
Chapter 117 The Road to the Dragon Palace

In the valley, the fog rolls, and the tip of the red rope is as tough as a sharp blade and bloody. It looks particularly eye-catching, but because few people have passed by, no one has ever found the secret here in the endless years.

Because every time the red rope appears, it exists for a short time on the day of the moon.

Today, it happens to be the middle of the month.

Among the mountains in the distance, several figures appeared faintly, several hovering, and the familiar road came to this valley.

The fog in the valley has shown a blowout phenomenon, which is no longer as barren as before, and the huge aura of heaven and earth rushes out.

"Before pulling the rope, I will warn you to wait and use your own means, but never touch the red rope, otherwise you will be in great trouble." The patriarch held a crystal ball in his hand, opened his mouth seriously, and stared at the little fat man fiercely. Last time, it was the boy who was reckless, and one of them almost fell into the cave.

"What's the big deal? It's not up to Xiaohei. What will happen?" The little fat man looked unconvinced and rode on the Black Dragon King, muttering in his mouth.

"Little calf, if it weren't for your unique seedling left in the clan, I really want to kill you." The old man immediately blew his beard and stared and directly rewarded the little fat man with a big chestnut.

"What the hell is it? It's just a red rope. You don't say, where is it terrible?" The little fat man was so angry that he obviously had a bad temper and directly fought with the patriarch.

"Grandma, tell me, what happened to my Lingwu family in the past?" The little fat man pestered the only old man and kept asking.

The old man touched his head kindly, and then looked at the other old men. Finally, her eyes stayed on the patriarch and stopped talking.

"Oh..." The old patriarch sighed and said slowly, "It's time to tell you..."

After that, he took a look at the fog in the valley and said, "While there is still time, I will make a short story short. Once, my Lingwu family was not as rich as those practitioners in the east and west, there were nearly thousands of people, and the stockades were all over the mountains. Now, including some old, weak, sick and the disabled, There are less than 200 people. Do you know why?

Hearing this, except for the puzzled little fat man, the other old men sighed. Obviously, only the little fat man was in the dark and knew nothing.

"Is the disaster in the clan related to this valley?" The little fat man's eyes flashed. Although he was young and looked simple, he was particularly smart.

The old patriarch nodded, and his words unconsciously became a lot of vicissitudes: "At that time, the Lingwu clan was extremely prosperous, but they did not compete with the world and did not participate in the competition in the practice world, but their ancestors inadvertently found this valley, and entered the cave and wanted to pursue the source of this red rope. From then, the disaster began."

Several old men looked at the red rope and showed a sense of fear, but the little fat man still looked fearless.

"They were shocked to find that this red rope, with no end, extends to the sea of the dragon abyss, and they found ten dragon palaces."

"What happened later?"

"Later, they entered the Top Ten Dragon Palace!" The patriarch's words are amazing. If other monks hear it now, they will certainly jump up in shock, because now in order to find the Dragon King, they are breaking through the boundary to enter. Who would have thought that there was a way to enter here.

"What's in the Top Ten Dragon Palaces?" The little fat man continued to ask, with a curious face. He had never walked out of this mountain range in his old age and did not know the situation outside world.

"Endless coffins and many floating corpses, such as the same cemetery, the top ten dragon palaces, are surrounded by these coffins and corpses, and the door is closed." The old patriarch said bluntly that at the beginning, the ancestors of the Lingwu clan entered the Ten Dragon Palace with the expectation of these long-known treasures and secrets, but what they saw was not a great creation, but a great disaster.

"Although I have never really entered any of the ten dragon palaces, there are many terrible ghosts in those coffins outside the hall, one of which is the most powerful. Seeing such a terrible scene, the ancestors wanted to return along the original way, but it was obviously impossible, only one person Finally, he escaped and told these things to the clan, but at that time he was about to fall, because his heart was hollowed out. With perseverance, he seriously warned the clan not to enter the hole, especially in the middle of each month. When the old patriarch talked about these things, his face turned pale.

"Because of this, the clan seems to be cursed. Every hundred years, the people of the clan will die inexplicably, because the devil in the Dragon Palace will appear along this hole and kill the people of our clan." The old patriarch slowly opened his mouth. The Lingwu clan is a cursed clan. A hundred years of disaster means that people will die in the clan. After so many years, there are now less than 200 people left.

"Then can't we escape from this area?" The little fat man opened his mouth.

"Our family is cursed by the devil. If we leave the far west, we will immediately age, and our whole body will inexplicably fade away and eventually fall." This time, it was no longer the old patriarch's words, but the old woman's words. Then she looked at the little fat man with a touch of softness in her eyes: "You are the most talented descendant of this generation and the only young man in our family. No matter what, we have to send you out and break this curse!"

"I..." The little fat man's eyes suddenly flashed with tears. Obviously, she couldn't accept such a thing, because she remembered that when she was young, she often asked her grandmother why her parents were no longer. Now, there is no need to ask anymore. It must have fallen in the last hundred years of catastrophe, when he was just born. < /P>

"All disasters arise from this hole, but as long as our bodies do not touch the red rope and enter the cave, we will be at peace. Although the devil will appear in the clan to kill the people of our clan every hundred years, the last time it appeared was more than a decade ago, and it will come again for more than 80 years, so, Now I don't have to worry about the curse!" The old patriarch recovered his expression and said with bright eyes.

"This is exclusive to our clan. We will pull the red rope with magic weapons and spells, which will pull out many creatures, dragon clan sacred arts, and some natural materials and earth treasures, all of which are used to build your physique. Before the next disaster comes, we must send you out!"

The old patriarch looked at the little fat man solemnly, with a trace of imperceptible sadness in his eyes, because except for the little fat man, they had expected that the next time the monster appeared, all the remaining people in the clan would fall, and 200 people could no longer satisfy the devil's appetite.

"After hundreds of years, we have finally succeeded in dragging out the red rope four hundred feet. This time, we must drag out five hundred feet to see what will happen!"

In order to appease the little fat man's mood, several people stopped talking about these things and turned to the Black Dragon King and talked about it.

"How did you subdue this dragon king? Unexpectedly, the real dragon family and living descendants, if it hadn't been for it last time, it would have been impossible to drag out four hundred feet.

Several people stared at the huge dragon king. Not long ago, the little fat man didn't know where to bring it back, with injuries on his body.

These people have never been out of this mountain range, so they have a deep understanding of the outside world and do not know that the sea of the dragon abyss have changed and the top ten dragon palaces have been born, but they are still quite surprised by the living dragons.

"Wow..." The Black Dragon King was extremely intimate with the little fat man and let him sit on his back.

"No, in the misty forest not far away, Xiaohei was chased by some strange monks at that time. I rescued it, and it recognized me as the master." The little fat man pointed to the forest in the distance. If Xue Hao was here, he would definitely recognize it. It was the place where the pig and the blood dragon king entered.

"It's there..." Several people looked at each other, took a breath, and then asked solemnly, "Has anyone found your trace?"

The little fat man shook his head to show that he was quite familiar with this generation and slipped quickly, and those people couldn't find it at all.

That forest is the farthest area that the spirit and demon family can reach. If you get out of there, you can get out of the outside world.

"It seems that those outsiders come for this dragon king. It doesn't matter. There is a terrible existence in that forest. They don't want to go out after entering!" The old patriarch said that he was obviously extremely afraid of it.

"You boy, you broke into there again!" At this time, several people realized that the little fat man had sneaked out not long ago.

"I don't want to see what the outside world is like!" The little fat man looked aggrieved.

Several people looked at each other and finally sighed again.


At this time, the red rope in the valley swayed in the fog again, and the part stretched out was longer, and several people's eyes suddenly lit up.

"The time is ripe! Let's begin!" The patriarch opened his mouth, and the other people looked solemn. Each of them threw out the mace, operated and wrapped the red rope. Then, several people who had already prepared it. At the same time, the same rope appeared in their hands, connected to the end of the mace wrapped in the red rope in the valley, and began to drag up.

They have always used this method to pull the red rope. The rope in their hands is not an ordinary thing, but made for the red rope through endless years, but the two ropes cannot be directly touched. They need something as a medium, a hard magic weapon, and a mace in the clan, which is of great use.

As they showed their whole body cultivation, they stood side by side and pulled the rope. The red rope in the valley was gradually pulled out several feet. In the end, the Purple Dragon King also joined in and grabbed the end of the rope.

When it was pulled down a hundred feet, suddenly, something flew out of the cave and was directly caught by the patriarch along the red rope.

This object is crystal clear and extremely huge. It is a crystal that exudes a strong aura.

"It's a dragon spirit stone." Several people looked at each other and saw the excitement from each other's eyes. The dragon spirit stone at a hundred feet has always existed. No matter how many times they pull, it is always as if they can't finish it.

"This time after pulling for so long, I have reached the position of 100 feet. This time, I will definitely be able to pull out 500 feet!" Several people increased their confidence and full of energy, and tried their best to pull the red rope that they didn't know how long it was.

In a long time, as the red rope was gradually pulled out, the aura emerging from the cave became deeper and deeper. Several people were used to it, but this time, they felt an unusual breath.