
Chapter 98 The life is like a mystery

"The dragon clan was destroyed in the past years. Tens of thousands of years have passed. Has this pig existed here for tens of thousands of years?" Xue Hao stared at the pig in front of him, his eyes were quite complicated, and there were too many doubts in his heart.

"Oh..." Suddenly, the little pig's voice was exactly the same as the previous dragon, but it came out of its mouth, but it made people feel strange.

This sound is extremely similar to Longyin. If ordinary people hear it, their complexion will inevitably change greatly. It is said that Longyin has a fearful atmosphere. People who are not strong are likely to destroy their minds.

At this moment, the black pig opened its eyes and stared at Xue Hao and Nangong Xianer for a moment. Suddenly, it seemed to warn the two of them not to approach.

"How can a pig make a dragon chant? Is this the offspring of a dragon and a pig family? Xue Hao was puzzled. Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't help but feel extremely absurd.

Nang Gong Xian'er was also silent and kept staring at the little pig.

"Wow..." At this moment, the little pig heard Xue Hao's words and made another sound. This sound is not like a pig or a dragon, which makes people not think of any beast.

It actually waved its hoof angrily, as if protesting, expressing strong dissatisfaction with Xue Hao's remarks.

"Such a spiritual pig is really amazing!" Xue Hao was greatly surprised, because the beasts in the world, collectively known as demon cultivation, but demon cultivation, at least after the condensation of the demon elixir, will increase his intelligence, but the little pig in front of him, even with a subtle expression, seems to understand, as if it has experienced several people's worldly wisdom, how can not make people wonder?

He unfolded his mind and forcibly explored the little pig, but to his surprise, this little pig was only about ten layers of strength. According to normal circumstances, there would be no such high intelligence at all.

In addition, although he is like a pig as a whole, Xue Hao saw many pigs in the village when he was young. Later, he also saw some successful wild boar demon cultivation in the fierce land, but there were few people with unicorns on his head.

Because the beasts that grow in the sky have strong potential to practice, the horns give birth to the head, gather the aura of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon. Such a situation will generally only be released on the dragon clan. The dragon clan is the king of demon cultivation, and what does the current situation mean?

"How did you appear here?" Xue Hao tried to communicate with it and spoke directly. There should be no problem in communicating with such a high-intelligent beast.

The little pig first made two 'hoo', then circled in place and danced. Finally, he stood up and did all kinds of strange movements. Even with Xue Hao's determination, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Is this really a pig?

The pig's movements and the continuous movements in his mouth, sometimes the two front hooves pointed to the depths of the dragon hole, indicating anger, sometimes confusion in his eyes, and sometimes excited. Xue Hao was stunned by this dazzling performance, especially when the pig saw this expression and knew that Xue Hao could not understand. , he scratched the back of his head with his hoof, indicating that he was very embarrassed and anxious.

"This is obviously a human-only action!" Xue Hao can't calm down at all. Such a strange pig is really unheard of.

One person and one pig can't communicate at all. What's more strange is that the pig's eyes suddenly lit up, and his hooves kept drawing on the ground in the hole, and they also drew words one by one to point to Xue Hao.

Do you still know the words? Oh, my God, are you sure you are a pig? Xue Hao was completely stunned.

Hearing this, the little pig nodded and shook his head again, as if to say that he didn't even know it.

Xue Hao looked down. On the ground, the words written by the piglet were crooked, but they could be vaguely identified: "My grain is missing. Can you help me find it?"

"Food?" Xue Hao's eyes widened and felt that it was quite strange, so he couldn't help asking.

"It was stolen by a guy who was born soon after birth. Food is very important to me. I survived by it. Wow..." The little pig wrote here with his hoof on the ground and suddenly stopped writing. He suddenly cried like a child.

"The newborn guy? Is it one of the ten dragon eggs? Where is it?" Xue Hao's heart jumped when he heard the words and was about to ask. Suddenly, he realized that after the appearance of the piglet, Nangong Xianer never said anything again, so he stared at the pig in a daze.

"What's wrong with you? Do you know this beast?" Xue Hao asked.

"I occasionally saw some special demon cultivation in the world except for the dragon clan in the incomplete ancient books of the sect..." Nangong Xian'er whispered, paused, and then continued to say, "There is a kind of spiritual beast of heaven and earth, which is rare in 100,000 years. It is amazing at birth. The cultivation is to great, and it can directly turn into demons. God! Without any resistance, he is the favorite of heaven and earth!"

"The shackles that are not easy to practice have no effect on this kind of beast, because they are beasts reincarnated in heaven, commonly known as heavenly beasts!"

"From ancient times to now, pig-shaped beasts will never appear more than three, one of which is male and the other is female. Every time it appears, it will cause many human monks to loot. It is reported that their blood, with the power of long life, is born as a treasure body. Every drop of the most essential blood can make a cultivation There has been a qualitative change!" Nangong Xian'er came here.

"Do you mean that this pig is a heavenly beast?" Xue Hao was surprised and stared at the confused piglet. While the two were talking, he looked at Xue Hao and Nangong Xianer, as if he was saying, what are you talking about?

Nangong Xianer nodded slightly and said, "I vaguely remember that there is such a heavenly beast in that ancient book. It is indeed similar to pigs, but I'm not sure whether this beast is or not!"

"So, is this a baby pig? Why don't we try it?" Xue Hao said rudely. He grabbed the pig's tail with one hand and lifted the latter. Suddenly, the latter was angry and waved his hoof. Originally, Xue Hao didn't care, but the next moment, he was shocked, and his hand involuntarily loosened and retreated several steps.

This little pig is just such a wave, but it has the strength not weaker than the early stage of foundation construction, especially the white light waved. Even Xue Hao is extremely difficult to deal with.

"Why is it so powerful?" Xue Hao was terrified that the white light waved by the little pig did not look like a spell, but it was absolutely unusual.

"This is... definitely the legendary beast. This is a gifted magic power. This beast, like the dragon clan, is born with magical power. Unlike monks, monks can cast spells, but the demon clan will not perform them before turning into demon gods. Only beasts are born with a king's breath. Only then, except for the dragon clan, the few heavenly beasts that have appeared are said to have talent and magical power!" Nangong Xian'er said that she was not sure before, and now, there is basically no need to question it.

As soon as this said, the little pig was still confused. He scratched his head from time to time, looked at his hooves, and looked at Xue Hao and the other two. It seemed to mean the same thing. What on earth are you talking about?

"Then how can it appear here?" Xue Hao took a look at the little pig and immediately gave up the idea of trying to take his blood.

"It is extremely difficult to cultivate demons and become demon gods in the world, but dragons and heavenly beasts are not in this ranks. In addition to having extremely high intelligence and talent, they know how to seek good luck and avoid evil, and look for the ultimate natural materials and earth treasures to enhance their strength. It is estimated that this heavenly beast should want to be in the dragon cave after the dragon clan is destroyed. Absorb the essence of the ten dragon eggs and somehow sneaked into here!"

Nangong Xianer said her guess, but this time, the little pig was extremely dissatisfied. He stood up again, with his two hoofs crossed his waist, muttering a lot in his mouth, and then stretched out his hooves and pointed to the depths of the dragon hole.

Nangong Xianer and Xue Hao looked stunned. Finally, the little pig finally remembered that they couldn't understand and wrote on the ground again.

"They caught me. Originally, I slept on the bottom of the sea, but one day I was occupied by them. They also built a lot of dragon palaces and drove me out of the sea... I hate them..." At this point, the pig suddenly became very sad, as if he remembered some unbearable past.

"And then?" Xue Hao asked, if this is true, the age of the little pig will be unimaginable. The real dragon family looked for the nest in those years, and the time was infinitely pushed forward, but the little pig lived so long that it was unbelievable.

"I don't know why my parents abandoned me. At that time, I hadn't been born and had never seen them. They asked me to sleep on the bottom of the sea and would come back to pick me up one day, but those hateful four-legged snakes woke me up so that I could no longer sleep. They still wanted to think about my body, but somehow, they didn't Let's take action..."

Looking at the piglet writing crookedly on the ground, Xue Hao and Nangong Xianer were silent. This little pig was quite pitiful.

"Later, I learned that they wanted to use me to hatch the ten four-legged snake eggs, and promised not to hurt me and give me many benefits. For example, the food that couldn't be eaten sent me here. Those eggs were really disgusting. I couldn't even eat them. They set the boundary by them. Those big four feet After the snake died, I held the food and kept eating and hatching. I didn't want to do it. But who knows, a hateful guy recently made a sound. Although he couldn't beat me, he actually knew how to be invisible, which made me so distressed..." The little pig finally became more and more excited and pointed to the depths of the dragon cave desperately and said that After the hateful guy stole his food, he hid in it.

"How do you know the words of the human race?" Xue Hao ignored it and asked such a question.

"Because I can understand what you said, but I can't say it. Form a message and write it directly. I don't know that this is the text of the human race. I didn't know until you said it." The little pig looked helpless and continued to write on the ground.

"Real?" Xue Hao is a little suspicious. Even if it is a heavenly beast, isn't it amazing?

But at this time, Nangong Xianer opened his mouth and dispelled his doubts: "It's not surprising that the heavenly beast was born and could see through something essential."

Xue Hao still didn't believe it, but the next moment, the little pig seemed to write on the ground to prove his ability.

"You have a dog in your body..."

As soon as he saw these words, Xue Hao's face suddenly changed and hurriedly stopped the pig from writing. At this moment, he didn't believe it and believed it. The little pig could actually see his endless sea of knowledge. You know, even if it was the power of the god period, it was not easy to see, unless he realized those special sources, such as the meaning of yin and yang. Zhi's Zhen Yuanzi.

Thanks to the timely prevention, even if Nangong Xianer obviously flashed a touch of fine light in her eyes, she didn't ask much. After all, everyone has secrets, especially Xue Hao, a person who makes people feel unclear.

At this moment, when Xue Hao looked at the little pig again, it was indeed very different. Before, he was still skeptical, but now, he can't help thinking deeply about the words written by the little pig before.

"I think his parents should be the male, female and two heavenly beasts in the past, which sealed it at the bottom of the sea. In the past, these two heavenly beasts were besieged by human monks and had no choice but to escape to the upper level..." Nangong Xian'er said.

"I'm an orphan..." The little pig seemed to be touched by the heartstrings, wrote these words on the ground, and cried again.

"Would you like to go out with us?" Xue Hao asked tentatively that this is definitely an animal with infinite potential. If it grows up, it is definitely a right-hand man.

Do you have any food? If there was no food, I wouldn't go out. Speaking of which, the four-legged snake gave me the tree. Although it didn't taste good, I found that I was gradually growing up day by day.

Hearing this, Xue Hao and Nangong Xianer looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity, as long as you take back my food, I will go with you." The little pig's eyes flashed with wisdom.

"Let's go!" Xue Hao and Nangong Xianer followed the pig running in the hole on the ground and went to the depths again.

"Oh..." Along the way, the little pig kept making dragon chants. Xue Hao and the two asked about it before. It said that it was to attract the guy who stole his food to appear and imitate Longyin.

"If you call it like this, won't he show up?" Xue Hao asked with a smile.

Hearing this, the pig stopped again and moved on the ground: "It was just born, and its intelligence is far less than mine. When their brothers meet, they will kill each other until they finally become the Dragon Emperor. Therefore, I imitated its cry and attracted it over, but this hateful guy, after being fooled several times, Never appear again."

Xue Hao and Nangong Xianer were surprised. The hateful guy said by the little pig was definitely a newborn dragon king and the first real dragon among the ten dragon eggs.

At this moment, there is no need to doubt that the ten dragon eggs are definitely deep in the dragon cave!

It's just that the dragons kill each other, but the two are a little puzzled.

Suddenly, Xue Hao's mind was shocked and remembered the previous words in the main hall. There seemed to be no connection with the fate of fate and death, the birth of ten dragons and the change of the eastern land. Among them, there must be the prophecy of the real dragon family.

He even doubted that the picture he saw in the sea of knowledge. If it was true, then how did the vicissitudes of the birth of these ten dragons appear?

How can the real dragon family know that ten dragons will be born? Even I and Nangong Xianer can feel the secret method of the dragon clan on the stone tablet. Everything looks like a natural matter of course, not by chance, but as if it is inevitable.

"They will enter the Dragon Palace and find the dragon vein before they will become the Dragon Emperor, so only one of the ten guys can climb to the top..."

Xue Hao asked the pig to get such an answer, which showed that things did develop like this. He thought that the whole Dongtu was sealed, and only the dragon clan could enter the Dragon Palace, and even they could open the seal and appear in the outside world. All this was absolutely not accidental.

is a conspiracy. Everyone, including him, or the spirit seeker, Nangong Xianer, and even the former dragon clan were destroyed, and it is very likely that even the compass was deceived.

It is very likely that there will not be ten powerful real dragons, but one that has been baptized with blood and eventually become a real dragon that appears at the limit of the number, a more powerful new dragon emperor.

With such a grand layout, the answer is ready to come out, and only the heaven can do it.