
Chapter 123 Broken Red Rope, Devil Out!

Xue Hao's eyes flashed, and in an instant, he came to a position of about 500 feet, and the dragon spirit stone was close at hand.

However, it is firmly tied to the red rope, which is not the same as in the past, and it is difficult to untie it easily.

This dragon spirit stone is bigger than last time, and it seems to have more scattered aura, which made Xue Hao decide that this creation should have some points.

Since he met him, there is no reason to let him slip away.

It's just a difficult problem how to take it down.

I have suffered the loss of red rope before, and now I will not be stupid enough to touch it with my hands or other parts of my body.

Whether it is down to a valley of 2,000 feet, or 500 feet away from the ground now, he flies in the cave and keeps a certain distance from the red rope. It is obviously unwise to touch it for the dragon spirit stone.

For a moment of meditation, Xue Hao stared at the red rope that was slowly pulled up, showing a touch of decisiveness in his eyes. Raising his hand is the secret of victory, and then the eight-phase world added and directly bombarded the red rope about a foot away from the Dragon Spirit Stone.

"Since it can't be untied, why don't I break it!"

Before, Xue Hao did not expect that this method might be feasible. Sure enough, his eyes condensed, and the red rope was not as hard as it imagined. He was bombed by his two secret methods and showed signs that it was about to break.

At the same time, in the upper valley, the seven people and the Black Dragon King were pulling the red rope with all their strength, but suddenly their bodies shook and felt that the red rope in their hands was like a violent collision.

The seven people looked at each other in connose. The patriarch frowned and was about to open his mouth. Suddenly, the red rope trembled again. This time, it was obviously more violent than the previous one. Several people's faces changed greatly and they couldn't figure out the situation.

"What's wrong with the patriarch? What's going on?" The little fat man asked anxiously, which was related to his foundation and should not be lost.

"I don't know..." The patriarch showed doubts in his eyes and shook his head. Next, the red rope returned to calm, but it was obviously lighter than just now. The force of the rebound just now was really like a broken red rope.

However, as soon as such an idea came up, several people quickly denied it. How could the red rope be broken?

"Go on!" The patriarch didn't say much, and everything returned to normal.

In the position of 500 feet in the hole, Xue Hao stared at a huge stone that was constantly being pulled up above, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth. Then, he lowered his head and looked at another red rope that fell because of the break below. There was a little inexplicable in his heart, and even a vague feeling.

"It is possible that the red rope was broken because of me, causing the terrible existence at the bottom to be touched." Xue Hao thought, but he didn't think much about it. These are just guesses.

Withdrawing his mind and looking at a thing in his hand, Xue Hao's eyes were bright. This was a precious medicine that had just been cut from the dragon spirit stone.

This herb is obviously very unusual. It is thin and shining, about three inches in size, with several leaves. The golden light permeates it, and you can also feel the golden dragon hovering inside, roaring at him ferociously.

This made Xue Hao happy. This is definitely not an ordinary elixir. There is not only a flash of aura, but also a huge essence of life. Although it is impossible to be sure how much life can be added, there is no need to doubt that if this is placed in the outside world, it is enough to change the heart of old antiques above the gods.

"Last time it was Long Yanshui, and this time it is such a rare treasure medicine in the world. What is the connection with the top ten dragon palaces?"

Xue Hao said to himself, solemnly put the precious medicine into the storage bag, put aside these questions, and then quickly flew up. The current situation of the two little beasts is the most worrying for him.

Not long, the exit was already far away, and the broken red rope also pulled the boulder and rushed out of the hole.

"This is..."

The patriarch was the first to see the boulder and was immediately stunned. Several other people were also stunned.

Is the creation that has been painstakingly pulled up a stone?

With a 'bang', the boulder hit the ground, and several people surrounded the stone in a daze, but they couldn't figure it out.

"Creation, is this it?"

How can they not see that their cultivation is not low, an ordinary stone without any vision?

Just as they were still stunned, in the surging fog, a light flashed, and Xue Hao appeared!

Several people immediately turned around. In an instant, they understood the cause and effect of the matter and stared at him with an unkind face, but when Xue Hao released the cultivation that made them feel appall discolored.

"You..." The patriarch pointed to Xue Hao with a frightened face and stammered, "You are the foreign monk who broke into the cave. You... haven't fallen yet?"

Several other people also changed their color and did not dare to speak. The little fat man also looked at Xue Hao a few times and was unconvinced. It seemed that the other party was not much bigger than himself, but he was so strong. He not only had a profound cultivation, but also stole his creation twice.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get angry and rushed to Xue Hao. At the same time, the Black Dragon King also shouted with a dragon, spitting black light and pointed directly at Xue Hao.

"Dragon King!" Xue Hao couldn't help spitting out these two words. Unexpectedly, he saw a dragon king I had seen here, and obviously recognized the Lord.

"No!" The patriarch shouted loudly, waved his big sleeves, and a strong wind immediately appeared, directly imprisoning the little fat man and the Black Dragon King.

Feeling the attack of one person and one beast, Xue Hao raised a sneer at the corners of his mouth and raised his hand to resolve it easily. In his opinion, this seven people, including this dragon king, could not fight with him. After all, the distance between building the foundation and practicing qi is like a gap. Moreover, during the foundation period, he had a battle far beyond ordinary people. Force.

"Senior, I just offended my predecessor. I hope you don't care about it. The patriarch of the old Lingwu clan has lived in this mountain range for generations and practiced with the creation in this cave. Since the predecessor found this cave, I don't ask for anything else. I just hope that the senior can keep a secret after going out!"

In the world of practice, the strong are respected and are not limited to real age. Xue Hao is in the foundation period. For these people, he is the strong, so there is nothing wrong with calling him a senior.

Hearing this, Xue Hao took a look at these people, especially the Dragon King. His eyes flashed and asked in a low voice, "What's going on with this hole?"

Xue Hao expected that the cultivation of these people was right. They were all under the foundation. If he wanted to kill them or even rob the Dragon King, it would be effortless, but he was still unwilling to do so.

After all, it is a loss for me to intercept other people's creation twice. Moreover, I am not as unreasonable as a murderer. If I really take action against these people, it is against my will.

However, if these people don't open their eyes and take the initiative to provoke him, the situation is naturally different.

Although the little fat man still looks unconvinced, he also knows that Xue Hao is not easy to provoke, and the rest of the people are also chilling at this moment.

Xue Hao did not immediately take action against them, which naturally means that Xue Hao is not malicious. Therefore, in the face of his questions, the patriarch will also answer questions.

"I don't know this hole. I only know that every hundred years, there are devils born to suck people in my clan. Now, except for seven people like me, the clan is full of old, weak, sick and disabled." The clan told the truth and did not dare to hide it at all.

Hearing this, Xue Hao glanced at these people and believed it in his heart, because the creatures he saw in the cave were exactly the same as these people, all wrapped in animal skins, like savages.

"You just cut off the red rope?" The patriarch exclaimed and saw that the period of creation disappeared at this moment, but the red rope was not retreating.

"Oh, my God, the disaster of my Lingwu clan is coming. The devil will definitely wake up early and eat us!" The patriarch suddenly became sad. Obviously, he knew the consequences of the broken red rope.

"What is the relationship between the devil and the dragon clan?" Xue Hao ignored a few people and asked again.

"I don't know it. I only know that this hole connects the ten dragon palaces, and this devil is a powerful creature lurking in it!" Although the red rope was broken, the patriarch answered patiently, because he could see that Xue Hao was not an ordinary person and might resolve the crisis.

Hearing this, Xue Hao's mind couldn't help trembling. Here, you can actually enter the Ten Dragon Palace. What does this mean?

It shows that the dragon clan needs to open the way to open the boundary, which is not the only one, or it is simply wrong!

But why is there a channel here? Also, shouldn't there be treasures everywhere in the Top Ten Dragon Palace? How can there be a devil?

What is the so-called devil? Is it a person or a ghost?

He still wants to continue to ask questions. He can see the appearance of these people, and there is also a reason in his heart. Obviously, they don't know much.

Thinking of this, Xue Hao ignored several people, but disappeared in an instant, and then went to the misty forest. The most urgent thing was to rescue the piglet and the Blood Dragon King. The secret in this hole was temporarily suppressed by him at the bottom of his heart and came back to explore it.

As for the birth of the devil, he is still skeptical. After all, what those people said is divided into true and false, which is really difficult to judge.

The streamer cut through the sky. Before long, he had disappeared into the fog forest. In place, there was only a complex patriarch and several others.

Just when the patriarch wanted to speak, suddenly, the fog in the valley rolled, and then a blood fog appeared, which was extremely strong and could be seen from afar. Then, the blood fog rolled, forming a human figure, staring at several people in mid-air.

"It's it! It's the devil!" The patriarch's face changed greatly, and the rest of them also changed their color. If the little fat man had not seen and felt the terrible breath, these people had survived the last disaster, and they had already remembered the appearance of the devil.