
Chapter 39 Ancient Cause and Effect

"This is the supreme ancient art that dominates the practice world in the future!" Xuanyuanlong looked at Xue Hao, who had put the scroll in his bag and rushed out to the foot of the mountain. The hatred in his eyes was extremely strong.

"Xue Hao, you bastard!"

During the scolding, Xuanyuanlong's cultivation exploded and quickly chased Xue Hao!

In this process, he thought a lot in his mind. This victory is not only regarded by him as a bag, but also his future. It is the greatest creation in his life. If the last time the infinite elixir on the spiritual bridge was robbed by Xue Hao, he could bear the unwillingness in his heart, but this time, it is no longer married in vain. The clothes are so simple. This is taking away his lifelong dream. This feeling is like killing him.

Others didn't understand his mood, so he just stood on the top of the mountain, just one step away from the scroll and didn't pick it immediately, because he wanted to enjoy this feeling and enjoy the feeling of turning from an expelled disciple to the hot sun.

It's not that he is stupid, it's not that he doesn't pay attention to it, but that he attaches too much importance to it and is too confident, so that Xue Hao picked up a leak. If Wujidan was a small leak at that time, he doesn't care, then he will collapse. Does he accept this loss?

Even if he didn't even touch the scroll, it has long been regarded as his own thing, and Xue Hao, in his opinion, is a despicable, sinister and cunning thief!

With thousands of thoughts in his heart, Xuanyuanlong's eyes were red and he chased Xue Hao. In his mind, he was still thinking about how much he had paid for this inheritance!

He tried his best to escape from being expelled by the sect to worship this extremely lonely valley, in order to defeat the battle!

The generation of Xuanyuanzong did not listen to the explanation left by the ancestors, and thought how big the small sect of Dongtu would be. Therefore, compared with the other three sects, Xuanyuanzong would have forgotten this matter long ago.

Only Xuanyuanlong knows what the creation of Xiaoyao Valley is, and even more than some powerful creation in the desperate land of the world, because he has known the secrets here in Xiaoyao Valley since he was a child. He and his uncle Xuan Yuansheng are the only ones left in his vein, but even some elders of Xiaoyao Valley itself Zi only knows that there are the ancestors' peerless magic soldiers and supreme secrets in the altar of Xiaoyao Valley, but they don't know that there is an ancient art here!

In ten thousand years, many people and things can be changed. Under the leadership of Xiaoyaozi, the Xiaoyao Valley in the eastern and southern regions has long been forgotten and seriously lost.

With the unbearable generation after generation of disciples and elders, they have long forgotten the majesty of their ancestors. Even this generation of disciples no longer believe that such a sect will have any great inheritance.

Even if Xiaoyao Valley itself doesn't care, let alone the four major clans, because they know nothing about what happened ten thousand years ago, the origin of Xiaoyao Valley, and even the war between the ancestors of the clan and Xiaoyaozi, and Xuanyuanlong knows these.

It's not that he experienced the past ten thousand years ago, nor is it that the hearsay is groundless, because one of the eight god monks in the past was his direct ancestor!

In those years, the Huashen monk of Xuanyuan Sect did not fall in the battle of besieging Xiaoyaozi, but was also seriously injured and Shouyuan was seriously weakened. Therefore, he returned to Xuanyuan Sect and soon sat down, but before he sat down, he told him of the cause and effect of this battle. The descendants of this lineage.

In fact, Xiaoyaozi was once the most powerful saint of the five clans. In the past, he failed to compete for the throne of the Holy Emperor in the Yunding Heavenly Palace, and his heart was difficult to fill, because the people who competed with him mastered a powerful ancient skill, which was the reason for his defeat.

He had a chance to be the throne of the Holy Emperor, but he was defeated for the reason of no ancient art. Therefore, he left the Genting Heavenly Palace and entered the area where the lower sects were located, southern Xinjiang and Dongtu. No matter how big or small, all sects belonged to the lower level.

There are four domains in the world, and according to the strength and the rules of heaven and earth, they are divided into the upper and second levels. At the lower level, the highest cultivation will not exceed the dragon singing realm, and the monks of the gods are like gods. However, at the upper level, the gods are not at all.

The strength of the two-order region is like the difference between heaven and earth. Why this reason appears has to be started in ancient times.

In ancient years, there was no difference between the upper and lower levels. The only pursuit of monks was to fly into the heavenly world to become a god, and the only condition for ascension was to practice to the realm of dragons, leap over the dragon gate, lift thousands of feet of colorful clouds, and enter the heavenly world to practice and leave the world!

However, after endless years, due to some changes in the heaven and the rules of heaven and earth, the heaven began to use the power of rules to oppress the ascenders, and even kill the creatures in the world, resulting in many monks being confused, losing respect and pursuit for the ascending heaven, and even being strongly* by the monks in the world.

In this period, the idea of attacking the sky has emerged, and the most powerful ethnic groups in the world have emerged one after another. These five ethnic groups dare to go against the sky and attack the heavenly world. This is the five ethnic groups attacking the sky.

But the power of the heavenly world is great. The five clans have successively destroyed the clans, leaving only some fish that escaped from the net. These fish that have escaped the net finally united and settled in a corner, forming a difference between the upper and lower levels.

The monks at the upper level do not believe in the way of heaven, are all practicing against the sky, and are unwilling to fly up, so they can practice without resistance all the way to the infinite realm.

And at the lower level, suppressed by the way of heaven, once someone breaks through to the realm of Longyin, they must fly up and cannot stay in the mortal world. Therefore, the lower-level monks have two choices when they reach the realm of Longyin, one is to fly up, and the other is to enter the upper level!

And Xiaoyaozi came from the upper-level Genting Heavenly Palace. After his failure to compete for the Holy Emperor, he chose to come to the lower level, but the two levels were blocked by domain gates and could not travel at will. Therefore, he could only cut himself off the bloodline of the saint, which is equivalent to becoming a monk flying into the heavenly world in disguise, but his strength of the peak of the god can be Rank is the hero.

He betrayed the saint family and came to the next level, not to compete for this false reputation, but to find ancient art. One day he will return to the upper level to compete for the position of the holy emperor. If he wants to fight against the current holy emperor Xue Wuya, he must have ancient art, because Xue Wuya has a slashing!

At the peak of the sage clan, there were two ancient skills in the clan. This victory was decided to be one, but after the destruction of the clan, this skill was lost in the next level, and Xiaoyaozi came from this skill.

He worked hard all his life and traveled through many large sects in southern Xinjiang. Every time he arrived, he forcibly explored it, including Xuanyuanzong.

It was precisely because of such a forced practice that he offended the four sects, but Xiaoyaozi was so strong that no one could do anything about it.

In the end, Xiaoyaozi searched for ancient art without any results, cruised the eastern soil, inadvertently passed the Xiaoyao Valley, and finally found traces of the victory. After years of change, this technique was actually abandoned in a black mountain near Xiaoyao Valley. This black mountain demon is now about to turn into a demon god!

This Yamamoto has no spirit and was stained by the inner meaning of the battle victory. By chance, he has spirituality and embarked on a journey of practice. However, the battle victory is the supreme law of the human race, and the demon clan cannot be practiced. When Xiaoyaozi wanted to take this skill from the top of the mountain, he was shocked to find that after endless years, this technique has taken root here. His cultivation at the peak of his god could not be removed for a while, but only after a hundred years.

In order to wait for the ancient art to be picked a hundred years later, Xiaoyaozi stayed in Xiaoyao Valley and accepted a wide range of disciples, strengthening this originally weak sect into a super sect.

After a hundred years, Xiaoyaozi successfully won the battle, and successfully practiced this skill and increased his strength to an extremely terrible level. But when he was confident and prepared to return to the upper level and compete for the throne of the Holy Emperor again, because of the victory of the battle, his cultivation could not be suppressed and broke through to the lower level. Permitted Longyinjing.

The rules of heaven and earth came in an instant. Because he was originally a sage, although he was betrayed, he still knew where his roots were and did not choose to fly up, but he could not change it. When the ascension disaster came, he could only choose to fight. The stronger the confrontation, the stronger the natural disaster was. In the end, he fought to defeat the sky. Robbery, but this skill was created by the three emperors of the five medieval clans, which belongs to the secret method of attacking the sky. Using this skill to deal with the heavenly disaster is against the sky!

In the end, Xiaoyaozi finally fell and escaped the disaster. But it was also at this time that the eight gods of monks besieged him. On the surface, the purpose was to repay the previous hatred, but the real purpose was to cove the victory of the battle when Xiaoyaozi crossed the disaster!

However, even if Xiaoyaozi fell into this field and defeated the battle, he was still strong. In the end, eight people paid a great price to defeat him, but they could not really kill him and had to seal him.

But they knew that one day, if Xiaoyaozi recovered, the seal would inevitably break, so the mountain demon came into their sight.

They want to use this mountain demon with the potential to become a demon god to encroach on the will of Xiaoyaozi and never let his cultivation recover. After doing this, they know that there is no hope of competing for ancient art in this life. At least ten thousand years later, this mountain demon can really become a demon god, and then Xiaoyaozi will really fall, and for To avoid being known by other sects, we have to vaguely explain to our descendants, hoping that future generations can pay attention to such information and go to Xiaoyao Valley to find ancient art.

But they underestimated the importance of time and fell behind one after another, because the unclear reasons they said did not attract the attention of the sect.

As for the upper and lower parts of Xiaoyao Valley, except for the worship of Xiaoyaozi, the ancestor, it is actually not known much more than the four major sects. Even now, they do not know that Xiaoyao Valley was not founded by Xiaoyaozi.

With the dilution of time, the events of this ten thousand years ago were unconsciously forgotten by many people, but the god monk who had not yet fallen of Xuanyuanzong, that is, the ancestor of Xuanyuan Dragon, told these things to their descendants, and died in his death. After the extinction of Taoism, this vein gradually declined. Until more than a decade ago, Xuanyuanzong's internal competition was strong. Xuanyuanlong was finally defeated by Zhao Wuji's lineage and failed to compete for the son of God. Together with his uncle Xuanyuansheng, he was expelled from the sect!

The two of them came to Xiaoyao Valley to make Xuanyuanlong win the battle and regain the throne of the son of God!

After brewing a plan for so long, Xuanyuanlong, who knows the best about the inheritance here, is already determined to get it. He even compares himself to the scorching sun in the upper sect, but he was robbed by Xue Hao, who hated him so much and cheated himself several times. At this moment, his heart is really mixed, recalling these things. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became.