
Chapter 150 Encountered Crazy Robbery

"Nice, just ten pieces!" Xue Hao's words were like gold, and his cold voice came from the fog.

As soon as this statement came out, the time in the secret room paused for about half an hour. What is the concept of ten innate magic weapons?

Throughout his life, monks pursue immortality in heaven, improve their own strength, and crush all opponents. This is their own will, but few people can reach the top on such a journey.

No matter where it is, whether it is a monk or a mortal, there is a comparison. With the same talent and dedication, some people have a high starting point, but it is easier to achieve something.

This phenomenon is caused by their source and creation, such as the ancient art obtained by Xue Hao, which is unique in the world. It is a king and overlooks the masters of the same realm. It is not talking and laughing. Their strength is there, and others can't be jealous!

Creation is large and small, and the source of blessing is shallow and deep. There is no one in all to obtain a natural treasure, and it is multipliedly difficult to get an ancient art. It can be imagined. What is the probability of such a thing?

Xue Hao has a congenital magic weapon, which will not be strange, but if Xue Hao did not lie, it would be too exaggerated.

"Taoist friends, I know that you are not the kind of person who boast. I and others have lost their eyes before. If there are really ten things, can Taoist friends let everyone have a look?"

After half a sound, only the Spirit King reacted first, suppressed all the shocks in his heart, and unconsciously asked trembling.

"Ten innate magic weapons, is this to be the first in ancient times? This kind of person with such bad weather has never appeared since ancient times!"

"Yes, even if the previous lesson is in front of me, I will never believe that ten innate magic weapons are really low-level magic weapons that can be seen everywhere in the Dragon City auction house?"

Everyone opened their mouths and thought that Xue Hao was talking wildly, because this kind of thing was really beyond imagination and completely subverted people's understanding of creation.

When did the innate magic weapons overflow so much in the world of practice? When will it be created? Is it really worthless?

"This matter is indeed not credible. This innate magic weapon in my hand was obtained when I traveled to the eastern land, and I only got it in my life in the ancient land of immortality. Taoist friends are only in the middle of building the foundation. What kind of region can ten innate magic weapons appear at the same time? Even if it's the top ten dragon palaces, it's not necessarily possible. Have Taoist friends entered the top ten dragon palaces?

The person who had a complete innate magic weapon and spoke for Xue Hao spoke at this time. In the past, he was in the early days of Yuanying and had seen many worlds. He was qualified to say these words and knew how rare the innate magic weapon was.

If it hadn't been for the opening of the Dragon King, he would not have traded this innate magic weapon, because after transforming into a god, it will be of great use and the real power will be displayed, but for the greater creation in the Dragon Palace, he can only abandon it.

"You can't believe it, but the person who just opened his mouth after putting his words here, if he wants to trade the remaining ten innate magic weapons, the price paid is more than several times, and it is not necessary to report it at the bottom, because what you look down on is not the bottom, but innate magic weapons. These eleven items are from the Dragon City. It was found on a street in the middle, and this is Fuyuan!"

Xue Hao finished speaking in one breath, and then patted the storage bag without everyone's response, and then ten identical blood-colored sickle immediately appeared on the long table.

"Spirit King, I don't like grinding. You'd better release your spirit beast to explore it!" Xue Hao's voice came out.

In this process, many people have already launched their minds to explore ten bloody sickle blades, and their hearts are getting more and more frightened, and only they know.

"It's the same feeling as before!" In the fog, there is a strong man who secretly thought.

"What on earth is this person? Why is the style of acting so unpredictable? Some strong people also whispered in their hearts. After all, this kind of outrageous thing is rare, and the point is that Xue Hao actually said that this was picked up on a street in Longcheng. Isn't this a rotten street?

"Taoist friend, even if you want to make up its where to go, there is no need to say such a bad reason. Are you kidding me to wait?" Some people really can't listen.

In the position of the head, the spirit king did not say much. He took a deep look at Xue Hao's position, and then, as before, directly called all the spirit beasts out and asked them to confirm.

"That one you just had just now is indeed a congenital magic weapon. Although I and others can't distinguish it, the spirit beast will not lie, but if you have a mentality of deception and use these fakes to fool people, it is really meaningless!" The monk who spent Wu Bai Wan Lingshi to buy Xue Hao's first bloody sickle opened his mouth was very uncomfortable, because he paid such a big price immediately and looked at the right time to get a bloody sickle, but then Xue Hao's words directly made him speechless. He spent Wu Bai Wan Lingshi to buy it, which was not unique. On the contrary, Xue Hao picked it up casually on the road.

In the end, they took out ten pieces.

"This Taoist friend, just saw that you compete so hard that you reluctantly agreed to sell it to you. I didn't expect that you were so unscistic about business. I have decided that these ten pieces, no matter how high the spiritual stones you made, will never be sold to you!"

"You..." The man immediately smoked and couldn't say anything.

In the process of distinguishing the authenticity of several spirit beasts, most people have expressed their opinions. No one believes that Xue Hao picked up the innate magic weapon of time on the street, and it is even more impossible to believe that it is true. However, only the mysterious strong man has been silent. Even through the fog, it is difficult to see his appearance. Because he was wearing a black robe and was wrapped from head to toe, but his eyes showed a strong spirit.

Everyone's repeated statements seemed to be short-lived. In this process, several spirit beasts had come to ten bloody sickle.

Several spirit beasts looked at each other, raised their forelimbs at the same time, and stepped on each sickle. This time, unlike usual, before they could touch it, the bloody light appeared directly, and the power was vast and unprecedented. Although the pressure had no impact on everyone, it can be seen from the reaction of the spirit beast.

"Bum bang!"

At this time, unexpectedly, those spirit beasts, after touching the unprecedented blood light, did not even have a chance to return. They directly burst and died tragically on the spot. They didn't even have time to scream. Then, the blood light slowly dissipated and returned to the ten blood-colored sickle again.

Such a scene came too suddenly, but the whole process can be seen clearly. In the secret room, it was silent, and the quiet time was longer than when those words were said before.

From the expression of the spirit king at this moment, it can be inferred that others are definitely not much better.

Half a sound, no one spoke...

"Taoist friends, what do you want to change?" Finally, the mysterious strong man was the first to ask. He did not mention the previous things and came straight to the point, because there was no need to doubt the authenticity of the magic weapon.

Putting aside the words that Xue Hao said was picked up on the street, all the phenomena at this moment are true. The essence in his eyes is unparalleled. He wants ten bloody sickle knives. Others don't know what he used the dragon king for innate magic weapons. Only he knows what it is useful for.

"If all these ten innate magic weapons are obtained by me, in cooperation with that mysterious place, I will inevitably restore my cultivation to the peak before being suppressed. At that time, who can grab me for what I want?" The mysterious strong man's heart beat violently, and the spirit in his eyes was so strong. At this time, the spirit king's eyes happened to look over. Although there was a fog, the intersection of eyes between the two could not even stop the fog, and no one had noticed.

"Taoist friend, open your trading conditions. What do you want to exchange? As long as I and others have it, I will definitely satisfy you. A lot of spiritual stones, what kind of elixir, just open your mouth!" After the spirit king's eyes meet with the mysterious strong man, he tried to be surprised by the excitement in his heart and asked in a low voice.

"Taoist friend, I was really offended before. I didn't expect that Taoist friend Fuyuan was really so profound and unbelievable. Taoist friend, you can meet anything you need!"

Some people who used to laugh and satirize Xue Hao have also opened their mouths one after another. Although they know that Xue Hao will take the opportunity to revenge, they don't have to pay attention to these at all. Even if Xue Hao now opens his mouth, as long as he can accept it, he will take it out.

Not counting the bloody sickle that was traded before, there are a total of ten pieces, and there are more than 20 people in the secret room. Even if someone has strong financial resources and can handle many items that can be traded with Xue Hao, it is obviously not enough. Therefore, it is necessary to be hard to do it first. Even whoever opens his mouth first will take the lead. .

"Hmm! I have mocked the people below before. If you want to buy it, of course, you can also do it regardless of the past, but without any compensation, you will not agree!" In the fog, Xue Hao's heart was also very excited. When he spoke, he tried to suppress it like others. If in the past, these people's cultivation was above Yuanying. Even if he couldn't see it, it would inevitably make him feel nervous. There was a big gap between them and cheating people. It was not the first time for him to do it, but such a large size was still It made him nervous.

After all, I only spent a few spiritual stones, but I got countless rewards.

"Taoist friends say it directly!"

"Yes, what conditions can't be met!"

Many strong people scrambled to open their mouths. Even if they have guessed that Xue Hao has begun to bid all over the world again, but on second thought, shouldn't ten innate magic weapons be bidding all over the sky?

"Since you are so sincere, let's go straight to the point. Wubai Wanlingshi is the same for everyone, as for the trading conditions! Rong said in detail..."

Just when Xue Hao opened his mouth nervously and had not finished his words, no one paid attention to him. He didn't think that the price was too high or something, because on the long table, dozens of storage bags appeared in an instant. How could everyone have time to respond? Even if they knew that Xue Hao's trading conditions were definitely more than spiritual stones. But now it's better to do it first. Let's take out the five million spiritual stones at the bottom.

The people present are not * power monks who have practiced for many years. Naturally, there is no need to say that they don't know how to judge the times and the situation. As for the spiritual stone, five million, it really doesn't matter.

"This is my Taoist friend. I have an extra 500,000 yuan. Give it to Taoist friends!"

"Friend, this storage bag is mys! Please count it. It's absolutely enough!"

"Taoist friends..."

"Taoist friends..."

For a while, in the secret room, there were countless such sounds and chaotic. Some people were tit-for-tat, the power was displayed in the fog, and there was even a big fight.

As for the spirit king and the mysterious strong man, they are also among them, but they have not been exported. There are really few people who remain calm like the two of them.


Xue Hao smiled strangely, but did not respond. Instead, he waved his sleeves and all the storage bags on the long table were put into the bag. Instead of having any opinions, many people were relieved. Since Xue Hao had accepted all of them, the representative still had a chance to get it.

"Taoist friend, go on to say what kind of trading items are needed!"

"Since you are so cheerful, let's say it directly. First, I need a map of half of Dongtu, the more detailed the better, and even some hidden places, such as where there is an ancient transmission array and so on!" As soon as Xue Hao said this, someone was stunned, but he didn't say much, but searched for his storage bag as soon as possible.

"This is easy to do, Taoist friend, I have it!"

"I have it too!"


Many people opened their mouths and instantly threw a roll of scrolls from the fog, which were colorful and exuded the smell of seal.

In fact, there are still doubts in everyone's hearts, because the map is not a difficult thing, but in Longcheng, * this thing is indeed rare, but for these Yuanying monks, it is easy to turn around.

Compared with Wu Bai Wanlingshi, such conditions are indeed a little insignificant, but they don't know that Xue Hao didn't know these things at all when he first entered the world of practice.

Xue Hao's plan has been figured out for a long time. He can't figure out the location of the transmission array, and not to mention all the eastern soil, even if it is still half of the eastern soil, it is also vast and requires a certain understanding. In this way, he can not only rush back to Lingyin Village as quickly as possible, but also travel in the future, but also has a guarantee.

As for Chunqiumu, it is the next condition, as well as Nirvana elixir, which is his goal. In fact, he is not sure. Chunqiumu is fine enough to say that everyone should have it, but Nirvana elixir, the legendary elixir, can't be eaten through. After all, even a monk, it takes a lot of hard work. Suffering can be refined. Before the cultivation of the people present is suppressed, it is as strong as the spirit king, at most in the late Yuanying period. Under normal circumstances, there should be no possibility of nirvana.

However, now the top priority is the spring and autumn trees. As for Nirvana Dan, he can look for it in the future.

And for everyone, they are excited and crazy. Calm down and think about it, Xue Hao's conditions have obviously exposed some information. Most importantly, although Xue Hao randomly clicked out the ancient transmission array when he said he needed a map, everyone is not a fool. How can you see that Xue Hao is very likely to be I want to open the ancient transmission array, cross the territory, and leave here.

As for the maps given by everyone, some are very simple, some are extremely detailed, some do not mark the location of the ancient transmission array, and some are some are omitted. Of course, the relatively perfect ones still occupy the majority.

After all, the map is dispensable and even irrelevant for these former infancy monks.

Xue Hao unfolded his mind. After sweeping around, he found the integrity of the map thrown by everyone and made a comparison in his heart. Finally, he stayed on the scroll given by the Spirit King.

"Taoist friends are really discerning. Even if this scroll is placed in the eastern part of the eastern part of the earth, the most prosperous place where those monks and strong gather is the most, it can also be regarded as one of the best. It is not only accurate to some small places, but also to the terrain of southern Xinjiang, as well as the distribution of the great religion, including the saint cliff, the ancient kingdom of heaven, this The distribution of the two Jedi and the possible dangers in them are clearly marked!"

Lingwang's face was shocked, and he looked at Xue Hao's position as if he didn't. He introduced himself. His words were not a lie, because this is really a rare map, so that people can't find any problems. Although the maps thrown by everyone present are extremely detailed, they have never been introduced in southern Xinjiang. Over.

Hearing this, except for the mysterious strong man in the fog, everyone else lamented. After all, such a map is indeed as he said. Even if it is placed in the outside world, it is a rare special treasure.

Xue Hao's eyes flashed and frowned. Others had not noticed it, but with his special thoughts, he found that there was a flash of fine light in the depths of the Lingwang's eyes, which made him feel bad.

Then his mind moved, and the exquisite map appeared in his hand. He cautiously poked out his mind and felt it carefully again. The geographical introduction in it was indeed very detailed. Even the fog forest he left before was marked in it, but it did not point out that there was a swamp troll in it, but it was not surprising. Bi The person who made the map is already amazing. Although he did not go deep into the fog forest, the introduction is very vague, but the ability to go there shows that the footprint is far away.

But this is only one-sided. On the whole, it is very terrible. All areas of Dongtu, including Lingyin Village, 100,000 mountains, and valley transmission arrays, are clearly marked, even in southern Xinjiang, Xuannu Sect, Fengtian Sect, and these two sects that they want to go to. The door, the power of the sect, as well as the approximately existing disciples and elders, and even some well-known heritage, have been marked, while places such as the saint cliff and the ancient kingdom of heaven are relatively vague.

Although Xue Hao has not been to most of the places on the map, according to his judgment, the accuracy should be very high, because from the accuracy of the fog forest, it can be seen that these are places that few people will go. If there is falsehood, and if you think of other regions, the possibility of falsehood is not very high.

Xue Hao is still very satisfied with such a map. It is very useful for him. In the future, he can go to southern Xinjiang or enter the eastern part of the East.

"There is no divine spirit!" Xue Hao thought in his heart, and his frown was deeper. His mind had been flashing the brilliance of the King of Ling who tried his best to hide it, but in his opinion, he could never hide it.

The cautious character made Xue Hao believe in his heart that the King of Spirit was absolutely not good intentions, but this map, with his powerful mind, has not found any signs of divine thoughts, which made his doubts deeper and deeper.

"How about Taoist friends? Are you satisfied with this map?" At this time, the spirit king, who had been waiting, opened his mouth and said as usual.

Hearing this, Xue Hao, who has been receiving this map, has also been looking through the fog and wants to see some clues from the expression of the spirit king.

But after a while, he was disappointed.

"Is it really my illusion?" Xue Hao secretly consides that the eyes staring at the Lingwang did not withdraw. Just at this time, he saw the Lingwang nodded slightly, and in the depths of his eyes, he looked at the lower position opposite him.

The next position is the mysterious strongman.

This scene was extremely hidden and happened in a breath. No one else saw anything except Xue Hao.

"Is there anything wrong with these two people?" Xue Hao's heart trembled, and he suspected that Lingwang's malicious thoughts had reached a strong point.

"But this thing is really precious!" Xue Hao's face was struggling, and some choices had to be made. Although it doesn't look like this now, the reason is the same. If he chooses other maps, it will have a more or less impact on him to open the ancient transmission array and return to the village, because before half of the eastern soil was sealed, the ancient transmission array was originally It is an extremely unpopular thing, and few people pay attention to and use it, so other maps, even if recorded, are very vague. For Xue Hao, this not only means that many changes will be added, but also waste a lot of time to find them.

So the preciousness of this map thrown by the Spirit King depends on whether Xue Hao dares to accept it!

After receiving it, it is very likely to be targeted by the Spirit King!

In an instant, a cold light flashed in Xue Hao's eyes and said secretly in his heart, "Even if you keep an eye on me and want to make some ideas, you have to weigh your strength!"

Xue Hao finally decided to accept this map. He has an invincible Taoist heart and will not retreat. The most important reason is that even if he can't find out where the map is, he has a fog flag. This flag can be deceived by the dust of the divine period, let alone the person of the Spirit King!

"Okay, Lingwang, take away a congenital magic weapon! I took this thing, but if there is anything wrong, I won't show mercy!"

A sound came from the fog.

Hearing this, Lingwang suddenly looked very happy. As soon as he raised his hand, a bloody sickle came to his hand on the long table. He looked left and right and couldn't put it down. However, when he heard the second half of Xue Hao's sentence, although his face had not yet appeared, his heart trembled.

"Did this person find the tricks on the map? Impossible, how can he find it with his foundation-building mid-term cultivation? The spirit king's inner thoughts moved secretly. After putting the bloody sickle into the storage bag, he kept thinking: "But what did he mean by his words just now? Obviously, it is secretly pointed out! Is this person Xue Hao or not? If so, it is very likely that he and I alone will steal the rice. Is it right or wrong for me to do this?

When the king thought about it, he couldn't help looking down at the position. The man in black in the fog also looked at him at this moment...