
Chapter 134 Centennial Disaster

"What, confinement, isn't this the magic power of this pig?" Some people screamed and looked at the piglets, which was full of complexity. Even if the two pigs were not the parents of the pigs, they were definitely inextricably related.


Xue Hao's golden fists flashed, showing cold light in his eyes, and his whole body's cultivation exploded, which shocked the strong people who looked at the piglets and made everyone retreat one after another. Xue Hao was not easy to mess with.

"What is the cause of the divine war?" Someone asked.

"This old man didn't know. Halfway through his words, he fell directly. Only by entering the Dragon Palace and finding the monument can he know the complete thing." The old patriarch spoke slowly.

"What you said is equivalent to not saying that we are still in danger!" Everyone slandered one after another, and they had just experienced the power of the two horrible existences, not to mention entering the Dragon Palace.

At the same time, Xue Hao has decided that the so-called god in the patriarch's mouth actually refers to the heavenly general. As long as what he said is true, there will be conclusive evidence to prove it.

In addition, several generals led many heavenly soldiers down to the earth. They should not use normal methods to break through the boundary and enter. Therefore, this second road to the Dragon Palace, that is, the hole he closed before, was created by the heavenly general, extending to the sea of the Longyuan and even the top ten dragon palaces. This second road, It is not prepared for human monks, but the road that heaven has taken.

The divine war should have happened in this area. The taboos of the two sides existed and used terrible means to keep all the monks in the dark. If it hadn't been for the Lingwu clan's crooked entry into the Ten Dragon Palace, no one would have known these things at all.

In fact, the ending of the divine battle can be roughly guessed. Both sides have suffered heavy losses, but no one should have fallen. The compass is still there, the jade pendant is still there, and the parents of the piglet have gone to the upper level.

And two generals, one is still trapped in the Ten Dragon Palace and the other is suppressed in the fog forest. These things can still be explained.

Now, Xue Hao finally knew why the taboo in the swamp expelled them here, most likely to achieve some unspeakable purpose.

This purpose can only be answered by the patriarch of the Lingwu clan.

"You said that your family was extremely brilliant in the past, but why did you fall into this field now?" Xue Hao's eyes were solemn and he asked.

"Because my Lingwu clan once entered there and was cursed by the god who turned into a devil." The patriarch opened his mouth.

"Is that it?"

"Did Taoist friends guess some eyebrows?" The patriarch said in surprise.

"If this devil wants to destroy your clan, does it still need to be so cumbersome to suck your people again and again?" Xue Hao asked back.

At this time, everyone looked at him one after another. After what he said, it was obvious that they all had their own guesses, but they didn't know whether it matched Xue Hao's guess.

"Yes, I didn't expect it, but the devil would sleep for a period of time every hundred years and then be born. Will there be any tricks in it?" The patriarch asked.

"Of course, if I guess correctly, the devil may not be able to appear in the outside world for a long time, or be weak, or need to sleep. The art of imprisonment will weaken in a hundred years. At this time, it is the time for him to appear!"

"The slaughter of your family is not a curse, but in this area, only your monks have naturally become the target of the devil. It needs to take advantage of the weakening of the art of imprisonment, that is, a hundred years, to quickly restore its strength and combine you every hundred years. The great disaster of the clan can be directly inferred that your vitality is the fastest way to recover!"

After Xue Hao finished speaking, there were almost no loopholes. Everyone stared at him one after another. After saying that, he was silent for a long time and everyone was digesting this information.

After another half axiang, someone asked, "Then why don't you just suck them all at once?"

Hearing this, Xue Hao sneered, glanced at the master of the question, and said, "Don't you understand the principle of laying eggs and hatching chickens?"

"You..." Master Yizhen was speechless and looked at the people looking at him with contempt. Obviously, such a simple truth, he did not expect that if it was extinguished at one time, it would be tantamount to cutting off the back road.

Leave a line in everything and it will be easy to meet in the future. Although such a metaphor is not very appropriate, there are some similar truths, because even if the Lingwu family experiences a catastrophe, as long as it is not completely destroyed, it can completely reproduce and add fresh blood. In this way, the vitality needed by the devil will not be cut off.

Therefore, the Lingwu clan was actually used as a nutrient by the devil. It directly sealed the area and prohibited the people of the Lingwu clan from going out. Of course, the monks can come in, but others don't know that there are actually many monks who have entered this area over the endless years, but they just fell inexplicably, even the corpses. It's hard to find. This is because of the existence of two demons. Some people recall that many white bone skeletons have been obviously seen in the swamp before, and it is not rare.

This can also explain why it is so barren here, because all the aura has been absorbed by the devil.

"Indeed, in the past, the number of our Lingwu clan had reached 2,000, but because the devil's appetite is getting bigger and bigger, from a few people at the beginning to 200 people today, it is far from being able to meet their needs." The patriarch opened his mouth sadly and looked behind him. The old, weak, sick and disabled showed helplessness and despair in his eyes.

"Only this little fat man is the last hope of my Lingwu family, and I must send him out!" The patriarch looked at the little fat man with tears in his eyes.

"But Xue Daoyou, in your opinion, the devil is to restore strength, so why didn't the devil in the swamp suck us and drive us in this direction instead?"

A strong man is keen and finds this problem.

"Because the devil may have no hope of recovering. As for this end in the cave, it obviously needs a lot of vitality, which is more promising than the other end in the swamp." Xue Hao spoke, which sounded reasonable, because everyone knew that the heart of the devil in the swamp had been hollowed out and his arm was broken.

Xue Hao means that the devil drove everyone in this direction to help the other devil recover.

Even Xue Hao imagined that he had unintentionally broke the red rope and played a role in adding a role. It is very likely that the red rope is an important thing to imprison the devil.

And he cut it off, resulting in the destruction of the imprisonment, and the devil was born early.

"Maybe this time, with me waiting to come, the devil will fully recover. At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Although some strong people understand the cause and effect of things, they feel more terrible than they don't understand.

"Is there any way to restrain the devil?" Xue Hao asked.

"If I can restrain him, can my Lingwu family still fall into this field?" The patriarch shook his head to deny it.

Xue Hao was silent, and everyone shook their heads and sighed.

"At worst, fight with him!"

"Spitch? Just by you?"

"Otherwise, what should I do? Are you waiting to be killed?"

"I'll kill you now!"

Many strong people began to have internal squab, and this deadly situation is enough to make people collapse.

"I know there is a way to restrain it!" Suddenly, a voice came, and everyone followed the voice. It was the little fat man riding on the back of the Black Dragon King.


"What is it?"

Everyone's eyes were bright and they stared at him.

"That's the blood of the real dragon!" The little fat man said.

"Why? How can you see it?" Many strong people became suspicious.

"Because Xiaohei told me!" The little fat man touched the head of the Black Dragon King and said proudly.


Not far away, the Black Dragon King made a dragon roar, which was extraordinary. Everyone noticed that it was actually in the realm of foundation-building. This is the only dragon king that everyone has seen. Blood Dragon King and Snow Dragon King have never reached this height.

"Is it true?" Xue Hao asked the Blood Dragon King.

"Wow!" The Blood Dragon King looked puzzled and said he didn't know.

"Naturally, the dragon king doesn't know these things. Only Xiaohei has entered the dragon cave and felt the breath!" The little fat man said that when the red rope appeared before, he had slipped in with Xiaohei. Many strong people did not know this, but several patriarchs knew about it.

"Xiao Pang, is that what you said true? The patriarch's eyes were bright and he asked excitedly.

"Wow!" The Black Dragon King shouted again, raised his head arrogantly, and glanced at the two little beasts, obviously squeaking.

"It won't be wrong, Xiaohei said that although it doesn't know the reason, he has an instinct to absolutely restrain the devil!"

The little fat man turned to the patriarch and said, "Patriong, have you forgotten that the virtual shadow of the head appeared at the beginning, and we were in danger, and Xiaohei directly spewed out a few mouthfuls of blood, which made the virtual shadow dissipate?"

"I remember it! Is it really true?" The patriarch patted his forehead and looked at the Black Dragon King. His eyes were full of hope. In an instant, everyone here focused on the Dragon King.


The Blood Dragon King shouted and vented his dissatisfaction. He felt that the Black Dragon King was very powerful and deeper than it. Obviously, he got extraordinary opportunities, which made him feel pressure and aggrieved.

Because the ten dragon kings need to pass cruel competition, they eventually become the dragon emperor. They are the descendants of the previous generation of dragon emperors. In terms of their status, they are only higher than the other nine, but now they have to suffer from such cowardice.

"Can it be?" Xue Hao pointed to the Blood Dragon King and asked the little fat man.

"As long as it's the Dragon King!"

"Wow..." At this time, the little pig quit and wanted to vent his anger for the Blood Dragon King. He jumped up and down directly. He even used the art of imprisonment and rushed to the Black Dragon King, causing the latter to roar repeatedly.


What is unexpected is that the Black Dragon King was really imprisoned, constantly struggling and roaring at the piglet.

This makes everyone look up at it again. The pig's ability is absolutely strong. It is very big. It has not been able to build a foundation, but it can restrain a foundation-building dragon king.

"It should work too!"

While Xue Hao has two anti-God beasts at the same time, everyone is also judging whether the pig's blood can also restrain the devil.

"This is the only way for today's plan. I hope it's all on these three little beasts!" The patriarch sighed, his eyes were deep, and he looked at the rolling clouds and shadows of the head that condensed again in the distance.

Everyone also followed his eyes and looked there.


In the valley, the red fog is unprecedented. Even in the middle of the month, this has never happened. It can be seen from afar and is no longer as plain as before.

Moreover, at this moment, the overwhelming power is centered on the valley and spread out. The power is terrible, the magic flames are fierce, and the scene is like the end of the world.

If you are closer, you can still hear the sound of some strange creatures. If you are closer, you can even see that in the valley, a bloody and disgusting-looking creature desperately crawls out. The direction they climb is the valley where Xue Hao and others are located.

It's just that no one really climbed out of the valley. Whenever he was about to climb out of the hole, he was wrapped in a terrible blood mist and pulled directly into the cave.

The screams that penetrated people's hearts slowly entered the ears and finally dissipated.

If someone enters the hole, they are bound to be shocked, because at this moment, there is a red rope swaying in the hole, and countless creatures climb up the red rope, which is extremely horrible.

It extends down along the red rope, a thousand feet... two thousand feet... three thousand feet... there is no end...

In the end, at the position of 5,000 feet, the red rope reached the finish line, and the hole also reached the bottom. However, the red rope turned a corner here, entered an underground dark river, and stretched again. I don't know how many miles it was.

It is 5,000 feet away from the ground, and countless underground dark rivers are dense, but this red rope has been extending, like a giant earthworm in a soil. In the end, I don't know how long it has crossed, and the red rope emerges from the ground.

The position that can emerge is not the ground, but... an ocean!

This is the bottom of the sea of the Longyuan Sea!

If at this moment, above the sea of the dragon abyss, there are people around the four walls surrounding the Dragon Palace to cover the sky and can see the seabed clearly...

Looking down along one wall, you can see that this wall, like the other three sides, is inserted straight into the deepest part of the seabed. At the bottom, you can see a red rope, which directly passes through half of the eastern soil. The wall, which is a headache for all the monks, enters the interior!

Inside, there are the top ten dragon palaces!

But here is not the interior of the Top Ten Dragon Palace, but a huge square. On the square, there is no imaginary scene of shining and flying treasure.

But... there are thousands of bloody coffins!

These coffins are floating, some are hidden, some are closed, and some are completely open.

And in the front of the upper mouth coffin, one side is obviously larger. More towering and more horrible coffins exist!

The coffin is closed, and you can suddenly see a brand in the diagonal position. This brand is the shape of a head. If Xue Hao and others are here, they will inevitably recognize this shape, which is the huge head shadow they saw in the valley.

And, what's more fling is that the coffin is wrapped in dense red rope, and the end of the red rope is here!


At this moment, the coffin swayed, and immediately the red rope on it kept emitting blood light, flashing, and every flashing, it can't be felt here, but if you are in the hole in the valley, you can see that those creatures pulled into the hole and turned into blood fog are directly absorbed by the red rope, and then, along the red rope, the same It crossed an endless distance and passed directly to the coffin, and then absorbed by the coffin.

Every time it is absorbed, from the tip of the red rope wrapped around the coffin, the blood color will slowly retreat and turn white!

But at the same time, the creatures in the cave are also constantly bursting, and finally, the rope turns red, so over and over again, gradually absorbed by the coffin!


Suddenly, the coffin exploded directly without warning, and the red rope was actually broken. In the blood fog, an extremely tall body gradually condensed and formed. His true face could not be seen clearly, but it was certain that it was not as high as the devil in the swamp, which was not as terrible as ordinary people. Many.

"Waiting for endless years, it will finally be restored! Who is it! Who broke the imprisonment of those two hateful pigs! I was going to thank him very much! Who the hell is it?"

A crazy voice came and resounded throughout the square. Then, all the coffins trembled one after another, all floating in front of the magical figure, trembling.

"Hmm! Ben will be free! But far from recovering to the peak, now it is not enough to absorb the vitality of human monks, and we need to find the rare natural treasures in the world! To restore the divinity, I would have returned to heaven!"

The figure made a horrible magic sound and suddenly stopped: "However, there is still some fresh vitality waiting for me in that area, which cannot be wasted!"

Then, his figure slowly disappeared in place...