
Chapter 210 Escape

But the front is about to reach the end.

Who can imagine that it will take 30 years to reach the end of the sea of fire?

Of course, this is only for Xue Hao. More than 20 years ago, others had already passed through the sea of fire and did not know where they had gone.

Among them, Shangguan Jianmo and Nangong Xianer, Yizhen Master and the four-headed Dragon King have already surpassed Xue Hao. Even more than 20 years ago, they have passed the position where Xue Hao is now standing. What's more, Elder Wu and Fang Yang have been far ahead of everyone.

As for whether Fang Yang was caught up with Elder Wu in those years, it is unknown what happened.

Xue Hao has not met these two since he entered the sea of fire, but he has seen the three real masters one after another.

However, he must concentrate on dealing with the fire beast. Although he met them, he was unable to separate himself. With these three people, he could only watch them escape from his side!

"All fire beasts! It's all for me! I, Xue Hao, want to see who is the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Xue Hao looked at a high black and brown door floating in the void in front of him, with extremely strong fire in his eyes and black hair dancing wildly.

He has known since more than 20 years ago that all the fire beasts have stared at him. Otherwise, he would not have shouldered so much pressure. This pressure has even made him remain highly vigilant for almost most of the time for 30 years to prevent possible dangers.

He saw with his own eyes that Master Yizhen and others were unimpeded on the road of the sea of fire. In the same position, he was completely different from their many situations.

How could he not see these phenomena when they are so obvious?

Therefore, the anger in his heart can be said to be stronger than the fire of the sea of fire for so many years.

In 30 years, although the tough teenager at the beginning has gone through many great disasters, in retrospect, it is still too sharp. If many things are dealt with in another way, it will inevitably have a different ending.

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world, but now his transformation is immeasurable.

Calculation, he has practiced more than half of Jiazi. As early as ten years ago, he had already felt the bottleneck of the imminent elixir, but because of the seal suppression in half of the eastern soil, he could not be promoted to that field.

However, Xue Hao can imagine this precipitation and suppression that if the seal is opened in the future, the probability of his success will definitely increase a lot.

Today, his appearance has changed dramatically compared with the past. He is no longer like a teenager, but has transformed into a young man, his figure has soared to two meters, and his body is more robust.

In fact, if it is divided from the perspective of a mortal, it is already half a hundred old people at this age.

However, unlike mortals, monks have aura to protect their bodies, and Shouyuan is naturally longer. If they are old-looking, there is only one reason, that is, they can't break through a new realm, and Shouyuan is seriously consumed.

The changes in Xue Hao's appearance and body shape depend on the maturity of his mind and mentality, becoming a young man, representing the peak of his blood and integrity.

In a sense, after the baptism of the sea of fire, he became an invisible transformation. This benefit is not reflected in cultivation, but in the future practice path.

Of course, he has both gains and losses. He doesn't remember how many crises he has encountered and how many fire beasts he killed. All he knows is that the quantity and huge spiritual stones in the storage bag have been completely consumed by now.

That is to say, now he needs to force himself to break through the last distance.

Xue Hao knew that the black gate floating in the void was the end, and below that was an oval stone platform. He needed to stand on the stone platform and enter the black gate.

The black door is not big, but it exudes a strange atmosphere. It floats quietly there and has never been opened.

"I am about a white rice distance from this door!" Xue Hao frowned and looked at the road. He could obviously feel that the distance of the last 100 meters was boundless and quiet. From beginning to end, there was no arc representing the fire beast.

It seems that this is an ordinary road that can be passed by a flash.

However, according to Xue Hao's past experience, the more this phenomenon is, the more dangerous it is. Moreover, it has arrived here, and it is not so easy to go back.

"30 years of the world has arrived, and I still have a lot of things to do. I can't be trapped here. I can't say, so I'll fight!"

At this moment, Xue Hao's words that the devil said to him in the past came to his mind. If it were true, there must be unpredictable changes in the outside world around the ten dragon palaces.

I have to enter the Top Ten Dragon Palace, otherwise, all efforts will be in nothing.

Thinking of this, the light in his eyes flashed, did not hesitate, and rushed directly to a distance of 100 meters.


Suddenly, a fire dragon hovered overhead. Under the guidance of Xue Hao's mind, Taoism flowed and rushed directly to a certain place in front of him, opened his mouth to spray endless natural fire, and took Xue Hao forward.

At that position, five arcs flashed, and then the void in that position seemed to be deformed and distorted, and a terrible breath came to his face.

The change is a long story. In fact, since Xue Hao stepped into the sea of fire, Shuang Convenience has found the existence of the other party.


Xue Hao's eyes were like electricity, and he shouted, and his whole body exploded like a flame, fiercely. Then, facing the five big mouths, the fire dragon flew out.


The collision between the two caused great destructive power, making this area seem to be constantly trembling!

The next moment, Xue Hao really saw that five powerful fire beasts with long double horns smashed and splashed magma on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Xue Hao's face turned dark, and his heart was not happy because he forcibly killed five fire beasts, but was extremely heavy.

He expected it. The distance of the last 100 meters was even more terrible than he imagined.

Because it can be seen from the five fire beasts that they just killed, this is an extremely bad signal.

He knows that the fire beast is strong and weak, and its strength depends on the two horns on the top of the head. The longer the horns, the stronger the fire beast will be. The so-called strength is not only the strength, but also the strength of its intelligence. The strength of the latter is obviously more terrible than the previous one. Before that, he had never met a fire beast with such long horns! Never.


Although Xue Hao used all his strength to kill the five particularly powerful fire beasts, the fire dragon above his head also exploded directly and turned into sections, turning into light and rain in Xue Hao's gaze and dissipating in front of him.

The only card he passed through the fire was completely extinguished at this moment.

In the past, in the face of the collapse of the fire dragon, Xue Hao would not hesitate to pat the storage bag and still produce a large number of spiritual stones to support it.

Only now, the spirit stone has been completely consumed, and the fire dragon will never appear again, at least in this sea of fire, which is the actual situation.

At this moment, all of Xue Hao's cards can no longer be used. He wants to pass the customs alone!

Looking around, except for a few flying swords used to test the location of the existence of fire beasts, due to the consumption of the spiritual stone, even the fog flag has been collected into the storage bag by him early!

Victory is useless here, and the same is true in the saint field.


Just as Xue Hao was meditating, a cold and bloody wind came behind him, making his face change. He didn't even look at the rear. His body flashed quickly and flew forward desperately.


At this moment, a large number of arcs suddenly appeared in front of him, like open nets, sealing Xue Hao's only way and waiting for him to throw himself into the net!

More than that, there are also many arcs flashing on both sides!

It can be said that today's situation can no longer escape from all directions!

"I don't believe it!"

Xue Hao was dense and kept flashing and moving in the arc that forced him. His eyes were full of sharp light. He shouted loudly, his mind moved, and his sword flew between all directions. He wanted to find the only way out.

It is impossible to kill all fire beasts by force. Only a fire beast as a breakthrough point can escape.


It was almost instantaneous. Those flying swords suddenly disappeared one after another and disappeared. At the time of the next appearance, they had turned into powder.

However, there is a flying sword that flies farther in one direction than other flying swords. Although the ending is the same, it is the scene of this flying sword that makes Xue Hao ecstatic.

"There are indeed loopholes!"

Without hesitation, he quickly flew in that direction. In the process, his fingers became faintly different. Suddenly, a flame appeared on his fingers. The flame was very small, but it emitted the same rhyme as the fire dragon.

In fact, this is the result of his operation of the eight-phase world. Although it is unrealistic to run the fire dragon again with the spiritual power remaining in his body, it can be done by condensing a small flame.

And what he wants is this flame and the opportunity he just saw.

It was also the moment when he disappeared. In the position where he disappeared, more than a dozen ferocious and blood-red mouths suddenly appeared and directly fell into the air, but did not stop chasing behind Xue Hao.


The next moment, where the flying sword disappeared, a fire beast made a whining sound and appeared directly. It did not fall, but Xue Hao had stepped on his head, flashed over the encirclement.

Looking closely, the fire beast seemed to have suffered something more painful than death, where it kept rolling and roaring.

There is no injury on its body, but in its eyes, the eyes of its flame have disappeared, replaced by the small flame condensed between Xue Hao's fingers before.