
Chapter 152 All Medium

"It's's him!" When the picture arrived here, with the light in the eyes of the mysterious strong man, all dissipated. At the same time, his eyes showed unprecedented light. This light was hatred, a long-awaited precursor that was about to explode. However, with the words of Xue Hao on the opposite side, all the emotions of the man in black were defeated by him. It has been restrained and restored to the previous calm.

"In this case, I can only take back a few innate magic weapons!" Xue Hao's voice was obviously disappointed, but he was not discouraged. He believed that there would be news of Nirvana in the near future.


On the long table, the light flashed, including the Spirit King. Xue Hao took away the spring and autumn trees that were enough to open the ancient transmission array by himself. Then, the people who were taken away from the spring and autumn trees. The fog rose and took action one after another to take away the innate magic weapons on the long table.


Suddenly, a cold voice came out, making the whole secret room quiet for a moment, and everyone looked down.

"This Taoist friend, do you have Nirvana Dan?" Xue Hao asked with a happy face.

"It's true that there is no one, but I know that there is a place where this elixir should exist!" The voice of the man in black continued to come.

"Oh?" Xue Hao was stunned when he heard the words, but he didn't ask.

"Really? Does he have Nirvana?

"This underground transaction really opened my eyes. The legendary innate magic weapon and the rare nirvana elixir in the world, even if the old man practiced in the Yuanying period, is unheard of!" The spirit king laughed loudly, and then quietly glanced at the position of the man in black robe and opened his mouth like this.

In the fog, Xue Hao did not wrinkle slightly, because he knew that things were not that simple. The spirit king and this mysterious strong man must have secret, and even against him, it is not impossible.

But whether the news is true or not, Xue Hao is struggling in his heart, because Nirvana Dan is also very important to him.

After a few breaths, Xue Hao still did not respond. The black-robed man in the fog sneered at the corners of his mouth, and then a voice came out: "Taoist friends can consider it. You don't need to make a decision now. After this, Taoist friends can come and find it."


Xue Hao responded flatly, and the bad feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

On the long table, people who used the spring and autumn wood to get the innate magic weapon before are overjoyed. In their opinion, this is really a big bargain. Although the spring and autumn wood is precious, it is only in the special case that the eastern soil is sealed. The actual value is absolutely incomparable compared with the innate magic weapon.

In addition, the innate magic weapon requires great creation and opportunity to obtain, and the spring and autumn wood, which is priceless and has no market, is still too exaggerated, but the spirit seekers in the Dragon City auction house, after endless years of spiritual search, spring and autumn wood will not be missing. As long as there are a large number of spiritual stones, they can basically be bought.

Five million spiritual stones can definitely be bought, so now Xue Hao doesn't know that in fact, it is very cost-making to exchange a piece of spring and autumn wood for an innate magic weapon.

"This person must not be a Longcheng monk, otherwise, he would not have agreed to such an unequal deal!"

Although the statement is different, the ideas in their hearts are similar. People who get the innate magic weapons feel that they have taken a big advantage. Of course, no one will be stupid enough to tell Xue Hao these things.

But they don't know whether they took advantage or Xue Hao...

Seeing Xue Hao take away the rest of the innate magic weapons, those who have not traded because of the insufficient number of trees in spring and autumn all have mixed feelings and have some ideas in their hearts. As for killing and grabbing treasures, no one knows whether to trade with Xue Hao later.

Everyone has a common tacit understanding. After Xue Hao took away the innate magic weapon, he became silent. Just like the Spirit King, his eyes were shining brightly and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In the fog, Xue Hao sneered. For everyone's ideas, he could peep into the things in his heart. He did a lot of killing and treasure, but it depends on people's ability. Otherwise, he would trap himself.

The people present fought alone. Xue Hao was not afraid of anyone. Even if they were united, Xue Hao had a fog flag. After the wind went away, he couldn't find any trace at all.

"Next, it's the turn of the next Taoist friend!" Lingwang coughed gently and opened his mouth again.

As soon as this statement came out, the fog rolled, and the scene of the previous ten innate magic weapons appeared again, because the next step will be the mysterious strong man to take out the transaction. As we all know, it is the Dragon King!

"The dragon king who subdued me is not yet around. If you are interested, you can come with me!"

The mysterious strong man said such a sentence, which suddenly stunned everyone and said yes, isn't it trading in the underground trading floor?

Hearing this, Xue Hao's heart was moved. Although he was not interested in the Dragon King, when the mysterious strong man came before, the dragon chanted in the fog, but now he is no longer here.

After hearing this sentence, the spirit king in the upper position also nodded slightly to the position of the mysterious strong man, and the fine light in his eyes flashed by.

"This... dare to ask Taoist friends, so where is the Dragon King?" The people present are all bad people, and this sentence obviously can't be believed.

"There is no doubt that if you are pregnant with an innate magic weapon, you will have the opportunity to exchange the Dragon King with me. Come down with me!" The mysterious strong man opened his mouth again, and his tone improved a little.

As soon as this statement came out, although I was still suspicious, some people were already moved. Because the ** power of the Dragon King was so great that everyone was struggling to trade Xue Hao's innate magic weapon. Part of the reason was that it was because of the Dragon King!

"Yes, this Taoist friend had something to say to me before. The Dragon King was hidden in a mysterious place. You must also know that recently, there has been an undercurrent in the Dragon City, and many people are thinking about the Dragon King. These large alliances such as the Yizhen Alliance and the Sword and Demon Alliance have been moved by the wind, knowing that this Taoist friend has entered. Entering the Dragon City, you must rob the Dragon King, and you will definitely come here soon. Therefore, it is necessary to spread some false news to attract attention. Don't worry, that place is absolutely hidden and no one can find it!"

At this time, the spirit king opened his mouth, with a serious expression and an extremely solemn tone, which made everyone's hearts tight. If so, it would make sense.

However, in the fog, there was still a bad voice: "Humph! Lingwang, it turns out that you have colluded with this person for a long time, and even I have been deceived. How can I trust you?

"Yes, the four major alliances are indeed very strong. This Taoist friend previously spread fake news and held transactions in the Longcheng auction house, but in fact it was carried out in the underground trading floor in advance. We have no objection to this practice, but now he has to go back on his way and have to move places and hand it in. Yi pays attention to honesty. Although it's not a big deal, how can I and others dare to believe it?

"Yes, if you had already set up a situation and wanted to be unfavorable to us, this kind of thing would not be impossible!"

With the words of the mysterious strong man, the scene became completely uncontrollable, because it did cause suspicion and infuriating.

"I'm really sorry, my Taoist friends, I'm being targeted by the four major leagues, and I'm not far away from joining the Dragon City Flying Sword Alliance to fight against them, so I can only be cautious and take such a way. This time, it must be true!" The mysterious strong man said such a sentence.

Unexpectedly, everyone turned against each other.

"Taoist friends, I and others are not that kind of people. You don't trust me. Since you have such a mentality, why do you need to seek a deal?"

"Yes, when my cultivation is still there, although I can't do it as powerful as Yuanzi in Longyuange Town. Everyone knows it, it is also a little famous. Although I dare not claim that I am only Dexin, I still know what can't do and who can't be provoked. At least this is a tip-off, betraying Taoist friends, I won't!"

There were different opinions and became more and more excited. Only Xue Hao had never made a sound. Looking at such a scene coldly, he actually had a retreat in his heart, but now there are secretly people staring at him all the time and can't take out the fog flag to cover his breath.

Except for Nirvana Dan, everything Xue Hao wants has been obtained. This place should not stay for a long time. Not to mention being remembered, even the innate magic weapons traded cannot be hidden from everyone for too long. In case it is proved that this is just an ordinary sickle during the practice period, the outcome at that time will inevitably be unimaginable.

"It's a mistake, but this is the case. If you still want to exchange the Dragon King, please come with me!" After the mysterious strong man said this, the majestic fog at the beginning rolled, and then a mass of light shone and the fog disappeared. In place, there was only an empty chair.

Everyone was silent and did not follow immediately, but this silence obviously would not last long. After a few breaths, someone disappeared in place and the chair was vacant.

"I came here for the Dragon King!" When the man left, he left such a word. Xue Hao looked at the position and his heart moved. Although he did not know this person, he vaguely remembered that this person was the only one with a real innate magic weapon.

Although this man threw the spring and autumn wood before and got a bloody sickle, it can be imagined that his desire for the Dragon King must be very strong, and he will not give up until a last resort, even now this mysterious strong man may hide his evil heart.

Then, another chair was vacant, and Xue Hao also remembered that it was the man who had the swallowing bowl.

In the secret room, in less than a few breaths, someone disappeared one after another and followed the mysterious strongman. Now, less than half of the people, including Xue Hao, are still wavering.

"My Taoist friends, I have to preside over the overall situation. If you don't want to go, I hope you can keep a secret and try not to spread it." Lingwang opened his mouth and then took a deep look at Xue Hao's position. This time, his eyes were unmasked, extremely obvious and very strange.

"Xue Daoyou, I already know it's you. You are not interested in the Dragon King, but I don't know if you will be interested in the Longyuan Pavilion?"

This sentence was a divine sound, which could not be heard by others, and directly spread into Xue Hao's mind, which made his face change and the shock in his heart.

"How did he recognize me?" At this moment, Xue Hao is no longer as light as before. Even if he leaves quietly now, he can indeed do it with the fog flag, but this spiritual king's voice is obviously threatening him.

In thousands of calculations, Xue Hao intends to hide all his breath, and even his face has changed, so that he doesn't want to cause trouble and doesn't want to practice the same family of Longyuan Pavilion. Now, he has a sense of failure.

In the fog where Xue Hao was, when the cold light and murderous intention became stronger and stronger, the others had disappeared in place. In the end, no one left and all chose to follow the mysterious strongman.

In place, there is only Xue Hao left.

"It's still too careless!" At this moment, Xue Hao clenched his fists and his eyes gradually turned red. He didn't know that it was the mysterious strongman who recognized him and thought that the problem was on the token, but these were no longer important now.

Slightly pondered, Xue Hao gritted his teeth, the token in his hand was broken, his whole body broke out, and the fog all over his body disappeared. In an instant, the secret room was no longer, and a flash appeared. When it appeared, it was already at the door of the dilapidated shop outside world.

At the same time, Xue Hao looked up and saw several figures flying far away. It was the people who followed the mysterious strong man to meet the Dragon King.

It was dark at this time. Although there was no star and moon, Xue Hao's mind was so powerful that he instantly saw that they flew higher and higher, wrapped around the sky wall of the ten dragon palaces and flew to the head of the Dragon City.

In an instant, Xue Hao understood that this mysterious strong man had definitely colluded with the Spirit King for a long time and wanted to hit Longyuan Pavilion.

"Damn it!" Xue Hao cursed secretly. There was only one place in the head of Longcheng, that is, Longyuan Pavilion. Although after the last war, Longyuan Pavilion lost a large number of disciples and elders and suffered great vitality, there were still many powerful people such as Xie Biao, Cangyun and Wang Tao. Therefore, with these 20 years of foundation-building period alone, it was as big as that day. Xue Hao felt that the injury should be impossible, but the casualties were certain.

Therefore, Xue Hao was angry and anxious, and the Dragon King hid in the Longyuan Pavilion, which was impossible!


His body flashed, and the cold light in his eyes reached the extreme. He quietly melted into the darkness and chased after everyone.


Are you sure it's him? How can there be so many innate magic weapons? In the void of the night, the mysterious strong man flew rapidly in the direction of Longyuan Pavilion in a black robe, and beside him was a cold-faced spirit king.

In this sentence, it is the opening of the spirit king.

"Yes, I should have recognized the skill of the golden fist before, because the secret of victory was originally mine! Later, he opened his mouth to trade Nirvana elixir and said that he would save people. I was sure that it was definitely him. Because of the prohibition on the top of the mountain of Montenegro, I understand that he was banned within five feet of the top of the mountain and needed Nirvana to be rescued. Only that bitch was the forbidden. He saved the bitch was Shen Xuan! Xue Hao, you took everything from me, and I want you to return it twice!"

The mysterious strong man opened his mouth in a low voice, took a glance at the Longyuan Pavilion not far away, and then looked back at the strong men who followed closely, and said to the spiritual king in an inaudible voice, "Are you sure that you will complete it?"

"Don't worry about this. Since I have made an agreement with you, I will naturally keep my promise. However, when you succeed, I hope you will keep your promise!" The spirit king replied, and then it seemed to be general: "Since it is really Xue Hao, then perhaps, the creation you got this time is not only as simple as breaking the restrictions of seal cultivation, but also many creations!"

"Hmm! On that day, I was almost killed by him, and my soul collapsed directly. If Elder Wu and you hadn't recovered me and died, how could it be today? Don't worry, I will definitely help you with your business, and what Xue Hao got now is my Xuanyuan dragon!" The mysterious strong man opened his mouth coldly and talked about Xue Hao, even his voice trembled with excitement. His face under the black robe was extremely ferocious and did not look like a normal person at all.

"I don't know what's going on with 'Ele Wu'. I promised him that no matter who forced Xue Hao out first, I would leave his body to him! It seems that he is useless!" The spirit king's eyes were deep and he said to himself.

When the two talked in a voice that could only be heard by each other, the faces of those who closely followed closely also changed slightly, because they knew that the end of the flight now was the Longyuan Pavilion.

"Taoist friend, are you sure that the Dragon King is hidden by you in the Longyuan Pavilion?" There was a strong man shouting in the back, and now everyone has a faint feeling of something wrong.

"Don't panic, all Taoist friends. Longyuan Pavilion's strength is not as good as before, and it won't hinder the transaction we are waiting for!" Lingwang turned around and said that, contrary to the previous evil face, it was extremely harmonious.

Everyone doesn't say much. Although the strange things in their hearts are getting stronger and stronger, it's really hard to say more.

Are you sure Xue Hao will come? If we kill these people, do we have to choose to be in Longyuan Pavilion? At this time, in the front position, the mysterious strong man asked the spirit king in a low voice.

"If you are not mistaken, if it is really Xue Hao, then he will definitely come. I have already sent a voice to him. If you don't come, the whole Longyuan Pavilion will suffer great hard!" The spirit king said.

"Very good, at that time, not only will I kill these people behind me, but also wait for my cultivation to be elixir, who will defeat the enemy?" The mysterious strong man nodded slightly, with a cruel smile on the corners of his mouth.

The two talked in a low voice. Soon, the wind behind them brushed, and not long after, they appeared above the Longyuan Pavilion Square and came directly here.

Looking around, the Longyuan Pavilion Square, which was originally extremely prosperous and had many disciples, had long been changed, and it seemed particularly bleak to be empty.

In fact, Xue Hao did not know that after he left, all the people in Longyuan Pavilion followed his orders and practiced in isolation, and the few outer disciples also evacuated the square and entered the elder palace in the nine palaces, gathered the strength of everyone, and finally barely opened a trace of background.

This background is the palace array of the Elder Palace. After opening, although it can only resist the monks of the Jindan period, even if it is the initial blow of the Jindan, it will disintegrate, but in the sealed land, such a large array is unbreakable and no one can do anything.

Longyuan Pavilion has voluntarily given up the square and retreated to the nine palaces. Recently, no one has ever seen any major changes in Longcheng or half of the eastern soil, as if all of them have disappeared at once.

Of course, everyone knows that Xue Hao has left the Longyuan Pavilion, and the focus is on the Blood Dragon King who follows him. Therefore, the Longyuan Pavilion, which has been diverted from his attention, is now at peace.

At this moment, the man in black robe glanced at the direction of the nine palaces and asked in a low voice before other strong men had arrived, "There should be a lot of good things in these nine palaces, right?"

"Never mind this, as long as you break through the golden elixir, what a bullshit formation is very simple for you!" The Spirit King also followed the eyes of the man in black and looked at the nine palaces, and his eyes also showed a touch of fine light.

"Come on! Wait for me to perform the skill of spiritual search and divide the boundary power of these ten dragon palaces. After these people come in, forcibly erase them to help you quickly rise to the golden elixir period! At that time, remember not to be distracted, otherwise, you and I will be robbed!" Lingwang's expression became extremely serious, slowly closing his eyes and feeling the power of the boundary above his head.

Hearing this, the man in black also withdrew his eyes and nodded gently.

"It's almost time!" The spirit king's eyes flashed, and he quickly knotted the magic seal in his hand. This magic seal was extremely mysterious and was his strongest spiritual skill. Then, in the position of his palm, he quickly shot out a few black lights. In the dark night, he quickly rushed to the sky.

The spiritual skill of the spirit king is extraordinary and knows some extremely terrible spiritual skills, which is many times stronger than ordinary spirit seekers, otherwise it is not called the spirit king.

If there is a comparison, even if Xue Hao's forbidden manufacturing, there is a long distance compared with the spirit king, and the spirit king has an extreme understanding of the boundary of the ten dragon palaces, and can use the power of the boundary to cooperate with the man in black robes.

These black lights containing the super spiritual skills of the Spirit King have rushed to the sky in the blink of an eye. Then, it is difficult for ordinary people to find that above the sky, a sudden shock, directly hanging a light curtain, sprinkled on the Longyuan Pavilion Square, directly covering.

What just happened was very fast, but after a few breaths, and after the curtain fell, it seemed to have disappeared, but only the spirit king knew that with the power of the boundary, it had succeeded.

Then, the spirit king and the man in black looked at each other, and their smiles were full of evil sycowards!

For a short time, the light flashed continuously on the edge of the square, and 19 strong men in the later stage of foundation construction appeared on the edge one after another. Now they can see each other's expressions and faces clearly, most of whom are old people.

However, after these people came here, although they saw the black-robed man and the spirit king floating in the void at a glance, they seemed to have a common tacit understanding and did not go forward. They still stood on the edge of the square, all of whom were cautious.

"Friends, you are here!" The spirit king greeted enthusiasticly. These monks in the later period of foundation were the weakest in the Yuanying period, and their minds were not good. At this moment, when they saw that everyone did not enter the magic array, the spirit king's heart sank. Obviously, in the process of flying, these people were also suspicious and reached a consensus that they would not easily believe the spirit king and the man in black robe.

"Taoist friend, where is the agreed Dragon King? Why haven't you seen it?" A strong man asked with an extremely bad expression.

"How can you deceive everyone! Then call out the Dragon King!" The man in black smiled and then secretly wink at the Spirit King.

How can the spirit king not understand it? He thought to himself, "Even if you old guys don't care, you will definitely enter the battle when you see the Dragon King!"


At this time, the spirit king patted his palm three times. In the gaze of everyone, a light cut through the void and swept at a very fast speed. The light was green and looked particularly clear in the night. In the light, you could see a beast figure. This figure was the Green Dragon King!

After a few breaths, the Green Dragon King flew closer. When Xue Hao saw it, it was much stronger and comparable to the Black Dragon King Xue Hao saw at the beginning.

But the difference is that although the Green Dragon King looks young, it has a different color from other dragon kings in its dragon eyes. This color is not naive and simple, but extremely introcious, fierce, and extremely similar to the eyes of the Spirit King.

It seems that the longer it follows its owner, the more it is, the more it has changed.

"It's really the Dragon King!"

"But, Lingwang, why is it just the Green Dragon King, isn't this dragon king subdued by you?"

"Yes, doesn't the Dragon King who was subdued by this Taoist friend trade?"

It is impossible for many strong people to have never seen the Green Dragon King. They know that they have been subdued by the Spirit King when they were born. Now although they are excited to see the Dragon King, they are puzzled one by one.

"To be honest, I have never subdued the Dragon King. As for those rumors, they are all false news in order to hide people's eyes and ears. However, please rest assured that this Green Dragon King, the Spirit King has given it to me and can be exchanged!" At this time, the man in black also opened his mouth and his eyes flashed. When he spoke, he was still exploring behind these people, but obviously, he did not find the figure that made him hate to the bone in his memory.

It's just that he, including the King of Spirit and these strong men present, have not noticed or found that somewhere in the void of the square, there is a circle of ripples flashing. Among the ripples, Xue Hao, hidden in the fog flag, can see the picture clearly.

In fact, as soon as these strong men arrived in the square, he was not much slower than others. With the fog flag, he had already been dormant somewhere.

However, after he lurked there, he has not made any action, because ordinary people can't see his achievements in prohibition, but they can see that at this moment, a boundary array suddenly exists and can be seen clearly.

This made him tremble slightly and relieved. Fortunately, the people of Longyuan Pavilion listened to his words and lurked in the nine palaces. Otherwise, they would definitely be involved in this disaster.

"What on earth does this spiritual king want to do by borrowing the power of the boundary?" Xue Hao's face was gloomy and he had to say that the spirit king's boundary technique was really powerful. Xue Hao still couldn't do this amazing method.

Xue Hao can't figure out the problem of the magic array for the time being, but he knows that those strong people will have a big crisis. At this moment, most of them have lost their minds. Even if there are a few people who are still very cautious in their hearts, it is difficult to find the existence of this magic array.

There are very few people in the world who can do spiritual skills, and there are very few people who have reached the height of the spiritual king.

Xue Hao didn't care about the life and death of these people. He returned to Longyuan Pavilion and was concerned about the original peers, so he did not intend to appear and watch the changes.

"This man is a little weird!" Xue Hao took a look at the man in black. Although he could not recognize him, Xue Hao always felt that he was always extremely afraid of this person.

At this time, on the square of Longyuan Pavilion, the Green Dragon King kept making dragon chants, rubbing against the legs of the Spirit King, and the man in black robe was also waiting for everyone's answer.

"Spirit King, is what he said true?"

"This Green Dragon King, are you sure you want to trade?"

Many people shook their heads to show that they didn't believe it.

"In fact, from the beginning, I wanted to trade the Dragon King. This Taoist friend was just a cover for me. Looking at half of the eastern soil, powerful alliances have been formed. Some people have secretly staring at me for a long time. Therefore, I had no choice but to make this bad move. If I joined the alliance, the Dragon King can Bao, but I don't want to be under the fence!" The spirit king opened his mouth and looked down at the Green Dragon King, with a faint light flashing in his eyes. Only the Green Dragon King could see this light.

has been following the Spirit King, and now the Green Dragon King, who has become different from other dragon kings, instantly understands what he means and makes a clear dragon roar.

As soon as the words of Lingwang just came out, it suddenly made those strong people more confused. Some people even flashed cold light in their eyes, because Lingwang and the man in black robe put their respective statements and were full of loopholes.

"This Taoist friend, do you think this dragon king is yours? But just now, the Lingwang said something like this, making it clear that the Dragon King is his. Are you a three-year-old naughty boy like me and others?

"Yes, what on earth do you have?" The feeling of being deceived again and again is absolutely uncomfortable.

These words spread to the spirit king and the man in black. Although both of them looked as usual, their hearts trembled coincidentally, especially the man in black, who was obviously not good at hiding. In his eyes, there was an obvious flash of light, as if a lie had been exposed.

And this light was just caught by many strong people, and suddenly someone shouted angrily, "There is really a ghost! Say it! Lingwang, what is the purpose of you two? What's the purpose of cheating us here!"

"Yes, Lingwang, you and I and others are all scattered, and in the scattered practice, they are also highly respected, so I and others respect you and believe you, but now, it's really disappointing to deceive me!"

"Hmm! I will never participate in this underground trading place again!" Some strong people say such words fiercely.

"Dare!" Seeing that these strong people did not want to enter the magic array for a long time, but exposed their lies, the man in black couldn't help shouting angrily. Suddenly, his whole body was full of black breath, which looked particularly terrible.

"Do you want to do it? Very good!"

"Then come on! In that case! So I had to kill you two and grab this dragon king!"

These strong people are not fuel-efficient lamps. Although they are angry with the Spirit King and deceive them, even if they have been cheated, they still have not retreated. Naturally, it is not because of their deep friendship with the Spirit King and how much they respect the Spirit King. In fact, they have long reached a consensus and want to join hands to These two will be killed and subdue the Green Dragon King.

In fact, as early as when they left the secret room, these people had reached a consensus, and most of them had expected that the mysterious strongman would definitely set up a game against them.

Who has never experienced this kind of thing? They are all old monsters in the Yuanying period who have lived for hundreds of years, but what they didn't expect was that there were some accidents in this game, but the consensus they reached before would not change.

Because the game is not the mysterious strongman, but the spirit king. As for the Dragon King, he has seen it before, so no matter what, everyone has decided to kill and seize the treasure!

As for the ownership of the Dragon King after the final killing of the two, it depends on their own ability.

"Wait, Taoist friends, I haven't lied to you. This dragon king does have two masters!" The spirit king waved his big sleeves, and the breath of the man in black faded away.

"I will call back the Dragon King! If any of you Taoist friends can subdue it, you just need to show an innate magic weapon and take it away!" The spirit king looked as usual, and then put his foot on the head of the green dragon king. Immediately, the wreckage of the dragon king made a sound, and several scales fell on it, turning into a ray of light, just falling to the position of the magic array.

"Beast! Many times want to rebel against the Lord! Since you are born with anti-bone! Then I have to fulfill you!" The spirit king's face was full of anger and shouted angrily, "In this case, it's better to give you to your Taoist friends. I am doomed to have nothing to you!"

This expression was very real. For a moment, everyone was also stunned. The scars on the Green Dragon King's body were still vivid. Even if it was a bitter trick, it abused the Dragon King so much, and the dragon clan was arrogant and spiritual, which was more familiar with feelings than the human race.


The Green Dragon King struggled to stand up on the ground. Just now, the Spirit King's foot really used its powerful cultivation, and the injured position was still bleeding. At this time, it roared at the Spirit King, but others could not see it. In its cold and fierce eyes, it had a meeting with some of the deepest colors in the Spirit King's eyes.

"This should be true!"

"Even if the spirit king still has a different mind, this dragon king will not recognize it as the master!"

Many strong people opened their mouths. Based on the ** of the Dragon King, they did not think about various reasons. Finally, people flashed one after another and went to the Dragon King. In an instant, many people entered the scope of the magic array.

At the same time, Xue Hao, who was dormant somewhere in the void, flashed in his eyes.

The spirit king and the man in black looked at each other and looked at each other with evil mouths.

After a few breaths, everyone entered the center of the magic array and did not realize that they were now in the boundary. Even now they know that from the moment they stepped in here, they would never have a chance to go out!

Now their attention is on the Green Dragon King, and some people have even thrown out a lot of natural resources and treasures to ** it.


Unfortunately, the Green Dragon King didn't even bother to look at it. When everyone rushed over, his body flashed and completely disappeared in the void.

"I want to run! Catch it!" There is a strong man shouting and an evil smile on his face. No matter how strong the dragon king is, how can he escape from the palm of everyone's hands in the face of the pursuit of so many people and the black-robed man without interfering?


A bright light appeared on the strong mountain and used some terrible spells. The pressure in the void suddenly appeared. Unfortunately, the Green Dragon King had already returned to the Spirit King.

"Eat it!"

The spirit king smiled and patted a heavenly treasure from his arms, which was actually similar to the effect thrown by a strong man before, but the Green Dragon King was like a child and held it in his mouth. Even if he suffered some injuries, he was still very happy. His head arched to the spirit king, showing great intimacy, as if he had just happened to the spirit king. The brutal treatment of it has never happened.

"You just did a good job!" The King of Spirit patted its forehead, and then looked far away, with a smile on his expression, looking at many strong men who were stunned in the light curtain.

Xue Hao, who was in the distance, looked as usual and observed the situation here, and knew such a result for a long time.

"What! The dragon king didn't reverse?!"

"Spirit King, what's your intention!"

At this time, many strong men were suddenly shocked and angry. How could they not see that they were being fooled? Immediately, someone jumped like thunder and roared: "King Ling, you are going to insist on going against us! Play with me! In this case, it is difficult for you to leave this place alive today!"

"Yes, no matter how strong you two are, compared with so many later stages of foundation construction, even if you escape, you can't escape!"

"I thought what you just said was true. I'm waiting to subdue the Dragon King, abolish your cultivation and let you go! But I didn't expect to die!"

Many strong men are full of murder, sneering at the corners of their mouths, and have sentenced the Spirit King and the man in black to death!

In the void, Xue Hao couldn't laugh or cry. Who died, but these people didn't see it at all. At this moment, he shook his head and looked at the reaction of the Spirit King.

Sure enough, in the void outside the magic circle, the spirit king looked at the man in black, looked down at the crowd, and immediately laughed wildly.

"A fool is a fool. You have been self-proclaimed to have practice for hundreds of years. It's ridiculous!"

"Oh, I'm really sad for you..."

The king shook his head repeatedly, pretending to frown, with an expression of extreme contempt for everyone.

"You're crazy... Who the hell died!"

"Hmm! Why did you say so much? Kill him!"

There are strong people who are no longer patient. They bloom powerful secret methods and go straight to the spiritual king. But when there is a fast flying and soaring into the air, there is no sign. All the secret methods, the pressure released around the whole body, all strangely dissipate, or directly absorbed by the void, and then the whole person falls straight to the ground. .


"It's not good! It's a trick!"

"This is the magic array!"

Someone screamed, and everyone's faces suddenly changed. There was no hesitation for a moment, and they cast powerful spells one after another to bombard this five-eed array!

"Start!" At this time, the spirit king also became extremely solemn and shouted at the man in black!