a scene.

At this moment, the cliff is about to cry without tears. If it has a divine body, it must have collapsed. It never expected that this legendary supreme king, the top strongman of the demon clan, will survive until now, and has such a heavy relationship with the teenager of this saint's clan. The previous prestige is like a joke, fierce He slapped him in the face, and even he regretted that he should not provoke Xue Hao or have bad thoughts.

"King, don't torture the younger generation anymore. It's death. Give the younger generation a good time!" Although it is bitter, it has no big requirements. It knows that it will die, but there are thousands of ways to die, and even life is not as good as death. The king in front of it absolutely can do it. It dares not say heroicly before death: "If you want to kill, you have to kill, you can die at your convenience..."

"Are you convinced?"

"I'm convinced...I'm convinced..."

This question and answer made Xue Hao laugh and cry. Obviously, this jade pendant is aware of all the things that happened before. This is to vent its anger for him. Thinking of this, Xue Hao was a little moved. This anger is indeed very good and refreshing!

"Are you really convinced by all kinds of dissensibility?"

"I'm convinced... I'm convinced... I'm convinced... Please let the younger generation disappear earlier!"

At this moment, death has become its greatest luxury. It has to ask for it, because if it does not, there is no happy way to die. What it seeks is not to let go of its will. What it seeks is just a happy death!

Only it can understand this grievance, but it has to do so. It can only die of grievance, because it provoked Xue Hao!

"Are you satisfied?" There is a divine idea from this jade pendant, which is obviously asking Xue Hao.

But it was this inquiry that made Xue Hao stunned. He thought that the jade pendant had saved his life. Even the card that Xue Hao thought was unreliable before was actually the jade pendant. He had made a good job of keeping his promise. If the jade pendant saved him, he would agree to its conditions and help him get the mountain demon, even if it was not like that. He also has to pay some price, but now Yupei's attitude, why don't he be stunned?

Naturally, he didn't think much at the moment. Xue Hao was expressionless and nodded slowly.

At the same time, the virtual shadow was extremely excited. Just as it wanted to say thank you, it was gently sucked by the mouth of the woman on the jade pendant, which turned into a smoke and was directly sucked in.