
Chapter 29 Hundreds of Turns and Thousands of Returns!

The mountain wind was strange. For a moment, it roared past, and the golden thread on the flowers faded in an instant, which made Xue Hao frown and close his eyes again. The printing method in his hand immediately appeared a fault. Obviously, because the mountain wind dissipated, he withdrew from that wonderful state. At present, he encountered difficulties.

"With this mountain wind, the prohibition is subject to external forces and defend independently. I can take this opportunity to study and get huge gains. So it seems that I have to wait for the next gust of mountain wind to come..." Xue Hao said to himself. When this prohibition is disturbed by external forces, it is the best time for him to understand. He used a flying sword to test it before, but for such a complicated For the Austrian and strong prohibition, this practice is too dangerous. He tried several times to attack the periphery of the prohibition and almost fell. The worst time, he was seriously injured and recovered for three days before recovering.

The space here is not the outside world. It is strange when the wind blows, but with the passage of time, Xue Hao has seen some clues. There are many beast-shaped shadows in the whole Montenegro. These shadows are just a resentment, constantly floating in the corner of the mountain wind, which increases the resentment of the whole mountain. Adding to an unimaginable extent, the mountain has produced a strange change.

is also the reason for these grievances. Every once in a while, an invisible wind blows from top to bottom from the top of the mountain and blows these resentment souls to the distance to reduce resentment in this way, but there are too many resentment souls, dense and unclear. Every time it blows, it floats more from nowhere and always maintains a certain amount. Above.

"It should be that this mountain demon turned into a demon god and sucked the blood of those beasts, making them unwilling to turn into beast souls. The resentment formed is as if it is harmful to the mountain demon, so this mountain wind must be what he did..." Xue Hao muttered to himself, because he had witnessed the death of these fierce beasts in the fierce land before. At this moment, his conclusion is actually infinitely close to the truth.

"This mountain wind should be regular, not only for a while, but should come every once in a while until the resentment here completely dissipates, and the prohibition here happens to have a sense of protection against the interference of the wind direction, which has contributed to my best opportunity to break the ban!" Xue Hao thought and looked at the flower prohibition in front of him, and had already considered the cause and effect. All prohibitions do not change when they meet the mountain wind. Some can only be attacked artificially to get the opportunity to understand.

He needs to wait for the next mountain wind to come. In the process, he can see the change of this pile of flowers!

In a long time, when Xue Hao was thinking about the way of prohibition, Xuanyuanlong and several people in the middle of Montenegro also encountered trouble. At this moment, the difficulty of prohibition has suddenly increased. Even if there is a trace of divine thoughts from the ancestors of their respective sects in the blood knot jade, it is no longer as easy as before. There is little gap between their mountaineering. Some extremely terrible prohibitions.

When it comes to the middle of Montenegro, it is the moment of real competition. Whoever climbs to the top first, the real supreme inheritance of this free valley is who owns. At this time, whose bottom card is tough and who has a deeper understanding of the way of prohibition, the greater the opportunity is. At this moment, the advantage is not obvious. If it is true, Zhang Chen is reluctantly occupied by Zhang Chen. The upper hand.

Under such a premise, the meaning of competition became more and more obvious. Several people who broke through the barrier were thrown into the ban. Time passed quickly. Unconsciously, there was more than a month. On this day, Xue Hao finally ushered in the next mountain wind.

At this moment, he sat before the flower ban, closed his eyes, and took up his clothes as the mountain wind blew by, like an enlightened old monk. His spirit and spirit were highly united, and the golden silk line between his hands was ever-changing. As before, it formed a certain connection with the ban of the pile of flowers, and as the golden line between the flowers changed Change and change.

The same rhythm and frequency have been formed between the two, which is always highly consistent. Every change in the golden line makes Xue Hao understand a change in this prohibition. There are thousands of changes in the prohibition here, and he needs to understand all of them to break it!

At the solicitation, Xue Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and the golden line between his palms suddenly broke, losing the height consistent with the change of the flowers, and frowned slightly.

"This forbidden way is by no means that you can fully understand it with strong divine thoughts. It requires a strong patience. Hey... I just made a mistake again." With a sigh, before the mountain wind subsided, Xue Hao once again devoted himself to enlightenment.

This situation will undoubtedly make it more difficult for him to climb the mountain. Even if he works hard and has a slight difference, he will interrupt his understanding and make him need to start again.

With the passage of time, the mountain wind came one after another, and Xue Hao was completely immersed in a state of forbidden understanding. He never saw or set foot on the path that was only a foot away from him, but one day, he would set foot there with unparalleled confidence!

Whenever the mountain wind blows, the resentment here decreases a lot. Although it is also increasing, the speed of increase is far less than that of the mountain wind expulsion. Therefore, as this law gradually highlights, the resentment here also tends to disappear. In other words, on the day when it completely disappears, the mountain wind will not Come again.

Under such a premise, Xue Hao needs to cherish every opportunity and try his best to fully understand this prohibition when the mountain wind no longer comes!

A sense of urgency arises spontaneously. Xue Hao's eyebrows also frown deeper every day, and his face becomes haggard. He has to maintain this extremely focused state all the time, and he can't waste a moment, which is extremely important for the test of his mind.

"You must fully understand that if I, Xue Hao, can't get through here, for the future! What should we talk about!" Xue Hao's eyes were like a torch, and he looked up at the central part of Montenegro. In a faint time, he seemed to be able to see the scene of Xuanyuan dragon breaking the ban!

Now, he not only regards the current difficulties as ordinary fetters, but even sees them as the most important obstacle in his life and must be overcome!

Three months later.

Half a year has passed since entering this place of inheritance. In half a year, several people on the mountainside have broken several prohibitions and finally moved forward. For Xue Hao, if there are any doubts before, at this moment, he no longer thinks that he can survive. As for Shen Xuan, she is also suffering from gains and losses. Xin Xuehao is not dead, but she looks at the foot of the mountain every day, but she doesn't see any figure. Her face turns pale day by day. With this mood, she gradually lags behind the other three people at the speed of climbing.

On this day, the soul of resentment wailed and floated everywhere. Suddenly, a fierce mountain wind came and roared, surging like a flood of the levee. Wherever it passed, the resentment floated away. Of course, there was also a silky golden thread in the prohibition here.

"The last battle! I have understood nine hundred and eighty-eight changes!" Xue Hao's eyes flashed without hesitation. The marks of his palms kept changing, and the golden line flowed to the extreme!

This is the last mountain wind here. In the past, he has understood nine hundred and 98 changes. If he understands the last two, he can break the ban and climb that path!

In a long time, when Xue Hao opened his eyes and looked at this pile of flowers again, there was a different change. Just then, he realized another one!

With the roar of the mountain wind, there is not much resentment left here. He must seize the time to understand this last one!

The bean-sized sweat was left from his face. With the passage of time, he was completely immersed in the ultimate state of understanding. The pressure was like a heavy stone, pressing on his heart, making his mind have a rhythm that is about to collapse.

Xue Hao has a deep understanding of what Yupei said before that this place needs strong endurance.

Finally, as the resentment here completely disappeared, the mountain wind stopped blowing, and the end time came.

"It's still a little short! It's almost! I will see through the last change!" Xue Hao shouted in his heart, which was only the last trace of change, but he lost the last chance. He didn't understand this last one!

The sweat wet his sleeves, his ferocious face, and the blue veins on his neck were exposed. He was unwilling, but at the last moment, he was a failure. This blow was really cruel.

At this moment, he thought of his sister, his biological parents whom he had never met, and his uncles and aunts who raised him. This was his motivation to break the prohibition. He wanted to become stronger. He didn't say anything. In fact, he had a stronger desire for inheritance than anyone else.

His face was gloomy. Xue Hao stood up without saying a word. He wanted to shout to vent his anger and unwillingness, but he couldn't roar. For some reason, he couldn't roar. He felt desperate.

"No matter what, even if I die, I will fight!" In an instant, he walked to the path. He wanted to fight with the 999 changes he had understood. If he lost, he would be free. Although he had guessed the ending, there was no possibility of cracking it.

What else did he want to say, but the corners of his mouth were dry and he couldn't say anything. He took a step and had already stepped on the path, but at the moment he stepped on it, his eyes were shocked and seemed to look into the distance. A black air flow slowly down, like a wild beast, with unparalleled momentum. Wherever he passed, the mountain The stone is rolling out and the momentum is great.

"It's the wind!" Xue Hao was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were full of light. Without hesitation, he returned the original way and came to the side of the flower prohibition. Almost at the moment he sat down and understood, the mountain wind roared, and the prohibition changed immediately unfolded, and the golden line appeared!

Although he didn't understand why the mountain wind came from, Xue Hao didn't think about it at this moment. All he knew was that breaking the ban was just around the corner.

In a short time, Xue Hao suddenly opened his eyes. Although the mountain wind was still blowing, at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and took a deep look at the black hurricane. Then he stood up, his eyes were bright, his expression was full of confidence, and he strode to the path!