There is no way to seek immortals

Crossing through the second volume to compete for jade pendant

Crossing through the second volume to compete for the jade pendant (Part 1)

Back to the rental house and lying **, Li Hua couldn't sleep and played with the mysterious jade pendant in his hand. Looking back on the situation just now, Li Hua can be sure that this jade pendant must have been stuffed by the old man to himself, and the two people just led by the yellow monkey must have rob the jade pendant from the old man.

Look carefully at this jade pendant. Although it is only half the size of a palm, Li Hua always feels that this jade pendant is very unusual, as if it contains huge energy. On the light green and transparent color, you can faintly see four golden words "Seeking Immortals". Seeing these four words, Li Hua was a little excited and YY. He, who is used to reading fantasy and fairy novels, is wondering if this jade pendant will be a magic weapon? Or is it the carrier of the inheritance of skills?

It's a fake formula to just say or not practice. Li Hua is not only YY in his mind, but also really put it into practice. Thinking that most of the magic weapons in the novel can only be used to show their functions after dripping blood, Li Hua also bit his fingers and dropped a few drops of crimson blood on this jade pendant.

However, I don't know if this jade pendant is too smooth or too faceless. Li Hua's blood dripped down the edge of the jade pendant to the ground. On the contrary, there was no blood stain on the jade pendant.

The cruel reality quickly defeated Li Hua's YY, and Li Hua, who extinguished the idea of becoming an immortal, put away the jade pendant in the drawer at the head of the bed and prepared to go to bed. But I plan to sell this jade pendant to the antique stores of Panjiayuan tomorrow.

After Li Hua gradually fell asleep, the drawer that had just been put into the jade pendant suddenly opened by itself. The jade pendant floated in the air with a faint fluorescence and slowly fell to the ground. It happened to fall on the blood stains that Li Hua had just dripped on the ground. With a sneer, the fluorescent jade pendant greedily sucked out the blood stains.

But it seems that the jade pendant is not satisfied. As a joke said, "What men like most about women say, the answer is 'I want'. Then men are most afraid of what women say, and the answer is 'I want more'. Obviously, this dissatisfied jade pendant is now in the stage of "I still want it". As if humane, after turning a few laps, this jade pendant aimed at the finger that had just been bitten by Li Hua himself, stuck it up and sucked crazily.

When the first ray of sunlight shined on Li Hua's pale face through the curtains in the morning, Li Hua opened his eyes with a difficult time and felt that there was no strength all over his body. Li Hua finally sat up and shook his head. He was dizzy. Li Hua really wanted to lie down and sleep again.

But think about it, you have to go to Panjiayuan to sell the jade pendant today. The color of the jade pendant should be sold at a good price, and then you can go to the nightclub at night. Taking out the jade pendant from the drawer, Li Hua found that he did not seem to be so powerless, but the jade pendant was a little abnormal.

Li Hua clearly remembers that when he saw this jade pendant last night, it was light green and transparent under the incandescent lamp. However, now holding this jade pendant, there is a trace of red in the light green under the sunlight through the window. The red color is very light, just a touch of light. But Li Hua felt that this red was very hot, as if it was connected to his blood. Looking at this red, Li Hua felt that his strength was back.

"Ha, this jade pendant is really fun!" Although Li Hua felt strange, he still didn't think too much. He put the jade pendant in his jeans pocket and whistled out.

Panjiayuan is located in the East Third Ring Road of Kyoto, which is a famous antique street. Li Hua also likes to come to see antiques when he has nothing to do. Although most of them can't afford them, he occasionally came to practice his eyesight and found a few little babies. Several antique shop owners are very familiar with him. This time, Li Hua wants to bring them this jade pendant for appreciation. If there is a good price, sell it quickly. Li Hua went to an antique shop called Gu Baozhai first.

"Yoh! Isn't this Hua Zai? As soon as he saw Li Hua come in, the boss of Gu Baozhai greeted him with a smile. Several things that Li Hua bought from the road stalls brought him a lot of sweetness.

"What baby did you bring this time?" The fat of Gu Baozhai's boss was shaking there, and Li Hua couldn't stand it anymore.

Gu Baozhai's boss's surname is Qian, and he is known as Qian Fatty because of his fat body. Li Hua knew that the boss of Gu Baozhai was a well-known profiteer nearby. He bought low and sold high, and made a lot of money from it. Several times, Li Hua was a rookie and was cheated by him. This time, Li Hua just wanted to borrow the eyesight of the boss of Gu Baozhai to see if this jade pendant is worth it. If you want to sell it, of course you have to sell it to other fairer bosses.

"Hey, Fatty Qian, I'll open your eyes this time!" Li Hua mysteriously took out the jade pendant from his pocket and carefully handed it to Fatty Money. When Fatty Qian saw Li Hua's posture, he also carefully took over the jade pendant. He looked at it roughly, frowned, returned to the counter, picked up his magnifying glass and looked at it carefully.

Although Fatty Qian looks obscene and greedy, he really has some ability. It is said that he graduated from the Department of Archaeology of a famous university. However, this time, Fatty Qian picked up the magnifying glass and looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't see the color of this jade pendant. It is neither like natural jade nor synthetic. Is it some kind of new jade pendant that has not been discovered? Fatty Qian muttered in his heart what price he wanted to give Li Hua a good price.

How's it going? Fatty Money!" From Qian Fatty's cautious look and his previous judgment, Li Hua was more sure that this jade pendant was not simple.

20,000 yuan! At a fixed price, do you like to sell it or not? Fatty Qian held the beer belly and returned the jade pendant in his hand to Li Hua. Then, after a few seconds, he said, "Huazai, to be honest, I haven't seen this jade pendant. Maybe it's synthetic. Two thousand yuan is cheaper for you."

I have had several times with Qian Pangzi, and Li Hua knew that this was a way for Qian Pangzi to retreat. Anyway, he didn't plan to sell it to Qian Fatty. He took over the jade pendant and said, "Then I won't let you get old. I'll go to other places to have a look!"

After saying that, Li Hua turned around and left. Only Fatty Qian moved his fat body and chased him out. He hurriedly shouted, "Hua, don't go... You can discuss it again!"

Fat Qian failed to catch up with Li Hua and was stopped by another man in black who entered the door.

"Who are you? Don't stop me, that Huazai, wait! It's discussable..." Looking at Li Hua disappearing on the street corner, Fatty Qian began to look at the man in black who stopped him at the door.

"Are you the owner of this antique store?" The man in black asked with an indifferent expression.

Pang Qian was stunned. Looking at this situation, he knew that he was not an ordinary person. He stretched out his head respectfully, bowed his hand, and said with an obscene smile, "It's the owner of this store. Sir, come in and have a look. It's not my fat man bragging. Although my shop is small, it goes up to the bronze ware of Shang and Zhou to everyone's paintings in the Republic of China, it has everything."

"Do you know this?" The man in black didn't care about the fat man's greasy mouth and took out an iron plate with a soaring green dragon and a brave flower-spotted tiger.

"Are you... from the Dragon and Tiger Gang?" Fatty Qian was shocked when he saw this iron sign. He also had some ideas in Kyoto. As the largest faction in Kyoto, he still knew something about the Longhu Gang. The iron sign held by the man in black in front of him is only iron, but it also represents the identity of a senior member of the Dragon and Tiger Gang. As for the gold and silver medals that are more advanced than iron medals, only the dragon and tiger gang masters have gold medals, and silver medals are also boss-level figures, with less than 100 people in total. Therefore, the members of the iron Dragon and Tiger Gang can also be said to be the core members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang. Think about it, even a peripheral disciple like the yellow monkey can control several streets. How powerful is this man in black with an iron plate?

Regardless of whether Fatty Qian was scared or not, the man in black took out a photo from the black windbreaker and handed it to Fatty Qian. He also said coldly, "If someone comes to sell this jade pendant in the photo, inform us of the Dragon and Tiger Gang as soon as possible, otherwise, your store will not want to open."

"This..." Under such a threat, Fatty Qian sweated coldly, picked up the photo and looked at it. Isn't this the jade pendant just brought by Li Hua?

"What is this? If you can provide the clue of this jade pendant so that we can get the jade pendant, our Dragon and Tiger Gang can exempt you of ten years of protection and reward one million!" After saying that, the man in black turned around and left. It seemed that he wanted to explain it to the owner of the antique shop on the whole street.

"That...that...big brother!" Originally, Fatty Qian wanted to pretend not to know and secretly buy the jade pendant from Li Hua at a high price. But as soon as he heard the high reward of the man in black, he was immediately moved and hurriedly shouted at the man in black.

"What's wrong?" The man in black turned around and stared at the fat man so that he did not dare to act rashly.

"I...I... just saw this jade pendant..." Fatty Qian tremblingly and was lifted up by the man in black before he finished speaking.

"Where is it? Is it in your hands? Call it out quickly!" The man in black grabbed Fatty Qian and pressed it on the wall of Fatty Qian's store. Fatty Qian looked pale and almost couldn't breathe.

" just... in the hand of the boy who went out..." As soon as Qian Fatty finished speaking, the man in black left him and chased him out without saying a word.